
Beeba has a minion!

Siila the Spinkles


The Sweetheart Kerubi
Owner: Fenren

Age: 10 months, 1 week, 4 days

Born: July 22nd, 2023

Adopted: 10 months, 1 week, 4 days ago

Adopted: July 22nd, 2023

Pet Spotlight Winner
January 1st


  • Level: 35
  • Strength: 80
  • Defense: 80
  • Speed: 81
  • Health: 80
  • HP: 71/80
  • Intelligence: 2
  • Books Read: 2
  • Food Eaten: 16
  • Job: Unemployed


profile template (c) helix (get it)
background by
Story and whatever else by me :3

I am, like, pretty pink perfection

"Let me tell you how things work around here. In Rosewood Academy everyome loves me, Beeba, the cutest prettiest most charming girl you'll ever meet. It's not arrogance, i'm just that special. And you'll love me too i'm sure!"

How i love being alive, being loved, and loving love! The ever so vibrant halls of Rosewood Academy shine with words of adoration directed towards me. My pink heart is sparkling with affection, full of joy while my purse is full of unsent letters i wrote for someone special.

Beneath my perfect facade i hid secret emotions, my lil pink heart craved the affection of a particular person. And what's a girl to do when the one you love barely looks at you?

In the privacy of my room, I poured my heart out on paper, my cute perfumed letters expressing my deepest affection. I'd write about how i notice the tiniest details about them, the way they walked, the sound of their laughter, the warm smile that could make my heart skip a bit. Yet fear gripped me, as the world had only ever known me as Beeba, the confident, perfect girl. Revealing vulnerability seemed unthinkable.

As days turned into weeks, I clung to the hope that between the words of affection i received while walking the halls, they would be there, expressing their devotion to me, and i'd be ready to accept those feeling. I attended every event they were a part of, subtly ensuring our paths crossed, but their eyes never met mine with the same longing I felt for them. That's ok, they love me the same, they just haven't figured it out.

Sometimes the people we love are just too dummy dumb to notice their own love, right? That's alright, i'm patient, someday we'll have a pretty pink wedding and they'll be mine forever with a pretty pink promise. I'll wait while i treasure all the times you were near me, i'll treasure the pen you borrowed, your discarted notebook and the stray strand of your beautiful hair. Oh how fun it is to love!

You love me too, right?

Pet Treasure

Invisible Man

Pink Tangerine Smartphone

Pop CD

Pink Radio Headphones

Invisible Man

Pink Cropped Jacket

Arid Wheelieblades

Dawn Visor

Invisible Man

Pink Eyeshadow Kit

Pink Nail Polish

Pink Sparkly Lipstick

Pink Ballet Shoes

Lovable Strawberry Lip Stain

Homecoming Wig

Pink Tennis Shoes

Pink Mirror

Pink Casual Sweetheart Top

Sweetheart Cappuccino

Strawberry Candy-Coated Chocolate Heart

Raspberry Umbrella Drink

Strawberry Milkshake

Anonymously Sent Strawberry Treat

Dawn Box of Tissues

Dawn Flower

Homemade Love Notes

Soaring Pink Heart Balloon

Pink Assorted Box of Chocolates

Thin Stripe Cutout Large Heart

Romantic Love Letter

Confiscated Pink Love Note

Passionate Love Letter

Drawn Cutout Small Heart

Intense Love Letter

Sweethearts Diary

Sweetheart Card Set

Invisible Man

High Elf Strand of Golden Hair

Blonde Pompadour Doll

Blonde Tangled Hairbrush

Rescued Photograph

Navy Unbuttoned Varsity Jacket

Blue Eraser

Well-Used Pens

Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Nurse Fashion Doll

Love Voodoo Plushie

Heart-Shaped Book of Hearts

Sparkling Pink Sai

Bloodred Gloves

Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Pink Camera

Pink Flashlight

Dawn Jackboots

Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Love Notebook

Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Pet Friends

They love me! ♥

He loves me! ♥

They love me! ♥

She loves me! ♥