
Tsukino Usagi has a minion!

Luna the Snowflaik

Tsukino Usagi
Legacy Name: Usagi Tsukino

The Angelic Kanis
Owner: Crow

Age: 14 years, 4 months, 3 weeks

Born: January 7th, 2010

Adopted: 14 years, 4 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: January 7th, 2010


  • Level: 29
  • Strength: 62
  • Defense: 50
  • Speed: 50
  • Health: 50
  • HP: 50/50
  • Intelligence: 430
  • Books Read: 425
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Candy Maker

Usagi Tsukino
The Angel Kanis
Owner: Crow
Job: Candy Maker

☿ Mizuno Ami
Hino Rei

♃ Kino Makoto
Aino Minako

♅ Tenoh Haruka
♆ Kaioh Michiru

♇ Meioh Setsuna
♄ Tomoe Hotaru

♥ Chibiusa
♡ Chibi Chibi

★ Seiya Kou
★ Taiki Kou

★ Yaten Kou


"The pretty sailor-suited soldier of love and justice, Sailor Moon! In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!"


Tsukino Usagi (月野 うさぎ) is the main character and protagonist of Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon. Clumsy, emotional, a poor student and a crybaby, Usagi seems like the last person who would be a magical soldier protecting the Earth. The talking cat Luna, a survivor from an ancient kingdom on the Moon, finds Usagi and reveals to her that she is Sailor Moon, a warrior who must fight with courage and magic to protect the Earth from strange enemies.

At first, Usagi doesn't want to fight -- the enemies are dangerous and scary, Luna is constantly nagging her to perform better both as a Senshi and a schoolgirl, and being a heroine of justice turns out to be tough and demanding, not fun and glamorous. However, as she matures and grows into her role, Usagi's true nature is shown: she is filled with love and dreams, able to see the good in everyone and refusing to sacrifice the lives of innocents, always insisting that there is a better way. The strength of Usagi's heart is unmatched throughout a universe filled with Senshi who protect not only Earth, but planets and stars all across the galaxies.

As she fights for love and justice, Usagi finds herself with friends and allies who are also reincarnations of soldiers from that long-ago lunar kingdom. Soon the Senshi realize that the mysterious Princess Serenity they have been searching for is none other than Usagi herself . . .


Usagi's name sounds like the phrase 月の兎, "tsuki no usagi", which means "rabbit of the moon". It refers to the Japanese folktale of a rabbit who lives on the moon and makes mochi (sweet rice cakes).

At first teasingly, and later affectionately, Mamoru nicknames her "odango atama" ("dumpling head") because of her hairstyle. He occasionally shortens it to just "odango", "dumpling". In the English dub of the anime, this was translated as "meatball head". In the revised English translation of the manga, it became "bun head" or "buns".

As the series progresses, Mamoru takes to calling Usagi by the pet name "Usako".

Haruka and Seiya also call Usagi "odango"; Haruka later starts using the nickname "koneko-chan" ("kitten").

Usagi's past incarnation was named Princess Serenity, and she re-adopts the name in the future as Neo Queen Serenity. (The name seems to be a tradition, as the queen of Silver Millennium was also named Queen Serenity and Chibiusa's full name is Usagi Small Lady Serenity.) There is an area on the surface of Earth's moon called the Mare Serenitatis, or Sea of Serenity.
The name can also be romanized as Selenity, giving it a double meaning that refers to Selene, an ancient Greek lunar goddess who fell in love with the mortal Endymion.

Usagi's names in various international translations include Serena (English and Spanish); Bunny Rivière (French); Bunny (Italian and Portuguese; early English manga translations); Annie (Swedish); 月野兎, Yuèyê Tù (Cantonese); and 세라, Sera (Korean).

Victoria and Celeste were early proposed names for Usagi in the English adaptation.


Her birthday is June 30th, making her a Cancer. In astrology, the sign Cancer is ruled by the moon.

Her favorite foods are sweets such as ice cream and cake; despite her name meaning "rabbit", she hates carrots.

Her best subject is home ec, and her worst are math and English, though she is an all-around poor student.

