
Legacy Name: Fei.Yen

The Angelic Devonti
Owner: Fiore

Age: 9 years, 3 months, 1 week

Born: January 12th, 2015

Adopted: 9 years, 3 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: January 12th, 2015


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

The zodiac wheel floating in the heavens is built upon golden clouds that never surrender the light of the sun. Each wedge contains sakura trees shaped in the Chinese symbol of the zodiac animal that resides in the house at the end of each of twelve paths. The paths are formed from smooth stones decorated with etchings that depict the characteristics of the guardian spirit that watches over each animal.

The houses are delicate constructions that use traditional Chinese building materials to create a balance of elegance and practicality. A wooden framework supports walls of rice paper, the sturdy beams standing through even the chaos of cosmic storms. The walls may collapse but the structure will always remain standing.

The gardens are no less magnificent with rock pools that murmur gentle melodies and fragrant flowers that give one a feeling of serenity with just one breath of their perfume.

The sign of the sheep stands before the home of Fei Yen. Her calm and creative spirit is evident in the colorful stones arranged into the shape of lotus blossoms, forming the path that leads from the center of heaven to her home.

Fei Yen could never seem to find a soothing tea blend capable of calming Zhen Ji’s temper. Zhen Ji was her dearest friend but the Rooster’s flashes of anger could be very destructive. Fei Yen had learned quickly not to become too attached to specific objects in her home.

She simply could not turn away Zhen Ji. It was a relief to have another female to talk to and Zhen Ji could be so amusing when she started one of her rants.

“I don’t know how you can stand to live so close to Bai Yao. Just because he watches over hard-working people doesn’t give him the stamina of a horse. I’d love to see him spend a day in the harness of a farmer. I’ll bet he couldn’t finish two rows before he collapsed.”

Fei Yen took a sip of her tea, offering Zhen Ji a smile. This was Fei Yen’s unique blend, with hints of jasmine, orange peel and mint. It sold quite well at Spirit Market, for there were many youngsters in the heavens whose parents could use an hour of peace.

Zhen Ji didn’t seem to notice what she was drinking as she continued. “Xan Pei is even more annoying. He’s always carrying on about how his charges are among the most successful humans, destined for popularity because of the years of their birth. I asked if he knew what humans did to rats on Earth. He said anything was better than having his tail plucked and ending up in the stew pot.”

Fei Yen cringed as Zhen Ji stamped a booted foot. All zodiac animals were proud of their status and did not like to be compared to common animals. Fei Yen knew better than to tell Zhen Ji she had behaved as badly as the Rat.

“Don’t even get me started on the Dog. He is so convinced that there’s no human better than a loyal human. He is the most arrogant, self-centered creature in the heavens. The only one worse than Yin Quan is Meng Yao. I don’t honestly know what you see in him, Fei Yen. He is such a-”

“Hello, Ladies!” Meng Yao came bounding into the room, rabbit ears twitching as he fixed Fei Yen with an enormous smile. “There’s my pearl of starlight.”

He was a ray of sunlight that brought out the glory of the golden clouds when he smiled. Fei Yen could not escape the bubbly feeling of happiness his presence always brought. Though her quiet nature was quite opposite to his outgoing personality, he made her feel more alive. She in turn helped to steer him away from courses of action that could only lead to grief and trouble. Their bond was one of complimentary traits.

“You’re not going to believe what I’ve got!” Without pausing, he whipped out his hand, holding up two small golden marbles. “We’re going to the Festival of Lunar Harmony, Fei Yen! The spirits said it was impossible to get an invite this late but they never counted on my persistence.”

Fei Yen reached for a marble, hesitating with her hand in the air. “Zhen Ji and I were planning to visit the market.”

Meng Yao snorted and brushed aside her concern with the wave of a hand. “You can visit the market any day. How many times will you have the chance to see the dance of real, live wind dragons!” He grabbed Fei Yen’s hand, tugging her toward the door with a literal spring in his step. “Let’s get going. I want to make sure we have time to check out the booths before the show.”

Fei Yen turned to offer a quick apology, freezing at the look on Zhen Ji’s face. With a small moan of expectation, Fei Yen pulled free of Meng Yao’s grasp and grabbed a small jade vase that was very dear to her. It had been a gift from her grandmother.

”You are so rude! Don’t you ever stop to think Fei Yen might have her own life? You’re not the center of the universe, you twitchy little creep!”

