
Susse Traume has a minion!

Nachtmahr the Crypt Hound

Susse Traume

The Common Experiment #10010
Owner: Kinnoyu

Age: 4 years, 3 weeks, 3 days

Born: May 7th, 2020

Adopted: 4 years, 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Adopted: May 7th, 2020


  • Level: 57
  • Strength: 109
  • Defense: 67
  • Speed: 65
  • Health: 62
  • HP: 62/62
  • Intelligence: 139
  • Books Read: 128
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Shadow Thief

Süße Träume...
Part 1
free profile: FallenSamurai

background image

The Nightmare by John Fuseli 1781

Google fonts: here and here

Pet Treasure

S Sticker

W Sticker

E Sticker

E Sticker

T Sticker

D Sticker

R Sticker

E Sticker

A Sticker

M Sticker

Nightmare Legeica Plushie

Nightmare Archan Plushie

Nightmare Ontra Plushie

Nightmare Demi Plushie

Nightmare Antlephore Plushie

Nightmare Donadak Plushie

Nightmare Malticorn Plushie

Nightmare Ontra Beanbag

Nightmare Legeica Beanbag

Nightmare Donadak Beanbag

Nightmare Demi Beanbag

Nightmare Antlephore Beanbag

Nightmare Kanis Beanbag

Nightmare Telenine Beanbag

Nightmare Anyu Beanbag

Nightmare Cybill Beanbag

Nightmare Telenine Plushie

Nightmare Malticorn Beanbag

Nightmare Cybill Plushie

Nightmare Anyu Plushie

Nightmare Kanis Plushie

Nightmare Dragarth Plushie

Nightmare Devonti Plushie

Nightmare Escalade Plushie

Nightmare Darkonite Plushie

Nightmare Paralix Plushie

Nightmare Blob Plushie

Nightmare Blob Beanbag

Nightmare Qrykee Plushie

Nightmare Qrykee Beanbag

Nightmare Cadogre Plushie

Nightmare Lasirus Plushie

Nightmare Serpenth Plushie

Nightmare Cadogre Beanbag

Nightmare Dragarth Beanbag

Nightmare Lasirus Beanbag

Nightmare Clawsion Beanbag

Nightmare Charlie Beanbag

Nightmare Darkonite Beanbag

Nightmare Devonti Beanbag

Nightmare Escalade Beanbag

Nightmare Keeto Plushie



Eat Nightmares Sticker

Nightmare Fuel

Small Jar of Nightmare Fuel

Nightmare Lens

Fuel Your Nightmares

Eater of Dreams and Nightmares

Pet Friends

what happens when there is darkness in your heart? will it grow? will it consume?

your efforts are futile. cut off a head and three grow back in its place

tossed aside. forgotten. left to rot in a world that will never be touched again

Somewhere Over
a neverending thunderstorm. there is no silver lining

broken to pieces. loss time and time again. a mockery

never seeing the light. death to indulge the greed of man

there is no light. only darkness for the remainder of time.

rot. infestation. all sweetness turned sour.

extinction before time. once a great predator, brought down by apathy

Lazy Days
broken pieces and a broken heart

unloved. unwanted. left to starve with no relief

nothing but dust in the wind. blown away

u already cursed beyond belief lmao