
Chibiusa has a minion!

Diana the Onqindishnal

Legacy Name: Chibiusa

The Sweetheart Devonti
Owner: Crow

Age: 11 years, 9 months, 3 weeks

Born: August 6th, 2012

Adopted: 11 years, 9 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: August 6th, 2012


  • Level: 59
  • Strength: 137
  • Defense: 130
  • Speed: 131
  • Health: 130
  • HP: 130/130
  • Intelligence: 410
  • Books Read: 406
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Candy Maker

The Sweetheart Devonti
Owner: Crow
Job: Candy Maker

☽ Usagi Tsukino
☿ Mizuno Ami

Hino Rei
♃ Kino Makoto

Aino Minako
♅ Tenoh Haruka

♆ Kaioh Michiru
♇ Meioh Setsuna

♄ Tomoe Hotaru
♡ Chibi Chibi

★ Seiya Kou
★ Taiki Kou

★ Yaten Kou


"The apprentice pretty sailor-suited soldier of Love and Justice, Sailor Chibi Moon! In the name of the future moon, I'll punish you!"


Chibiusa (ちびうさ) quite literally falls out of the sky in Sailor Moon R, interrupting Usagi while she's on a date with Mamoru. This rocky beginning is a precursor to the difficult relationship between Usagi and the little girl, as they constantly butt heads over sweets, school, and most of all, Mamoru's attention. Even as a little girl, Chibiusa shows a ruthless and cynical streak, criticizing Usagi's happy-go-lucky behavior. Can this flighty, silly girl really be the legendary heroine Sailor Moon?

But Chibiusa has a secret... she is actually a princess from the thirtieth-century kingdom of Crystal Tokyo, the daughter of Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion. She has fled to the past in a desperate attempt to find the Silver Crystal, so that she can revive her mother and save Crystal Tokyo from the menacing Black Moon. But Chibiusa must also struggle with her own loneliness and feelings of inadequacy... can she ever really live up to the savior of the world, her own mother?

As she grows and matures, Chibiusa is also revealed to be Sailor Chibi Moon, a "sailor soldier in training". Despite her sometimes abrasive personality and her insecurities, she and the other Senshi -- especially Usagi -- form a bond that allows Chibiusa to become a deeply loving and brave person. With her beautiful dreams, she fights for love and justice in the name of the future moon!


Chibiusa is a nickname, coming from her given name Usagi and the word 禿び, chibi, which means "small" (in the same sense as "shorty" or "runt").

Her full name is Usagi Small Lady Serenity. In Crystal Tokyo, she is generally called Small Lady. In the English dub this was occasionally changed to Little Lady.

Chibiusa's names in various international translations include Rini (English); Camille (French); 豆釘兔, Dòuding Tù (Cantonese); and 꼬마세라, Little Sera (Korean).

In the English dub, the name Rini (or Reenie) is a short form of Serena, analogous to Chibiusa's name being derived from Usagi's. Her Senshi name is localized to Sailor Mini Moon. In the French dub, she is called Sailor Mini-Bunny.


Chibiusa's parents, Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion, are of course the future forms and titles of Usagi and Mamoru.

Chibiusa's birthday is June 30th, making her a Cancer. In astrology, Cancer is ruled by the moon. She shares her birthday with Usagi.

Like Usagi (and Minako), she has a guardian cat -- the kitten Diana, who is the daughter of Luna and Artemis.

Her age varies, since her appearance in the "present day" of the series is the result of time travel - in the R season she is in kindergarten, while in the S/SuperS season she is in primary school.

In the manga, Chibiusa is chronologically 900 years old, despite having the body and mentality of a child. The Silver Crystal grants exceptionally long lifespans/immortality to the inhabitants of Crystal Tokyo, and they seem to age normally until they reach maturity, when aging stops. Chibiusa, however, inexplicably stopped aging or developing as a child. This apparent inability to mature causes Chibiusa to be bullied, as well as to make her insecure and unhappy. When she finally becomes Sailor Chibi Moon, she begins aging again. (This plot point is never depicted in the anime, where Chibiusa is apparently an ordinary if cynical child.)

She likes drawing, rabbits, and sweets such as pancakes and pudding. She is afraid of thunder, and dislikes housework and language classes.

Chibiusa's dream is to one day be an elegant, royal lady like her mother, with a prince of her own; she also wants to be a Senshi worthy of Sailor Moon's legacy, and to become friends with everyone she meets.

In R, despite her cynicism, Chibiusa is deeply insecure because she feels that she will never live up to her mother's reputation. She also feels that her parents and the Senshi must be disappointed in her and perhaps even disgusted with her. These insecurities prompt her to try to use the Silver Crystal, setting in motion the events that lead her to travel back to the past; they also give Wiseman a psychological edge that allows him to brainwash her and change her into the villain Black Lady.