Her hobbies are eating, sleeping, reading manga, shopping, and playing video games.

Her parents are named Ikuko and Kenji, and she has a younger brother named Shingo.

Usagi has a guardian cat named Luna, and the two of them become close friends, although Luna's strict and responsible personality often clashes with Usagi's.

Usagi's long pigtails are intended to recall rabbit's ears.

In Takeuchi Naoko's manga art, Princess Serenity/Neo Queen Serenity have white hair. Sailor Moon was originally intended to have white or silver hair as well when she was transformed.


Both the anime and PGSM end with Usagi and Mamoru being engaged. The manga concludes with their wedding.

At some point in the future, they will have a daughter, Usagi Small Lady Serenity (Chibiusa). Usagi is pregnant with Chibiusa at the end of the manga, and is implied to be pregnant during PGSM's Special Act epilogue.

Usagi is the reincarnation of Silver Millennium's Princess Serenity. However, there seems to have been no Sailor Moon during the reign of the Moon Kingdom, suggesting that her role as a soldier is new and unique to Usagi herself.

In the distant future (30th century), following some unknown catastrophe, Usagi will rebuild Tokyo and possibly all of Earth as Crystal Tokyo with the power of the Silver Crystal, and will become known as Neo Queen Serenity.

According to the manga, at some time in the far distant future (long after Crystal Tokyo), Sailor Moon will ultimately become Sailor Cosmos.


Sailor Moon's powers are centered around love, light, purification, and healing.

Her symbol is the crescent moon, with secondary symbols of hearts (S), butterflies (S - Super form), and wings/feathers (Stars).

Her dominant colors are pink, blue, silver, and gold; her uniform colors are bright blue and deep pink, though her later forms also include yellow, navy blue, and red.

Over the course of the series, Sailor Moon achieves the more powerful form of Super Sailor Moon, followed by the even stronger form of Eternal Sailor Moon. Unlike the other Senshi (except for Chibi Moon), Sailor Moon's uniform changes its colors and style significantly with these new forms. In the anime, Sailor Moon is the only Senshi who goes past Super to achieve Eternal form.

Usagi sometimes transcends her Senshi form to take the form of Princess Serenity, which seems to grant her the most powerful, direct usage of the Silver Crystal, at the expense of her other attacks.


PGSM is the only version of the series where the girls' physical appearance changes during the transformation to Senshi: Usagi's black pigtails turn blonde and grow much longer, and the placement of her odango changes from the sides to the top of her head.

The live-action TV series Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon is the only series to feature Princess Sailor Moon. Princess Sailor Moon is actually the spirit of Princess Serenity - a distinct entity from Usagi - who responds to Mamoru's life being threatened, and takes over Usagi's body. Sailor Moon's uniform changes when Serenity takes control, and she has access to new weapons belonging solely to Serenity.
Princess Sailor Moon/Serenity is much harsher and more single-minded than Sailor Moon, and she is unconcerned with damage or harm she might cause in her drive to protect Mamoru/Endymion at the expense of everything else.


"Aikotoba wa Moon Prism Power Makeup" ("The Password is Moon Prism Power Makeup!"), from the album Ai wa Doko ni Aru no?
(Translated lyrics here)

"Tsuki ni Kawatte Oshioki yo" ("In the Name of the Moon, We'll Punish You!") with Ami and Rei, from the album Ai wa Doko ni Aru no?
(Translated lyrics here)

"Yumemiru Dake Ja Dame" ("Just Daydreaming Is No Good"), from the album In Another Dream. It was accompanied by a short monologue.
(Translated lyrics here)

"You're Just My Love" with Mamoru, from the album In Another Dream. It was accompanied by a short drama track.
(Translated lyrics here)

"I am Sailor Moon", from the album Mirai e Mukatte.
(Translated lyrics here)

"Ai wa Energy" ("Love Is Energy"), Usagi's R character single. It was accompanied by a short prologue and poem.
(Translated lyrics here)

"Ai wo Shinjiteru" ("Believe In Love"), Usagi's Sailor Stars character single. It was accompanied by a short prologue and poem.
(Translated lyrics here)

"Here We Go! -Shinjiru Chikara-" ("Here We Go! -The Power To Believe-"), from Usagi's PGSM character single. It was used as the opening theme for the Special Act episode.
(Translated lyrics here)

"Over Rainbow♥Tour", from Usagi's PGSM character single. This song was played in episode 13, 14, and 15.
(Translated lyrics here)

"I Wanna Be a Star", "Who Do You Think You Are?" with Raye, "My Only Love", "Call My Name", "Carry On", "It's a New Day", and "The Power of Love" from the English dub.


