
Sanada Akihiko has a minion!

Amada Ken the Oeki

Sanada Akihiko
Legacy Name: Sanada Akihiko

The Spectrum Keeto
Owner: Priestess_Of_Suzaku

Age: 11 years, 6 months, 6 days

Born: November 24th, 2012

Adopted: 11 years, 6 months, 6 days ago

Adopted: November 24th, 2012


  • Level: 153
  • Strength: 382
  • Defense: 380
  • Speed: 376
  • Health: 376
  • HP: 376/376
  • Intelligence: 114
  • Books Read: 99
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Battle Master

: Subeta Homepage : Explore : Inventory : Forums

(Pet Depiction by CHiSHiO)

Was this...? It was, wasn't it? It was a dormitory. It barely looked like one. There was a reception counter near the front door. Over the counter you could see quite a few desks. The entrance was at the far side, and there was a bulletin board right next to it. It was littered with school events and the dorm rules.

Across from the reception was what seemed like a sitting area. A nice couch, a very comfy looking armchair, and a moderately sized television. There were a couple display cases along the western wall, and the back of the room was seperately by a mid-sized wall.

On the other side of the wall was a large dining room table. There seemed to be a kitchen-like area further in the back, seperated by a bar. Huh. Well that seems a little.... Unconventional. To the left of the kitchen area you saw a staircase. Since you hadn't yet run into anyone you decided to check upstairs.

There was a second seating area up here, and more stairs leading up. Why a second seating area? Oh. Perhaps for study groups? There were also a few vending machines. You decided to indulge and took out a wizard token.

You heard something.... It was coming from down the hall. Thud, thump. You weren't sure what it could be... You couldn't help but walk a little further down, until you came to the door that the sound was trying to hide behind.

You knocked on the door, but it creaked open. It was a Spectrum Keeto, practicing with a punching bag. He looked quite determined, so much so that he didn't seem to notice you at all.

You looked around the room you suddenly found yourself in. To the punching bag's left was a well-used studying desk. There were multiple shelves around the room housing shiny trophies. Certificates of his various accomplishments were proudly posted on the wall.

It seemed your movement caught his attention. He turned to face you, grabbing a towel that was lying on the chair near his desk. He started to wipe the sweat from around his neck and face.

"Sorry," he gave a kind of clumsy smile, "I didn't even notice you there. I've been told I have a one-track mind when it comes to my training."

About Sanada Akihiko

Age: 17

Birthday: September 22nd

Height: 5'9.5''

Weight: Around 140 lbs

Blood Type: A

Weapon Choice: Boxing Gloves/Knuckles

Persona: Polydeuces/Caesar

Affiliation: S.E.E.S

Nickname: Aki (Referred to by Shinijirou)

He is captain of the boxing team at Gekkoukan High. He has won countless trophies and competitions before even entering High School. Although he is passionate about boxing, he reveals that it didn't really have to be boxing, it just 'Needed to be something physical.'

He lost his parents at a young age and met his best friend Aragaki Shinjirou at the orphanage he grew up at. He had a younger sister named Miki who met an unfortunate end at a young age. Akihiko lements about not being able to protect her. The reason that he yearns for strength stems from the fact that he never wants to feel powerless again. He never wants to be unable to save someone precious to him.

He's extremely dense, when it comes to social interractions. He's very popular, especially when it comes to members of the opposite sex. He oftens acts rather insensitive to them, because he doesn't understand 'why they're following him around.' Even saying that they're being annoying and giving him a headache.

He's very loyal to his friends, and oftens expresses concern over them. He is one of the oldest members of S.E.E.S. He suggests that Minato remains leader so that he can concentrate on his training.

Originally coded by: dreamsky
Edited by: Priestess_Of_Suzaku

Pet Treasure


Lagmonster Boxing Gloves

Crimson Academy Scarf

Twilight Six-Shooter

Sweet Potato Fries

Aboxalypse Sticker

Sliced Sweet Potato

Cinnamon Pumpkin Pancakes


Protein Shake

Trophy of Triumph

Pet Friends

Iori Junpei
He's a good guy. Sometimes he acts like an idiot, but he's still a trusted comrade.

She's a really strong ally, but I don't really get her some of the times.