
Mara-anni has a minion!

Kevin the Beko

Legacy Name: Roquelle

The Glade Sheeta
Owner: Protected

Age: 17 years, 3 months, 2 weeks

Born: March 2nd, 2007

Adopted: 12 years, 10 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: July 26th, 2011


  • Level: 100
  • Strength: 85
  • Defense: 85
  • Speed: 95
  • Health: 100
  • HP: 100/100
  • Intelligence: 45
  • Books Read: 45
  • Food Eaten: 19
  • Job: Unemployed


profile template (c) helix (get it)
background credit:
story credit: Raymond E. Feist


As tender as a green shoot, Mara was young when her father and brother died in battle, leaving her to be Lady of the Acoma.
Through sheer force of will and well-exercised cunning, Mara has fought her way through bitter lessons to emerge the victor, but it was not without sacrifice. She knows the value of her land and the people who work it and she will not take that for granted.

Among her people live a hive of Choja (black, beetle creatures the size of people) at the command of their Queen, they busy themselves spinning the finest silken fabrics you've ever seen, adding to Mara's wealth and prestige.

Mara travelled far to gain the favor of the Mother Queen to allow one of her daughters to build her home upon Acoma lands. Unorthodox in her methodology, through kindness, generosity, and a small amount of flattery, Mara gained not only a trusted vassal, but a fast friend.


Mara has not been lucky in love, but her relationships have taught her lessons, shown her what it means to be strong, and that sometimes it's also ok not to be.

She's learned well what it looks like to live in constant fear, trusting no one, keeping your own counsel. She's also learned what means to be surrounded by people you can trust, people who care for you, respect you, and want you to succeed.

The Lady of the Acoma has taken her lessons, her cunning, her wisdom, her humility, every ounce of fortitude she possesses, and brought great and lasting change to the Empire of Kelewan.

Long live the Servant of the Empire!

Mara's story can be read in full in Daughter of the Empire, Servant of the Empire, and Mistress of the Empire by Raymond E. Feist and Janny Wurts.

Pet Treasure

Indigo Vesnali Rose

Tempest in a Teacup

Box of Dried Chrysanthemum Buds

Deluxe Tea Set

Tea Party Treat Tray

Red Garden Bridge

Murky Goldfish Pond

Jade Silken Headpiece

Jade Cotton Flower Headpiece

Tumbled Jade Beads

Green Ornate Fan

Vanilla Chai Tea Bag

Vintage Noktoa Inspired Dance Card

Spring Sheeta Tea Bag

Flowering Hibiscus Tea

Box of Specialty Tea

Steam Spirit

Oversized Black Bandana

Black Lace Teacup

Box of Dried Hibiscus Buds

Crane Kimono


Cheese Plant Pot Plushie

Rubber Plant Pot Plushie

Spider Plant Pot Plushie

Snake Plant Pot Plushie

Yucca Plant Pot Plushie

Elegant Lady Fan

Green Teapot

Traditional Teacup

Fancy Antique Mug of Chai Tea

Knotty Bamboo Slips

Dove Gold Fancy Necklace

Saheric Scroll and Case


Pet Friends

Choja Queen
Friend of the Acoma

Mother of my Heart

The Great One Who Changed It All

Rift Walker
Time Watcher

Father of my Son
May they rest in the Halls of Chochocan

Impeccable Spy Master

Most Honorable Lord of the Shinzawai
Beloved Father of my Daughter

Dearest Daughter
Heir of the Acoma