Dear Artists,

We currently have 123 Item images waiting to be added to the site. Of these 123, maybe 30-40 of them arent revamps, and arent reserved for some special purpose.

We need more items. If we want to be releasing items on a (semi) regular basis, there needs to be a constant flow coming in and going out.

The balance of items/pets images for most artists, should be about 90%/10%. This will allow us to get enough items flowing through, and you'll still get to do the pet things that you enjoy doing.

Basically, what it comes down to is this. If we dont start getting more items drawn, then we will start assigning certain artists to certain jobs, we will place a ban on drawing new pets, and we will reinstate the item quota for artists.

Nobody wants this to happen, me least of all because it means more work for the admins/asst admins. So please artists, try to draw more items, try to draw less pets, and if we think a pet looks bad, we'll ask for a revamp, theres no need to revamp something that already looks alright.
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Posted by Cydewinder


If you read my post below this one you will see. WHat I am saying. You artists gang up on the admins when we ask you to pitch in more because it is needed. So what we will do from now on is if there arent any items being posted in the news for IE a day week month year 10 years. Maybe you guys will get the idea. WERE OUT OF ITEMS. I am really happy you guys just put out alot. But the flow randomly stops after you forget about this. Oh and Ruin. Christine DRAWS and assist ADMINS. shes both an artist and an assist admin, therefor she can create the images she wants to throw on the news. The other assist admins cannot do this, they need you guys to post images so they can post new's. But anyway Ill leave this alone. Im glad to see you guys putting up images again thanks and if you want to talk to me more about this you know where to find me.




xD Cyde. -Flexes pretend muscles-


Yeah, dont mess with me. Or my posse will lay the smack down.

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I think everyone needs to stop roasting on Cyde.
<br>Don't direct your anger at someone who is simply trying to help. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0>


This quota doesn't even exist and some of you are freaking out.
<br>As mentioned earlier, if we have a good flow of items, no quota is needed. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif border=0>


There WON'T be a quota, if people just do their jobs. xDD
<br>It's what like Cyde said. A last resort that we shouldn't have to get to.

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NO QUOTA X__x it only causes stress for the artists. *it does for me*
<br>I work as hard as I can X_X'
<br>I finished 5 jobs today and took 5 new ones, I have 6 book redraws pending *which is also a job*
<br>And I have some personal commissions to finish.. which I will get paid for in real money...
<br>x___X I want more salary <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif border=0>


The thing is Ruin, maybe the person the admin mails will feel... er... singled out? Like they're picking on them? o___o;;
<br>I don't know.
<br>But if you've been doing your work (such as yourself) you shouldn't have to worry about any of this....

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For an example, like stijn said, Asst admins add items and pet images to the site along with trivias and what not. They can be quotaed somewhat on what goes into the news. I swear last time i checked almost every name in the news posts was Christines. hm... Kinda odd hum...?
<br>I Personally think a quota is not needed. I think what is needed is an admin (keith, cyde, or mogel) to sit down mail or talk to an artist or other staff member and ask them polietly if they could be doing more of their volounteer work for the site. (drawing, moderating, adding items, keeping people inline or whatever). That way everything could stay drama free and people could be happy. Instead of everyone headbutting on the site.


I admit that I really am not adding items on a regular basis T_T (Even though 50%+ of the images in there are items)
<br>I'll be adding items during the weekend, and when I can during the day, but I'm > < this close to failing school this year. So yeah.
<br>But this wasn't directed at me so I'll shut up


It makes me feel guilty too Squeaky. It hangs over my head like a rain cloud soaking my homework XD

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o______O You're joking, right?


Squeaky, you're one of the few that the admins need not worry about. xDD

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I kinda feel like I should drop off the staff a lot of the time. I do quite often think it was daft of me to apply in the last term and a half of my A-levels, really ? especially midst a revamp process for another site I've moderated for years and for which I'm also expected to produce images. I don't do as much for Subeta as I should do, and it's one of those guilt things that is quite literally incessantly weighing on my mind.


Maki- It's OKAY. I know you're busy with IB Stuff. The Internal Assessments, the upcoming tests, etc. WORRY ABOUT THAT FIRST.
<br>I mean, how can MEDIOCRE be better than POOR?
<br>Just because you have that to worry about doesn't mean you're not dedicated.


My pet images were made quite a while back Mogel.
<br>you don't seem to understand. It takes me about 2 hours to draw 1 item and if it doesn't shrink well then I've basically wasted time on it when I should be completing my homework.
<br>hey sounds like you're getting the same amount I've been getting recently <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>


Maki, you have IB/AP tests. That's expected. xD You don't need to resign just because of those stupid tests. xDDD


