
Dracath has a minion!

Ember the Ferranella

Legacy Name: Dracath

The Bloodred Aeanoid
Owner: Kellijuana

Age: 13 years, 11 months, 2 days

Born: July 11th, 2010

Adopted: 10 years, 7 months, 6 days ago

Adopted: November 6th, 2013


  • Level: 667
  • Strength: 666
  • Defense: 666
  • Speed: 666
  • Health: 666
  • HP: 667/666
  • Intelligence: 71
  • Books Read: 52
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Villainous Henchmen

Muahahahaaaa I have returned....

Notes for story later:

He doesn't remember much of his childhood... no idea where he came from, always felt broken and empty and at first he felt nothing but lost. He tried to find someone to take him in, anyone. When no one would, he tried to live by foraging and begging. Eventually his emptiness turned to anger and he began to resent the world. He often thought of stealing to survive but something inside him cringed too painfully to follow through with it. He ventured off to a land he'd heard of where very few lived and he could be alone, away from the calousness of the unhelping masses. If he was going to die, he wouldn't give them the chance to pity his remains, and if he was going to live, well it would have to be with no help anyways. Perhaps he would discover something there that others hadn't out of fear.
*traveled to Darkside*

Maleria found him near death, saw his potential and took him in, guiding his thoughts during recovery and molding him into the perfect henchman.

After recovering he began training and moving up the ranks in her evil empire. He focused his anger at the world toward transforming his mind and body into untouchable steel. Slowly, the painful cringe he used to have when dishonest thoughts would arise, was swallowed by the rage and bitterness that Maleria poured into his empty soul. No longer one to play fair, he grew stronger through shortcuts, stealing shinwa boosters and bringing them to Maleria to twist with her dark magic. With her influence they became infused with dark matter and poisonous to anyone with pure thoughts. When used by Dracath however, they only served to grow his power.

*Come up with images of Shinwa boosters reimagined full of dark matter renamed Maleria's*


Okay, but how does Nasamruno find him and bring him into the family?.... Does something go wrong with Maleria? Failed mission and tossed away? Or does she send him out to infiltrate, intending for him to spy on Eternity and bring back boosters/info, not realizing that it's his long lost twin and the true nature/power of the two.... Well he still works for her, so something similar to the latter I think... Nasamruno must have been searching for him once Novera found Eternity, and perhaps found him but couldn't decide how to proceed. Either he leaked the info of Eternity's position to her somehow (without being the one to communicate of course) or as soon as he realized her plan, he went to work... He is meddlesome, we'll say he leaked the info... I'll have to come up with that chain of information. So, he devises a way for Maleria to find out about Shinwa's assistant Eternity, watches closely as Dracath is given the assignment, and waits for an opportunity to be seen with Eternity, and have Dracath play the part of lost soul needing a home. And so Dracath is brought into our family, and as he has gotten so adept at deception, becomes very close to all. All the while stealing/reporting but little does he or Maleria know, that little voice is awakening... Something about his new sister, why does she look so much like him? He'd never met another Aeanoid, perhaps they all look alike... he felt.. close to her. Was he falling for his own fraud? - tui and la reincarnation - Dracath is La, the moon spirit - blood moon.

Pet Treasure

A History of Dark Matter

Darkside Fairy Tales

Promotional Captured Dark Matter Companion

Book of Dririmancy

Dillema Corrupted Soul

Darkheart Gem

Dark Confessions

Blasphemous Shards

A History of Dark Matter

Dark Matter Facts

Darkmatter Bomb

Shattered Eternal Chain

Darkmatter Staff Toy

Antique Thirteen Hour Clock

Pet Friends

Inner Eternity
We will decipher our past

Thank you for finding me