
Avery_481 has a minion!

Gus the Wishbook

Legacy Name: Avery_481

The Nostalgic Ruffie
Owner: Pinto

Age: 15 years, 9 months, 4 weeks

Born: August 17th, 2008

Adopted: 14 years, 3 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: February 17th, 2010

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 14
  • Strength: 22
  • Defense: 16
  • Speed: 14
  • Health: 20
  • HP: 20/20
  • Intelligence: 4
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

July 7th
Nantucket, Massachusetts 1871

The Atlantic Ocean is cold. Even during the height of summer the water is surprisingly brisk. Freezing, incessant waves roll over the beach, their quiet roar chasing away a silence that would otherwise hang above such a remote place. Lonely in the distance dapple-gray houses perch above the sand, overgrown with ivy and beach rose. Dark clouds hang low on the horizon and the sweet-salted scent of ocean is dulled by an unseasonal chill.

A war rages a world away, invisible to the eye but it effects are felt strongly nonetheless. Tourists that usually lay along the beach, basking in the summer sun are absent. The reality of war keeps them close to home. This world war has been raging for two years, and there is no sign of its end in sight. The beaches remain empty.

Avery fills his lungs with cool ocean air; a blessed relief from the smog and smoke of Munich. It is good to be home.

He turns up his collar against the chill and continues along the beach towards the house. Thunder claps in the distance and Avery wonders when ships will appear on the horizon, and whether resonating blasts of canon fire will drown out the thunder and crashing waves. It starts to rain, and he walks faster.

Back at the house light is a danger, so dusty relics of their life in Boston hide in deep shadow. Heavy velvet drapes effectively seal out the storm. Harbor House is a dreary place. The air is stuffy and stale. A letter addressed to Avery sits just inside the front door. His mother must have missed it with the rest of the mail. He tucks it in his coat pocket.

"Avery darling, you're soaked! I told you to take an umbrella." His mother says, peering out of the kitchen. "I made some tea for you, there's hot water on the stove. Go dry off and tell your father you're back."


July 7, 1871
My dear Anne,

I trust you are well in Hampton. Things are quiet at Harbor House. The surrounding properties lie vacant. The clouds seem to have noticed, for it has been dreadfully cold and has rained continuously since my arrival. People are worried of air-strikes and staying close to home. Father insisted we return to Nantucket despite the danger. The air does him well in his growing age. Mother keeps busy tending to her flowers, and her roses are spectacular as ever. In the evenings things must stay dark, so I write you this letter by the light of a flickering candle. The view is spectacular, how I've missed it. I only wish I could be seeing it under different circumstances.

I am truly sorry I was away for such a time, and left with no warning. Father insisted I finish school in Munich, and I was to keep my departure the utmost secret. Word travels fast and in the wrong ears suspicions could have been raised.

While I am saddened your heart has strayed, I am glad to see you so happy once again. I received your invitation in the post, and so wish that I could attend the wedding, though I will not be able to leave Harbor House. My presence is required here, and leaving the island might arouse suspicion. I shall be sad not see you walk down the isle. May the sun shine on you that day. I miss your company terribly.

Please give your fiancée my regards. He is a lucky man.

All the best,
A.A. Brightwell

June 19, 1871
Darling Avery,

I'm ever so glad to hear from you, and that things are well at Harbor House. I miss Nantucket with my whole being. New York is a dirty, dirty place.

The war hasn't made it here yet, but people are wary. William, fiancee dearest, has moved us to his estate in the country where it is considerably safer. I'm terribly bored of hunting and fishing and walking through the gardens. How I long for the surf beneath my feet and the wind through my hair! Everything here is tight and proper. I must wear a shoes every day, and terrible heavy skirts that I can hardly walk in.

My fiancee is a kind man, but he is dreadfully boring. Nothing exciting ever happens here, but we are headed to China soon, as William has work there to be done. I am very much looking forward to the trip, it will be quite the adventure! We will be stopping by Boston on our way if things are safe, as I must collect some clothing from home. Perhaps I shall stop by Harbor House.

All my love,


June 28, 1871

Things in Munich are deteriorating quickly. Hitler's party has gained considerable power in the past days, and I am worried for my life. As I write this, a carriage is waiting for me in the street below. I am to stay with the Engineer for the foreseeable future. He has a small room from which I may work and sleep. The University has been closed. Leibovitz was shot last night, he is dead.

If this letter reaches you, know I am safe. Please do not write. I should not wish for The Engineer to be harmed. Keep me in your thoughts. I miss you with every breath.

The Professor

August 18, 1871
My Darling A.A.B.,

The Engineer is flying in one of his newfangled jets to New York in a few days time. He asked if I would accompany him, although I am uncertain whether it would be wise. I think he wishes to have me hide with him in the States until the war is over. Hitler's party has taken over Munich and international travel is suicide. But I do not wish to keep The Engineer in harm's way any longer. I think I shall go with him.

I have not left this room for days. Thoughts of you keep me sane. I inclosed a photo, you might remember the day. I have crossed out your face for I do not wish it to be traced to you. It has kept me company these dark nights, and if anything should happen on my crossing to the States, I wish for you to have it, as a reminder of happier days.

