
Dylox has a minion!

Rick James the Sparkoldawg

Legacy Name: Dylox

The Galactic Demi
Owner: TheStarryLioness

Age: 15 years, 10 months, 1 day

Born: August 1st, 2008

Adopted: 15 years, 10 months, 1 day ago (Legacy)

Adopted: August 1st, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 3
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

#header, #postcards, #header-ban, #header-ban-main, #header-lrc, #header-rrc {display:none;}#menu, #menu-right, #sidebar, #rightbg, #spacer, h2, #column_3 a, #footer {display:none;}#content, #index, body, #page, #bookmarks, #rightbg {background-color:transparent;}[style]body {background-color: #000000;}body,html,div,a,tr,td,font {color: #FFFFFF}body{background-position: bottom left; background-repeat:no-repeat;}body {background:url(;}[/style][center]Why'd you cut holes in the face of the moon base?//


Name: Dylox Ziana

Nicknames: Loxy, Dee, Starlet

Age: Unknown

Sex: Can switch (Prefers to dress like a girl with male equipment)

Likes: Sweets, sex, getting compliments, make-up, gold

Dislikes: Rude people, sour food, being ignored

"I've heard myself called many names over the years but by far my favorite has been Interspace Manwhore of Galactic Hotness Everywhere Imaginable. Ain't it funny how the acronym for that spells out IMGHEI? Ha! Of course, that was a while ago when I was still, in fact, completely male. Never can trust those zapping machine things, eh?
"Anyhow, welcome to my very unhumble and extravagant home where I stay when not servicing the galactic overlords of unheard planets. Over there is the kitchen stocked with thousands of cans of whipped cream, honey, and chocolate syrup. Right there is where I write my more interesting encounters and right over there...? Oh, well, that's my lovepad. Come 'ere baby, lemme show you how we do it in the Star Section of Planet XXX..."

Dylox comes from a long line of gifted people who share their talents with certain other people in a mutually enjoyable way. In other words, being a whore was something destined from birth before he was even conceived.His tales are long and wild, filled with some almost disgruntling happenings. You know those alien things from that human movie? Yeah, he's tapped that. That tentacle goop thing? Been there, done that. One eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater? Gosh, what is there that he has not touched?!

Despite his promiscuous happenings, Dylox is a bright person with a knack for creating havoc in the form of glow sticks and gold. He's easy to get along with if you don't mind a lewd mindset and grabby paws.


Pet Treasure

Dream Coda Caves Crystal

Star Fruit

Little Balls of Sunshine in a Bag

Shapely Topaz Hookah

Mobile Winter Warmth Canister

Atebus Nomad Chance Box

Modern Astronomy

Pet Friends

He talks a lot, you just have to listen