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Rating: 27.5%

In Their Own Words: I decided to cosplay as Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon because it was my favorite movie when it first came out, and I still love it today!


Rating: 27.5%

In Their Own Words: My passion is Disney and the last movie that Disney (not pixar) made was Wreck-it Ralph. I tried to make a Ralph once but it the clothing colors didnt match, so i decided to try out Vanellope. The first thing I thought of was the background and the scene in the movie were she makes her very own car with Ralph. I just love how it came out :3


Rating: 27.45%

In Their Own Words: Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII and spin-offs.
Some items like the tattered scarf and the brass arm just begged to be made into a cosplay and I couldn't resist.


Rating: 27.42%

In Their Own Words: Maleficent is a mixture of old Disney magic mixed in with a little Once Upon A Time modern day charm. I loved how the hair and horns part was done in Once Upon A Time. Also all the purple they used. Wanted to keep certain elements of the classic Disney Maleficent.The cape and green of her skin being the most notable nod to the all time classic villain.

The "Mistress of All Evil" is just Evil enough to claim the #1 spot in the Disney Villains countdown.

Sleeping Beauty is just one area where her evilness prevails. Maleficent is often the leader of villains in many crossovers. Kingdom Hearts is where she just loves to flaunt her evilness in a recurring role.


Rating: 27.41%

In Their Own Words: severus snape from harry potter


Rating: 27.33%

In Their Own Words: Betina: "So you really free?"
Django: Yeah, I'm free.
Betina: "You mean you wanna dress like that?"

Only Django from Django Unchained could look so badass in such an outré outfit.


Rating: 27.32%

In Their Own Words: Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit


Rating: 27.26%

In Their Own Words: This Arthur Pendragon from the British series Merlin. He is the king of Camelot and owner of Excalibur, died in the hands of Mordred.
He is played by Bradley James.


Rating: 27.26%

In Their Own Words: Mulan from Disney's Mulan.


Rating: 27.25%

In Their Own Words: Inspiration from [Maleficent] of Disney's [Sleeping Beauty]. Maleficent is one of the greatest villains of all time and the Mistress of all Evil.