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Rating: 23.25%

Custom Wearable entry

In Their Own Words: Cersei Lannister from A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones.


Rating: 23.24%

In Their Own Words: Robin from Young Justice


Rating: 23.2%

In Their Own Words: Lara Croft, from the video game 'Tomb Raider: A Survivor Is Born' (2013). The background happenings reference the game's storyline.


Rating: 23.19%

In Their Own Words: V: [Evey pulls out her mace] I can assure you I mean you no harm.
Evey Hammond: Who are you?
V: Who? Who is but the form following the function of what and what I am is a man in a mask.
Evey Hammond: Well I can see that.
V: Of course you can. I'm not questioning your powers of observation; I'm merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is.


Rating: 23.14%

In Their Own Words: Carl Fredericksen from the Pixar film Up, mainly chosen because it was a cosplay I could actually do with the zombie coverup items I had in my wardrobe.


Rating: 23.12%

In Their Own Words: A Twi'Lek slave girl (Star Wars)


Rating: 23.11%

In Their Own Words: Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians


Rating: 23.11%

Custom Wearable entry

In Their Own Words: Ellie from The Last of Us


Rating: 23.08%

In Their Own Words: Princess Jasmine from Aladdin


Rating: 23.06%

Custom Wearable entry

In Their Own Words: The Witch from Left 4 Dead 2