
Tim Scam has a minion!

SCAMLAR the Clear Slime

Tim Scam
Legacy Name: Tim Scam

The Custom Bloodred Tigrean
Owner: Cresenta

Age: 14 years, 5 months, 1 week

Born: December 24th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 5 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: December 24th, 2009


  • Level: 1,267
  • Strength: 3,556
  • Defense: 3,549
  • Speed: 3,547
  • Health: 3,546
  • HP: 3,059/3,546
  • Intelligence: 2,528
  • Books Read: 2044
  • Food Eaten: 8
  • Job: Director of SAI

Tim Scam is a reoccurring character in the cartoon series Totally Spies! He was once an agent of The World Organization of Human Protection (WOOHP) and used to create gadgets. He eventually went rogue and became a villain after being fired by the agency. He seeks revenge as a result.
Tim Scam is highly intelligent and possesses a genius level IQ. He is able to think on his feet in creating his evil schemes and made several deadly weapons throughout the course of the show. He also holds the record for the most amount of escapes from WOOHP prison, constantly frustrating the spies who are forced to chase him down over and over again.
Personality wise, Scam comes across as witty, confident, cocky, and a little rude as he often teases others with sarcastic comments just to get them riled up.
Unlike the majority of the show's other villains, who typically plan crimes around a single "theme" based on an event from their past; Scam comes across as completely sane albeit antisocial. Also, unlike the other villains whose plans generally involve indulging in their twisted obsessions, Tim goes straight for the kill, literally.
In his intro episode, Scam reveals his reason for turning on WOOHP. While his file states he was fired for illegal use of WOOHP technology, Scam tells Sam, Clover, and Alex quote, “WOOHP never appreciated me for the genius that I am,” revealing bitterness towards the agency and Jerry Lewis for how he was treated during his WOOHP career.
He was introduced in "The New Jerry", where he kidnapped his former boss Jerry Lewis and replaced him to use WOOHP for his scheme. He displayed excellent leadership qualities so much so that no one figured out his plan until his real identity as an enemy was revealed at the very end of the episode.
In "Mommies Dearest" he attempted to get revenge on the girls by brainwashing their mothers into nearly killing their daughters. In "Morphing Is Sooo 1987" Tim attempted to destroy WOOHP using liquid metal Scamlar robots capable of mimicking the appearance of others by copying a person's DNA simply after touching them.
Tim reappeared in Season 4 and became a member of the LAMOS (League Aiming to Menace and Overthrow Spies), headed by Terrence Lewis.Tim Scam is highly intelligent. He originally developed the Evapoblaster, a heat ray capable of evaporating the Earth's oceans, while working for WOOHP.
In the German dub of "The New Jerry", ("Der Neue Jerry"), he says that his “work was not properly acknowledged by the organization” indicating instead that there may have been some misunderstanding or mix-up that led to him being fired instead of sheer wrongdoing on his part.
In ”The Fugitives” and "Return of Geraldine" Jerry is proven guilty of having such misunderstandings when it comes to his agents as he passes immediate preliminary judgement when the spies are accused of a crime instead of reasoning through facts and thinking of other options.
A co-worker could have stolen the credit for an invention from Scam. When Scam discovered this theft and complained to Jerry, the co-worker counterattacked with a verbal accusation that exploited Jerry's flawed judgement and exploited Scam's need to hold a vendetta. After being fired, Scam could easily have gotten revenge by creating his own corporation and spreading rumors of Jerry's behavior but perhaps by then he was too angry and upset to formulate any rational plan for a comeback.
Agent Sam Simpson also developed a strong crush on him before she discovered he was her enemy. Throughout the series there are some clear hints that Tim Scam has hidden romantic feelings for the super spy as well.
In the Spanish version of the same episode, during the scene where Sam discovers Scam's true identity and he stuns her with the Immobilizing Stun Tan Lotion while she's running away, he says, "Por que tienes tanta prisa, linda?" which in English means "Why are you in such a hurry, beautiful?" This could just be because Spanish is a very romantic language to begin with, but to have Scam come right out and call Samantha "beautiful" when he's never said anything of the sort to any of the other spies provides some key evidence of Scam's feelings for Samantha.
Again in "The New Jerry" where after Samantha reveals her crush on him, despite having her trapped and having the clear opportunity to laugh at her over her feelings for him (her enemy) especially now that his plan is close to reaching fruition, he doesn't humiliate her. Instead he chooses to say nothing about the matter and lets her get her confession out of her system without commenting on it at all.
He also never once came back and nagged her about her crush in a later episode despite appearing several more times. The understanding and maturity he showed Sam on this subject is a clear deviation from Scam's otherwise careless, cocky, and rude personality which hints that he has at the very least, a bit of a soft spot for her.
Some more pieces of evidence of Scam's romantic feelings for Samantha are found in the episode “Morphing Is Sooo 1987” during the scene where Clover and Alex ask him, upon seeing him with Sam's clone by his side, where the real Sam is. While Scam tells them that he quote “doesn't know” and “doesn't care,” where she is; his words appear to contradict him because while he has his Scamlar clones attack Jerry, Clover, and Alex and attempt to kill them; Sam remains locked up safely in her school's science lab.
