
Legacy Name: Claudeen

The Twilight Tigrean
Owner: Yoshi

Age: 11 years, 2 months, 1 week

Born: February 11th, 2013

Adopted: 2 years, 10 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: June 2nd, 2021


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 5
  • Books Read: 5
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

"They do something evil. I say something cold. And I'm the one who's wrong? Hell with that! I won't apologize, and I won't shut my mouth. Don't spit in front of me and expect me not to grimace."
Claudeen was born in a Southern continent known as South Genobia. It was once a land rich with crops and forested areas, but in recent years it's been suffering heavily from increasing pollution and deforestation. Claudeen's pride, who for centuries had lived in harmony with nature, were gravely upset by the effects the "modern world" was having on their homeland, and they desperately sought some sort of solution. It was eventually Claudeen's father who offered the pride hope, though in the most deceitful and damaging of ways. Claudeen's father was never truly one with the pride. He had left his homeland in his youth to pursue business ventures in the modern world, a path which eventually lead him down a life of crime. As an adult, he had become a weapons merchant with a strong business alliance with a terrorist cell known as Nightshade. Nightshade was a group that had first been established with the purpose of combating corruption in the modern world's government, the "United World Order", but since it's founding, many new cells had splintered off from the original group. Unlike the original incarnation of Nightshade, these new cells were all too willing to harm and kill innocents in their war against the UWO. Claudeen's father traded weapons to one such cell, and shortly before her birth, he hatched a plan to increase his profits by selling out his own pride to them.

Claudeen's father returned home and used his prior connection to his pride to convince them that the UWO was ultimately to blame for the destruction of South Genobio's landscapes and natural resources. The pride was so desperate for a way to stop the violation of their homeland, that they were quick to accept his reasoning. Within the sum of a year, Claudeen's father convinced them to join forces with Nightshade, and offer their secluded territory as a HQ for them to store arms and plan attacks. This arrangement lead to many members of the pride joining Nightshade altogether and aiding in violent terrorist assaults under the belief they were saving their homeland. It was around this bloody time that Claudeen and her brother Abidemi were born, both to different mothers in the pride, as their father was quite the womanizer.

Claudeen and Abidemi grew up in the pride at its worst, never being taught the spiritual ways of their kind, but rather being taught violence and hatred for the UWO. While the siblings were close throughout their childhood, the toxic state of their pride eventually drove a wedge between them. Abidemi, like so many other youths in the pride, eventually took to the propaganda Nightshade spread about honor through combat, and the war against the UWO being the only way to save their pride's homeland. Before he was even old enough to grow a full mane, Abidemi joined Nightshade's forces and began shipping out on terrorist missions with them. Claudeen meanwhile, developed a strong aversion to Nightshade, and a disdain for what they had done to her pride. She couldn't remember a time when things we different, but she knew her childhood was a miserable one and wanted to believe that life could be better than that. While her brother was out killing, Claudeen was spending her days helping to care for the all the injured that Nightshade brought back from their insane missions. In their adolescence, Abidemi was gifted with the tribal markings of a warrior, while Claudeen was given those of a healer, further signifying how different the two siblings' paths had become. Of course to Claudeen, these once symbolic and spiritual markings meant nothing when her pride was in such a degraded state.

Shortly after Claudeen reached adolescence, the day came when her pride paid for it's involvement with Nightshade. While Abidemi and other members of the terrorist cell had been out on a mission, they were confronted and apprehended by a task force issued by the UWO. This task force tortured the location of Nightshade's HQ out of the captured members, and soon after arrived and wiped out the entire territory. The attack was as cold and indiscriminate as Nightshde's own terrorists assaults, as the task force slaughtered Nightshade members and innocent dynatii of the pride alike. Claudeen was one of the few who survived the horrific ordeal, perhaps spared because of her young age. After going through months of terrifying interrogation by the UWO, she was eventually determined not to be a threat, and was processed into an orphanage in North Genobia. Claudeen was now alone. She had no idea what had become of her brother, didn't care what happened to her father, and anyone else she had ever been remotely close to was assuredly dead. It was the darkest, toughest time of her life, and she was as bitter about it as she was saddened. She wasn't sure who to direct her hatred towards. Nightshade? The UWO? Her father? Her brother? ...Her entire pride? Claudeen was filled with aimless anger, and it was eating her up inside. More than once, she considered shaving off her tribal markings so she could forget the past, but ultimately decided against it. She didn't want to forget. She'd keep them as an eternal reminder of the cruelty in others, and how she owed them no damn forgiveness.