Usagi was voiced by Mitsuishi Kotono in the original anime.

She was played by Sawai Miyuu in the live-action series Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon.

Usagi was played by Ooyama Anza, Hara Fumina, Kanbe Miyuki, and Kuroki Marina in the SeraMyu musicals.

She has been portrayed by Okubo Satomi and Nomoto Hotaru in the revival musicals. (Okubo Satomi also returned to play Sailor Cosmos in Le Mouvement Final.)

In the original English dub, Serena was voiced by Tracey Moore, Terri Hawkes, and Linda Ballantyne, with Jennifer Cihi providing the vocals for Serena's songs.

In the new re-dub of the series by Viz, Usagi is voiced by Stephanie Sheh.


indicates a video! NB: Videos may contain flashing images!


Transformation Brooch: A jeweled brooch given to Usagi by Luna. It allows her to transform into Sailor Moon with the phrase " Moon Prism Power, Makeup!" It is the only one of Usagi's transformation items that doesn't hold the Silver Crystal.

Disguise Pen: A jeweled pen that allows Usagi to disguise herself with the phrase " Moon Power, become a [disguise]!" In the anime, it was given to her by Luna; in the manga, it came out of the Sailor V arcade game as a prize.

Communicator: Disguised as a calculator, this allows Usagi to communicate at any time with the other Senshi. They were given to the Senshi by Luna. In the manga, they are wristwatches that appeared as prizes from the Sailor V game, and which Luna modified to serve as communicators.

Tiara: Although all Senshi have a tiara, only Sailor Moon uses hers directly as a weapon. Sailor Moon's tiara is also the only one that undergoes significant changes. In the manga, her tiara changes its form twice -- once after the original is destroyed along with Jadeite, and once after Venus appears as the erstwhile Moon Princess. (After Usagi is revealed to be the true Princess, her original plain tiara design returns.)
In the manga and anime, the gem on her tiara is replaced with a crescent moon in the S/Infinity arc. As Eternal Sailor Moon, she has no tiara, and instead has the same crescent moon marking on her forehead that Princess Serenity has.

Moon Tiara Action This (and its equivalent in the manga, "Moon Tiara Boomerang") is Usagi's first attack, performed by throwing her tiara. In the anime, her tiara takes the form of a glowing discus; in the manga it takes the form of a chakram.

Moon Tiara Stardust: An anime-only variant of Moon Tiara Action that Sailor Moon only uses once: she throws the tiara as usual, but rather than hitting a target, the tiara circles above a group of people who have been possessed by a youma and showers healing energy on them.

Moon Twilight Flash: A manga-only attack in which Sailor Moon uses the gem on her tiara to reflect moonlight at her target.

Hairpins: Sailor Moon's uniform includes two sets of hairpins that look like white feathers attached to pearls. In the manga, she is able to use these as weapons by throwing them like darts. (In the anime, her hairpins don't appear until the S season, when Usagi transforms into Super Sailor Moon, and they're never used as weapons.)

Mask: A mask similar to Sailor V's, but Sailor Moon's is white instead of red. Images of people who are in danger can appear to her through it. Unlike Sailor V, Sailor Moon doesn't keep her mask on during battle. The mask only appears during early manga chapters, and doesn't appear at all in the anime.

Odango Covers: Circular red hairpieces with a white border that cover the front of Sailor Moon's odango. They can transmit the sounds of someone in trouble to her, and also amplify her crying/screaming into painful supersonic waves.

