
Legacy Name: Gitane

The Darkmatter Kumos
Owner: Fogling

Age: 15 years, 3 months, 2 weeks

Born: February 13th, 2009

Adopted: 15 years, 3 months, 2 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: February 13th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 5
  • Strength: 13
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 12
  • Health: 11
  • HP: 10/11
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed


Basic information

Full name: Gitane Moon
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Height: 5'6"
Species: Gumiho (otherwise known as Kitsune)
Ethnicity: Korean/Italian


Her almond shaped eyes are a distracting gold color, nearly sunset orange, a shade brighter than the tiger fur coat she often wears. Her olive skin is smooth and flawless where it is visible, but long pink scars run along her back and sides. She wears her wavy brown hair short, sometimes in neat little finger waves that were so popular in the 1920's. Her cupid's bow lips are always covered with bright red lipstick and she usually wears pearls, especially around her thin and graceful neck. Her hands are quick with long, thin palms and fingers, but her nails are often chewed to stubs. She is often seen with a mandolin.


Gitane is the perfect gemini. One moment, she's the sweetest, wittiest girl you've ever met, the next second, she's dark and stormy. She claims to genuinely care about people, and she does, unless they start crying. At that point, she'll give them a dirty look and walk away. She believes strength is a virtue, but is not above pleading. She always gets what she wants one way or another.

The Details

Gitane was born to a Korean mother and an Italian father. Her birth, however was not a celebrated one. Her father was married to a different woman, and her mother was the mistress. After she was born, the man disappeared from their lives saying "Name her Gitane, you both are gypsies anyway." Despite the anger, hurt and betrayal flying every which way, her mother did just that, laughing slightly.
"We may not be gypsies, neseki, but we are something much, much worse."

Gitane grew up to be an ugly, awkward little girl. She was chubby, short and stared at everyone with angry, golden eyes. Her mother traveled around, taking on many lovers, all of them married and she believed that this ugly daughter was karma of sorts, not that it stopped her.

One night, as she was washing Gitane's long, dark hair in the bathtub, she noticed huge, red gashes down her back and sides. Her daughter was resisting the change from human into something else. She sighed. It pained her to see her little one so defiant and strong and hurt when she deserved to be happy and fragile like any little girl, but creatures such as themselves did not talk about these things, so Gitane's mother remained silent.

While her peers were suffering through puberty, she seemed to grow beautiful with their increasing angst and confusion. She grew tall and thin and watched the world with eyes that were more curious than hateful. The slew of older boys who took an interest in her only added to her growing confidence until it turned to arrogance. From her mother, she learned how to speak coyly and beguile poor boys to their doom... Or at least empty wallets and bank accounts. But at night, terrors still ravaged her mind and body. Her hands grew two inch long claws and she would tear at her sides while her stomach knotted itself into strange shapes and her spine cracked and popped. Every night during this, she would dream that her teeth would fall out with sharp fox teeth would take their place. This continued until she was twenty. She woke up one night, in the middle of a dream and saw her claws. She leaped out of bed and her toes grew long and furred, her knees shortened, her hips popped into a new shape and her spine twisted and curved, until it was only her sweat-beaded face that was human. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her fur was as white and luminous as the moon and she had two tails. She opened her mouth to laugh but it turned into a harsh bark as her mouth lengthened into a snout
"Kisses are worth their weight in gold. Whispers can
be crueler than the harsh winter wind. Affection
amounts to nothing in the end, yes I know. I'm
no bimbo, no street girl pacing like an stray cat
with the ambition of becoming a tigress. But...
Whats wrong with a little fun? A little

Pet Treasure

Tiger Bikini Bottom

Short Shorts

Tiger Bikini Top

Pet Friends

A morsel of apianist. :3

Quentin Tarantino
And who might you be?

I'm my own friend. :)

No killing the nice ladies.. Okay? c: