
Ivan_ has a minion!

Yao the Giapa

Legacy Name: Ivan_

The Glacier Chai
Owner: Priestess_Of_Suzaku

Age: 13 years, 3 months, 1 week

Born: February 19th, 2011

Adopted: 13 years, 3 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: February 19th, 2011

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 970
  • Strength: 2,426
  • Defense: 2,424
  • Speed: 2,422
  • Health: 2,422
  • HP: 1,880/2,422
  • Intelligence: 115
  • Books Read: 88
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Battle Master

(Pet Depiction by CHiSHiO)

You hurried your way through the hallways of a hotel. Your foot stalled and you paused in the middle of the hallway. It wasn't hard to hear. A large cast of voices melded together in an array of arguments. Thick accents melded, making it nearly impossible to hear a single word. It soon settles down and the down snapped open. People quickly flooded out, each one looking more upset than the last.

After the flood halted for about thirty seconds you decided it was safe to move. You weren't sure what had been going on, but you were sure that you didn't want to get caught up in whatever they were yelling about.

You took a few steps forward and paused when you got to the door. One person remained in the room. He was tall and strongly built, but he had a pink scarf draped over his shoulders. You could tell from the cold radiating off of him that he was a Glacier Chai. He didn't seem to be doing anything, but he stood still. He was smiling, yet something about him seemed very sad.

You weren't sure what to say but you knew that you could do the smallest thing any person could do. "Are you okay?"

He looked towards you very suddenly and for a moment his eyes frightened you. Soon he closed them and gave a rather large smile, "Da! I'm fine," he said in an oddly childish voice with a thick Russian accent, "I'm just thinking of vays to pay back some dear friends of mine," the way he said that had given you a chill, "Since you are so nice, vould you like to share some of my vodka?"

About Ivan:

Age: Unknown

Birthday: December 30

Height: 5'11.6''

Ivan(Russia) is almost always seen with his scarf. He comments at one point as it being a part of his body, although this is more likely than not an excuse. An excuse so that he won't have to take it off. It was the first gift he received. It was a gift from his beloved elder sister, Yekaterina(Ukraine).

Ivan has two sisters. Yekaterina is his elder sister. She is bubbly and sweet. She kind-hearted and fears that she might be a burden to her younger brother. Often times she will go without rather than bother him. His other sister is his younger sister Natalia(Belarus). He is quite terrified of Natalia. She always chasing him around insisting that he marries her. (His terror of her, however might lie in her love of knives. And that she will scratch on his door late at night asking to be let it.) She insists upon how much she loves her older brother and is fiercely protective of him. Which might be difficult considering he is often hiding from her.

Ivan has suffering through the tragedy of war and has seen much bloodshed. Because of this he is mentally cracked and oftentimes cannot see the cruel-minded nature of his thoughts. He's often perceived as simplistic and innocent, although he can show childish cruelness. He is sometimes over-sensitive, possibly from the feeling of being left out. He is actually a very gentle person.

Ivan has a very childish face, with very full almost chubby cheeks. He has a rather prominent nose, and very large violet eyes.

He loves vodka and says that it's 'his fuel'. He almost always has a bottle, so naturally it can be assumed he has a very high alcohol tolerance. He almost always carries around a pipe which is he not afraid to use as a weapon. This however was not the reason it was picked up. His greatest dream is to one day move somewhere warm with lots of sunflowers.

He can be described as a 'Yandere' character.

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Originally coded by: dreamsky
Edited by: Priestess_Of_Suzaku

Pet Treasure

Sunflower Autumn Wreath

Cupids Impaled Heart

Zombie Heart Nomming Sticker

Pink Sunflower Beanbag

Sunflower Beanbag

Yellow Flower Temporary Tattoo

Golden Beauty Flower

Rainyday Sunflower Blouse

Pink Sunflower Beanbag

Shot of Vodka

White Sunflower Beanbag

Glacier Anyu Plushie

Nuclear Ruffie Plushie

Dawn Kerubi Plushie

Arid Keeto Plushie

Red Ytiva Stacking Doll

Orange Ytiva Stacking Doll

Yellow Ytiva Stacking Doll

Green Ytiva Stacking Doll

Blue Ytiva Stacking Doll

Purple Ytiva Stacking Doll

Autumn Nesting Dolls

Minion Matryoshka Dolls

Pet Matryoshka Dolls

Pet NPC Matryoshka Dolls

Sunbee Sticker

Tales of the Summer Fairies






Black Sunflower

Black Sunflowers Print

Melix Flower

Melix Flower

Frolicking Sunflower

Bag of Sunflower Seeds

Bag of Sunflower Seeds

Yellow Flower Basket

Golden Flower

Golden Flower Plushie

Cream Flower Plushie

Yellow Flower Sticker


Frostberry Vodka




Shot of Vodka



White Bear

Black Bear



Harvey Wallbanger

Poached Whole Salmon

Caviar Blinis


Red Beet Salad

Subeta Globe

Earth Bomb

Earth Balloon

Globe Fruit

Remembrance Emblem

Remembrance Emblem

Big Fuzzy Pink Scarf

Green Ushanka

Gold Ushanka

Cream Ushanka

Red Ushanka

Blue Ushanka

Scientist Pick Axe

Hazard Map

Canada Day Flag

Foggy Gray Fall Flower Sticker

Red Fall Flower Sticker

Red Fall Flower Sticker

Light Blue Fall Flower Sticker

Blue Fall Flower Sticker

Orange Fall Flower Sticker

Orange Fall Flower Sticker

Foggy Gray Fall Flower Sticker

Purple Fall Flower Sticker

Brown Fall Flower Sticker

Chinese Textbook

Korean Textbook

Japanese Textbook

Russian Textbook

Spanish Textbook

French Textbook

English Textbook

Italian Textbook

German Textbook

Greek Textbook

The Sun and the Flower

Grungy I Anatomically Heart You Sticker

I Heart You Sticker

Gently Used Heart Present

Cherry Gummy Heart

Heart Beanbag

Pounding Heart

Peppermint Strawberry Pavlova

Pet Friends

Is very good person. Always smells like maple though... Is very cute.

Im Yong Soo
Is Yao's very loud cousin. Is very cute like Yao though. Not as mean though.

...... Is loud....

Has cute little accent. And cute little temper.

Is Gilbert. One of my closest friends!

Is feisty little Feliks. <3

Is Francis. I like him because he will talk to me. Unlike everyone else...... KOLKOLKOLKOLKOLKOL