
Yossi has a minion!

Golgotha the Red Rreignling

Legacy Name: Yossi

The Reborn Archan
Owner: Pirate

Age: 16 years, 9 months, 3 weeks

Born: August 26th, 2007

Adopted: 7 years, 11 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: July 3rd, 2016


  • Level: 28
  • Strength: 63
  • Defense: 33
  • Speed: 48
  • Health: 32
  • HP: 32/32
  • Intelligence: 29
  • Books Read: 29
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Store Clerk

"You can't do this!" the man is shouting as they are pushing and pulling him towards the hole in the ground. He is about fifty years old, brown hair with gray streaks reaching down to his shoulders, green wise eyes, a slim but wirily body and hands that look like he has worked a lot with them in his life-time. One of the kings' guards is staring at him, his face emotionless like a mask. "We have our orders." is all he is saying.
"But I built this cathedral, it's my work! He told me I did great!" The man's face is looking distorted by fear, disbelief and the flickering light of two torches that the guards are carrying. "He can't just let me die down here!"
"He is the king, he can do whatever he wants!" is the answer, more hissed than spoken. "This cathedral is exceptional and to keep it that way it's necessary for you to take your knowledge with you - into your grave."
"I won't say anything, I promise, I-I would nev-"
In this second one of the guards gives him a last push that throws him down the hole. A few minutes later, after a big stone has been rolled over the hole and is sitting there like a cork on a bottle, the panicked screams of the man down there are muted and only fill the pitch-black chamber that now is his new and last home.

Scratching noises. Constant and fast, like the initiator knows that his time is running out. Metal on stone. Hour after hour, day after day, deep down in the dark all the hate and despair is flowing into a plummet and from it into the stone as well. "He will do. He will find you. Oh yes, the lion will get you. Crush you. Eat you alive. All of you. I want your death!" Suddenly a painful scream can be heard and two gigantic yellow eyes are staring out of the black nothing. The man is injured but still alive, breathing heavily. Then there is a voice, deep and mightly like the roll of thunder. "Everything comes with a price, you know?" One last strike from a massive lithic paw, one leap that just turns the covering of the hole into dust and there's silence. Stifling and overwhelming silence. Until the cathedral collapses and a young man wakes up screaming.

"...not this dream again..."
It takes a few moments until Yossi has control over his breathing again, his heart however is still pumping like mad. Out of impulse Yossi grabs the plummet he is wearing on a leather band around his neck. Isn't it warmer than usual? And wasn't there a faint yellow glow right before he had opened his eyes? He takes a deep breath and gets up from bed while shaking his head with a resolute look on his face. "Enough of this, that's ridiculous!" As always there is this little voice in his head, reminding him of his grandfather, his great-grandfather and also his great-great grandfather all of which suddenly vanished short after their 53rd birthday. "Pure coincidence!" Yossi answers his inner voice, not caring that he is in fact talking to himself once again. "Familiy curses are nonsense."

"Oh dear boy you can deny me but nothing will stop me. You have the plummet, so you are mine. I am the lion and I am your fate so enjoy your little life for it will be over soon enough."

"Wirklich tot sind nur jene,
an die sich niemand mehr erinnert."

Name: Yossi Löwenstein
Age: 27 (born on August 7th)
From: Potsdam, Germany
Living in: Berlin, Germany
Hair: long, dyed in blonde, black and magenta
Eyes: dark brown
Build: skinny
Sexuality: asexual and aromantic
Relationship status: single
Job: conservator (speciality: stone)
Family: parents, two brothers, grandparents
Clothing style: goth / metal; wears an ancient plummet on a leather band around his neck which is a family heirloom
Character: rather calm and quiet, friendly, open-minded, thoughtful, mentally tough
- became a stonemason (like many people in his family history) before he studied to become a conservator
- lost his best friend to suicide at the age of 16
- likes visiting cemeteries
- crafts a lot in his spare time as well, like origami, sculturing, photography, drawing and painting
- always takes his journal and his sketchbook with him
- often talks to himself

Pet Treasure


Damaged Focsle


Gold Spinner Stone Wasp

Dream Journal

Silver Holiday Star Necklace Charm

Riverside Dreidel

Vaguely Shaped Creature Sketches

Rock Sculpting Hammer

Rock Sculpting Chisel

Winter Sphinx Relief

Autumn Sphinx Relief

Summer Sphinx Relief

Spring Sphinx Relief

Spooky Tombstone

Encased Tomb Beanbag

Cross Tombstone

Block of Marble

Block of Sandstone

Block of Limestone

Block of Granite






DSLR Camera

Topaz Dragon Statue

Carved Jade Legeica Statue

Imported Abalone Clasp

Imported Jade Clasp

Imported Jasper Clasp

Imported Lapis Lazuli Clasp

Imported Petrified Wood Clasp

The Dillema Replica Sculpture

Brown Red Rreign Statue

Brown Wreathed Red Rreign Statue

Gift Wrap Origami

Single Paper Crane

Tiny Paper Mouse

Origami Star

Sodden Origami Bird

Wordwing Butterfly

Origami Giraffe

Origami Elephant

White Origami Crane Kit

Jar of Paper Stars

Glowing Hydrus Sea Glass

Galaxy Trim2Fit Decal Sheet

Torn Up Sketch Book

Beloved Bunny Doll

Pet Friends