
Kaiba_Seto has a minion!

Mokuba the Akorn

Legacy Name: Kaiba_Seto

The Glacier Endeavor
Owner: Priestess_Of_Suzaku

Age: 11 years, 4 months, 3 weeks

Born: January 24th, 2013

Adopted: 11 years, 4 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: January 24th, 2013


  • Level: 91
  • Strength: 227
  • Defense: 223
  • Speed: 204
  • Health: 222
  • HP: 222/222
  • Intelligence: 323
  • Books Read: 318
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Web Developer

: Subeta Homepage : Explore : Inventory : Forums

About Kaiba Seto

Birthday: October 25th

Age: 16 (Beginning of the series) 18 (End of series)

Height: 6'1.2''

Weight: 143.3 lbs

Blood Type: A

Relatives: Younger brother, Kaiba Mokuba. Adoptive father, Gozaburo Kaiba.

Favorite Food: Beef fillet

Least favorite Food: Oden

Occupation: President of Kaibacorp

Kaiba Seto lost his parents at a young age, forcing him and his younger brother Mokuba to live in an orphanage. He loved games even then. One day, Gozaburo went to the orphanage. Seto challenged him to a game of chess. If Seto won, he would have to adopt both him and Mokuba.

Although young Seto didn't know what he was getting into. Gozaburo made Seto study 24/7, even going so far as to lock him in his room. He barely saw his beloved younger brother. Mokuba snuck in to see him and made him a card of the 'Blue Eyes White Dragon'. This was his favorite monster in Duel Monsters, but since it was so rare he didn't own one.

Seto later took over KaibaCorp. Completely devasted by having everything stolen by his sixteen-year old stepson, Gozaburo threw himself from the meeting room window. This was fatal.

Seto turned Kaibacorp from a major manufacturer of weapons of mass destruction to a gaming company. It focused on high-end technology to enhance the gaming experience. He also started building 'Kaiba Land' and amusement park for orphanged and underprivilaged children. Despite these kind actions he started down a dangerous path.

He is rather rude and generally unkind towards all people. Though he loves his younger brother Mokuba and would do anything to protect him. He even admits at one point that Mokuba 'means everything to me.'

He's quite prideful, which can be both a strength and a weakness. Although he is lonely, he believes that everyone is by themselves in the end. His pride and this belief is part of the constant friction between him and Yuugi-tachi. Yuugi is his rival in gaming and goes to great lengths to challenge him. This almost always end in his defeat.

Originally coded by: dreamsky
Edited by: Priestess_Of_Suzaku

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