Claudeen's time spent in the orphanage was difficult, both for her and her caretakers. She was verbally hostile towards everyone, and it made her rather unapproachable, not to mention scared away potential adoptive parents. She was also labeled as somewhat of a savage due to the tribal-based history of her pride and its recent involvement with Nightshade, so the majority of the orphanage workers didn't even brother trying to speak with her when they could avoid it. Nor did they try helping her work through her problems. They possessed a biased fear of her, which of course didn't uplift Claudeen's opinion of others very much. It seemed like she was fated to live out her youth in the orphanage, miserable and alone. ...But then she met Fintan. An elderly, wealthy gerenuk who liked to visit the orphanage from time to time, both to donate money and interact with the children just for the sake of making sure they each got something that they wanted from the funds. Fintan was a cooky, eccentric old antelope, but his kindness was incomparable. He had a strange way about him, seeming capable of getting along with almost anyone and possessing incredible patience and understanding for those he couldn't. He was beloved by most of the children and staff of the orphanage, and even happened to be a city honored samaritan. Of course Cluadeen wasn't impressed by the geezer. There was probably something sketchy about him, she thought. She had never known anyone who didn't eventually prove themselves to be cruel, and she couldn't fathom that Fintan was any different.

When Fintan tried sitting down and speaking with Claudeen like the rest of the children, she reacted with immediate hostility. He got the message fairly quickly that she wanted to be left alone, and so he did just that. Rather than forget about her however, Fintan instead began speaking with the orphanage workers to learn more about Claudeen. Hearing about her past struck a personal nerve with him, as it so happened that he had a personal history with Claudeen's now decimated pride. Until his dying day, Claudeen would never fully learn what Fintan's connection to her pride was. Whatever it was though, was apparently strong enough to earn his grief and sympathy over hearing of the pride's fate, and prompt him to return frequently to the orphanage just to speak with Claudeen. Naturally, Claudeen turned him away the first few times. After a while though, she began to feel bad seeing the old antelope exhaust himself visiting the orphanage time and time again, even if she didn't understand why he was doing it. She eventually decided to open up to him, and began speaking with him about her past and what she was going through. Claudeen had never spoken to anyone about her internal feelings before, as she had never really been given the chance. Finally being able to do so was... healthy. It made her feel better, and she grew rather attached to Fintan as a result. And so when the day came that Fintan filed for Claudeen's adoption, everyone, Claudeen included, were quite surprised, but hardly anyone objected. Seniors weren't usually prime candidates to adopt orphans, but an exception was made in Fintan and Claudeen's case due to his good reputation, his wealth that could aid tremendously in providing for a minor, and the simple fact that he was the only one on the face of the planet Claudeen seemed to get along with. The paperwork was filed, and Claudeen was soon headed to a new home.

(WIP!! Moomba pls!)

A young "odd job specialist" trying to make her way in the harsh, modern world. She possesses a deep rooted disdain for the cruelty of others, and refuses to tolerate it under any circumstances... even when it means confronting it with cruelty of her own. For better or worse, she has her principles and she intends to stick to them.
Name: Claudeen Santos
Alias: Claudeen, Kitty
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 3'3" at shoulder (quad). 5'7" as human
Location: Twin Falls, Beltham
Species: Dynatti
Occupation: Freelancer (currently employeed at Twin Falls Wildlife Arsenal)

Dynatti are physiologically identical to real world lions, with a couple key differences. One difference is that their fur can come in a vast variety of colors, and occasionally bear unique markings. For many centuries, dynatti born with unique markings were considered destined for greatness and given important leading roles in their prides. Plain furred dynatti meanwhile, would have tribal markings relating to their individual traits and talents permanently dyed into their fur. Now in modern times, only a few prides remain who still adhere to these old views on body markings.

Another difference is that female dynatii grow manes, though not anywhere near as thick and voluminous as the males'. Both male and female dynatii are born with small tufts of secondary fur on top of their heads. As they mature, these tufts will begin to grow, eventually covering their scalps and growing out from the backs of their necks, sometimes reaching as far as a third of the way down the middle of their backs. A female's mane will generally stop growing at this point upon reaching adolescence, but a male's will continue to grow, gradually encompassing his neck and increasing in thickness and volume until it resembles a typical lion's mane. It's also possible for dynatti to grow extra tufts of mane colored fur from their chins or their front elbows, though it depends souly on the individual. All dynatti of course, possess tufts of mane colored fur at the tips of their tails.

Claudeen has a body length of 5'2 ft with a 2'10 ft long tail, and a shoulder height of around 3'3 ft. Her base fur is steel grey, and her mane and tail tuft are black. Her nose and paw pads are silver, while her eyes are brown with gold tinted sclera. Claudeen's body is also covered in black tribal markings permanently dyed into her fur. These markings consist of distinctive Eye of Horus-esque swirls beneath her eyes, curved lines framing her muzzle, stylized rings around her two front legs, and segmented sphinx-like wings based from her front shoulders and reaching down her back. Claudeen also likes to keep her mane cut short, keeping the fur growing from her head just long enough to reach her brows, and the fur growing down the middle of her neck and back just a couple inches long. She spends quite a bit of time grooming her mane, normally combing it forward. She also likes to wear a stylish purple carrier bag that hangs from her neck and straps to her chest. While partly an accessory, it provides a convenient means of carrying things in public.