Exactly, and cough busyness doesnt stop new pet images from being made but it stops Item images from being made? come on now who is fooling who. We dont need a quota but we do need you guys to draw and all thats how we get content out. Our Forum Moderators are constantly at their job. I am available by mail 24/7 and im constantly checking in via aim to help any staffer out. Plus any assist admin job that comes my way. Ala Adding news's when theres a lack and adding trivia's as well. Our tickets are pretty kept up to date considering we have 2 user admins. now lets see how many artists we have.. HRMMMMMM 10+? and were having a problem getting items? Think on that a second. Yes you guys have it tough but there are less of us other staffers and we manage to get done our rl work and do our job on here. If you really think its that bad having to make even 1 item a day you come talk to me on aim. Vilefuge. I will talk to you hands down ill go toe to toe with you on what ALL the staff does and give you facts and let you decide if you really want to be with us or not. Yes this is a hobby but there are people who really want to draw out there if you dont. I really respect you guys and ALL we wanted -admins- was to get more items as IT IS DETERIORATING THE SITE- by not having them made. That being said I love you guys and the people who are putting out a ton. You know who you are ive told you it again and again. Take no notice of this. I have a super huge schedule right now, Guess how many hours of sleep i get a day? 2-4 MAX, but i still make time for here. If thats not dedication tell me what is. Are you dedicated? Think about that and get back to me.


RAWR NOT FUNNY QUETZAL-PRETZAL!! >( they are eeebil >>
<br>yeah, I know I should resign.


You guys are going to hate me for this, but I'm all FOR the quota. Maybe not the numbers, but I would love to have a quota back in place.
<br>Yes, you're volunteers. We understand that. I understand it. And I know you're busy and I am too. But what I'm starting to see is some sort of trend with a very FEW artists. If real life situations are getting in the way of real work, maybe you should tell an admin than rather have them worry. If it gets to be too much of a load, go on hiatus or temporarily resign, and come back when you are free again. ^-^
<br>I just find it not fair that some artists have to pick up the load of others. 1 item a week doesn't cut it at all, I think. x__o
<br>If we all did at least 5 items a week, or one set per week (as in, just a set of plushies) that would be good enough. Taking that there are thirteen artists would make thirteen sets (or 65 items)... that's MORE than enough.
<br>As of now, I think we need to just STOP it with pet projects. It's fine to doodle and stuff, but it shouldn't be a priority... we already released a Malticorn, and that should be it for a while... maybe release another pet in 5 months?
<br>So, Cyde's right. Let's just work on items a little more, k? xD




That all being said, you are all drastically over reacting again. All we want is less pets drawn, and more items drawn. Nobody said there was a quota coming back, all I said was that was a step we would look at if things that look fine keep getting revamped.
<br>We know you are all so unbelievably busy, and we accept that, however since you are so busy, we thought you would be making <b>new</b> items instead of <b>revamping old</b> items.


I am currently taking the job at Kojopets for <b>pay</b>. Becuase I am in need of money right now for my Hard Drive repair, I am putting them as muber one on my priorities list.


word, ruin and maki.


I love being told that we are doing the complete opposite of what what the site needs ><
<br>Anyway, ruin has a point. School's been keeping me up really late these past few days as I have a major programming assignment due soon. Soon after that are my AP and IB exams (and later on exams for normal classes). Stress to the max, baby <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>
<br>*starts hallucinating from lack of sleep*
<br>dude we need a jackolope minion... i call it!! XD


Ruin, if you can show me another job on the site, where the staff members are doing the complete opposite of what the site needs, and then having proven that, explain to me how I can 'quota' them, then I will gladly quota another group of staff members ;P

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o.x Im juggling between finishing 3 sets of elixirs that where requested so bleh o.x then ill vanish again and continue to work at work lol.
<br>Another thing would be nice on the quota if it where to come back, It should be less now. Alot of peole have lots of school work or actual jobs... I mean without money we wouldnt be here right now would we? I think the summer time would be good to raise the quota numbers, (again if this where to happen...) and btw. Why is it always the artists getting quota'ed. What about the other jobs on the site? there are potential things you can quota on it.


lol i wouldn't mind being told what to draw. That would actually make my job a bit easier...

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*flops* I shall try to get my rear in gear, I shall try.
<br>Fortunately for you lot, I am the sort of person who constantly feels as though nothing I can ever do will be right, so I'm never, ever going to complain about what I'm told to do x3


Your not just an artist quetzal your an assistant admin, and we realize you have alot more then just drawing on your hands dont worry about it
<br>Btw ive put up 30 idea's so far, and most of them are not single images.. I will hit 100 today tho at least.


Sorry admins. T-T
<br>I have been very busy as of late, working on special projects for the site, such as assignments given to me by the great... Keith. xD School's been taking up a lot of time too, and I'm trying to juggle that and Subeta. I don't even have the time to draw for myself anymore, except doodle while I'm not on the PC.
<br>After class tomorrow, I'll work on something. I just can't do it right now because of the workload I have in my 'offline' life.

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I agree with Sooki, thanks Mogel! Esp since I am relatively new to Subeta, I don't know what items we have already or need more of.


I will be adding a 100 item idea's tonight sooki so no worries there


I will be adding a 100 item idea's tonight sooki so no worries there

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Then I would be pleased with more jobs in the pending board!
<br>We can't think of items ourself that good *hey that shows xD* so you need to give us ideas!!!!
<br>We are employees you are our bosses, then give us jobs to do <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>
<br>I always try to make as many jobs at once, when I have time, when I see a nice job in the pending board then I take it *I have 4 or 5 taken now >D MWAHAHAH*
<br>Well.. yeah.. think of something =D

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