
Thunderpunch has a minion!

Menace the Twerster

Legacy Name: Thunderpunch

The Storm Endeavor
Owner: Thundercracker

Age: 14 years, 1 month, 3 days

Born: April 28th, 2010

Adopted: 6 years, 8 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: September 10th, 2017

Pet Spotlight Winner
June 26th, 2022


  • Level: 6
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 9
  • Health: 11
  • HP: 11/11
  • Intelligence: 8
  • Books Read: 8
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Bouncy Ball Inflator

The calm of a summer day is broken by storm as sudden as it is violent. Lightning turns the world white in a furious barrage. Thunder answers with a rumble fit for gods. In the distance, the wail of a tornado siren can be heard.

Perched above the action, a smile of pure contentment on his face, he conducts the chaos with all the loving care of a master musician bringing a world-renowned orchestra to its climax. The lashing rain, the moaning wind, the clattering pellets of hail; all are harbingers of the final act that will leave observers breathless and communities devastated.

The tornado starts to take shape, sculpted of agitated winds and the debris of a hundred thousand lives that so carelessly leave their trash lying about. This jumble of junk is a smorgasbord of playthings he uses to create even more destruction and chaos as his monstrous creation roars gleefully over miles of flat land. Farms and small towns are flattened. Bits of metal stick out of an abandoned car like so many porcupine quills. Clusters of cardboard turn to soggy mush in the nearby river. The contents of a child's toy box dangle from the roof of a house with its front half torn away.

Releasing his hold on the storm and allowing it to die is almost a painful thing, yet even his best work must come to its natural end.

Be wary if you are a traveler with conflict in your heart. He can sense the turmoil of disturbed emotions and is drawn in as surely as lightning seeking the highest rod on a tower. He does not strike for malice but also feels no remorse for those fools who do not have the sense to shelter from the weather.


The storm is hidden behind a frozen face and intelligent eyes. Those eyes can and do narrow, they gaze with boredom hiding the thunderous thoughts swirling with in his mind.

The violence is not seen, nor heard. The Violence of the storm is in the swift movements of the careful hand wielding the sharp blades. Perfection practiced until the profession is earned. The only true violence seen is that upon the victims wheeled into the surgery room.

This storm came brewing from peace. The delicate balance whispering into the wind and finding those who would not betray. The glittering night skies following bright blue days never saw it coming until the destruction was upon. Oppression, suppression, suffocation and binds. It could only go on so long before someone took up arms. Those arms no one expected, no one could predict. It came with an abrupt, cold wind. It came with a night sky clouded over. It came with cold unrelenting rain. It came without remorse of the devastation left behind. Angry shouts and blood left pooling on the throne.

Unlike the others, this wasn't my doing. This came from the making of many. Mistakes, mismanagement, inability to speak up upon a slight. Delays and oversights. The disbelief followed uncertainty and faults. Cold graphite, stilled water, waiting radiance and hours between. It was inevitable, it was unexpected. It was a catastrophic event that the name alone is as powerful as the devastation that is lingering decades gone by and decades to come.

Although the charging of the skies is all my doing, the tides and the rains, the sweeping winds and frozen ice. There is one that I can only watch with great amusement. The creatures placed so carefully within one small area, established and adapted by all those who dwell in said region, until one or more even slip past the safe guards, sneak in unexpected places, clutch on and hitch a ride. They find themselves someplace else, someplace without the adapted safeguards and without natural enemies so key to their keeping them in check. They thrive, they conquer, they devour. These little and large invasive pests come in all shapes and sizes, species and genus. Some times they are noticed quickly, mostly they are not. They fit themselves in, and take over. Unable to be contained. Unable to be controlled. They have fled their own confines and become the bane of their new habitats.
Profile by Lea Edit by:Thundercracker Friend blurbs by: Thundercracker Story by: Pureflower Web fonts from Google Fonts.Background

Pet Treasure

Ray of Hope

Sunny Weather Sticker

Partly Cloudy Weather Sticker

Cloudy Weather Sticker

Content Cloud Sticker

Cheery Windy Sticker

Windy Weather Sticker

Fog Weather Sticker

Wet Photograph

Sad Rainy Sticker

Rain Weather Sticker

Hand of Flame

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NO Storm Cloud Sticker

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Burning Debris

Lich Lord Conjuration Ring

Essence of Living Shadow

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Winter Is Coming

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Pet Friends