
Vexen_ has a minion!

Marluxia the Confekitti

Legacy Name: Vexen_

The Glacier Tigrean
Owner: Priestess_Of_Suzaku

Age: 13 years, 5 months, 2 weeks

Born: December 29th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 5 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: December 29th, 2010


  • Level: 484
  • Strength: 1,210
  • Defense: 1,208
  • Speed: 1,205
  • Health: 1,206
  • HP: 1,201/1,206
  • Intelligence: 1,707
  • Books Read: 1638
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Deputy Director

: Subeta Homepage : Explore : Inventory : Forums

(Pet Depiction & Pet Overlay by CHiSHiO)

You can't really recall why you were wandering around in this place. Everything seemed like a blur. The walls were all gray and white. You walked down the long hallway and rested your hand on the doorknob. It was freezing...

Despite this you decided to open the door. You peered into the room. You walked in the room slowly and noticed that it seemed to get colder the further you went in. There were machines that you couldn't even begin to guess their purpose and glass viles and beakers. The smell of chemicals burned at your nose and made you uneasy. You could only guess that you were in some sort of laboratory.

"Well? Get on with it," you heard a rather impatient voice state. You hadn't even noticed that someone was there.

You whipped around to see the source of the chill the in air. A rather serious looking Tigrean was working with some brightly colored chemical. Standing silently behind him was an Nightmare Escalade that seemed to peer through you.

"Well?" he snapped, "I'm very busy. If you have nothing of merit to say, then be on your way," when he looked at you, you almost felt as if you were underneath a microscope. He stare made you feel uneasy.

He examined you up and down, "Hmm... I suppose you don't have to leave. Would you mind taking part in one of my experiments?"

About Vexen

Number: IV

Title: The Chilly Academic (Literal Japanese Translation: Freezing Scholar)

Vexen is the number IV(4) of the mysterious Organization XIII. Meaning that he was one of the first to join the Organization. It is widely thought that their numbers represent the order in which they were created/introduced into the Organazation, although it is never directly stated.

Vexen is not very social. In fact he would much rather spend his days in a laboratory than socializing with the other nobodies. The only other nobodies that he seems to have any sort of positive relationship with would be Zexion and Lexaeus. These two seem to help him with his experiments and joined the Organization roughly the same time as Vexen. He has a disdain for Marluxia whom Vexen believes plots against the leader of the Organization. Marluxia also seems to show no respect to his senior in the Organization.

In battle Vexen's weapon is a very large blue shield with spikes lining the edges. He uses it to fend off frontal attacks and cause some serious bashing damage. He also has the ability to control ice, blasting ice from his hand and causing ice to engulf his foe temporarily restricting movement. He can also coat the ground with ice making it hard to keep your footing, and making spikes of ice rise from the ground to hunt down his opponent. He can call forth a 'blizzard' attack that is unavoidable and quite hard to counter. Lastly he can form a sword made of ice to hit his enemies.

Vexen is truly brilliant and behind most of the scientific work in the Organazation. He created a replica of Riku, which he then sent after Sora and the original Riku. The replica was unaware of his status as the replica. Eventually he found out and turned against the Organization the replica is deemed a failure by Marluxia. This was a sore spot for Vexen, because of his dislike for Marluxia. (The replica is often referred to as Repliku)

Originally coded by: dreamsky
Edited by: Priestess_Of_Suzaku

Pet Treasure

Fantastical Research Notes

Winter Is Coming

Research File Cabinet

Scientific Notebook

Experimental Reversal Concoction

Bound Research Notes

Ominous Research Notes

Elemental Reversal Concoction

Color Reversal Concoction

Mystery Reversal Concoction

Soaked Research Notes

Corrosive Research Notes

Vandalized Research Notes

Meticulous Research Notes

Maimed Research Notes

Infested Research Notes

Scattered Research Notes

Oozing Research Notes

Modern Science Volume I

Chemistry Textbook

Science for Pets I

Weapons That Freeze

How to Use a Shield

Tales of the Heart

Black Goffic Jacket

Science is a BLAST! Sticker


Corrosive Saliva Sample

Acidic Throwing Vial

Destabilizing Throwing Vial

Mutagenic Throwing Vial

Necrotic Throwing Vial

Mercurial Throwing Vial

Spilled Tube of Mildew Spores

Spilled Tube of Iodine Powder

Spilled Tube of Bone Meal

Bubbling Bonedust

Bubbling Venom

Purple Celestial Flask

Blue Celestial Flask

Green Celestial Flask

Yellow Celestial Flask

Red Celestial Flask

Sanguine Jelly Vial

Bottomless Jelly Vial

Sub-Zero Jelly Vial

Putrescent Jelly Vial

Chocolate Bubbling Vial

Licorice Bubbling Vial

Blueberry Bubbling Vial

Lime Bubbling Vial

Lemon Bubbling Vial

Orange Bubbling Vial

Cherry Bubbling Vial

Raspberry Bubbling Vial

Grape Bubbling Vial

Asmodeus Concoction Base

Empty Glass Beaker

Orange Liquid-Filled Glass Beaker

Orange Liquid-Filled Glass Flask

Orange Liquid-Filled Rounded Flask

Purple Liquid-Filled Glass Beaker

Purple Liquid-Filled Glass Flask

Purple Liquid-Filled Rounded Flask

Red Liquid-Filled Rounded Flask

Red Liquid-Filled Glass Beaker

Red Liquid-Filled Glass Flask

Ruined Glass Beaker

Ruined Glass Flask

Ruined Rounded Flask

Yellow Liquid-Filled Rounded Flask

Yellow Liquid-Filled Glass Beaker

Yellow Liquid-Filled Glass Flask

Green Liquid-Filled Rounded Flask

Green Liquid-Filled Glass Flask

Green Liquid-Filled Glass Beaker

Blue Liquid-Filled Rounded Flask

Blue Liquid-Filled Glass Flask

Strange Glowing Vial

Blue Liquid-Filled Glass Beaker

Clear Glass Vial

Filled Clear Glass Bell Flask

Clear Glass Bell Flask

Clear Glass Handled Flask

Empty Rounded Flask

Empty Glass Flask

Empty Vial

Filled Clear Glass Vial

Purple Vial of Sand

Pink Vial of Sand

Blue Vial of Sand

White Vial of Sand

Pet Friends

A very interesting subject.

A project I am rather proud of.