Meng Yao put a hand to his chin as if he was deep in thought. Very deliberately, he changed the position of his hands, grabbing up the corners of his mouth, wiggling his ears, and waggling his tongue.

Flames raced up the edges of Zhen Ji’s blade as she unsheathed it. The first fireball was nowhere near its mark. A cream paper curtain bordered with a teak frame went up in flames. Meng Yao howled with laughter as he began to cartwheel around the room. Fei Yen was working hard to fight back tears as Zhen Ji leaped forward in pursuit.

“Hold still you vermin. I’m going to cook you to well done and chop you up for stew!”

“Don’t forget the herbs and carrots. You can’t have a good rabbit stew without carrots. You might even throw in a few special spices”¦if you’re not too chicken!” Meng Yao was breathless with laughter as he dodged a line of fireballs, narrowly avoiding a singed ear tip. He darted out the door, bounding through a line of bamboo stalks that promptly went up in flames.

Fei Yen watched in mute horror as the walls of her house fell in a heap of ash. Furniture she had replaced only two weeks ago was smashed into kindling. She could not bring herself to step outside as Zhen Ji pursued Meng Yao into the garden. Strong stalks of bamboo fell in smoking heaps beneath the pounding feet and swinging blade of the fighting pair.

The pair returned to the house. Meng Yao laughed all the harder when he saw Zhen Ji was panting for breath. No one could outrun the Rabbit. Zhen Ji hung her head at the inevitable sight that escaped Fei Yen’s lips.

Meng Yao looked out on the sun just touching the edge of the horizon. “It’s always a pleasure to prove you can’t aim, Zhen Ji, but we need to get going. There are treats to try and games to play before the concert, and I plan to win our dear Fei Yen a cloud sheep. Besides, it’s your turn to do the cleanup.”

Zhen Ji narrowed her eyes. “You got barely halfway through last time and wandered off to bet on a Pegasus race. Fei Yen and I ended up buying all the replacement furniture and I had to chase away the slugs that got into the yard when you left the gate open.”

Fei Yen raised her hands. “I think you've both caused enough trouble for one day. I would rather do the cleaning myself than have any more fighting.”

Meng Yao and Zhen Ji exchanged a long look. With a sigh, Meng Yao pulled a leather purse from his pocket “That should be more than enough to cover everything. It’s only right that Fei Yen should enjoy herself for once, having to put up with us.”

Zhen Ji snatched the pouch. “I certainly don’t need your help but since you’re contributing something for once, I’ll see to it Fei Yen gets some nice chairs this time.” She made a face at a wooden chair with green stripes that was now a heap of wood chunks.

Meng Yao once again took Fei Yen’s hand, dragging her outside as he started up his usual line of chatter.

”You missed a good one, lotus petal. Xhan Ti the Tiger had the nerve to challenge me to a foot race. I wouldn't want to arm wrestle him but that bulky cat will never have the speed of the Rabbit. You should’ve seen the look on his face.” Meng Yao laughed and slapped his knee. “He could use a calming influence in his life, the way he growls when he loses. Too bad the best one in the heavens is already taken.”

Fei Yen smiled and allowed him a kiss. “You have the Dragon’s talent for flattery.”

“That may be the best compliment I’ve ever been paid. You know what would be fun, though?”

“Enjoying the serenity of a lovely concert?”

Meng Yao rolled his eyes. “Anything I do with you is fun. I was thinking we should get Xhan Ti and Zhen Ji together. If they didn’t bring all the heavens crashing down in a massive fireball those two could start some very interesting debates.” he chuckled as he pictured two fierce tempers colliding. “Maybe if Zhen Ji had a Tiger tail on her belt she could take a few jokes.”

Fei Yen sighed. “I know you two will always be at odds but I do wish you’d try to get along, for my sake.”

Meng Yao released her hand to wrap an arm around her shoulders. “You know we’d never really hurt each other, but you can’t blame a Rabbit for enjoying the chase.”

They placed their marbles in the mouth of the stone dragon before the Lunar Temple. Its eyes glowed yellow as it stood on its hind legs to allow them to pass.

Delicate paper lanterns hung from strings supported between thick mahogany pillars. Around the base of each were detailed carvings of the moon in each stage of its life, along with an intricate calendar that lunar dedicates spent their lives interpreting. Enormous marble bowls were filled with cherry blossom petals harvested from the base of their parent trees. Tiny fruits were just beginning to form perfect green spheres.

