Pet Spotlight Updates!

Hello, pet lovers of Subeta! Today I had a few changes implemented to the way the pet spotlight works to help keep the queue in good shape so pets can be judged faster and more efficiently! The changes include:

• Once a user is frozen, their pets will be automatically booted from all three queues (nominated, updated, and accepted) - this will include self-freezes as well.

• Pets will now require a 200-character minimum before they can be nominated for the pet spotlight. This will help stop blank pets from being nominated and really trim down the queue quite a bit, meaning more time to go through actually-finished pets!

• Finally, there was always supposed to be a 7-day wait before a pet could be nominated again for the spotlight if they were rejected. I found out this has been broken for quite some time, so it is now fixed!

That's all for now! If any more changes go into effect, I'll do my best to keep you all updated! Any general questions, feel free to ask.
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Posted by Jessi

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