As Scam walked into Jerry's office with the very same Sam clone that locked Samantha in there, it would be very unlikely that Scam truly didn't know that the real Sam was far away from his attempted massacre of Jerry, Clover, and Alex in Jerry's office despite his claim otherwise.
Scam is clearly smirking in the background and looking happy when he thinks Samantha has become evil like him in “Evil Jerry”.
In "Mommies Dearest" Tim Scam reacts mildly to Clover insulting him but is shown to visibly frown and walk away glaring at Samantha calling his plan "so lame".
Another clue about Scam’s feelings for Sam is present in the fact that ever since Sam revealed her crush on him in “The New Jerry” he was never able to bring himself to kill her with his own hands in any attempt since.
“The New Jerry” is the only attempt where he directly attacked her with a weapon to eliminate her (the Evapoblaster, the Turbo Titan 3000 XT car bomb, the Platinum Credit Card, leaving the spies to die in the space station).
After this appearance, it seems Sam's words did have some impact on him (it may have bore on his mind when he cooled off from his plan's failure and thought about it) as in every appearance following it, Scam did not behave in the same manner.
In “Mommies Dearest” he turns to her mother to get rid of her; a diabolical and evil plan which still aims to show he doesn’t care for Sam if he can transform her mother into an assassin to murder her, but he doesn't want her blood on his actual hands wanting someone else instead to finish her off.
Scam’s frustration at his own hesitation to just kill Sam off is hinted when Sam says to him in the same episode, “So your big revenge plan was to get our mothers do your dirty work for you? That is so lame.” In response, Scam turns away from her with a clear frown on his lips, as if deep down he knows this is not like him.
Then again in “I Hate The Eighties” he points out to Boogie Gus that he missed Sam with his Eightifier as if he wants him to get rid of Sam for him because he doesn't want to, or can't bring himself to do it on his own. Scam’s failure and hesitation to even try to take Sam down with his own hands is shown often.
In “Morphing Is Sooo 1987”, Sam was locked into a closet by one of his clones, the same he walks into WOOHP with to deal with the other spies and Jerry Lewis; it‘s relatively impossible he didn't know where she was as only one Sam clone existed, the very same who locked Sam up and then met up with him to go to Jerry‘s office.
It would make most sense then for him to just attach explosives to the closet and kill Sam on the spot (like he did to his car in his first appearance with zero hesitation), get it over with right then but instead he leaves her in there while he tries to kill everyone else off.
Strangely enough, it didn’t even seem to occur to him that he should just let his Sam clone kill her off. It’s interesting that she just locked Sam up when every other clone he ended up creating (the janitor, Mandy, Arnold Jackson, etc.) attacked as soon as they saw the spies, but not this one. She locked Sam up as if she was told to do so by her creator himself.
One could argue Scam didn’t kill Sam off because he wanted to make it look like he was walking into Jerry’s office with the real Sam to anger her friends more, but why couldn’t he kill Sam and do that anyway? Her friends had no idea whatsoever where the real Sam was, he could have easily killed her and still let them believe the clone was her at first glance. Either way we look at it, it makes no sense for him to keep Sam alive except that he couldn’t bring himself to murder her himself.
Then again in “Evil Jerry” Scam comes up with a plan to turn the girls “evil.” As the spies were forced to drink the concoction, why did not he just poison them all? Seeing Scam was the one who directly put the milk in the feeders (starting with Sam), he easily could have.
One could argue that perhaps it was Terrence Lewis’s orders to make the girls evil instead of just killing them but Scam had been shown while being a “LAMOS member” how he didn’t care much for Terrence being his “boss” nor about being a part of the group, Scam has also been shown to not follow orders and only listen to himself.
If he truly wanted Sam out of the way, all he had to do was poison her. But once again, when it comes to killing her with his own hands, he doesn’t do it. Instead he just makes her evil.
The most interesting proof is perhaps found in back in “Mommies Dearest”. When Sam attempts to stop him from escaping, he is able to easily kick her off the ladder in a single kick (thus showing he is strong enough to physically fight her aggressively yet never does.
Scam never engages in a physical fight in any of his several appearances). Scam is shown to be a very intelligent villain, it is highly unlikely that the thought of just using brute force never occurred to him (especially as he’s known to go “straight for the kill” and to “kill for killing’s sake”) when it comes to his “enemy”. It seems the thought has crossed his mind but he’s chosen to ignore it. Especially when it comes to Sam, whom he’s had plenty of opportunities to personally finish off but has failed to even try on every count.
This is especially significant seeing in his first appearance, while he didn't know of Samantha's feelings for him and had not been able to process them, he made 4 lethal, direct attempts to kill her, but after knowing and accepting them, he failed to make even 1 thereafter.