In S, she meets Hotaru, and the two of them become best friends. One of Hotaru's last acts as herself is to save Chibiusa's pure heart crystal from within Mistress 9, and Chibiusa is shown to deeply miss Hotaru after her rebirth; they are able to meet again for a short time at the beginning of the Stars season, when Hotaru magically ages from infancy to the same age as Chibiusa in order to help defeat Nehellenia for good.

Chibiusa is twice turned into an adult by villains looking to exploit her insecurities. The first time is by Wiseman, who turns her into Black Lady, a corrupted form of her adult self; the second time is by Pallapalla, who swaps Chibiusa and Usagi's physical ages.

In the manga, she briefly appears as a teenager during the Stars arc with her own team of Senshi.

Pegasus/Helios chooses Chibiusa's beautiful dream to hide in during SuperS. In both the anime and manga, Chibiusa is the only one who can call for Pegasus.


Sailor Chibi Moon's symbols are the crescent moon and heart.

Chibi Moon's dominant color is pink, and her uniform has red accents. Later versions of her uniform also have yellow accents.

In the anime, Sailor Chibi Moon gains the power to become Super Sailor Chibi Moon from Pegasus. In the manga, she later achieves Eternal form as well.

In the manga, the teenaged Chibiusa appears from the future as Sailor Chibi Moon, with her own Senshi, the Sailor Quartet (Sailor Ceres, Sailor Pallas, Sailor Juno, and Sailor Vesta, the former Amazoness Quartet).

In the anime, especially in the early episodes of S, Sailor Chibi Moon is often used for comic relief, since her attack is underpowered and often fails to work. In SuperS, her "attack" is used to call Pegasus so that Sailor Moon can perform Moon Gorgeous Meditation. In the manga, Sailor Chibi Moon is competent, if inexperienced, and has working magical attacks; however, many of them are "copies" of Sailor Moon's attacks.

In the anime, Chibiusa uses the Silver Crystal only during the R season, in conjunction with Usagi -- they are able to use the Silver Crystal at the same time because Chibiusa has the crystal from her own time hidden within her (much as it was hidden in Usagi during Classic). In the manga Chibiusa has her own sailor crystal, the Pink Moon Crystal, which was distinct from the Silver Crystal.


"Yume wo Ijimenaide" ("Don't Make Fun of My Dreams"), from the album Uranus-Neptune-Chibimoon-Plus.
(Translated lyrics here)

"Chibiusa, kitto mitsukeru yo" ("Chibiusa, you'll surely find it!"), a spoken prologue and poem from the album Uranus-Neptune-Chibimoon-Plus.

"Baibai tte Itta" ("You Said Bye-Bye"), Chibiusa's Sailor Stars character single. It was accompanied by a spoken prologue and poem.
(Translated lyrics here)

"Rashiku Ikimasho" ("Let's Do Things In Our Own Style"), the second ending theme to the SuperS season, is an "unofficial" image song for Chibiusa; although it isn't performed by her voice actress, the lyrics are generally accepted to be from Chibiusa's point of view, and are played over a montage of her in the ED.
(Translated lyrics here)


Chibiusa was voiced by Araki Kae in the anime.

In SeraMyu, she was played by Miyakawa Ai, Kawasaki Mao, Shirai Tamaki Dia, Takenaka Natsumi, Gunji Ayano, Izawa Arisu, Takabatake Kasumi, Miyazaki Noel, Yamamoto Aisha, Ohta Nanami, Ohno Mao, Horita Mina, and Oosaki Moe.

In the revival musicals, Chibiusa was portrayed by Kuge Kokoro and Kanda Airi.

In the original English dub, Rini was voiced by Tracey Hoyt and Stephanie Beard, with Liz Wartenberg Brown providing the voice of Wicked Lady.

In the new English dub of the series by Viz, Chibiusa is voiced by Sandy Fox.


indicates a video! NB: Videos may contain flashing images!


Luna-P: A magical toy. It's shaped like a ball with a cat's ears and face (resembling Luna) and a small antenna. It can float and follows Chibiusa around. She can change it into other items with the phrase " Luna-P, henge!" ("Luna-P, change!") in the anime or "Abracadabra!" in the manga. She can also use it to communicate with others, especially Sailor Pluto. Luna-P seems to have some measure of awareness, as it often tries to comfort and/or protect Chibiusa. In the manga, it's specified that Luna-P was created by Sailor Mercury in Crystal Tokyo.
In the anime, Luna-P returns to the future with Chibiusa at the end of R, and isn't seen again. In the manga, Luna-P senses Sailor Chibi Moon's desire to protect her friends in the Infinity arc, and transforms itself into the Pink Moon Rod.

Double Moon Princess Halation: In the manga, Sailor Chibi Moon uses Neo Queen Serenity's Cutie Moon Rod to perform a dual attack with Sailor Moon against Death Phantom.


Prism Heart Compact: Sometimes called the Pink Sugar Compact. Chibusa uses this in S to transform into Sailor Chibi Moon with the phrase " Moon Prism Power, Makeup!" Although she has a full henshin sequence, she is often shown with a shorter version (sometimes for comic relief).