Moon Stick: A small wand topped with a crescent moon. The Silver Crystal is later attached to it, making it much more powerful. The manga version is pink and silver, while the anime version is pink and gold. In both the anime and manga, the Moon Stick is destroyed in the final battle against Beryl/Metallia.

Moon Healing Escalation: A healing power, allowing Sailor Moon to use the Moon Stick to purify people who have been possessed by the Dark Kingdom without harming them. In the anime, the target shouts "Refresh!" upon being healed.

Maboroshi no Ginzuishou: The "Illusory Silver Crystal", a stone that grants its user unimaginable power by vastly amplifying the energy directed through it. It belonged to Queen Serenity as the ruler of Silver Millennium, with Princess Serenity as its heir. It is also shown to be, or to contain, Usagi's star seed. Using the Silver Crystal at full power can be dangerous, as it can drain her life energy completely. It also seems to be the force that both caused the other Senshi to be reborn in the same time and place as Usagi was, and that draws enemies to her.
In the anime, it is a round diamond-like stone; in the manga, it is shaped like a teardrop. In both series, the Silver Crystal takes the shape of a lotus flower when Usagi uses it at its full strength. It appears from one of Sailor Moon's tears when she cries over Tuxedo Mask's injury. In the anime, the Silver Crystal had been split into seven Rainbow Crystals, which are rejoined within her teardrop; in the manga, the Silver Crystal had been sealed within her when she was reborn and emerges through her tears.

Orgel: A star-shaped locket that plays a music-box version of "Moonlight Densetsu" when opened. Sailor Moon finds it after Tuxedo Mask drops it during a battle.
In the manga, the item that Tuxedo Mask drops is not a locket, but a broken pocketwatch that shows the phases of the moon. The watch begins to work again as Usagi and Mamoru regain the memories of their past lives.


Crystal Star: An upgrade to Usagi's original transformation brooch, which is destroyed by a Cardian in the anime and shattered by Usagi's last attack against Metallia in the manga. The Crystal Star is given to her by Queen Serenity, who places the Silver Crystal inside the ruined brooch and transforms it. The Crystal Star allows Usagi to transform with the phrase " Moon Crystal Power, Make Up!"

Cutie Moon Rod: A scepter given to Usagi by Queen Serenity, along with the Crystal Star, after the Moon Stick was destroyed in the battle against Metallia/Beryl. In the manga, the Cutie Moon Rod is created by Usagi and Mamoru's love for each other.

Moon Princess Halation: An offensive attack used against Cardians and Droids. Sailor Moon uses the Cutie Moon Rod to fire pink spirals of energy, along with gold crescents and blue stars, at her target. The target shouts "Cleansing!" before being destroyed.

Wrist Communicator: Performs the same function as the earlier communicator, but in the shape of a wristwatch. They are given to the Senshi by Luna and Artemis. The original communicator watches are also replaced with these in the manga.

Sailor Planet Power: A combined attack in which each of the Senshi channel their power, combine it, and direct it in a huge beam of energy. It is sometimes called Sailor Planet Attack.
In the manga, it first appeared in the Dark Kingdom arc, performed by Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus (without Sailor Moon) to attack Metallia.


Cosmic Heart Compact: An upgrade to the Crystal Star, created from the power of Usagi and Mamoru's love for each other. It allows Usagi to transform into a yet more powerful form of Sailor Moon with the phrase " Moon Cosmic Power, Make Up!" In the manga, the Cosmic Heart Compact is given to Sailor Moon by Neo Queen Serenity, her future self, at the end of the Black Moon arc.

Spiral Heart Moon Rod: An upgrade to the Cutie Moon Rod, also created from Usagi and Mamoru's love for each other. In the manga, it is given to Usagi by Neo Queen Serenity, who sends it to the past with Chibiusa.

Moon Spiral Heart Attack: An offensive attack used to kill Daimons. Sailor Moon uses the Spiral Heart Moon Rod to create a huge heart that "crushes" the Daimon; targets shout "Lovely!" before dissipating.