The Librarian is forging me a set of travel papers, and is sending you this letter in some mystical way she will not explain. I hope it reaches you.

With love,
The Professor

"Avery, darling! Someone is at the door for you, shall I let them in? They look quite soaked! Out there in the pouring rain without an umbrella..."

"Yes, Mother, I'll be down shortly." Avery folded the letter and placed it in his desk drawer. With a turn of the key he locked it away from curious eyes. Nobody needed to know about the Professor. That was private information his parents did not need to know.

"Avery?" His mother called again.

"Just a moment!" Anne must have made it from Boston for a visit after all. He smiled.

Mumbled conversation floated up from the foyer as Avery made his way downstairs. "Avery, are you sure you know this man?" His mother started, "he is quite-"

"Avery!" The man called out.

Avery froze at the bottom of the stairs. "Yossi?" Yossi was standing in the doorway like some kind of glowing ghost. He couldn't be here, his Professor. It wasn't possible.

"Avery?" The man took a step forward and the darkness of the house filled his hollow face. Surely Avery had not forgotten him so quickly?

He was dirty. His suit was wrinkled and stained and soaked from the storm. His skin, pale. His greying hair was a tangled, greasy, dripping mess. But his dark grey eyes were wide and clear. "What in the devil's name are you doing here, Yossi?" Avery took hold of his arm. "We must talk in in private. Come." He turned to his mother, "would you excuse us for a while, this is an important matter." She nodded, her brow furrowed. This was a dangerous time to have uninvited guests.

"What are you thinking?" Avery hissed when they were alone in his bedroom. "This is madness! You cannot stay here! Do you have any idea what sort of danger you bring upon us by showing your face? If you are discovered we, my parents, we shall all be shot for aiding the enemy! You are the enemy here, do you realize that?" Avery put his fingers to his temple, trying to ward off the oncoming headache.

Yossi stood in the middle of the darkened room, dripping wet and confused, as Avery paced around him. Yossi had not expected this reaction. "Avery, my Darling, show me some compassion." He choked, "I have missed you terribly. Do not chastise me for it. It has taken our friends great effort to bring me here and you would send me away? I know the danger I have brought upon you and your family is very real, but if I had stayed in Munich I would have been killed. I had nowhere else to go. I couldn't bear to die without seeing your face one last time. It was selfish of me to think you would want to see me. I will go, if it is what you want." Yossi turned toward the door, but Avery took his hand, holding him back.

"Yossi, I have no such thoughts. How could I send you away?" He pulled Yossi closer to him. "I am sorry for being harsh, I did not expect to see you. I am overwhelmed, I--"

"It is safe here. We are alone." Yossi wrapped his arms around Avery's waist, drawing them together.

"We are not alone, my parents are here with us." Avery said, tucking a greying curl behind Yossi's ear. "How I wish we were truly alone."

"Then we must be quiet," Yossi said with a smirk.

"Oh Yossi, don't say such things!" Avery pushed away from him with a laugh.

"I'm serious." Yossi slowly trailed his thumb down Avery's jaw and across his parted lips, breath hot on damp skin. "I've missed you."

"Professor," Avery managed, before Yossi leaned in and closed the short distance between them with a searing kiss.


Avery is sports buddies with hipster
Avery is science bros with Yossi and Hinny

Pet Treasure

Whiskey Decanter Set

Ziaran Pill Box


White Valley Flower

Autumn Rain

Crimson Letter


Centaurette Ground

Painting Outdoors

Ebony Stained Easel

Marsh Metal Paint

Red Pot of Acrylic Hobby Paint

Dying Leaf

Roll of Gauze



Fashion Police Shades

Delish Ion Earring

Antique Dark Parlor Settee

Fatty Chickadee

Fanciful Bottled Ship

Black Inkwell

Key to My Heart

Grumpy Lightning Sticker

Stubby Round Cast Iron Stove

Split Rosehip

Thru Time Pocket Watch

Ornate Teacup

Aged Pocket Watch

Chamomile Tea Bag

Calligraphy Pen

Hastily Written Note From Anthony

Ballroom Property Manager Note

Atebus Rumor Report

Scarred Leather Record Book

Simple Clockwork Design

Wild Thing Snakeskin Shoes

Delish Pi Shoes

Goodboy Dogtooth Bow Tie

Lederhosen Knee Socks

Dapper So Anthony Socks and Garters

Southern Gentleman Vest

Lederhosen Checked Shirt

Delish Decked Out Cardigan

Navy and Cream Striped Chunky Knit Sweater

Plaid Cardi Combo

Neutral Fair Isle Shawl Cardigan

Heavy Blue Duster

Black Forest Trifle

Cucumber Sandwich

Homemade Pumpkin Pie

Fresh Vesnali Honeycomb

Raw Quail Eggs

Roast Beef

Six Pack of Hard Cider

Aunt Bindys Homemade Jam

Cranberry Tart

Apple Cinnamon Pie


Gin and Tonic

Pet Friends

they're buddies. haven't decided for what yet xD