Odango Covers: Like Sailor Moon, Sailor Chibi Moon has red and white hairpieces covering her odango. Chibi Moon's include two longer white pieces, resembling rabbit ears, on top of the round red and white discs. Much like Sailor Moon's odango covers, Chibi Moon's can amplify her crying into painful supersonic waves.

Pink Moon Rod: Sometimes called the Pink Moon Stick. A small, scepter-like item that Chibiusa uses to perform Pink Sugar Heart Attack. In the anime, she brings it with her from the future; in the manga, Luna-P transforms into the Pink Moon Rod.

Pink Sugar Heart Attack: Sailor Chibi Moon's attack, in which she blasts heart-shaped bolts of energy at her target. In the manga it is a normal attack, but in the anime it's often no more than an annoyance to her target (sometimes even failing to work) and is generally used for comic relief.

Rainbow Double Moon Heartache: A manga-only dual attack performed by Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon against Mistress 9, using the Spiral Heart Moon Rod and the Pink Moon Rod.

Pink Sugar Tuxedo Attack: A manga-only dual attack, used against Princess Kaguya. Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Chibi Moon both direct energy into the Pink Moon Rod, amplifying the wave of energy it sends against its target.


Chibi Moon Compact: In the anime, the Chibi Moon Compact is an upgrade to the Prism Heart Compact, given to Chibiusa by Pegasus at the same time that he upgrades Usagi's Cosmic Heart Compact to the Crisis Heart Compact. It allows her to transform into Super Sailor Chibi Moon in a double henshin with Usagi, with the phrase " Moon Crisis, Makeup!"
In the manga, with Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Saturn gone after the end of the Infinity arc, Usagi and Chibiusa are unable to use the Holy Grail to change into their Super forms. However, their desire to protect their friends and loved ones is so strong that their compacts evolve on their own. They don't have a shared transformation as they do in the anime.

Crystal Carillon: In the anime, this is a heart-shaped ring with a bell at its point, created by Pegasus from the Pink Moon Stick. Chibi Moon uses it to perform " Twinkle Yell", which summons Pegasus to aid Sailor Moon in performing "Moon Gorgeous Meditation".
In the manga, the Crystal Carillon is a much smaller bell with a heart-shaped handle. (It is likely a visual pun on "pocket bell", the Japanese term for a pager, which were widely used in Japan in the mid-90s.) While Chibiusa can still use it to call for Pegasus, she doesn't need to do so in order to attack.

Stallion Rêve: An anime-only item, the Stallion Rêve is an ornate orb, similar to a crystal ball or Fabergé egg on a stand. Pegasus creates it for Chibiusa so he can appear and speak to her outside of her dreams.

Chibi Moon Kaleidoscope: In the manga, the Chibi Moon Kaleidoscope is a smaller version of the Moon Kaleidoscope. Pegasus creates them out of two toy glass kaleidoscopes that Usagi and Chibiusa bought at a festival. The Moon Kaleidoscopes are able to speak, and instruct Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon on how to use them to perform the attack "Moon Gorgeous Meditation".
In the anime, the Chibi Moon Kaleidoscope appears only in the SuperS movie, in which Sailor Chibi Moon and Sailor Moon perform " Moon Gorgeous Meditation" together to defeat Queen Badiane.

Submarine Mirror: In the manga, this is the command Chibiusa uses with the Deep Aqua Mirror to teleport her to Michiru's location.

Pink Moon Crystal: Chibiusa's sailor crystal and star seed. In the manga, it appears from one of her tears after Sailor Pluto dies. Chibiusa uses it to become Eternal Sailor Chibi Moon with the phrase "Pink Moon Crystal Power, Makeup!", and is able to harness its power in much the same way that Usagi can harness the Silver Crystal. At its full strength, it takes the shape of a rose.


Starlight Honeymoon Double Therapy Kiss: A dual attack performed with Eternal Sailor Moon, amplifying its power.

Pink Ladies Freezing Kiss: In the manga, this is a group attack performed by a future version of Sailor Chibi Moon and the Sailor Quartet; they create a burst of energy that freezes its target.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you are in good health. My name is Usagi Small Lady Serenity. I am the daughter of Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion. It is a pleasure to meet you all!"

Pet Treasure

Mini Bunny Sailor Top

Beribboned Future Moon Rose

Plain Tourmaline Circlet

Pink Ribbon Choker

Pink Giant Bow

Jumbo Pink Back Ribbon

Floating Neko Head

Heart-Cut Pink Tourmaline

Pink Heart Plushie

Dawn Stone Heart Ornament

Strands of the Crystal Moon Wand

Ribboned Heart Lolly


Bell of the Mini Moon

Mirror of Daydreams

Kora Gem of Power

Peaceful Pink Art Print

Time Travel I

Time Travel II

Pet Friends

Tsukino Usagi

Mizuno Ami

Hino Rei

Kino Makoto

Aino Minako

Meioh Setsuna

Tenoh Haruka

Kaioh Michiru

Tomoe Hotaru

Seiya Kou

Taiki Kou

Yaten Kou