
Pandeverous has a minion!

Puckley the Manglera

Legacy Name: Pandeverous

The Hydrus Montre
Owner: EurusFaeriewillow

Age: 17 years, 3 months, 2 weeks

Born: February 24th, 2007

Adopted: 17 years, 3 months, 2 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: February 24th, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 22
  • Strength: 56
  • Defense: 56
  • Speed: 56
  • Health: 56
  • HP: 56/56
  • Intelligence: 14
  • Books Read: 13
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Pandeverous, also known as Pan, was once merely a minnow, desperately trying to not be eaten by the bigger fishes in the sea. He was, as most of the creatures of the sea, a subject of Poseidon. Poseidon was an individual that protected the creatures of the sea both big and small.

One day Pan crossed paths with Poseidon while swimming as fast as he could to get away from a shark. Sharks were always causing mass hysteria among the other fish in the sea and they did not follow the ways of Poseidon. Poseidon saw this and decided to play a trick on the shark by morphing Pan's shape into the shape of which he is to this day, using his magical trident. Pan did not know what to do but realized he was much bigger than the shark now so he chased it instead. The shark was shocked and scared, swimming off into the opposite direction. Poseidon found this hilarious and let out a bellowing laugh that shook the seas from end to end. Pan turned back to where Poseidon was and thanked him for helping him. Poseidon bowed to Pan and then in a flash was consumed by the biggest shark Pan had ever seen. The shark he had chased off was beside the gigantic shark, the smaller one had gone for help. Pan not knowing what to do reached out for the trident of Poseidon and zapped the gigantic shark, turning it into that of a minnow. The smaller shark, being a shark as it is, ate that minnow and then fled to the depths of the sea.

Pan now had the trident of Poseidon, which he did not know what to do with. As if in answer to his puzzled thoughts, the trident began to shine bright and then exploded into millions of tiny bubbles. As the bubbles cleared Poseidon appeared holding his trident once more. Pan was amazed. Poseidon told him that he could never really die for he was the protector of the seas. Poseidon was impressed with how Pan acted when he was confronted by the King-eating shark. He then bestowed upon Pan a trident of his own, just like his and dubbed him the Protector of the Seas.

As the new Protector of the Seas, Pandeverous would go on to be a great asset to Poseidon. His deeds were known even on the land. He was sought out by Gwydia, the leader of the group known as the Protectors of Pure. She offered him to join her and her team of protectors. He accepted and to this day protects all the creatures on both land and sea, especially the smaller ones.

Pet Treasure

Poseidons Trident

Pink Octoplus

Fairy Fat Fish

Orange Octoplus

Tabby Catfish

Green Octoplus

Bettah Than You Fish

Blue Octoplus


Purple Octoplus

Mystical Myth Fish

Black Octoplus


Pet Friends

Protector of Hunger

Protector of Dreams

Protector of Cosmos

Protector of Flames

Protector of Justice

Protector of Purity

Protector of Love