The two new arrivals followed the tradition of weaving a piece of moon silk string into their hair. Meng Yao pointed to a booth at which delicacies were sold, buying two giant blobs of cloud candy. He had gone through three sticks by the time Fei Yen finished her first.

“Come on, Fei Yen. I promised you a cloud sheep and you shall have one.”

The game booths were brightly colored tents that promised laughter and excitement. In the background was a dragon roller coaster and a petting zoo containing two Pegasus, an ivory boar, and a silky with a squirming litter of tiny white babies.

Meng Yao’s first ball of lightning barely nicked one of the target dragon’s claws. The cheap light globe he won would burn out in two hours, but it did have little craters on the surface to look just like the surface of the moon. He snorted his displeasure as a group of young cloud people chuckled. His next throw hit the dragon’s eye right in the center, earning him the awed cheers that sent him into a victory dance. He pointed out the cloud sheep he wanted, an adorable puff of fluff with lavender fleece that easily fit under his arm. He handed the small creature to Fei Yen, grinning at the joy on her face. She had been thinking about getting a pet for many weeks.

The tiny creature nuzzled Fei Yen’s neck as she waited for Meng Yao to finish riding the roller coaster. She had allowed him to convince her to take one ride on that beast. It was a mistake she would not repeat.

The hair on the top of Meng Yao’s head was standing straight up when he came running over, holding two boxes of caramel corn. It was the latest food craze from the world below and she could not understand how he could eat anything after allowing his body to be twisted and flipped in such unnatural ways. She held up the little cloud sheep, smiling when he made a little baa of contentment.

“I’ve decided to call him Lun, after the place of his birth.” Fei Yen fed Lun a piece of popcorn as he snuffled her fingers. He bleated once again, searching for more treats. Meng Yao brought his hand out from behind his back, producing a sheep leash with tiny amethysts studding the surface.

“This will help you teach him manners. They won’t let him in the concert hall without it.” He could not resist a mischievous grin. “Maybe that’s what you need for me, Fei Yen. A good, sturdy leash.”

Fei Yen bit her lip to keep from laughing at a naughty thought. If Zhen Ji was here, she would suggest one with a muzzle. “My thoughtful Meng Yao. It’s no wonder I love you so much.”

The concert hall was almost filled to capacity when the lights began to dim. Fei Yen stroked little Lun as she curled up and fell asleep in her lap. Her eyes widened in wonder as the show began.

The scales of the wind dragons changed colors to suit the mood of each musical piece. Sinuous bodies twisted in complex maneuvers as great historical scenes were reenacted and the melodious voices of the cherubim choir turned the beauty of the dance into glory that transcended the highest levels of imaginative thought. The audience sighed in contentment when the final glorious note of a golden trumpet faded into silence.

They took their time walking home. Quiet Fei Yen could not stop talking about the performance as Lun frisked around her feet. For once, Meng Yao was content to listen.

“I was truly crying when the old emperor died and I thought for sure that vile adviser would succeed in poisoning the queen, but then the warrior was so valiant in saving her! It’s no wonder human story tellers must wander to spread their stories. Their histories are so exciting!”

“I am happy to be of service in escorting you home, empress of my heart.” Meng Yao grinned as Fei Yen realized they had arrived back at her house. “You’ve got to admit that was better than a visit to the boring old Spirit Market.”

She gave him a lingering kiss, sorry to release him. He did not pull away when Lun snuck in a few licks of his own.

“My popularity knows no limits. I am definitely getting us tickets to the winter show.”

Fei Yen sighed. “I must grant my blessing on the new babies.”

Meng Yao scowled. “I hate when it’s your year of blessings.” He would not let go of her until he’d had one more kiss.

Fei Yen was stunned to see Zhen Ji had gone far beyond replacing those items that had been destroyed. She ran a finger over the protection charms carved into the rim of a gorgeous red vase, tears coming to her eyes as she saw the lotus blossoms picked from Zhen Ji’s precious garden and arranged in the shape of a heart. Those dear to her could be destructive, but she would always find it in her heart to forgive them.

Story by Pureflower

An arch of pale pink sakura blossoms hung over the heads of the pair of lovers, perfuming the air with sweet fragrance. Even in a rare moment of reflection, Meng Yao could not remain completely still. He stroked the back of Fei Yen’s hand as his eyes followed the dance of the butterflies exploring her collection of flower shrubs.

