
Alexie has a minion!

Sew the Patches

Legacy Name: Alexie

The Steamwork Anyu
Owner: Eris

Age: 13 years, 1 month, 3 weeks

Born: April 8th, 2011

Adopted: 13 years, 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: April 8th, 2011


  • Level: 54
  • Strength: 38
  • Defense: 12
  • Speed: 14
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Basic Information:


Name: Alexie Mstislav

Meaning: Defender of Vengeance and glory

Alias: Alex, Tovie, Alik

Gender: Male

Age:r 27

Nationality: Russian

Build: Tall Heavy build, Made up of mussels and a robotic left arm.

Hair: Dark brown/ Black

Eyes: One Icy blue right eye and a bright green left one

Features: A well built Robotic left arm, Mismatched eyes and a friendly smile.


The son of an Alcoholic father and a distantly cold mother, Alexie did not have a brilliant start in life....

Between is Fathers Physical abuse and his mothers harsh words, Alexie never thought much of himself as a child. He was always so tired and bruised he never had an energy to play with the other children. No little Alik always had to stay inside and watch the snow fall from his window, Listening to the other children having fun all day.

It wasn't until he was in his late teen years that he started to stand up for himself, Leading to him finally being able to leave his home again. He was a thin sickly looking boy who didn't look like he could really do much for himself but at least he could go out on his own.

It didn't take him long to see himself as the others did though, Pathetically weak and feeble. Try as he might to ignore it he knew it was true. The young man felt his body struggling at the simplest of tasks, even with any help he could find. So he made a choice.

He had to leave home.

It was only after he went to live with his uncle in the heart of the city, that he started to look after himself properly again. With the older man's help he started to gain some meat on his bones, gaining muscle mass and a healthy apatite.

His uncle was a great man, Nothing like Alexie's Father. He was a well known Blacksmith in the City, making a range of items from simple sheet metal, to weaponry and Other special Items. Although he new main priority was his Nephew of whom he wanted to teach to look after himself properly, starting off with how to work. It was only a few months until the boy could help him in his work, Helping the young man build his confidence and his strength.

Pet Treasure



Gearbound Journal

A Few Loose Screws

Clockwork Dreams

Mismatched Metal

Shiny Metal Binder

Broken Gear

Tinkerers Knapsack

Lasirus Bionic Arm

Steamworks Trinket

Lounge Trinket

The Smoker

Black Bear

Metallic Mango Champagne

Metallic Raspberry Champagne

Metallic Grape Champagne

Metallic Green Apple Champagne

Metallic Blueberry Champagne

Pet Friends

My Veautiful Nadia