Human Appearance
As a human, Claudeen stands at around 5'7 ft. She has ebony skin, short black hair, and brown eyes. Tribal tattoos cover the entirety of her left shoulder and arm, in a design that resembles an amalgam of her quad form markings. Fashion-wise, she mostly likes to wear casual clothes in monochrome colors, but will occasionally try on more colorful and extravagant outfits for a certain someone.

Witnessing the worst in others has caused Claudeen to develop a very guarded and hostile attitude against behavior she deems wrong. It's perhaps her way of trying to keep herself and her loved ones from being hurt. The way Claudeen sees it, the world is full of individuals who mistreat others in mean, unfair, ignorant, and just plain malicious ways, and this sort of thing is too often tolerated in society for downright bullsh*t reasons. Claudeen however, has no tolerance. If you do something wrong by her or someone she even remotely likes, your name is instantly dirt. Whatever your reasons for being cruel were, they're nothing but ammunition for Claudeen to hurt you with, cause you certainly deserve to be hurt in her eyes. Admittedly, Claudeen can go way overboard with this uncompromising attitude of hers. She's not quick to forgive, and can hold a grudge until doomsday. While she's made strides towards toning down her vindictiveness a little, she's unlikely to change any time soon.

Putting her spiteful nature aside, Claudeen is actually a very earnest and compassionate friend. She's upbeat and usually fun company to have, as long as someone doesn't come along and cross her wires the wrong way. As harsh as she can be towards assholes, she can be equally kind to people she cares for. She always stands up for victims of bullying and bigotry, and never does wrong by anyone she considers decent. It's likely these traits that have kept Claudeen from driving away more friends than she has through her vicious vendettas against less than pleasant individuals.

Claudeen's general activities include working odd jobs, frequenting a gym, and taking cat naps. When she finds herself with leisure time, she tends to not know what to do with it, and will often just call up a friend and go along with whatever they might have planned. Habit-wise, Claudeen has been a chain smoker for several years, and is in the process of trying to quit. She also speaks fluent English in an American accent, but with a subtle Irish ring to it due to her adoptive father having a full blown Irish accent himself.

Traits & Talents
Working as an "odd job specialist" requires a variety of different skills, and adaptability. Fortunately, Claudeen has a knack for learning new trades in a timely manner. She's been hired for many different jobs, and any that she hasn't had the required skill or knowledge to perform, she's expeditiously been able to train herself for. The type of work Claudeen performs ranges from deliveries, to desk jobs, to non-sexual escorting, to searching for missing persons, to legal spying, and even to light weight bodyguard work. Occasionally though, she'll be hired for far "odder" jobs than this typical variety. Claudeen is willing and capable of performing all manner of work, as long as it's within the limits of the law and doesn't conflict with her own moral boundaries.

Beyond her profession, Claudeen also knows quite a lot about fitness, health, and treating injuries. She also knows more about operating military grade weapons than she'd ever like to, and would care to admit. More recent jobs have also taught her a few things about the paranormal, but she could hardly be considered an expert on that while she still doubts the existence of such things.

Makato O'Meara | Familiar Caretaker at Twin Falls Arsenal | Girlfriend
A dear friend, and occasional business associate. Claudeen met Makato while making a delivery to her place of work, a wildlife relocation facility known as Twin Falls Arsenal. After scoring a temporary position at Twin Falls Arsenal with Makato as her supervisor, the two of them became fast friends. Currently, Claudeen still does some part time work for Twin Falls, but she sees a lot more of Makato herself outside of work. She visits Makato weekly, and the two go on many outings together. Makato has a light hearted way about her that pleasantly offsets Claudeen's normally harsher disposition, and her presence alone is enough to put the young dynatti in a good mood. A big part of this though, likely has to do with Claudeen's suppressed feelings for Makato. Feelings that, at present, are made murky by Claudeen's sexual insecurities and the difference in age between herself and the older woman.

"A zebra? Nah, you look more like a gorgeous white tiger to me."

Pet Treasure

Purple Steam Cog Leather Bag

Light Weights

Starlets Gilded Hairbrush

Mocha Coffee Beans


Goddess Pink Hair Dye

All About Sports

Six Pack of Hard Cider

Smushed Paper Coffee Cup



Iced Black Coffee

Arid Lifelike Sheeta Doll

Arid Sheeta Plushie

Black Spectral Scarf

Bi Heart Pin

Pet Friends

"A zebra? Nah, you look more like a gorgeous white tiger to me."