He was thinking how many butterflies he could catch one-handed if he ran a loop around the garden. When Meng Yo is not in motion, he thinks of new challenges to test his strength and stamina. He is by far the most energetic of the zodiac animals, always looking to seek his limits and never willing to quit anything he starts.

“It’s so nice, spending a quiet moment with you.” Fei Yen took his hand, sending a stab of gut through him. Here he was, sitting next to the most beautiful lady in the heavens, and he was thinking about catching butterflies.

“I can’t believe you’re not tired of me dragging you to every corner of the heavens.”

Fei Yen smiled. “You add excitement to my life, dear Meng Yao. You are a magnet for wonders. If a place is magnificent, you are drawn to it.”

“I’d trade all the best sights in the heavens for a day with you, Fei Yen.” Meng Yao leaned in for a kiss, enjoying the contours of her lips as she ran a gentle finger over his ears. Both were reluctant to pull away.

“It’s hard to believe that one year age I’d never been kissed and now I’m kissing the cutest zodiac in the heavens.”

Meng Yao captured one of Fei Yen’s curls, tucking it behind her ear. “Do you remember the first time I asked you out?”

“How could I ever forget? It was on of the best days of my life.”


Meng Yao’s ears were twitching even more than usual. So many things could go wrong. He could be spotted by one of the other male zodiacs. Nearly all of them had taken their shot at Fei Yen already, stoically accepting her refusal or going off to sulk as befitted their natures. Xhai Zou the Dragon had started the rumor that Fei Yen had her eye on a young cherub. Yin Quan the Dog was convinced she was just a snob. Neither would allow Meng Yo to live down her rejection. How could the Rabbit hope to compete with Dragon or Dog?

It didn’t help that he nearly always won when bets were placed. The Dragon in particular was a zodiac animal that loved to gamble and hated to lose.

What would he do it Zhen Ji was there? He could not understand how gentle Fei Yen the Sheep could tolerate the volatile Rooster but he often passed the pair of females in the market and they took tea together far too frequently. Zhen Ji was supposed to be at the Spirit Market now, buying new thatch for her roof.

What if Bao Wei’s information was wrong? The Monkey didn’t seem like the cruel sort but it was no secret he was the oldest of the zodiac animals. What if he had gotten his dates confused? Meng Yao cringed and looked over his shoulder as if he expected Zhen Ji to charge his back, her flaming blade drawn.

There was nobody in sight and he was nearly to Fei Yen’s door. A string of glow globes lining the path came to life as the sun dipped below the horizon. Meng Yao raised a hand to knock, snatching it back at a new thought.

What if Fei Yen wasn’t even home? What if the other zodiacs were making some elaborate joke, laughing at him from a distance as he spent half the night knocking in vain? He shook his head and raised his hand again, letting it hover a foot away from the door. Could she have seen him walking up the path? What if she was home but pretended to be away because she didn’t want to speak to him? A polite word of rejection would be almost pleasant compared to her finding him so repulsive that she couldn’t even face him.

She was so beautiful and kind, though. He had been watching her for weeks, smiling at the joy she took in the beauty of a firebird flock.

“Stop being a ninny and just knock on the door.” His muttered words almost convinced him to act. She was much too good for him, though. Surely she could do better.

He could have sworn she’d smiled at him, the other day at the market. Surely that meant something.

He still had his fist in the air when the door opened, startling them both.

“Hello, Meng Yao. I was not expecting a visitor at this hour.”

Meng Yao slowly lowered his hand, a blush creeping over his cheeks. His brain was telling him to turn around and beat his best speed record running home but his traitor tongue had other plans.

“Will you go out with me?” He blurted the words so quickly that he was amazed Fei Yen could understand. A small smile spread on her face.

“I would like that. Did you have any place in mind?”

The corners of Meng Yao’s mouth nearly touched his ears. “I’m going to give you a day you’ll never forget. Meet me tomorrow at the edge of Singing Canyon just as the sun is coming up, okay?”

“I’ll be there.”

Fei Yen went back inside, her plan to watch the sunset from her garden entirely forgotten. She could not say how long she’d had a secret crush on Meng Yao. How could a boy so interesting and full of life ever take an interest in a quiet Sheep?

She sent a quick prayer to her guardian spirit before going to bed, asking for the courage she would need to please Meng Yao and to prevent her shyness form getting in the way of her affection for the charming Rabbit.