Holy Grail: A magical cup created when the three Talismans (Uranus' Space Sword, Neptune's Deep Aqua Mirror, and Pluto's Garnet Orb) come together. It allows Sailor Moon to transform into Super Sailor Moon with the phrase " Crisis Makeup!", though at this stage she can't maintain her new form for very long at a time.
In the manga, the Holy Grail is created when Sailor Moon, Sailor Chibi Moon, and Tuxedo Mask combine their powers. The other Senshi then direct their own power into it; Sailor Moon drinks from the Grail and powers up into Super Sailor Moon.

Rainbow Moon Heartache: A stronger version of Moon Spiral Heart Attack, used by Super Sailor Moon after using the Grail to power up. The actual attack sequence is largely the same, but with added imagery of the Grail, butterflies, and rainbows, and with a slightly different ending pose. The Daimon being attacked shouts "Love-Lovely!" before disappearing.


Crisis Moon Compact: An upgrade to the Cosmic Heart Compact. In the anime, it's created for Usagi by Pegasus with the power of the Golden Crystal, and allows Usagi to transform into Super Sailor Moon in a double transformation with Chibusa, using the phrase " Moon Crisis Makeup!" It also allows her to maintain her Super form permanently.
In the manga, when Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna leave with Hotaru at the end of the Infinity arc, Usagi is no longer able to use the Grail to transform. However, her desire to fight evil and protect her loved ones has grown strong enough to turn the Cosmic Heart Compact into the Crisis Moon Compact. (Chibiusa's Prism Heart Compact also upgrades at the same time and for the same reason, but they don't have a double transformation as they do in the anime.)

Kaleido Moon Scope: An upgrade to the Spiral Moon Heart Rod, also created by Pegasus. In the manga it's called the Moon Kaleidoscope, and is created from an actual glass kaleidoscope by Pegasus. The Moon Kaleidoscope is able to talk and directs Sailor Moon on how to use it. Chibiusa also receives a smaller, but otherwise identical version called the Chibi Moon Kaleidoscope.

Moon Gorgeous Meditation: An offensive attack used by Super Sailor Moon against Lemures, using the Kaleido Moon Scope. The target shouts "Stage out!" before disappearing. In the anime, the attack can only be performed in conjunction with Sailor Chibi Moon using "Twinkle Yell" to summon Pegasus.


Eternal Moon Article/Moon Chalice: The items Usagi uses to transform into Eternal Sailor Moon in the anime and manga, respectively.
In the anime, the Eternal Moon Article is an upgrade to the Crisis Moon Compact, created when all of Usagi's Senshi direct their power into it. Usagi uses it to transform with the phrase " Moon Eternal, Makeup!"
In the manga, the Moon Chalice (sometimes called the Holy Moon Chalice or Rainbow Moon Chalice) is an upgraded form of the Holy Grail, and Usagi uses it to transform with the phrase "Silver Moon Crystal Power, Make Up!"

Eternal Tiare: A scepter, created when all of Usagi's Senshi direct their power into the Kaleido Moon Scope. In the manga, the Eternal Tiare simply appears when Usagi first transforms into Eternal Sailor Moon.

Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss: Eternal Sailor Moon's first attack, using the Eternal Tiare to heal the star seeds of Phages and turn them back into humans. The Phages shout "Beautiful!" as they are purified.

Moon Cálice & Moon Power Tiare: An anime-only upgrade to the Eternal Tiare. In the anime, the Moon Chalice is an item given to Eternal Sailor Moon by Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon; attaching it to the Eternal Tiare transforms the two pieces into the Moon Power Tiare.

Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss: Eternal Sailor Moon's second attack, a powered-up version of the first, which uses the Moon Power Tiare to purify Phages. She attempts to use it to heal Sailor Tin Nyanko and Sailor Galaxia, and is partially successful with Tin Nyanko.

Star Seed: Star seeds are crystals that are the embodiment of each person's life. Usagi's star seed is the Silver Crystal, described as the most brilliant and pure star seed in the galaxy.
It is a true star seed (anime) or sailor crystal (manga), the star seed of a planet(/star/asteroid/etc). Being born with a true star seed/sailor crystal enables a person to transform into the Senshi or guardian of that planet.

