
Gibs has a minion!

Enjoying the Carnage

Legacy Name: Gibs

The Bloodred Feli
Owner: Gyarbear

Age: 6 years, 7 months, 2 weeks

Born: September 1st, 2017

Adopted: 4 months, 1 week, 6 days ago

Adopted: December 5th, 2023


  • Level: 30
  • Strength: 27
  • Defense: 8
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 6
  • HP: 10/6
  • Intelligence: 176
  • Books Read: 171
  • Food Eaten: 21
  • Job: Computer Specialist


Ever since that fateful day, I've had a never-ending need for carnage. Part of me knows its wrong, but the desire is too strong.

Why are you doing this?

Scowling, I instinctively cover my ears as if to block out the voices, all while well knowing that it's all inside my own head.

No one deserves any of this!

It never stops. Continous questioning and yelling from that small portion of my mind is all I can hear anymore. Even the screams of all my victims do nothing to drown out the voices.

That foolish black cat ruined everything. Everything I once knew and loved, all gone within moments.

(this is a wip, just like every other pet i have; ill come back to this eventually)


coding - helix (get it)
story & overlay - Gyarbear
background - ColourLovers

Pet Treasure


Shadowglen Pet Bed


Heart on a Stick

Dead Person

Mutated Heart

Rat Skull

Harvested Lung Piece

Grave Reminder

Enemy Sticker

Lost Man

Harvested Heart

Bloody Zombie Foot

Vengeful Undead Kitty

Slimy Eye

Finger Food


Pet Friends

Let's put our grievances aside to win this fight!

Whatever you are, you seem to be the true cause of all of this!