
Nuriko_ has a minion!

Hotohori the Hajiro Koi

Legacy Name: Nuriko_

The Lilac Lain
Owner: Priestess_Of_Suzaku

Age: 11 years, 10 months, 2 weeks

Born: July 28th, 2012

Adopted: 11 years, 10 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: July 28th, 2012


  • Level: 132
  • Strength: 330
  • Defense: 325
  • Speed: 303
  • Health: 316
  • HP: 316/316
  • Intelligence: 143
  • Books Read: 130
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Stylist

: Subeta Homepage : Explore : Inventory : Forums

It was a rather normal day. You were rushing through the marketplace. Your eyes were skillfully watched for that high-sought quest item. You quickly asked the shopkeeper the whereabouts of such an item. It seemed as if he was helping someone else at the moment. Your eyes caught another shopper and you couldn't help but look a little closer.

A Lilac Lain stood just a few feet in front of you, her eye on a lovely comb. She was wearing the most lovely chinese dress you had ever seen. She looked unbelievably elegant standing in the crowded market place. She was perfectly groomed, not a feather out of place. She clutched a unusually simple fan in her hand.

She stood there contemplatively for a while. She held up a small mirror and compared the comb to her complexion. Soon she made a face and put it back down, deciding against picking it up.

The Lain looked over at you and gave a friendly smile. She lifted up the fan and gestured towards something. You titled your head and followed the invisible line with your eyes. It was the item you had inquired about earlier... ACK! That's right! You had been on a quest! You quickly paid for the item and ran off.

About Nuriko


Birthday: March 10

Height: 5'5''

Blood Type:B

When you first meet Nuriko he's known as Kourin and is dressing as a female. He is known as a female and resides in the Emperor Hotohori's harem. At first Nuriko is introduced as a female. Nuriko is rather mean to Miaka upon first meeting her. In fact, he's downright cruel. Miaka tries to be friendly towards Nuriko offering to help out however she can. This leads to Miaka doing various chores and errands.

Nuriko attempts to steal away Tamahome, the boy that Miaka has a crush on. (This fact is more than a little obvious)He even pretends to be in love with Tamahome, making Miaka extremely jealous. Miaka finds out the reason that Nuriko is acting out in such a way. It seems that Nuriko is in love with Hotohori. Hotohori won't even look at him and had been in the harem for nearly a year. Miaka then promised to have a talk to Hotohori for him.

This only made matters worse because when Miaka went to talk to Hotohori he told Miaka that he no interest in Nuriko. He revealed that he had fallen in love with Miaka. Of course this was quickly found out by Nuriko and Tamahome. This caused Nuriko to become infuriated with Miaka, and Tamahome to ignore her. (For the sake of those who wish to look into this anime I will spoil no more.)It was eventually worked out. (Let's just say that)

Nuriko is generally very cheerful, and vibrant. If someone is upset then he'll give it his all to cheer them up. After their issues are resolved Nuriko is very friendly towards Miaka, and well everyone else. He's actually even starts to look out for Miaka. He is known to give romantic advice from time to time. When he's traveling with Miaka he dresses like a man because two women would attract to much attention and could even be dangerous.

The power bestowed upon Nuriko as a Warrior of Suzaku is super-strength. He can knock down wall, pick up large heavy objects, and knock out most enemies with a single punch. When he's upset he often breaks things without even trying. He then begins to act coy as if it broke by itself.


Miaka Yuuki is a rather typical fifteen-year-old girl studying for her high-school entrance exams. Her overbearing mother keeps pushing her to study hard so that she can enter the ultra-exclusive Jonan Academy. Her best friend, Yui Hongo, is extremely smart and Miaka muses that Yui would have no problem passing the Jonan entrance exam. Yui drags Miaka to the public library.

Miaka wanders off to find a vending machine. There she witness' the most beautiful crimson bird fly off. Upon following it she's led to the restricted section. She can't help but feel drawn to a book inside. Before she's able to open it her friend Yui finds her.

Yui is able to translate this book, 'The Universe of The Four Gods'. It reads: 'Herein contains the tale of a young lady and her quest to gather the seven Constellations of Suzaku together. And if you, the esteemed reader, should read to the story's end, the spell contained within this book shall bestow upon you the powers of the heroine, and grant you your wish. For Indeed the moment the first page is turned, the story will become reality.

Upon reading the last sentence the two girls are sucked into the world of the Universe of the Four Gods and their story begins.

Originally coded by: dreamsky
Edited by: Priestess_Of_Suzaku

Pet Treasure

Colonial Earrings

Rainyday Rainstorm Mirror

Swanky Vanity Desk

Decorative Amethyst Comb

Fur Dos....and Donts.

Purple Vanity Rose Brush

Eau De Love

Diamond Scented Perfume

Dragon Of The Sky Perfume

Saheric Spirit Perfume

Sacred Jewel Perfume

Pet Friends


This guy is a total brute. And kind of a moron. But he can be pretty sweet.

He's really useful. He's really smart and he's always there to offer advice. <3