
Legacy Name: TAZ

The Common Experiment #3485
Owner: demon

Age: 7 years, 10 months, 2 weeks

Born: June 7th, 2016

Adopted: 4 years, 1 week ago

Adopted: April 17th, 2020


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

It all began the day those three showed up in Phandalin, or well, I suppose it really began all the way back when ■̶■̴̛͢■̷͘͡■̵̨■̢҉̷͜■̴͡͠■̷͘͢■͏҉ formed the ■͏̶■̵̷͜■̴͝■̷̵■̶͢■̷͘͘ ̴̕͢■҉͟■̡͘͞ ̴̛■̕̕■͜҉̸̸̧■̵̵̧■͟͞҉͢͞■͏̡̕■̵̛͝■̢͞, but nobody knew about that, yet, obviously. In fact, if you want to get pedantic, it started all the way back when the ■̶̵͞■̧̀͢■̵҉̕■́͘͡■̴̷̵■͝͏̛■̨̀͠■̨■̷́͡■̨̨͠■̷̨͞ arrived carrying the ■҉͏■͟͞■̴̡͜■̡ and the ■̴̧͢■̛■͟͝■̀͘■̷̨͡■͠͝͠■́͡͡■̵̢͞ along with all the folk on ■̀́͜■̡͢͞■̸̷̧■҉̸͟͠■̡҉̸̀̀ ̵̛͡■͡■҉͏■̡̛ ͜͝͏■́͞■̵■■■ . But again, I'm getting ahead of myself.

One was an elf, the other a dwarf, and the third a human: Taako, Merle and Magnus, you'd know them if you saw them. Their methods were a bit strange, sure, but they got the job done! Or, well, I suppose they didn't - not that first time, anyway. But to be fair on them, they had no idea that they were looking for the ■̸́͘■͏̨͜͏̛■̕͞■̧͟͜͡■̨̡■̴̶̡ ̶͡҉͘■̨͘͟͝■̧͟͢͝■͜͏■̕͜ ̷̧̛̛■̵̸̛͡■̛̕҉■̢■̸̢͝■̶̵̡͡■̶̴̨͟■̴͝ , or that they'd ■̶̶■̴̷■̨͞ ͘͏̨̨■͟͏̧͜■̢̨̨■͏̛̀͡■̴͠■̶̷̡҉̧■̨͜ ̸̡͢■͏́■̛̀͟͞■̸̀̀͠ ̶̴̴̴̧■̵̧͘■̶̨͏̷■̶̧■̢͘͡■̸̷̛͡■͜͠, so it's hardly their fault that things went so bad so quickly. Thankfully, though, after that one slip-up, stuff started to get a bit better, especially after they met up with ■̨͟■̶̴̕■͏̨̕͟͝■̵̷̧ ͠■̵̶̛̕͢■̷̡̛■̷̧͘̕■̴̛͘͝■̵̧̛͟͠■̵͘■͞҉͏̀͝ and ■͘͘͜͜͜■̧͠■͜■̶̨͢͢͞■̶̧̀͠ ͏͝■̢̛̕■̡͠͡■̸̸̧͘■̶́҉■͢͝ ̷̧̀͝■̧͟͢͞͞■. There, they got to see the ■̶̸͢͝■̛̀̕■͢͝■҉̕■̨͞■̶■̧̕͝͝■̸͘͘͢ and finally ■̷̢͟■̶̧̕͡■̧͢͜͠■̨͜͠ ̶̶̶͡■̵̶̨̧͢■͘͘͞҉■̛͟ ̴̷́͝■҉̧̨͟͞■̨́͡■̶ ̶̵̨́̕■̴̶̢̛͘■̢̕͢͢■̨̕■̶̷̸͡■̷̸, as they say.

From there on, they just got better and better. First they had to find ■̴͘■͢͏҉́■̶̧͞͞ ̨҉̨■̕͘͠■̷͘͞͠■͜͞͝҉■̵̷̸̢■͝҉͡■͏͜͞ aboard the Rockport Limited! Funny story about that one, actually; the guy looking for the ■́̕͘■̷̨̛̛̕■̡͢͡■̸̡̀͜ ̨͝͏■҉̛̀■͢͞■̢͟■̶͞■̧͘҉͞ didn't even know what he was looking for! Had no idea of the power it held. What's even more interesting is that after they got back to ■̵̧͜■̵ ̷͞■̵̧̢̛̀■̷̀͢͞■̛͘̕͟■̶̕͟■̴̴̡̧■̨́҉͜ ̶̵͝■̛■̡̡͏■̧̛̀■͘͘͠■̸͏■̶̡■̨͏̡■͡͏̨́■̧͞ up on ■͏͡■̸̴■́͘͞ ̵̨̡■̸̵̴̧͝■̡̧̀■̷̡■̨͘ they ended up hiring on that boy detective they met on the train!