The song that rose from the depths of Singing Canyon depended on what hour a visitor paused on the rim of the gorgeous red rock to listen. The Song of Sun Salutation was just beginning to rise on the wind when Fei Yen spotted Meng Yao near the edge. He had spread a blanket on the grass so they could enjoy the music without getting soaked by early morning dew.

Fei Yen was certain she had never heard anything so beautiful when the climax of the song burst forth as the first rays of the sun broke over the canyon’s eastern rim. Meng Yao got to his feet, folding up the blankted to tuck under his arm and offering his hand.

“I know a place where you can hear the music like you’re one of the notes in the song. Come with me, Fei Yen. You’re going to love this.”

Fei Yen swallowed hard as they approached the edge. She was so glad Meng Yao was too busy looking for something to notice her fear. She was quite sure he would not intentionally lead her to danger, but their definitions of safe activities were clearly different.

“Watch your step here. There’s a path, though it is rather narrow. It took me weeks to find the way down, but after the rumors I heard about this place, I had to see it with my own eyes.”

His strong arms steadied her when she dislodged a few pebbles. His face was so close that she almost leaned in to kiss him. A rock burrower shot out of its burrow, climbing the stone above them with the aid of sticky toes. Meng Yao grinned and mimicked the motions of the rodent’s ears. It bared small fangs and darted out of sight again. Fei Yen silently chided herself for a mind full of moonbeams.

“We could both use feet like that. You wouldn’t believe how many times I almost slid my way to the bottom. We could give it a try if you like.” Meng Yao’s face lit with excitement. “We’re not far from the bottom now but I bet we could build up some speed.” His face fell as Fei Yen shuddered. He felt like a fool, trying to convince Fei Yen to take part in such a childish game. Canyon sliding was not even one of the better games he’d invented. He was determined not to do or say anything else that would upset Fei Yen.

Red rocks in various shapes and sizes littered the canyon floor, none of them as impressive as two enormous pillars carved with the images of rearing dragons. Their eyes were huge diamonds that sparkled in the sun. Meng Yao nearly dragged Fei Yen between them in his eagerness for her to see what awaited them.

Fei Yen gasped in awe at the sight of the chime trees. All had glass trunks and fragile leaves with the voices of wind chimes but no two trees were exactly alike. A tree with a lavender trunk had swirly mint chime leaves that whistled and spun with the slightest touch of a breeze. Another with a bright orange trunk had teal leaves shaped like cubes that imitated the clapping of many hands when they clacked together. Fei Yen could not choose a favorite, though she quite liked the one with a brown trunk and chimes shaped like real leaves. The pale green chime buds each sang with the voice of a flute. The tree had hundreds of buds but no two made an identical sound.

Meng Yao was very quiet as Fei Yen moved from one tree to the next. She paused before a golden trunk with silver icicles. “If you’ve been here before then you must have a favorite.”

Meng Yao thought of the rainbow tree without hesitation. It was the clown among the chime trees that imitated chimes from its sister trees and threw in the occasional dissonant note when the other trees were harmonizing. He almost told Fei Yen about the time a cactus worm chased him up that tree and how he could’ve sworn the tree took his side by dropping a round red chime to shatter on the creature’s head. He was taking a deep breath to launch into the story when he realized how immature it would make him seem. Clearing his throat, he pointed to a clear trunk with tiny golden bird chimes. “I’ve always found the melody of this particular tree quite harmonious.” It sounded like the sort of educated thing the Monkey might say. He gave himself a mental pat on the back as he waited for Fei Yen to agree.

“It is quite lovely. Are you feeling well, Meng Yao?”

“Never better.”He walked stiffly, taking care to place each foot without a bounce in his step. Every time his ears threatened to twitch he stilled them and he clenched his hands at his sides to prevent the usual finger dance that revealed his active nature.

Fei Yen said nothing though she couldn't help wondering if he was in pain. She continued to ask him about the many adventures she'd heard about through rumors but he downplayed them and kept trying to bring the conversation back to facts about the canyon.

"Did you know how new trees sprout, Fei Yen?” He smiled when she shook her head. That book he’d borrowed from the Elemental Library had been worth the eight hours it had taken him to read it. “Two chimes are taken by the wind. When they meet in the air, they settle into a canyon crevice. One forms the trunk and the other determines the color of the leaves but the tree is free to shape its chimes to suit that unique tree.”

“That’s very interesting, Meng Yao.” Fei Yen bit her lip as Meng Yao stilled his twitching ears. His constant need to be in motion was one of those quirks Fei Yen found so attractive about Meng Yao.

