
Tamahome_ has a minion!

Tama the Nazzy

Legacy Name: Tamahome_

The Galactic Keeto
Owner: Priestess_Of_Suzaku

Age: 13 years, 7 months, 5 days

Born: October 26th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 7 months, 5 days ago

Adopted: October 26th, 2010

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 190
  • Strength: 482
  • Defense: 473
  • Speed: 469
  • Health: 468
  • HP: 468/468
  • Intelligence: 124
  • Books Read: 105
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Battle Master

: Subeta Homepage : Explore : Inventory : Forums

(Pet Depiction by CHiSHiO)

You started walking out of your room and knock on the room next to yours. This was just ridiculous. You were trying to get some sleep, but you keep hearing this clinking noise coming from the room next to yours. Every other second the same noise, over and over again. For more than an hour. Who could sleep with that stupid noise? You couldn't imagine what it could be, and you didn't really care. What you did care about was the fact that it was cutting into your sleep.

You knock rather roughly against the door, annoyed. The door slowly opens to reveal a kind of tired looking Galatic Keeto. You can see Sp laying around on the ground behind him. You then realize that the noise was Sp clinking together.

You're a little weirded out that this Keeto had been sitting around counting Sp for over an hour so you politely request that he stop making that noise.

Embarrassed he assures you that he won't make a sound again. Twenty minutes after you lay down you hear him quietly counting to himself. This was when you decided to request a new room.


Birthday: June 28

Height: 5'11''

Blood Type: O

Occupation: Suzaku Warrior

Your first impression of Tamahome might be that he's selfish and money grubbing, but there's good reason for it. He compulsively collects money so that he can send it home to his family. After his father got sick Tamahome left home and began doing all sorts of odd jobs to earn cash. He has two younger sisters and two younger brothers. When his mother died, he raised his youngest sister practically alone. Because of all of this, he seems to deny himself many things. For most of his life he lived only for his family.

His strength lies mostly in his martial arts. Because of this he can even do jobs involving protecting villages from bandit attacks. He is the first Warrior of Suzaku to be encountered and at first he doesn't seem very keen to help Miaka. After getting separated from her best friend Yui, Miaka searches for Tamahome the only person she knows in this strange new world.

Although he had difficulty at first Tamahome finds himself compelled to protect his Priestess. He has no problem developing relationships with the other Suzaku Warriors.


Miaka Yuuki is a rather typical fifteen-year-old girl studying for her high-school entrance exams. Her overbearing mother keeps pushing her to study hard so that she can enter the ultra-exclusive Jonan Academy. Her best friend, Yui Hongo, is extremely smart and Miaka muses that Yui would have no problem passing the Jonan entrance exam. Yui drags Miaka to the public library.

Miaka wanders off to find a vending machine. There she witness' the most beautiful crimson bird fly off. Upon following it she's led to the restricted section. She can't help but feel drawn to a book inside. Before she's able to open it her friend Yui finds her.

Yui is able to translate this book, 'The Universe of The Four Gods'. It reads: 'Herein contains the tale of a young lady and her quest to gather the seven Constellations of Suzaku together. And if you, the esteemed reader, should read to the story's end, the spell contained within this book shall bestow upon you the powers of the heroine, and grant you your wish. For Indeed the moment the first page is turned, the story will become reality.

Upon reading the last sentence the two girls are sucked into the world of the Universe of the Four Gods and their story begins.

Originally coded by: dreamsky
Edited by: Priestess_Of_Suzaku

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