
Ronin has a minion!

Dig the Devel


The Bloodred Velosotor
Owner: Shelbie

Age: 14 years, 5 months, 3 weeks

Born: December 7th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: December 7th, 2009


  • Level: 500
  • Strength: 1,231
  • Defense: 1,203
  • Speed: 1,184
  • Health: 1,285
  • HP: 1,280/1,285
  • Intelligence: 1,848
  • Books Read: 1783
  • Food Eaten: 12
  • Job: Cicerone

Once Upon a Time...

The pale face of the moon illuminated the small open patch of woods, the silence broken only by the small scurrying of tiny feet over dry blades of grass. The steps paused for a moment, the
rodent barely visible on the edge of the moonlight as it raised its head to test the air for any signs of danger. All it could detect
was decaying foliage, dead leaves that littered the forest floor. Sensing nothing, the rodent stepped into the light, soft beams washing over its grey fur as it scanned the area for food.

But it wasn't alone.

A pair of gleaming yellow eyes watched the rodent as it went
about its business, completely oblivious to the predator that had
it in its gaze. No muscle twitched beneath the scaly leathery hide, the only evidence that the beast lived was the slow rising and
falling of its scarred flanks. This would only be a snack, an insignificant morsel that would do nothing to staunch the pain
in his belly but food was food.


Credits: Profile by: Ringo | Pet image by: Charlie

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