
Fenugremy has a minion!

Tend the Herbhog


The Chibi Priggle
Owner: Protected

Age: 15 years, 4 months, 4 weeks

Born: January 5th, 2009

Adopted: 1 year, 10 months, 4 days ago

Adopted: July 29th, 2022

Pet Spotlight Winner
March 27th, 2023


  • Level: 75
  • Strength: 135
  • Defense: 35
  • Speed: 35
  • Health: 35
  • HP: 35/35
  • Intelligence: 255
  • Books Read: 254
  • Food Eaten: 16
  • Job: Unemployed


profile template (c) helix (get it)
story credit: started by Protected
finalized by Tribe
image wrap coding assist by Phoenix
background credit: TY MECHAM

bottom body image credit:
mirror images are Subeta's
Jar of Spices

discover aromatics

You've just entered a room, its walls covered–top to bottom–in shelves: each filled with seasonings and herbs and all manner of spices. A tiny little sneeze comes from some corner of the room–you’re not sure which–and, as you take a breath to utter a quick “bless you,” you wind up sneezing yourself.

"Oh, bless you!" a tiny being with a tiny voice that matched the tiny sneeze is all of a sudden on the table right next to you, "The air takes some getting used to in here."

He sneezes again; after a brief lil shiver runs through him–his quills a-flurry with the movement–he smiles at you.

Oh my good goshness, look at his little priggly smile.

It’s 100% worth it!” he continues, “Tensai makes the b e s t food you’ve ever had in the entirety of your life, and this is where is all starts!

Settling down on a stool by the counter, you start to watch this smol man scurry from shelf to shelf with packets and sachets and jars; he carefully measures and portions each aromatic, as precisely as can be, occasionally flicking off an errant grain or two. He seems perfectly happy to talk as he works and, well, you’ve never been one to walk out on a story.

You listen with rapt attention to your new little prickle-friend as he regales you with tale after tale of this draconic, mad-scientist-chef creature that floats effortlessly through the kitchen to this very spice closet. Apparently deep in thought, this mystical beast composes his dishes as he moves through life, his sense of smell searching, contemplating, assembling great symphonies of flavor. Ever so carefully considering his choices...

That pensive look quickly pivots to laser focus once he’s decided upon his course of action.


Remy spoke of how he became well-acquainted with the unsatisfied look in his Head Chef’s eye; more often than not, it was about to lead to an adventure. Time after time, Tensai would then scoop up little Remy, pop him somewhere behind one of the dragon’s twirling horns, and dash off through a window without another word.

And, oh, what adventures!

They fly high and low, through the arching trellises of beautiful old trees and over the sprawling fields and hills and vineyards, all to arrive at some rarely traversed patch in a far-off corner of The Land. A time or two, he’s flown clear over everything under the watchful eye of Veg and Big Bro and taken them on adventures all over Subeta.

Always, of course, for an unusual herb or pepper, a sample for cultivation carefully carried back with them for Big Bro to add to The Yield.

Diversity is key, it seems.

And these stories are fantastic, but you muse to yourself with a small, happy smile that the most profound part of your interaction today, was the overwhelming admiration this liddol boy has for the Head Chef. It shines bright in his eyes: an absolute trust. One that has unshakeable faith in the Dragon’s ability to keep the whole of this family safe.

All for the love of spices.

What a beautiful thing the planet Subeta makes for us~

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Pet Treasure

Agar Agar Powder


Golden Flaxseeds

Almond Meal

Nutritional Yeast Flakes

Poppy Seeds

Beet Root Powder

Happy Herbivore

Whole Cardamom Pods

Whole Cinnamon Sticks

Whole Star Anise

Whole Nutmeg

Marble Mortar and Pestle

Jelly Size Empty Mason Jar

Lemon Pepper Spice Rub

Italian Herb Spice Rub

Hickory BBQ Spice Rub

Tropical Island Marinade

Garlic Butter Marinade

Balsamic Herb Marinade

Chipotle Lime Marinade

Cajun Spice Rub

Basic BBQ Spice Rub

Bottle of Kosher Salt

Bottle of Pink Salt

Bottle of Light Gray Sea Salt

Bottle of Vetan Smoked Salt

Bottle of Black Salt

Curry Leaves

Dried Mint

Mixed Herbs

Dried Marjoram

Dried Thyme

Dried Dill Leaves

Dried Chives

Basket of Cardamom

Basket of Turmeric

Ras El Hanout


Ground Cayenne

Ground Paprika

Ground Cumin

Omen Islands Hot Sauce

Darkside Hot Sauce

Centropolis Hot Sauce

Ziara Hot Sauce

Veta Lake Hot Sauce

Shadowglen Hot Sauce

Riverside Valley Hot Sauce

Delphi Hot Sauce

Sacred Lands Hot Sauce

Subeta Hot Sauce

Liquid Smoke

Egg Furikake

Bonito Furikake

Vegetable Furikake

Dried Tarragon

Herbs De Provence

Dried Rosemary

Dried Sage

Dried Basil

Kala Namak Salt

Soy Sauce

Ground Cloves

Caraway Seeds

Ground Allspice

Ground Cinnamon

Ground Ginger

Ground Redpepper

Ground Nutmeg

Pet Friends

Head Chef
& Hero

Produce Protector

Raw Material Supplier

Hand of the Farm

Aerial Reconnaissance

Ground Control

Harvests The Yield

Mother Land