
Alois_Trancy has a minion!

Claude the Evil Spider

Legacy Name: Alois_Trancy

The Golden Feli
Owner: Priestess_Of_Suzaku

Age: 11 years, 6 months, 3 weeks

Born: November 23rd, 2012

Adopted: 11 years, 6 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: November 23rd, 2012


  • Level: 93
  • Strength: 223
  • Defense: 220
  • Speed: 207
  • Health: 224
  • HP: 224/224
  • Intelligence: 75
  • Books Read: 60
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Stylist

: Subeta Homepage : Explore : Inventory : Forums

You found yourself wondering around a lovely hedge garden. Red roses were in full bloom. The warm rays of the sun soaked your skin. You saw something in the distance. You'd have to get closer to figure out what it was exactly.

When you got closer you could tell it was a lovely glass table. Intricate wire designs were encased in the glass, mostly depicted flora. It seemed roses were the center of the design motif. A rather bored Golden Feli sat at the table idly playing with a chess piece.

When he spotted you, he seemed to perk up a bit. "Welcome," he chirped, "Have a seat. I wasn't expecting company. I'm sure it was Claude's fault. After all. He didn't inform me. I suppose I'll have to punish him later."

You felt as if you should correct the Feli, but he wouldn't let you get a word in edge-wise, "Oh, well. There's nothing I can do about it now. The Trancy household welcomes you inside it's hallowed halls. I'm the head of the Trancy household, Alois Trancy."

You almost thought you had enough time to introduce yourself, but he just kept prattling on, "Don't worry. Hannah will bring us tea momentarily," he had started tapping his fingers against the table, "I don't know what's taking her so long. Don't they know this reflects poorly upon the Trancy household?"

"They aren't so much a guest as they are an intruder," a low voice rumbled from behind you. You got the distinct impression that you were now in danger.

"Is that so?" Alois asked, though it seemed he wasn't expecting much of an answer, "Oh, well. I was bored. And they cured that. So let's treat our guest to some tea."

"Yes, Your Highness," responded his glasses clad butler, giving a slight bow.

About Alois

Age: 14

Birthday: November, 5

Race: Human

Height: 5'5''

Occupation: Earl of Trancy

Status: In a Faustian Contract with the demon, Faustus Claude

Goals: To make Sebastian Michealis suffer.

Although he generally seems quite friendly and outgoing, if you press the wrong button he can turn quite vicious suddenly. He is extremely emotional which can make him unpredictable and sometimes a bit ridiculous.

He's suffered quite a bit in his life and this has left him rather needy. He fears being left alone and often clings to Claude because he knows that because of the contract, Claude can never leave him. He is very possessive of Claude.

Claude is not the only demon inhabiting the Trancy household. There are also Thompson, Timber, and Cantebury who are triplets. They remain completely silent, and Alois doesn't seem to acknowledge them. The last servant being Hannah Anafolez. Alois is extremely hostile towards her. He often throws venomous words and even gouged out her eye. During the Halloween Ball he made her strip down and give him her clothes to wear as a costume.

As proof of the contract between Alois and Claude there is a contract seal on his tongue, which isn't visible most of the time. Alois does however seem to have some sort of an oral fixation, as he is often seen licking things, and even in some cases people.

He utters the phrase, "Hoheo Taralna, Rondero Tarel" to comfort himself. He believes that it was this that brought Claude to him.

Originally coded by: dreamsky
Edited by: Priestess_Of_Suzaku

Pet Treasure

Lemon Crunchy Spider Pop

Licorice Spider Candy

Lemon Spider Candy

Grape Spider Candy

Cherry Spider Candy

Blueberry Spider Candy

Apple Spider Candy

Blueberry Crunchy Spider Pop

Cherry Crunchy Spider Pop

Coconut Crunchy Spider Pop

Grape Crunchy Spider Pop

Kiwi Crunchy Spider Pop

Pumpkin Spider Candy

Licorice Crunchy Spider Pop

Orange Crunchy Spider Pop

Spider Balloon

Spider Beanbag

Strawberry Crunchy Spider Pop

Zombie Chess Set

Spider Clock


Budding Spider

Gourmet Gummy Spider

Garnet Ring

Strawberry Spider Candy

Pink Felt Spider Plushie

Yellow Felt Spider Plushie

Mystery Gummy Spider

Lemon Gummy Spider

Blueberry Gummy Spider

Lime Gummy Spider

Spider Flavored Gummy Spider

Orange Gummy Spider

Fake Gummy Apple Spiders

Fake Gummy Cola Spiders

Fake Gummy Lemon Spiders

Fake Gummy Pumpkin Spiders

Fake Gummy Rose Spiders

Fake Gummy Strawberry Spiders

Morostide Spider Cupcake

Arachnid Possession

Black Trailing Spider Stockings

Gray Trailing Spider Stockings

White Trailing Spider Stockings

Gray Felt Spider Plushie

Green Felt Spider Plushie

Orange Felt Spider Plushie

Pet Friends

Oh! You shouldn't be such a spoilsport! Really. Regardless. You're awfully fun to tease. <3

Hmm... We don't really know each other. But that's not to say I'm opposed to the concept. * flirtatious wink * *

Huh? After I'm done making him suffer you can have him. I don't care. * referring to Sebastian *