Not So Friendly Challenger: Mattieu

You’re out for a stroll when you notice Esther walking hurriedly towards you.

I wanted to thank you again for snapping me out of that trance last month. I also wanted to ask you for more help. Those of us who have been possessed have gotten together to try and figure out what this presence is going to do next. I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that this being seems to target hard-working creative people. Clearly, it wants us to make things, but we don’t know why. Frankly, I don’t really care why, I just… don’t want my friends and people I care about subjected to that experience.

Anyway, we can’t do anything to prevent the possessions from happening, but we decided to warn any Subetan we thought might be a target. Garret said it would be a good idea if we had some kind of system, keep tabs on vulnerable people. Even if that thing possesses them, we might be able to arrive in time to gather some clues at the very least. Maybe even stop them from building a horrible monstrosity? I don’t know, I’ve felt so helpless, I just want to do something! So far, we’ve had check-ins from most everyone, but Mattieu from All That Glitters missed his check-in time today. I was heading over to see if everything’s okay. It could be nothing, but better safe than sorry, right? Would you like to come with me?
User Avatar: 578829

Posted by [NPC] Esther


You've found a Hidden Opponent!

Possessed Mattieu challenges you to a fight in the Battle Coliseum!

Better late than never.



That would probably fit. Especially since Connor, the chancellor of Shadowglen, was involved in Shengui Gou’s discovery.

The story there could easily be that he went to visit, only to see Jogoh’s fiancee(?) distressed because she’s been acting strange and aggressive. He then can come and relay the news to us.

!!! True, though you would think they’d be buying that like crazy from Quentin. But I’m gonna assume it’s more the latter.

Our mysterious Puppeteer doesn’t appear to be a spirit, but a rather strong magic user. Maybe the item is more centered towards ghostly possessions, and is less effective against sorcerers magically controlling people.

I hope so! It is quite a plot hole.

Ooh! Who do you think that would be? Ian, maybe? They are friends with Quentin, and I guess scientific creation is crafty in it’s own way. We already had someone who dealt with robotics, so it wouldn’t be too far fetched. XD


@Rakumel same lol, I hope he doesn't have a serious problem :speak_no_evil:


*CS, I hate mistyping things


@PiplupMagby34 He doesn't appear to have an NPC account, but they could do what they did with Cinthia and have another NPC give us a letter from him or something.

Speaking of NPC accounts, @Florrosada12 none of the Shgnui Guo NPCs have them but again, they could have the CA challenger news post have a letter from them or something. I do think if they do have someone from Shgnui Guo then Jogoh is the most likely.

Anyway, I realised last night (which also made its way into my dream) that is the possessiosn can't be prevented despite Quentin literally having an item that prevents possessions in their Quest Shop, then either this isn't a ghost, or she's strong enough to overpower it (or maybe she'll just take her chance when it wears off). I hope that we'll eventually hear if they've been involved in trying to help, especially since I have a feeling one of the future victims will be someone they're friends with...




I'm very glad to have been helpful! Congrats on getting the challenger. c:
I'm 14-16 hours ahead so I am also always racing. x)
Happy birthday for last week! Nothing wrong with getting old, especially if you still take the time to learn new things. :)


I still wish this was a plot event because the theme of the monthly challengers this year has this whole mystery going on - and I wish I could do more than just battle possessed characters and the things they made. This could and should be a whole mystery event where we could investigate and look for clues! This concept is just too good to be kept to just 2021's theme for monthly battle challenges.


@Skolletta thank you SO much, I was thinking of trying to check my secret challengers for Possessed Mattieu but then a moment later I had already forgotten to do just that. I'm racing against midnight to get some things done. My time zone is 3 hrs behind subeta so I'm always racing, lol

I found him and so I DID miss the event. Good thinking on your part :)

And thanks for explaining about the hard refresh. I have a PC laptop, fairly new, not a Mac, and I appreciate how thoroughly you explained that. I just had a birthday last week and I am SO SO old, now. lol.


Have you tried checking your secret challengers list just in case you missed the event? If you have them all, Mattieu should show up just after Possessed Cinthia and just before Possessed Vanya. Otherwise, just keep refreshing at All That Glitters.

A hard refresh shouldn't be relevant here (it forces your computer to load the most recent version of the page if things are appearing to be out of date), but it depends on your device. If you're using a PC, hold Ctrl and F5. If you're using a Mac, hold Shift, Command and R. c:


I have refreshed that shop page about 50 times and I've also gone on and off of it, but I can't get that challenger. Any help??

and if someone says "do a hard refresh" could you please tell me what that is?

I am one of the old timers who didn't grow up with computers and the internet, and I have forgotten.

It has to do with holding down two keys at once? but I don't know which two, lol. YES, I'm seriously old!!


!!! I was so focused on people from different regions of subeta being targets, that the shopkeepers flew right over my head. Still, I wonder what horrible Jewelry monster will come from Mattieu's possession.

(Though, I'm betting Jogoh from Shengui Guo will be a target eventually. She's a crafter, making all sorts of clothes, and there hasn't been a challenger from there yet. )

I really can't wait to see what Ms. Puppeteer has to say about her current target though. I'm hoping it'll give us another clue or two towards who this person might be and what they want...


oops he finally showed up :) now to get his loot


awww i havent been able to get him yet:(


Please make his weapon a wearable PLEASE


I forgot how pretty he was...


Hmm, I hope we get a post from him after we free him...

...And I like that Esther is taking the lead with this whole possession issue.


Amazing character design :o also in love with the art for the wearable and the book


i hope i could defeat him



I bought something from him and then went back to shop page and then I got him as a Challenger


He's like don't mess with me



I got him from just going to the store page, so I'm guessing that's all you need to do if you didn't get him as a challenger right away.


Do do I have to refresh the store page?


Wow, he actually looks quite amazing like that...

Also, I wasn't expecting Esther to do the news post. And I like how this story is unfolding. I still can't wait to see who else gets targeted, I do have some speculations, there is at least one person I'm secretly hoping it will happen to because as I've said before, I just love the mind-control trope and I kind of like it when my favourite characters have it happen to them as long as they're alright in the end. I know, it's so strange.


spoiler about regular loot drops


That wearable is so darn amazing! Wow!


Sorry about that, he should be under secret now not normal!


Um okay... I just got the challenger but its not in my list o.0


Pretty loot!


5 wins Loot


Never mind, I got it!


Hmm. I tried purchasing an item from the shop and returning with it in my inventory, and I tried appearing with an active golden pet (all that glitters is gold?) - but no dice.


Oops, I unlocked him but he's under the Normal Challengers tab instead of Secret Challengers! XD I was so confused when I went to look for him, haha...

Beginning stats


Oh my gosh!

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