Silver Moon Crystal Eternal Power: In the manga, this is Sailor Moon's final and most powerful technique: she directs a massive burst of energy through the Silver Crystal, causing the Sailor Crystals in the Galaxy Cauldron to fly into Chaos until it breaks apart.


Heart Moon Brooch: A heart-shaped pendant given to Usagi by Luna, along with a lipstick. She uses both items together to transform into Sailor Moon with the phrase " Moon Prism Power, Makeup!" Despite the item being called a brooch, Usagi wears it on a chain as a necklace.

Teletia S: A cell phone that each of the Senshi has. In addition to taking the role of the communicator watches, the Teletia S fulfills the same role as the Disguise Pen -- the user can copy any outfit by using the phone's camera function to take a picture of it. ( Usagi uses the Teletia S to change her appearance)

Moon Tiara Boomerang: Sailor Moon's first attack. In PGSM, rather than taking the shape of a chakram or disc, the tiara changes its shape to a boomerang.

Moonlight Stick: Visually similar to the Moon Stick from the manga and anime, Sailor Moon uses the Moonlight Stick for several attacks. She summons it from within her brooch.

Moon Twilight Flash: Unlike the manga attack of the same name, this attack uses the Moonlight Stick instead of Sailor Moon's tiara gem.

Moon Healing Escalation: An attack used by Sailor Moon to purify humans who have been possessed by youma, without harming them.

Moonlight Attractive Attack: An attack performed by all the Senshi; the other Senshi use their Star Tambourines to generate power for Sailor Moon to direct with the Moonlight Stick.

Princess Sailor Moon: An extremely powerful form of Sailor Moon with an ornate uniform and unique weapons/attacks. Princess Sailor Moon is actually the spirit of Princess Serenity, who remains a distinct entity within Usagi, and who takes over Sailor Moon's body when Mamoru is in danger.

Princess Sword: A powerful magical sword belonging to Princess Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon in her regular form has no access to it). It's incredibly destructive; Princess Sailor Moon merely has to swing it back and forth to start fires or cause explosions. It can also transform into the Princess Harp.

Princess Sword Attack: An attack in which Princess Sailor Moon uses the Princess Sword to create a shield that absorbs an enemy's attack, then redirects it back at them.

Princess Harp: A harp with healing powers belonging to Princess Sailor Moon. It can also transform into the Princess Sword. As with the Princess Sword, Usagi has no access to it as Sailor Moon.

Princess Harp Healing: By playing the Princess Harp, Princess Sailor Moon can heal people and reverse the damage done by the Princess Sword.

"I'm Tsukino Usagi, sixteen years old and a first-year high school student. I'm a bit impulsive and a crybaby, but I'm actually a guardian of love and justice - the pretty soldier, Sailor Moon!"

Pet Treasure

Sailor Scout Rag Doll

Lunar Bunny Sailor Top

Beribboned Moon Rose

Sparkling Moon Brooch

Lovely Moon Charm

Moon Rabbit Beanbag


Diamond Imperial Pendant

Mark of Luna

Engagement Ring

True Love

Heroic Moondust Body Blush

Plain Tourmaline Circlet

Pink Ribbon Choker

Jumbo Pink Back Ribbon

Jumbo Spectrum Back Ribbon

Crystal Moon Wand

Pink Moon Rod

Lunar Staff

Marez Jahira Moon Pendant

Sheeta Moon Scepter

Moon Stirring Stick

Lightshow Activated Wand

Kora Wand of Transformation

Lunae Staff

Moonlight Staff

Peaceful White Art Print

Lapillon Plushie

Crystal Shard

Rose Tear Crystal

Precious Gems of Discord

Rainbow Gems

Spring Bento Box

Bento Candy

Tsukimi Dango

Raspberry Tart Heart

Predictable Love Stories Book Tape

Pet Friends

Mizuno Ami

Hino Rei

Kino Makoto

Aino Minako

Meioh Setsuna

Tenoh Haruka

Kaioh Michiru

Tomoe Hotaru


Seiya Kou

Taiki Kou

Yaten Kou