
Yasutora Chad has a minion!

Asano Keigo the Bermbadu

Yasutora Chad
Legacy Name: Yasutora Chad

The Marsh Bhakoru
Owner: Priestess_Of_Suzaku

Age: 12 years, 10 months, 2 days

Born: August 13th, 2011

Adopted: 12 years, 10 months, 2 days ago

Adopted: August 13th, 2011


  • Level: 131
  • Strength: 324
  • Defense: 326
  • Speed: 318
  • Health: 322
  • HP: 322/322
  • Intelligence: 189
  • Books Read: 172
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Head of Operations

: Subeta Homepage : Explore : Inventory : Forums

You found yourself in the Minion's Market. Hmmm.... Was it because you were picking something up for your pet's minion? Or did you come to take one home? Maybe you were just hoping to see a rare minion. Whatever the case may be, you found yourself there all the same.

There you saw him. It was a Marsh Bhakoru. He seemed... A bit bigger than the other Bhakoru's you had seen. Maybe it was just because he was beside those small cages... He stood there quietly.

You couldn't tell what he was thinking. Thick, curly hair obscured half of his face from your view. There was no mistaking it though. There was a sweet smile on his lips as he played with the minions.

The minions seemed to cheerfully welcome the attention. Since they had no owners of their own as of yet, they seemed quite delightedly by the Bhakoru's playfulness. The bird minions merrily cheeped. They seemed particularly fond of him.

It was kind of odd. Watching this mighty Bhakoru almost clumsily playing with these tiny creatures. It was as if they sensed his intent and forgave his little mistakes.

You had gotten wrapped up in watching the oddly serene sight. It was probably time that you returned to the rest of your day.

About Chad

Age: 15

Birthday: April 7

Height: 6'6''

Weight: 246.9 lbs

Blood Type: A

Special Note: Chad was born in Okinawa, Japan. But he moved to Mexico with his parents when he was young. He moved back to Japan in middle school.

Interesting Fact: Chad is a very good student. He scored 11th in the top 50 in academics for his year.

Early in life Chad was somewhat of a bully using his size to his advantage. He intimidated or beat up anyone that annoyed him. This started because people made fun of him for his size. He was currently being raised by his grandfather, because both of his parents had died. His grandfather tried to teach him the error of his ways. He tried to teach him to be gentle, but there was little success. Soon the parents of the kids that Chad beat up came seeking retaliation. When they were about to enact their retribution, his grandfather stepped between them. He took Chad's beating without fighting back. This was when Chad took his grandfather's words to heart.

'You're tall....You're handsome...You were born with all the things people wish for. People who are different are always picked on.I don't know what it's like in other places, but in this world, that's how it is... But, Chad.... Learn to be kind. You've got big, strong fists. You need to learn to use them for good. Chad... You are big and strong. So learn to be kind. Kinder than other people.'

This shaped who Chad grew up to be. As a fifteen-year-old he is kind. He will not raise his fists to protect himself. He will only use them to protect others. After his grandfather died he moved back to Japan. Karakura to be exact. There he met Ichigo who was being attacked by thugs. When the thugs tried to get revenge against Chad, Chad wouldn't fight back. He promised to never raise his fists for himself again. Ichigo saw this, and saved Chad. He asked why such a capable fighter wouldn't defend himself. Chad told him about his past. He told Ichigo about a coin that he wore around his neck. His grandfather gave it to him, and he made his vow on it. The thugs found out about the coin's importance. The leader had Chad captured and threatened Chad with the destruction of the coin. Ichigo learned of this and came to help Chad and protect the coin that he held so dear. When they had defeated the thugs Ichigo proposed a deal.

'Okay.... How 'Bout this, Chad? You won't have to hit people on you own account anymore. But in return you have to hit people to help me. I'll fight for you, and you'll fight for me. If there's something you want to protect with your life, I'll protect it with my life. Is it a promise?'

Shocked and touched Chad agreed. He took this promise very seriously and protects Ichigo's life and dedications to the death.

Originally coded by: dreamsky
Edited by: Priestess_Of_Suzaku

Pet Treasure

Mexican Flag

Gold Flipper Coin

Galactic Emperor Gloves

Garish Orange Beach Shirt

Orange Pineapple Beach Shirt

Orange Flower Beach Shirt

Garish Gray Beach Shirt

Gray Pineapple Beach Shirt

Gray Flower Beach Shirt

Garish Purple Beach Shirt

Purple Pineapple Beach Shirt

Purple Flower Beach Shirt

Garish Blue Beach Shirt

Blue Pineapple Beach Shirt

Blue Flower Beach Shirt

Garish Green Beach Shirt

Green Pineapple Beach Shirt

Green Flower Beach Shirt

Pet Friends