
Ulquiorra_ has a minion!

Orihime the Content Bunbuns

Legacy Name: Ulquiorra_

The Nightmare Lasirus
Owner: Priestess_Of_Suzaku

Age: 11 years, 5 months, 3 weeks

Born: December 25th, 2012

Adopted: 11 years, 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: December 25th, 2012


  • Level: 173
  • Strength: 433
  • Defense: 429
  • Speed: 427
  • Health: 427
  • HP: 427/427
  • Intelligence: 342
  • Books Read: 334
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Hotel Chain Owner

: Subeta Homepage : Explore : Inventory : Forums

(Pet Overlay by: CHiSHiO)

You were sure there was someone there. Somehow, you had wondered into this odd corner of Subeta. You didn't see anyone. You also didn't want to call out. It seemed taboo in this deathly silent room. You found yourself unable to break the silence.It was as if... As if something might happen to you if you did....

Where were you? You should probably just go back the way you came, but... Something. Something almost bound you here. Maybe... Curiosity? You felt like indulging yourself to a little mystery despite the warning that cliche' sentiments offer against such things.

Perhaps you had better things to do, but you felt like giving up a few precious minutes of your time. Maybe you'd see something truly interesting in return...

Your heart nearly leaped out of your chest. Against the darkness you clearly saw a set of mint green eyes staring at you. Now that you looked back they seemed to have disappeared somehow...

You wondered if it had just been the dark playing tricks on you... You gave a little sigh and turned around to go back the way you came. You froze. There they were. Those haunting green eyes. Staring at you. Lines flowed down his cheeks that were the same hue, almost mocking tears.

Your eyes had done the best they could do adjust with this miniscule amount of lighting. Now that he was rather close you could tell that he was a Nightmare Lasirus. Still he stayed unnaturally silent as he stood in your way.

His eyes burned into you as observed you.

"You should leave," his voice was soft, and held an almost silken texture. Though somehow it felt... Empty. Maybe a little.... Sad?

He moved out of your way after he determined that you weren't a threat. It seemed that he didn't find you particularly interesting, although you got the distinct impression that he didn't find many people interesting....

About Ulquiorra

Birthday: December 1st

Age: Unknown (Appears 18-22)

Height: 5'6 1/2''

Weight: 121 lbs

Occupation: Fourth Espada of Aizen's Arrancar Army


Resurrección: Murciélago

Hollow Hole Location: Sternum

Espada Tattoo location: Left side of his chest

Ulquiorra is cold and quite disppasionate. He has the habit of referring to those whom he doesn't find interesting or who he views as weak as 'Trash'. He even treats comrades as expendable for the Arrancar live by 'The Strongest Survive'. He is also not particularly violent. He will only attack if he is ordered by Aizen or otherwise provoked.

He rarely changes expressions, and is nearly impossible to rattle. His aloof nature makes him a difficult opponent because he is quite hard to read. He is also very intelligent and cunning. His physique is much more slender than the other Arrancar, but this is explained. Unlike most Arrancar who sacrifice healing abilities for a sharp power boost, Ulquiorra focused on his regenerative abilities.

Ulquiorra is the Espada the represents 'Emptiness'. He tells Inoue Orihime that he doesn't believe in the human emotions that revolve around the heart. He says that if he cannot see it with his eyes, then it doesn't exist. Her self-sacrificing nature is a puzzle to him, which causes him to constantly lecture her on his personal beliefs. Despite this she protects this vigorously.

Originally coded by: dreamsky
Edited by: Priestess_Of_Suzaku

Pet Treasure

Goin Batty! Sticker

White Bat Shirt

Bat Beanbag

Bat Makeup Kit

Snuggly Black Bat Plushie

Vampire Bat Dagger

Green Short Sword Plushie

Dying Blue Flower

Dying White Flower

Dying Blue Hydrangea

Dying Hydrangea

Green Eyeball Beanbag

Green Darkside Eye Burrower

Bat Balloon

Batty Bonbon

Pet Friends

Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
Why must he insist on acting in such a manner?