Pet Treasure

Black Trenchcoat

Police Gloves

SAI Junior Agent Badge

Police Car

Laboratory Animal Cage

Don Formal Shirt

Winsome Rogue Broken Handcuff

Romero Post Mortem Muddy Boot Print

False Alarm

Halo of a Villain

Scientists ID Tag

Black Suit Jacket

Plain Black Pants

Black Worn-Out Belt

Black Casual Tie

Old Black Dress Shoes

Mechanics Tool Guide

Schematic Art Book

Incomplete Manuscripts

Unfinished Blueprints

Miniature HLPR Bot Blueprints

Filing Books

Void Lord Holographic Schematic

Green Tinted Lenses

Essence of Manliness

Creation Weights

Mirror Gaze Muscle Tonic

Weightlifting Muscle Tonic

Instant Crunches Muscle Tonic

Leg Day Muscle Tonic

Burgeoning Evil Brain

Smiling Evil

Enemy Sticker

Buster Expletives

Razor Sharp Credit Card

Builder Battle Robot

Butcher Slicer Machine Blade

Plasma Grenade Launcher

Blue Hoverbike

Sample Sewer Water

Preserved Riverside Flower Mask

Moms Corsage

Escaped Mercury

Clear Slime

Opaque Slime

Grape Fun Times Taffy

Maniacal Gelatin Goop

Flashback Wild One Sunglasses

Blue Sweater

Dark Brown Trenchcoat

Plain Black Shirt

Black Turtleneck Sweater

Muscle Defining Vest

Greaser Cuffed Jeans

Light Wash Mercilessly Shredded Jeans

Dark Wash Mercilessly Shredded Jeans

Black Mercilessly Shredded Jeans

White Paint Splattered Cuffed Jeans

Blood-Caked Splattered Cuffed Jeans

Classic Splattered Cuffed Jeans

Oil Soiled Splattered Cuffed Jeans

Dark Cobalt Retro Galaxy Space Dome

Dark Cobalt Retro Galaxy Spacesuit

Dark Cobalt Retro Galaxy Space Gloves

Dark Cobalt Retro Galaxy Space Boots

Professor Spaceman Action Companion


Romero NOVA Experimental Alloy

Subject Cryotube

Subject Cryotube Glass Shards

Android Assassin Ocular Device

Subject Arm Replacement

Subject Leg Replacement

Subject Midsection Replacement

Sleek Augmented Arm

Sleek Augmented Leg

Professor New Heartbreaker Cybernetic Bust

Rift Queen Toxic Drum

Toxic Neon Revolution Wig

Sweet Neon Revolution Wig

Royal Neon Revolution Wig

Electric Neon Revolution Wig

Orange Neon Revolution Wig

Green Neon Revolution Wig

Cyan Neon Revolution Wig

Pink Neon Revolution Wig

Archduke Wig

Little Yellow Submersible

Brass Pressure Valve

Brass Pressure Valve Handle

Ship Porthole

Shipmaster Spyglass

Submarine Maintenance Manual

Bronze Screwdriver Set

Silver Screwdriver Set

Copper Screwdriver Set

Gunmetal Screwdriver Set

Ivory Screwdriver Set

Expert Tinkerers Tools

Cross Head Screwdriver

Flat Head Screwdriver

Claw Hammer

Socket Wrench

Crescent Wrench

How To: Safe Crackery

Sneak Thief Reliable Satchel

Sneak Thief Pick Set

