
Titan has a minion!

Goch the Mechanicorn

Legacy Name: Titan

The Steamwork Telenine
Owner: PUNK

Age: 19 years, 6 months, 2 weeks

Born: November 15th, 2004

Adopted: 10 years, 9 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: August 18th, 2013

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 63
  • Strength: 159
  • Defense: 157
  • Speed: 158
  • Health: 158
  • HP: 158/158
  • Intelligence: 571
  • Books Read: 568
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Brewmaster

'Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains...
Within the sound of silence'.


There had been a time when Titan was known for being a great warrior. For many years he had been
feared and admired. But that had all changed now. Titan was aging. He could tell stories of his
conquests but no-one really wanted to listen anymore. They were all focused on who was the
newest warrior, the strongest, the best battler, the champion. Titan was old news.

He still got respect when he left his house to go to town for supplies, a nod here and there,
acknowledging this previous hero, and his contribution to the towns' status. Titan didn't leave the
house often, only when he needed a chicken, or some freshly grown vegetables. He took his time,
trying to delay the inevitable, and wandered home slowly. It was indeed a lonely existence.

Sometimes Titan would tend to his garden, but his age was making it more difficult to maintain.
Although it was small, it had become unkempt and overgrown of late. Most of the time it felt like
the upkeep was a chore rather than a joy. Titan's pride in anything anymore was indeed waning fast.

Titan had never married. He had been too busy, battling, training, haggling for the latest
swords and shields. Taking a wife seemed pointless back then, but now - now he wondered why
he had been so foolish. He had no-one to love, no-one to love him back, no offspring to pass on
his knowledge to, and no-one to care for him during his aging years. It all seemed such a waste.

Shuffling into his home with his latest purchases from the market, Titan tidied up a little and
then sat in his armchair, by the window. He watched the world go by, knowing he was longer
a part of it. He was tired, very tired. Titan looked forward to sleep, and remembering
in his dreams what it meant to be someone, to be useful, to be respected, to be needed...


'Fools, said I, you do not know
Silence like a cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you”
But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence'.


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Born: November 15th, 2004

Legacy Name: Titan

Profile template by Lea
{edited by PUNK}

Overlay/Story: PUNK

Lyrics: 'Sound of Silence' - Simon & Garfunkel

Background: Glittergraphics

Titan Logo: CoolText

Pet Treasure

Telenine Warrior Figurine

Champion Scroll

Battler Issue 01

Battle Love Sticker

Trophy of Triumph

Telenine Second Anniversary Celebration Figurine

Champion Wrestling Belt

Lagmonster Boxing Gloves

Rough-N-Tough Boxing Gloves

Epic Battle Helmet

Fierce Sword

Telenine Sword

Telenine Tail Guard

Fierce In Like a Lion Figurine

Stories of Despair II

Sad Face Eraser

The Loneliest Garden

Pet Friends