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Rating: 27.99%

In Their Own Words: I'm dressed as Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls! Bubbles has been my favorite cartoon character for as long as I can remember. Her sunshiney attitude and constant optimism were definitely a huge influence to me as a child. :) The clouds in the background are because she flies!


Rating: 27.97%

In Their Own Words: Jon Snow from Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire


Rating: 27.96%

Custom Wearable entry

In Their Own Words: Snape from Harry Potter.


Rating: 27.94%

In Their Own Words: Minion from Despicable Me


Rating: 27.91%

In Their Own Words: Beast from Beauty and the Beast.

This movie is my favorite Disney movie. One can be beautiful on the inside without being beautiful on the outside. To everyone that believes they don't look good enough to get the girl or guy of their dreams, this movie defies that. It's what everyone needs to think about the next time they think they aren't good enough.

The mask stand for Beasts' appearance which is nothing but a false pretense, it doesn't show what he's really like on the inside. It's like a masquerade.


Rating: 27.89%

In Their Own Words: Skull Kid is a main character in the game The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.


Rating: 27.88%

In Their Own Words: Master Roshi from Dragon Ball.


Rating: 27.87%

In Their Own Words: Barnabas Collins from Dark Shadows


Rating: 27.87%

In Their Own Words: Scar from Lion King

"All hail the king!"


Rating: 27.79%

In Their Own Words: Luigi from the Mario series.

Luigi is the younger Mario brother, and he's always been my favorite. So my entry is a tribute to Luigi's Mansion, where he finally got to be the hero and save Mario from the haunted house. Luigi to the rescue! ...Just as soon as he gets the courage to leave the bathroom.