
Lughnasadh has a minion!

Stellaluna the Bathilde

Legacy Name: AO'B

The Harvest Harvester
Owner: Protected

Age: 6 years, 1 month, 3 weeks

Born: April 10th, 2018

Adopted: 1 year, 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: September 14th, 2022

This pet has been nominated for the Pet Spotlight!


  • Level: 20
  • Strength: 30
  • Defense: 20
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 20
  • HP: 20/20
  • Intelligence: 15
  • Books Read: 13
  • Food Eaten: 6
  • Job: Unemployed


profile template (c) helix (get it)
adopted from: yoongi
story credit: Protected
edits by Tribe
background credit:
finished via Cyroris’s Workshop

the cauldron harvests

When Bro was being coded, something glitched and he got the whole botanical database. The very second the download was complete and Bro pinged to life, Lu, a lost soul apparently waiting for their other half to be birthed into the world,
Lu popped up right next to him.

Summoned through time and space.

They were adorable mirrors of startled confusion.

Lu had been manifested through the feelings of loss and despair over the disappearance of our natural world.

Our land has been eaten.

The concrete closes in…

Trash blows around like leaves…

Nobody is in touch with the Earth.

Nobody grows anything anymore…

But then there was Big Bro.

The instant his code was downloaded in full, Big Bro and Little Lu were brought together because they were meant for one purpose:

Bring the Green back to Mother Land.

There grew a community around the idea of being Protected.

Bro is the Beginning to Lu’s End.

And Lu brings the bats.

What do we mean by that, okay, so as far as we surmise, Lu has a peculiar quirk of echolocation.
And when you speak with bats, you learn they’re really very logical creatures.
Yes, they are many and we are few, do we really have anything to offer?


Let’s just say, after proper introductions were made, the many skills of our family were abundantly clear.

So we promised to protect, in earnest, their sleeping grounds,
to provide abundant food and sparkling water,
in exchange for a little delivery service at Harvest Time.

We all agreed it was a pretty good deal.

And they’ve shown their loyalty in spades, occasionally amassing as an equal in size to Good Sir Veg when The Yield was threatened.

Really, they would answer the Call to Arms if anything in The Land was threatened—
They’ve become an extension of Lu.

And now we have a big, batty family!
They're fed their choice of our crops, welcome to chow down on whatever fresh goodies their hearts desire—some cheeky devils like to leave a few choice fruits out for a little too long, ripening them to a very specific point of fermentation.

Funny beans. Happy beans!
… tomorrow morning evening, sometimes hungover beans.

We love our batty buds ~🦇

And we, of course, make sure they’re housed in peace; be it resting in the caves eroded by Bullion or lounging about the trees in The Land.

Come time for harvest, they are proudly responsible for a percentage of The Yield that’s most likely in the high nineties.

They handle it so gently.

We do what we can, literally everything we can, but man, Lu runs a tight ship!

It’s so cool, you should see it~
‘Lil flying beans moving the beans.

It’s just adorable.

🌱 ━━━━━ 🦇🦇🦇 ━━━━━ 🌱

Pet Treasure

Citrus Cuddlebat Plushie

Tiny Morostide Bat Plushie



Baby Fluffbat Beanbag

Bat Blob Buddy


Cute Black Collared Vampire Bat

Lemon Fruit Bat Beret

Refreshing Watermelon Plushie

Dramatic Purple-Winged Vampire Bat

Cute Red Collared Vampire Bat

Plain Snobat

Twilight Lasirus Inflatable Decoration

Black Bat Plushie

Simple Sweetheart Lasirus Figure

Snuggly Silver Bat Plushie

Nightmare Lasirus Plushie

Peach Fruit Bat Beret


Zigzag Fruit Bat Cuddle Buddy

Snuggly Red Bat Plushie

Spiked Bat

Cute Gold Collared Vampire Bat

I Love Bats Poster



Dramatic White-Winged Vampire Bat


Pumpkin Patchwork Bat Plushie


Wine-Poached Pear

Happy Bat Buddy

Dramatic Black-Winged Vampire Bat

Bat Hair Pin

Bat Flavored Gummy Bat



Green Apple Fruit Bat Beret


False Bat Bones


Docile Rictus


Stardust Bat

Morostide Lasirus Plushie

Snuggly Brown Bat Plushie

Cute Purple Collared Vampire Bat

Candy Corn Bat Plushie


Cute White Collared Vampire Bat


Cave Bat

Red Apple Fruit Bat Beret

Turquoise Bat Plushie

Batty Blub

Pet Friends


Mother Land

Smol Bean

Yu Shi