
Myles has a minion!

Tiz the Kiteli


The Scribble Ruffie
Owner: MidnaMoon

Age: 3 years, 9 months, 3 weeks

Born: August 12th, 2020

Adopted: 3 years, 9 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: August 12th, 2020

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 16
  • Books Read: 16
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Made in loving memory of my dog, Myles, who passed away May 2018.

May 2006-May2018

Gone but never forgotten

I remember the first time we met. As we walked in the female pup was already in the arms of her new owner. I was a little disappointed, as I wanted a female dog, and she was the only one in the litter. However that feeling went away as soon as I saw you. You were the only black, brown and white puppy in the whole litter. Your brothers and even your sister was white with brown patches. I watched you playing with your brothers and even though I don't say much when out in public I blurted out "I like that black one." And so we decided to take him home that very same day. It was I who came up with your name, Myles. Taking you home, you were shaking in the blanket they wrapped you in, it was the first time you had been away from your siblings you must of been so unsure and afraid. I held you close on the ride home, gradually your shaking lessened. When Mom saw you she nearly died of the ball of cuteness in my arms. I remember that day so clearly.

As you grew it became apparent that you were very intelligent. We were able to teach you several tricks. High circles, roll over, shake a paw, dance and even to speak. You loved to say "Mama" especially before a walk when you'd get all excited. You'd act like walks were the greatest thing ever invented, running up and down the kitchen as Mom prepared your leash. Eventually you learned to say, "I love mum" it was the cutest thing to hear you speak. But one of your tricks touched my heart, it wasn't scripted there were no orders given. I was sitting in the grass in our back yard just messing around with you. You suddenly ran off in the direction of the garden. You came back with a single flower in your mouth and dropped it in my hand. I gave you a big hug and kiss afterwards. And I never forgot it.

Remember how you used to love chewing on sticks? We had a pile of branches and firewood and you would always be chomping on a big stick. You dug, but only a few times. You never tunneled under the fence or anything luckily. I would of been devastated if you ran away, but you never did, you knew where home was and you were determined to keep it safe. Growling and barking at every intruder, you feared people as much as me and my brother did. But to us you were sweet, affectionate and playful.

I remember when you stole moms sandwich. She had just made herself a big sandwich for lunch and set it on the end table. You acted like you had to go out so mom got up to take you out but instead you ran for that sandwich and devoured it. Oh you got into some trouble for that but it left a lasting memory that I find amusing to this day.

We had cats since we brought you home, you could say you grew up with cats so you were ever so gentle with them. Even learning to pet cats like humans do. You'd run your paw down their back mimicking me as I'd pet Ruffles, Jat, Raven, Nova or Nimbus or even Tiz, our current cat who's alive and well at the time of me writing this. Sadly all the others are no longer with us.

You could always tell when I was sad. You'd try to comfort me, giving me kisses or nudges with your nose. It always helped. I thank you for that Myles.

Sadly nothing in this world lasts forever and that criminally short lifespan of yours caught up to you. You were in pain, having seizures and you had a tumor, the time had come for you to leave this world. As I type, tears fall. Remembering how you went. In the vet office the vet warned us that the dogs sometimes defecate when being put down but you simply slowly closed your eyes and lowered your head for the last time. No mess to clean up or anything. You died with dignity. I will never forget you Myles. I hope you had a good life and that you knew how loved you really are.

Pet Treasure





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