After that, they had to go and get the ■̕҉̡͞■̶҉̢͟͝■͘͟͡͏■̴̛͜͠■̢̛̛̕͜ ̸͝҉■͏̴■̸̛͟■̷̸̀■̡ from Goldcliff, I don't remember a lot of what happened there, unfortunately, except for that bit at the end where ■̛͞■̶́■́̕҉̶͝ ̸̶̀■̵͠■̡̀■̵̕͜■̛͡͠■̶̷̛͝ ̢͜͝͏̷■̧̛̀■̧̛̕ ̨҉■̸̷͡ ̡͢͝■̷̡͢■̴͠͝■̵̧̀͢͠ ̸͞■̀͡■̷͜͡■̡̧͞͡■͘ ̶̀who later on turned out to be none other than ■̀͜͝■̶̨̡́̕■̨͜■̴͘̕■̵̧̛͞ ̴■̸͘■҉̵͟■̵̸͟͜■̛͏̸҉■́́͞■̨̢■҉͜■́͟҉̕■̛̕͟͡͡of all people, showed up and ■̨̀■̶̸̛͠■̢̢■̛̀͡ ̵̨͢■̴̴́■̕͜͡■̧̡́͞ ̴͘͡■͡͡■͏̶͡͏■̷̵̛■͠͠ ̷̧̧̛■̷̴■̡͏͏̕■͘͘͡ ͘͞■̢■̴̛■̛͘͡■̸́͜͟͠■̢■̵̡͝͝҉■́̕҉ ̸̀͟■͘͠͝͞■̶̸͢͡■̵̵̧̛͞■̵̨■͞͠҉̕͢■̶͏̴̧͘■͠ ̴̧̡̛͝■҉̸̕͟■͏̷̀͜■̢͏■̧̕̕!

From there they ended up in ■҉͏͏҉■̕͜͢͞■̸̸̶͡͞ ̧̛͠■̢̢■̡҉҉■̸̴͜͡■̧̧͟͏͟■҉̶͟͜■̧͘͢■̸̵͢ ̡̀͢͞■̷̡■̴̶̀■̴̡͡ where ■̶̛̀■̷̛́͘■̛͞ ̕̕■̡̡̡■̸̢͏■͢͝■͘■̸́͢͡͞■̡̛͜■̀̕■̸̛̕͟■̶■̸̛́͢͞ ͏̵̡͘■̵̸͠■̸̨́͟■̶̶͠■͝͏̀͝■̵̷̷́̀ had been taken over by ■͏■̶̧̨͡■̵͢͞ ̶̸̷̀■͟͝■̵̴̢͜■̡̨̕̕͜■̴̸ ̷̢̛͟͜■̛̕͠͏͏■҉͜͠͠ ̶̡҉̷■̵͢■̕͘͜͝■̕͡҉͘■̵̴̛̕■̕■̴̴̵̢͞ ̛͜■̴̀̕͠■̴͠҉̀̕■͝͏■̶̢̀■̢͠■̵̧̡͟͠■̵̴̷̡̀■́҉ , she was trying to open a portal to the astral plane, I think. Can't remember why, but not to worry, because those three lads quickly managed to ■͢͜■̷■̶͡■̡̕͘͞҉■̷͏̶■͜͢͝͏■̢̕͏ ̸́͏͝͡■́͟͜͠͞■̛͜͡͞■͏͟ ̸̢͜■̕͢■͝҉■̧͘̕͜■͜͟͝, although for some reason Magnus decided to ■̵̷̸̢̕■̡̕͢͟͝■̀̕ ̵̢͞■̨̡́͜͡■̷̵̡͟ which caused them some problems when they ■̨̨■̵̷͜■̧ ̡͘̕■̷̵̡̨■̸͢■̸̵■̶͢ ̸͞■̶̀■́͞ ̸̧͠■̴͘■̨͘■̨̕͝͡ ̕■̕͟͢҉■̵̛■͝҉■̢̧̀̀͡■̛̀͜ ̵̢̡͠■̵͘͟͜͡■̸́̕͟͞■͠͏̷̸■̨̧́͏.͝͏͘