Fei Yen tried a new tactic, bringing up a race Zhen Ji had complained about just the other day. The Rooster had stood beside her house and stamped her feet as the seven males taking part threatened to harm her beautiful rows of carnations. Meng Yao had taken the win. Zhen Ji had described in detail the way he hopped up and down, doing a victory dance she had described as the undignified writhing of a mad Rabbit. Meng Yao's eyes lit as he remembered the sensation of pulling out in front of six competitors that could only hope to catch a glimpse of his tail. He stifled a grin with some effort. "It was certainly a good run, but nothing to brag about."

”Are you quite sure you’re feeling alright?”

Meng Yao placed a hand on his chest. “I could make the healing spirits cry with envy. Let’s go down by the water. You really can’t call it a river for how much it’s shrunk, but there are some great trees there.”

Noon was quickly approaching. The Song of Afternoon Amity began to rise on the breeze as Meng Yao brought out a surprise from behind a rock. He had dropped off the picnic basket in the middle of the night, placing a few protection charms he’d bought to ward off hungry beasts that might be tempted by the feast he’d put together to impress Fei Yen. The blanket once again saw use as he spread it on the ground.

Every item from the royal oysters with real pearls in their flesh to the tri-colored chocolates shaped like the twelve zodiac animals was of the best quality. Meng Yao’s frequent successes as a gambler had just barely covered the bill for this extravagant spread.

Fei Yen stared into the distance at a teal tree with chimes shaped like sea shells as she nibbled a chocolate. “I was so happy when you came to my door, Meng Yao. You are so vibrant and joyous that I was convinced you were the one zodiac who would never pretend to be something he’s not. I have always found your energy and your daring charming.” She bowed her head as tears came to her eyes. “If you find it so hard to be yourself around me, maybe it would be best for you to take me home.”

“Look at me, Fei Yen.” Fei yen hesitated, afraid he would be angry. She was shocked to see the wide grin on his face. Springing to his feet, Meng Yao ran up to every tree in sight, slapping those charms he could reach. The merry tune created by a gentle breeze was nothing compared to the glorious swell of music Meng Yao had set in motion. Fei Yen looked around, enchanted beyond the power of speech. Meng Yao returned to her, taking both her hands and dancing her in a circle.

“I’ve been so silly! I was sure you wanted some boring bookworm because you’re so smart and calm and kind. I want you to share in all of my adventures, Fei Yen!”

His eyes were sparkling as he leaned in. Their first kiss was brief but warm and very sweet.

Fei Yen had never known such happiness. She wanted to swear she would follow Meng Yao anywhere. She looked down on their joined hands.

“I’m not brave like you, Meng Yao. I want so much to be with you and to love the things you do but I’m afraid.” Her voice broke before she could say she was afraid he would get bored with her. Meng Yao’s eyes widened.

“I’ll put you first, Fei Yen. If there’s something you don’t want to do, we won’t do it.”

“You shouldn’t be forced to give up what you love for me.”

Meng Yao cupped her chin in his hand. “I love you more, Fei Yen.”

Fei Yen gasped. A love claim is very powerful for a citizen of the heavens. There was no hint of mockery or humor in Meng Yao’s eyes. “I love you too.”

Meng Yao’s smile was gentle as he released her to pull a small mahogany box out of his pocket. “I was hoping you’d feel that way. I had this made just for you.” He opened the lid. On a bed of crushed velvet sat a silver ring with a red lotus flower carved from a fallen chime bud. “I had the jeweler at the Spirit Market reshape it. This chime came from a very special tree.”

He told her about the rainbow tree. His fear that she would find the story ridiculous was quickly put to rest. She laughed at his antics and asked to see the wondrous tree, slipping the ring on her finger. The rainbow tree waved its branches as if greeting old friends.

They held hands on the walk home but as they reached the gate that would allow them to enter the zodiac wheel, Fei Yen paused.

“I don’t want the other zodiacs to know about us just yet. I’m going to tell Zhen Ji that I have fallen in love and give her time to adjust to the idea. She’s my dearest friend but her temper does not always give her time to think and I fear she may hurt you.”

Meng Yao was not insulted when she slipped the ring back into its beautiful treasure box. He grinned widely when she explained there was a very special jade vase that had been a gift from her grandmother, one that would serve as a hiding place only the lovers would know about. She promised to wear the ring to bed at night, to have a small memento of her love beside her when she slept.


