
Rosette Aion
Legacy Name: Rosette Aion

The Steamwork Pherret
Owner: Sigilmancy

Age: 4 years, 3 months, 2 days

Born: January 23rd, 2020

Adopted: 4 years, 3 months, 2 days ago

Adopted: January 23rd, 2020

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 26
  • Books Read: 26
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Rosette lived a relatively unremarkable life, born and raised in a small village. She grew up learning to celebrate the small things with her kin, learning to play several instruments to aid in those celebrations. The whole village was very spiritual, though not necessarily religious, believing that their various festivals and such helped to keep up the good spirits of the populace to ward off anything negative. They also trained those who lived there in monastic arts, to use their bodies as weapons for retaliation, rebellion, and self-defense in case there ever came a time other weapons would not be allowed.

As she grew it became apparent Rosette was a people person; she was quiet and polite, and had an interest in using her spare time to heal people. She was assigned to the village's healers, learning both the mundane medicine and how to channel the ki inside her body to close wound and restore vitality as part of her monastic teachings. While not very powerful on its own such a skill could be useful for saving an ally on the battlefield from bleeding out or giving herself enough strength to make a retreat to somewhere safe if necessary so that more mundane methods could be applied for more long-term solutions.

Rather than respond with anger or hatred when someone was angry with her or otherwise wished her ill Rosette simply continued to smile with the same polite, patient demeanor that had quickly become her trademark. Most people wondered how she could maintain such a disposition, especially when exposed to newcomers to the village who had not yet learned its generally peaceful ways, but Rosette explained it as simply a matter of her attitude and how she had been raised; being angry at someone who is taking their anger out on someone else does very little except escalate the situation, but being kind to them would often put such a person off balance and diffuse the anger so that they could be talked to in a more reasonable manner.

When an opportunity arose for Rosette to be part of an experiment that could help people she happily volunteered despite knowing the dangers. She traveled to a nearby city and allowed a combination of mages and mechanics to build a replicated body of metal with an illusory skin to look like her and then transfer her soul into the new body. The theory was that souls could retain memories, as already proven by certain magical spells to speak with the deceased, and that if those souls could be anchored into mechanical bodies they could continue to live if their physical bodies were too damaged by age, injury, disease, or whatever else. While the tests had proven to work for regular people what the inventors were testing now was the idea that things like magical talent and a monk's ki could be transferred as well since they were tied to the soul. There was a chance that would not be the case, of course, and Rosette would have everything but her ki when she was tied to her new body. The downside was that they would not be able to untie her soul and move it back to her physical body, and that since her mechanical body was built it would be property of the inventors and no matter what she would have to obey them. For her that meant using her skills as a mundane healer on the front lines of a war that was currently happening elsewhere.

The transfer was a success, but as Rosette went to use her ki in attempt to heal someone as a test she instead found that she could reverse the flow and use it to kill them as well. This was an interesting revelation, and gave her creators some ideas, but Rosette had known from the start she did not intend to stick around. They trusted her kindly demeanor and friendly smile, and when they lease expected it Rosette ran. She would not be part of a war, and especially refused to be part of the front lines where they would likely make her use her skills to kill rather than heal. Being on the run has its downsides; if she needs to be fixed her ki can only go so far and mundane medicine has no effects but finding a mechanic or someone with the requisite magical spells to fix what's wrong is risky because there's no telling if they might rat her out to those who are looking for her. Death is inevitable, probably when her body finally breaks down and she can't find someone to repair it, but she's already lived longer than she would have if she were still human so Rosette has accepted that death is inevitable.

Books Food

Healer; Rosette can heal others with a touch and her ki, but she can also make healing potions with a fair degree of success. She does so whenever possible, for while they don't have any effect on her they are often helpful to her allies .

Profile template by Lea

Story (and linked stories to Ao3) written by me

Based on a Dungeons and Dragons character I played for a campaign that used the official warforged race, the UA Way of Mercy Monk class, and the official Far Traveler background.

Pet Treasure

100HP Healing Potion

Pet Friends