Professor New Heartbreaker Console

Ultimate Pet Zapper Liability Waiver

Safety Goggles

Tousled Lab Coat

Black Tangerine Laptop

Builder Blueprint

Monster Neon Blobby Beanbag

Radioactive Limeade Blobby Beanbag

Bubblegum Dawn Blobby Beanbag

Cosmic Blueberry Blobby Beanbag

Pink Lemonade Blobby Beanbag

Florence Flask Beanbag

Amber Bottle Beanbag

Erlenmeyer Flask Beanbag

Simple Beaker Beanbag

Test Tube Beanbag


Upside Down Chemical Spiller 5000

Drops of Shocking Pink Extract

Drops of Forest Extract

Candied White Fairy Dust

Candied Black Fairy Dust

Candied Blue Fairy Dust

Candied Yellow Fairy Dust

Candied Pink Fairy Dust

Candied Green Fairy Dust

Candied Purple Fairy Dust

Candied Orange Fairy Dust

Spilled Tube of Bone Meal

Spilled Tube of Mildew Spores

Spilled Tube of Iodine Powder

Dripping Gelatin Vial

Powdered Kamleo Essence

Corrosive Saliva Sample

Contaminated Test Tube

Everlasting Peridot Water

Everlasting Ocean Water

Everlasting Inky Water

Everlasting Amethyst Water

Everlasting Ruby Water

Rift Queen Nano Injector

Plas-Tek Large Purple Morostide Syringe

Serum Injector

Questionable Tagged Syringe

Dr. Lockhearts Hyperamory Inducer

Dr. Lockhearts Amoricide

Right Arm Mutagen

Left Arm Mutagen

Contained Virus

Portable Test Tube

Replica Pustules

Yellow Celestial Flask

Purple Celestial Flask

Green Celestial Flask

Blue Celestial Flask

Red Celestial Flask

Sub-Zero Jelly Vial

Sanguine Jelly Vial

Bottomless Jelly Vial

Putrescent Jelly Vial

Nuclear Potion

Arid Potion

Essence of the Final Night

Elemental Reversal Concoction

Colossus Potion

Experimental Reversal Concoction

Mystery Reversal Concoction

Color Reversal Concoction

Pale Infectious Sample

Bloody Infectious Sample

Nightmarish Infectious Sample

Chitinous Infectious Sample

Rocky Infectious Sample

Peculiar Petri Dish

Bloody Wet Specimen

Nest Of Spiders Wet Specimen

Ink Monster Wet Specimen

Mouthy Monster Wet Specimen

Clawed Monster Wet Specimen

Mercurial Throwing Vial

Necrotic Throwing Vial

Acidic Throwing Vial

Destabilizing Throwing Vial

Mutagenic Throwing Vial

Fizzy Cherry Candy Potion

Fizzy Orange Candy Potion

Fizzy Grape Candy Potion

Fizzy Lemon Candy Potion

Fizzy Raspberry Candy Potion

Cherry Flavored Poison

Tutti Frutti Flavored Poison

Blue Raspberry Flavored Poison

Lemon Lime Flavored Poison

Orange Flavored Poison

Sea Salt Curl Creme

Rose Water Curl Creme

Blue Ginger Curl Creme

Jojoba Curl Creme

Aloe Curl Creme

Colloidal Silver Curl Creme

Charcoal Curl Creme

200HP Healing Potion

30HP Healing Potion

150HP Healing Potion

10HP Healing Potion

