
Arthur_Kirkland has a minion!

Flying Mint Bunny the Butterbunny

Legacy Name: Arthur_Kirkland

The Glade Malticorn
Owner: Priestess_Of_Suzaku

Age: 13 years, 5 months, 1 week

Born: January 6th, 2011

Adopted: 13 years, 5 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: January 6th, 2011


  • Level: 189
  • Strength: 467
  • Defense: 452
  • Speed: 451
  • Health: 452
  • HP: 452/452
  • Intelligence: 198
  • Books Read: 178
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Head of Operations

: Subeta Homepage : Explore : Inventory : Forums

You found yourself a little lost in what appears to be some sort of park or garden. You can't quite remember how you had gotten here in the first place.You were starting to get a little tired. There were large hedges that were too thick to go through. At least the scenery was beautiful. Sturdy trees, and gorgeous flowers that were all in full bloom. You couldn't think of a better place to find yourself lost in.

You could smell something. You couldn't quite be sure what it was. You followed the smell through the garden. There, at a delicate little table, sat a Glade Malticorn calmly sipping some tea. There were a few baked goods laying out in front of him.

He turned to look at you, a curious look on his face. He put down his cup of tea and gave a charming smile, "Welcome. Would you care for a cup of tea?" This was said in a rather soothing English accent.

Uncertainly, you took a seat next to him. He poured you a cup of tea in a pretty feminine tea cup and handed you a spoon. This situation seemed rather odd...

"You can have something to eat if you want," he gestured towards the baked goods. It seemed that he had been eating a scone himself.

You were pretty hungry so you decided to give one a try. You took a bite of the nearest treat. And you instantly regretted it. You tried your hardest not to spit it out, lest you offend your host. You put it down back on the plate and gave a forced smile.

The Malticorn didn't seem to notice at all. He merely continued eating. You figured now was as good a time as any, "Uh... I'm a little lost. Can you tell me the way out?"

He looked as if he was thinking. He looked something beside and started talking to empty space, "I can't quite remember. Any of you chaps?"

You felt a little uneasy about this all of a sudden. You watched as he continued having a conversation. You almost wished you hadn't asked.

"Oh, yes. You're quite right," he turned to look at you again, "My friend reminds me that the gate is in that direction. I do hope that you're alright. You can come back for tea anytime you wish. Tea time is at 3'oclock.

You politely thanked him and went on your way. You were a little weirded out by the experience, but at least it was over....

About Mr.Kirkland

Age: 23

Birthday: April 23

Height: 5'9''

Arthur Kirkland (England/Britian/United Kingdom) is a classic English gentleman. He's quite the pessimist.He is rather socially stunted, and this leads most people to misunderstand him. He can be described as 'Tsundere'. Although from mere appearances you might assume that he's pretty calm, he's actually got a rather short fuse. The main triggers of his anger are Francis(France) and Alfred(America).

Arthur and Francis have known each since Arthur was a child. It seems that Francis gave Arthur quite a bit of help when he was younger, but somewhere along the way their relationship turned into a bitter rivalry. Whenever they get into the same room it seem all they can ever do is fight. Francis loves teasing Arthur and he also always take the bait.

Alfred was discovered as a child by Berwald(Sweden) and Tino(Finland). They told Francis and Arthur, and the two started competing over who got to take care of him. Eventually Alfred chose Arthur, and Arthur began taking care of him. When growing up Alfred felt he didn't see enough of Arthur, though he was always happy to see him. When in his teenage years, Alfred rebelled in a huge way leaving a hole in Arthur's heart and a sense of betrayal after all he had done for Alfred. Although they still talk and often see each other Arthur has never entirely gotten over it.

Although often forgotten, Arthur did take care of Matthew(Canada) for a period of time after Francis no longer felt the need to. Matthew helped Arthur out during Alfred's rebellion. He asked Arthur for freedom, and Arthur gave it to him without a fight. This is probably the reason why Arthur holds no ill will towards Matthew. Matthew had always remained sweet and loyal to him.

Arthur has the ability to see supernatural beings such as Fairies, Sprites, Ghosts, Gnomes, Youkai, and even Unicorns! Although most people are unable to see them, so they believe that he's hallucinating. Why Arthur can see them and others cannot is a mystery. It could be due to the fact that when you grow up you stop believing and he never did. Another theory is that no one else is 'pure-hearted'.