Waiting was hard. Meng Yao had to listen to Xhan Ti the Tiger brag about making out with a beautiful cloud lady with lightning in her curls. He wanted so badly to describe the softness of Fei Yen’s lips and how she smelled better than cherry wine. He wanted to punch Yin Quan in the mouth when the Dog made a rude comment about how Fei Yen walked. He made funny faces at Zhen Ji when they passed in the market, irritated that the Rooster could spend hours with his dear Fei Yen while he was limited to brief, secret meetings.

It was during such a meeting that their secret was revealed in a most explosive manner. Zhen Ji burst through Fei Yen’s gate, eyes widening in fury at the sight of Meng Yao kissing Fei Yen on the neck.

“I didn’t want to believe Xan Pei when he said he saw the two of you at the Waterfall of Glory. He’s the Rat, I told myself. All he cares about is being more popular by making the rest of us look bad.” Zhen Ji unsheathed her blade, calling flame to the edge. “I don’t blame you, Fei Yen. Our options for dating are far too limited. For him to take you around the heavens and fill your head with lies is unacceptable, though. Please tell me it isn’t true that he made a love pledge.”

Meng Yao sprang to his feet. “I love Fei Yen. If you weren’t so jealous and bitter you might allow her to have a few friends instead of always chasing them away. Don’t think I didn’t hear about how you almost set the Boar’s tail on fire when he came to ask Fei Yen to a concert. Maybe if you made more effort to find a few other friends, you wouldn’t have to keep Fei Yen trapped in your company.

Zhen Ji ran at Meng Yao with a screech of rage. Fei Yen followed the pair into her house as they proceeded to destroy it. She snatched up the precious jade vase from the table beside the door just before the legs collapsed.

Zhen Ji tired first, extinguishing the edge of her blade and surveying the damage with a look of horror. Meng Yao hung his head, waiting for Fei Yen to order them both out. Both began speaking at once, exclaiming how they would make everything right again. They were running for the market, trying to shove each other off the path, before Fei Yen could raise any sort of protest. She was sitting quietly in the middle of her destroyed sitting room when they returned with two wagons full of bundles.

Zhen Ji tackled the heaps of ash and wood chips as Meng Yao saw to the placement of the new furniture. Neither said a word about the pact they had made to see to it their quarrel never hurt Fei Yen. Her happiness was the one thing they could agree on.

Zhen Ji looked up from sweeping as Meng Yao set the table for tea. “I wanted to buy only elegant pieces but the Rabbit has awful taste. He insisted on buying you a blue crystal tea set.”

Meng Yao rolled his eyes. “The Rooster likes everything plain and boring. I wanted you to have pretty things.”

Fei Yen set her vase on the center of the new table and got to work making tea. She made it a point to complement the tastes of both, wanting to avoid any more temper flares. She didn’t think her house could survive a second round.


Fei Yen chuckled as she thought about Meng Yao and Zhen Ji trying to put on serene faces. “I still have yet to find a soothing tea blend that works for either of you.”

Meng Yao wiggled his ears up and down. “I can be calm but these pesky ears have a mind of their own.” He admired the curve of Fei Yen’s neck as she laughed. Pulling a small white box from behind his back, he placed it in her hand, helping her undo the fancy pink ribbon in his excitement. “I couldn’t let today end without getting you a present. Happy Anniversary Fei Yen.”

Inside was a very powerful amulet for health and protection. He had put down a few extra coins to have it carved in the shape of a rabbit. He draped the silk cord around her neck. “No matter where you go, I’ll always be looking out for you. Since you wear it against your skin, Zhen Ji doesn’t have to know you have it on, but I always will.”

Fei Yen threw her arms around him. “It’s the best gift I’ve ever received, Meng Yao. I promise I will never take it off.”

Meng Yao grinned widely and took her hand. “We have the whole evening ahead of us. You just wait until you see what I’ve got lined up!”

Fei Yen pulled him gently back to the bench. “I lost my chance to see the sun set that night you asked me out. Before we begin your wonderful agenda, you’re going to enjoy this one with me.”

Fei Yen put her head on Meng Yao’s shoulder as her garden was bathed in splashes of warm color that gradually cooled. Meng Yao put an arm around her shoulders.

“I want to spend eternity watching sunsets with you, dearest Fei Yen. Our love will outlive the sun.”

Story by Pureflower
Main Profile Image by Magion02
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