5HP Healing Potion

90HP Healing Potion

50HP Healing Potion

500HP Healing Potion

70HP Healing Potion

100HP Healing Potion

25HP Healing Potion

40HP Healing Potion

300HP Healing Potion

20HP Healing Potion

15HP Healing Potion

Empty Glass Beaker

Blue Liquid-Filled Glass Beaker

Green Liquid-Filled Glass Beaker

Red Liquid-Filled Glass Beaker

Yellow Liquid-Filled Glass Beaker

Orange Liquid-Filled Glass Beaker

Purple Liquid-Filled Glass Beaker

Ruined Glass Beaker

Sweet Toxic Science Liquor

Sweet Frost Science Liquor

Sweet-N-Spicy Science Liquor

Sweet Toxic Science Daiquiri

Sweet Frost Science Daiquiri

Sweet-N-Spicy Science Daiquiri

Blue Liquid-Filled Glass Flask

Green Liquid-Filled Glass Flask

Red Liquid-Filled Glass Flask

Yellow Liquid-Filled Glass Flask

Purple Liquid-Filled Glass Flask

Orange Liquid-Filled Glass Flask

Blue Liquid-Filled Rounded Flask

Green Liquid-Filled Rounded Flask

Red Liquid-Filled Rounded Flask

Yellow Liquid-Filled Rounded Flask

Orange Liquid-Filled Rounded Flask

Purple Liquid-Filled Rounded Flask

Ruined Rounded Flask

Ruined Glass Flask

Sweet Frost Science Shot

Sweet Toxic Science Shot

Sweet-N-Spicy Science Shot

Cherry Bubbling Vial

Orange Bubbling Vial

Raspberry Bubbling Vial

Lemon Bubbling Vial

Grape Bubbling Vial

Lime Bubbling Vial

Blueberry Bubbling Vial

Licorice Bubbling Vial

Chocolate Bubbling Vial

Cherry Shot Shot

Berry Shot Shot

Lemon Shot Shot

Grape Shot Shot

Apple Shot Shot

Blue Liquid Filled Giant Syringe

Red Liquid Filled Giant Syringe

Green Liquid Filled Giant Syringe

Orange Liquid Filled Giant Syringe

Yellow Liquid Filled Giant Syringe

Broken Flask of Liquid Shadow

Empty Flask

Empty Rounded Flask

Empty Glass Flask

Clear Glass Bell Flask

Filled Clear Glass Bell Flask

Clear Glass Square Bottle

Filled Clear Glass Square Bottle

Clear Glass Handled Flask

Filled Clear Glass Handled Flask

Clear Glass Vial

Filled Clear Glass Vial

Modern Science Volume I

Modern Science Volume II

Chemistry Textbook

Nuclear Potion: Behind the Scenes

Antique Thirteen Hour Clock

Curious Broken Clock

Two-Toned Clock and Weights Fascinator

Wonderland Watch

Simple Clockwork Design

Clockwork Maintenance

Keeping Track of Time

Time Zones and Changing Clocks

Clockwork Dreams

Titania Bobblehead

Sun Legeica Beanbag

Sun Legeica Plushie

Sun Lifelike Legeica Doll

Fantastic Fiction: Enemies to Lovers

Fantastic Fiction: Lemons and Limes

Bloodred Tigrean Plushie

Bloodred Potion

You Have Beautiful Eyes Candy Heart

Inevitable Betrayal Sticker

Pet Friends

Sam Simpson
Enemy...or something more?