Arthur's hobbies include embroidery, rock music, literature, and craftsmenship. He adores a fresh cup of tea, and will never say no to a scone. It is widely acknowledged that he is a bad cook, and the reason that Alfred has such awful taste in food. (Because Arthur cooked for him when he was growing up.) In his younger days he was quite a delinquent, and was said to have even been a pirate.

Originally coded by: dreamsky
Edited by: Priestess_Of_Suzaku

Pet Treasure

Fairy Dens

Poppy Pixie Puppet

Sweet Vesnali Tea


Sacred Lands Fairy Tales


Veta Fairy Tales

Centropolis Fairy Tales

Atebus Fairy Tales

Fairy Bear

Fairy Tale Color Plate

Overflowing Toy Chest

Medieval Knight Plushie

Doctor Rag Doll

Book of Shadows

Carnival Unicorn Plushie

Glittery Sparkles Unicorn Plushie

Birthday Fairy Doll

Entranced Green Snow Fairy

Harvest Unicorn Sticker

Entranced Yellow Snow Fairy

Book of Demons I

Book of Demons II

Book of Demons III

Book of Demons IV

Old Wizard School Book Tape

Magic Hinges

Sacred Book of Fairies

Book of Snow Fairy Tales

The Book of the Narcissus Fairy

The Book of the Mallow Fairy

The Book of the Rose Fairy

The Book of the Zinnia Fairy

Sorcerous Summoning Circle

Arcane Summoning Circle

Mystic Summoning Circle

Deluxe Tea Set

Tea For Two

Green Teapot

Red Teapot

Blue Teapot

Seriously Iced Tea

Pumpkin Teapot


Silver Lace Teapot

Silver Lace Coffee Pot

Silver Lace Sugar Bowl

Silver Lace Cream Pot

Silver Lace Teacup

Black Lace Sugar Bowl

Black Lace Coffee Pot

Black Lace Teapot

Black Lace Teacup

Black Lace Cream Pot

Porcelain Lace Teapot

Porcelain Lace Teacup

Porcelain Lace Cream Pot

Porcelain Lace Sugar Bowl

Flower Teacup

Pumpkin Teacup

Flowering Jasmine Tea

Flowering Hibiscus Tea

King Rag Doll

Likes Unicorns Statement Tee

White Unicorn Plushie

Black Unicorn Plushie

Pink Unicorn Plushie

Red Unicorn Plushie

Blue Unicorn Plushie

Green Unicorn Plushie

Yellow Unicorn Plushie









Tea Book

English Breakfast Tea Bag

English Breakfast Tea

Chocolate Scone

Raspberry Scone

Strawberry Scone

Cherry Scone

Blueberry Scone


Fish and Chips

Fried Fish and Chips Basket

Antique Dark Arm Chair

Water Magic

How to use Magik

Powers of the Mage

Dark Symphony Scroll

Book of Life

Self-Taught Sorcery

Malticorn Love Wand

Magic Wand

Evergreen Wand

A Fairy Tale

Fairy Lights Print

Jar of Fairy Dust


Mystical Chibi Fairy Doll

Nurse Fairy Plushie

White Snow Fairy Plushie

Snow Fairy Plushie

Bluegreen Snow Fairy Plushie

Green Snow Fairy Plushie

Yellow Snow Fairy Plushie

Pink Snow Fairy Plushie

Red Snow Fairy Plushie

Violet Snow Fairy Plushie

Entranced White Snow Fairy

Entranced Snow Fairy

Entranced Bluegreen Snow Fairy

Entranced Violet Snow Fairy

Entranced Pink Snow Fairy

Entranced Red Snow Fairy

Red Snow Fairy

Violet Snow Fairy

Pink Snow Fairy

Snow Fairy

Bluegreen Snow Fairy

White Snow Fairy

Yellow Snow Fairy

Fairy House

Pixie Log

Fashion Police Hat

Suave Law-Enforcing Chapeau

Pirate Treasure Chest

Pirate Treasure Map

Skull Pirate Cupcake

Pirate Rum

Pirate Love Candy Heart

Red Pirate Bicorn Hat

Love Sucks Candy Heart

Classic Knitting Patterns

Knitting Basket

Years Gone By Sepia Yarn

Woodland Earth Yarn

Knitting Needles

Double Pointed Knitting Needles

English: Simply Classic Sticker

Pet Friends

'The Good One.'

Bloody hell! What's the frog doing here? I demand you get off this instant!

I feel a headache coming on...

* a chill goes up Arthur spine as Ivan creeps up behind him *

Ugh. Almost as annoying as Alfred. * huffs *