Then they went all the way to ■̶̕͟■̴̴̡̧■̨́҉͜ ̶̵͝■̛■̡̡͏■̧̛̀ where they had to find the ■̸̴͜͡■̧̧͟͏͟■҉̶͟͜■̧͘͢■̸̵͢ ̡̀͢͞■̷̡■̴̶̀■̴̡͡ ■̧͟͢͝■͜͏■̕͜, man, that one was a doozy, because ̴͘͡■͡͡■͏̶͡͏■̷̵̛■͠͠ ̷̧̧̛■̷̴■̡͏͏̕■͘͘͡ ͘͞■̢■̴̛■̛͘͡■̸́͜͟͠■̢■̵̡͝͝҉■́̕҉ ̸̀͟■͘͠͝͞■̶̸͢͡■̵̵̧̛͞■̵̨■͞͠҉̕͢■̶͏̴̧͘■͠ ̴̧̡̛͝■҉̸̕͟■͏̷̀͜■̢͏ ■͢͜■̷■̶͡■̡̕͘͞҉■̷͏̶■͜͢͝͏■͟͝■̀͘! I think they must have ■͏̛̀͡■̴͠■̶̷̡҉̧■̨͜ ̸̡͢■͏́■̛̀͟͞■̸̀̀͠ ̶̴̴̴̧■̵̧͘■̶̨͏̷ ̵̛͜͡■͡■҉͏■̡̛ ͜͝͏̧́■́͞■̵̡̀͢■̶͜ there but it's okay because Taako started ■̛͞■̶́■́̕҉̶͝ ̸̶̀■̵͠■̡̀■̵̕͜■̛͡͠■̶̷̛͝ ̢͜͝͏̷■̧̛̀■̧̛̕ ̨҉■̸̷͡ ̡͢͝■̷̡͢■̴͠͝■̵̧̀͢͠ ̸͞■̀͡■̷͜͡■̡̧͞͡ right afterwards. He's a really nice guy, as it turns out, and then...

Hold on, what's with that look? Wait, you have been understanding me this whole time, right...? Oh... No?

Ah, I see, you must not have ■̵■̵̢■̵̡҉■̶̕̕͜ ̸͠■̷̡͘҉͠■̴̵́͠͝■͏̶̸͠ ̸̧̛͞■̷̵̴͢■̛͟■̧̀͝͝■̵̸̀́͘■̶̧͟͏■̷͜ ̵̀́■̕͝■̶̸̴͢͝ ̀͠■̴̨͢■̷͘͢͜■̸̸́͏̵ ̴̷҉̕҉■͘͝■̸̀̕͘■̷͘͢͏■̶͞͠҉■̸̢̕͠■̶̧̀͘■̡̢̨̕■̀͠■҉̸̷͘ yet. You might want to get on with that, the ■̶■̴̛͢■̷̶͘͡■̵̨■̢҉̷͜■̴̨͢͡͠■̷̡͘͢■͏҉ wants to see you in ■́̕͘■̷̨̛̛̕■̡͢͡■̸̡̀͜ ̨͝͏■҉̛̀■͢͞■̢͟ soon! I'll tell you the rest some other time. Until then, stay safe, and stay strong. You know what they say here in ■̨͞ ͘͏̨̨■͟͏̧͜■̢̨̨■͏̛̀͡■̴͠■̶̷̡҉̧■̨͜ ̸̡͢■͏́■̛̀͟͞■̸̀̀͠ ̶̴̴̴̧■̵̧͘■̶̨͏̷■̶̧■̢͘͡■̸̷̛͡!

■͏͡͠͏■̵̨̛■̛̛́͜■̨̧̛̀͝ ̴̡͜■̢■̕■͜ ̕͜͏■̵̡■̶͟͢■̴͢ ̶̴̛■͟͞■̷̵̀͟■̧͟■̶͘҉͘͠!

profile template by bug, writing by cain, overlay by demon

Pet Treasure

Blue Topaz Twenty-sided Die

D10 of Destiny

Swirly Lavender Umbrella

Holy Warrior Tome

Kuro Neko San Kitty Sword of Death

Blue Ten-sided Dice

Blue Topaz Twenty-sided Die

Saheric Wizarding Staff

Smoldering Slaglord Gauntlets

Item Hunters Monocle

Lively Leaf Sash

Dark Banded Stones

Goblet of Youth

New Years Bell

Blue Jeans

Ancient Book of Spiders

Moon Jellyfish Squishy

Prima Violin

Harvester Embellished Cloak

Wooden Doll Model

Flying Ship

Pet Friends