
Paicess has a minion!

Saria the Wintersong

Legacy Name: Paicess

The Glacier Lain
Owner: Rogue

Age: 13 years, 6 months

Born: December 1st, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 6 months ago

Adopted: December 1st, 2010

Pet Spotlight Winner
December 4th, 2018


  • Level: 49
  • Strength: 76
  • Defense: 12
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 69
  • Books Read: 64
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Singer of Praises

Story and Profile by Rogue
Background made using BGIG
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It was undeniable that the rose was losing strength and yet she called on its power with even more vigor than she had previously. In the past year Paicess had drawn on the power of the rose more times than it could handle; the song that it held became fainter and fainter. The rose had been a gift, given to her last winter after she had been named as the upcoming queen of the North. It was amusing to Paicess that she had been chosen. The power of her voice had gained her favor and yet she could think of no one more silent than herself. She was isolated and withdrawn and perhaps this demeanor suited a queen well. She had always held such a manner, until she had met Saria.

Paicess and Saria had met as young adults and had been inseparable from that point forward. When Paicess was named as upcoming queen, Saria knew that it meant that they would be separated. Paicess would need to stay in the North with her tutors and advisors. Very few chances would come for Saria to visit.
"Here." Saria gave Paicess a glass case.
"What is this?" Paicess asked as she held up the case, "A rose?"
Saria pointed to the small lock on the cover. "I have bound my voice to it. When you unlock the cover it will play my song for you."
Paicess sat in silence for a moment before admitting, "I miss you already."
They looked at each other, both longing for the other to say what remained unsaid.
Finally, Saria gathered herself. "Hopefully with this you will be comforted at the time when you miss me the most." She could see the uncertainty on Paicess's face. "You will do wonderfully, you know." She comforted Paicess.
"I hope that the gods find me in as much favor as you do." Paicess said with a smile.

Today was the day the gods would reveal their favor and bless or curse the new young queen. Saria had sent word that she would forgo her winter trip and travel north to be with Paicess on the day of her performance. All in the city would be watching Paicess, with hopes and dreams for the future at the front of their thoughts.

As Paicess turned to leave her room, she took only one thing with her, the rose key which had become as frozen as the ice walls that surrounded her. Clutching it close to her bosom she was filled with strength and solace. To her, it represented a promise to never divide, never forget, and never give up. These thoughts had been the inspiration for her song. She knew she needed a special song and could think of nothing better.

Walking through the long corridors of the castle, she slowed her pace as she approached the grand entrance to the divine hall. Through these doors lay her future, her love, and her one chance. She hoped that those who listened would feel her love for the gods, for her flock, and for Saria through her song.

She kept her beak hidden, noting carefully that all eyes were on her. For the first time, she became nervous before beginning her song. She knew that this day she had the task of saving or dooming her flock was hers. Closing her eyes she whispered to herself, "My voice is the gift I was given and music is the gift I shall give." She breathed slowly, until finally she began and the first note carried through the chamber and all else became silent. As her song began, the first sign of the day's sunlight peered through the majestic stained glass windows of the hall. It fell, as if by design, delicately on Paicess as she sang for her flock, and for Saria, a song of soothing and of grace.

Pet Treasure

Enchanted Rose

Frozen Rose Key

Pet Friends