
_Albert Wesker has a minion!

William Birkin the Chihiro

_Albert Wesker
Legacy Name: _Albert Wesker

The Nightmare Kora
Owner: Priestess_Of_Suzaku

Age: 11 years, 3 months, 1 week

Born: February 15th, 2013

Adopted: 11 years, 3 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: February 15th, 2013


  • Level: 190
  • Strength: 458
  • Defense: 454
  • Speed: 450
  • Health: 452
  • HP: 452/452
  • Intelligence: 377
  • Books Read: 377
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Certified Mad Scientist

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"Well, what do you want?" sounded a deep voice. You couldn't tell from his face, but you could've sworn that you had heard some annoyance in that question.

"It matters little," he set down the cup he had been holding, and it barely made any noise against the marble countertop. The cup was possibly full of coffee.

Maybe it was the sunglasses, but something made him hard to read. It was hard to tell what he was thinking. He seemed.... Dangerous, somehow.

He seemed comfortable in this cold, sterile laboratory. There were plenty of glass beakers bubbling on the counters. You felt as if you should be wearing a mask as you watched a particular beaker filled with sickenly green liquid. The smell made your nose burn and your stomach churn....

He smirked dangerously. And instinct deep inside made you want to back away from this man. You stifled it for the time being.

He walked forward, "Did you come to volunteer youself as a test subject?" he gave a dark chuckle, "Test subjects never come to me. It's.... A nice chance of pace. I assure you, your sacrifice won't be wasted."

Was this some sort of sick joke? What kind of place did you just wander into? These questions raced through your mind as you decided to leave this place far behind.

About Albert Wesker

Age: 38 (Resident Evil/Biohazard and Resident Evil/Biohazard Zero), 40 (Resident Evil/Biohazard Code Veronica), 44 (Resident Evil 4), 49 (Resident Evil/Biohazard 5)

Birthday: Unknown

Blood Type: O

Height: 6'3''

Weight: 198 lbs

Occupation: Umbrella, Inc. researcher/security officer (1978-1998), S.T.A.R.S. Captain (1996-1998), H.C.F. operative (1998), "Organization" operative (1998-2004),Tricell, Inc. researcher (2003-2009)

Originally coded by: dreamsky
Edited by: Priestess_Of_Suzaku

Pet Treasure

Mystery Reversal Concoction

Color Reversal Concoction

Elemental Reversal Concoction

Ominous Research Notes

How to Kill a Zombie Edition 2

Bound Research Notes

How to Kill a Zombie Edition 1

Upside Down Chemical Spiller 5000

Scientists Key Ring

Mutagenic Throwing Vial

Destabilizing Throwing Vial

Blueberry Bubbling Vial

Chocolate Bubbling Vial

Grape Bubbling Vial

Experimental Reversal Concoction

Pile of Experiment Plushies

Mad-Science Multitool

Index of Viruses

Laboratory Animal Cage

Police Badge

Acidic Throwing Vial

Mercurial Throwing Vial

Necrotic Throwing Vial

Vandalized Research Notes

Corrosive Research Notes

Oozing Research Notes

Meticulous Research Notes

Maimed Research Notes

Soaked Research Notes

Fantastical Research Notes

Scattered Research Notes

Infested Research Notes


Dapper So Virgil Sunglasses

Scientists ID Tag

Red Delphi Umbrella Magnet

Chemistry Textbook

Modern Science Volume I

Science for Pets I


Right Arm Mutagen

Left Arm Mutagen

Plas-Tek Large Purple Morostide Syringe

Bubbling Venom

Bubbling Bonedust

Spilled Tube of Bone Meal

Spilled Tube of Iodine Powder

Spilled Tube of Mildew Spores

Corrosive Saliva Sample

Licorice Bubbling Vial

Cherry Bubbling Vial

Orange Bubbling Vial

Berry Shot Shot

Apple Shot Shot

Lemon Shot Shot

Cherry Shot Shot

Grape Shot Shot

Sanguine Jelly Vial

Bottomless Jelly Vial

Sub-Zero Jelly Vial

Putrescent Jelly Vial

Purple Celestial Flask

Blue Celestial Flask

Yellow Celestial Flask

Green Celestial Flask

Mostly-empty Vial

Empty Glass Beaker

Purple Liquid-Filled Glass Beaker

Blue Liquid-Filled Glass Beaker

Green Liquid-Filled Glass Beaker

Yellow Liquid-Filled Glass Beaker

Orange Liquid-Filled Glass Beaker

Red Liquid-Filled Glass Beaker

Ruined Glass Beaker

Empty Glass Flask

Purple Liquid-Filled Glass Flask

Blue Liquid-Filled Glass Flask

Green Liquid-Filled Glass Flask

Yellow Liquid-Filled Glass Flask

Red Liquid-Filled Glass Flask

Orange Liquid-Filled Glass Flask

Ruined Glass Flask

Empty Rounded Flask

Purple Liquid-Filled Rounded Flask

Blue Liquid-Filled Rounded Flask

Green Liquid-Filled Rounded Flask

Yellow Liquid-Filled Rounded Flask

Orange Liquid-Filled Rounded Flask

Red Liquid-Filled Rounded Flask

Ruined Rounded Flask

Clear Glass Vial

Filled Clear Glass Handled Flask

Decanter of Mysterious Sludge


Mutated Heart

Science is a BLAST! Sticker

Experiment 1983 Pencil Case

Oversized Soft Vinyl Experiment 3485 Toy

Oversized Soft Vinyl Experiment 84 Toy

Oversized Soft Vinyl Experiment 886 Toy

Oversized Soft Vinyl Experiment 7463 Toy

Oversized Soft Vinyl Experiment 4423 Toy

Pet Friends


My, my. Isn't he hostile?

Oh, dear. It's like looking into a mirror to the past. He's just like dear Chris when he was younger.