That?s right, move over Santa, it?s the Easter Bunny?s turn to shine! Once a year, this very special rabbit comes from universe to universe, leaving behind oodles of treats for the people to enjoy. This year, we can undoubtedly point out that he has made his presence felt across Subeta. In fact, I even hear that he tried to make our Easter particularly special because of the messy downtime that the site was on!

Item not found: easter bunnilet

Surely you didn?t think that the Easter Bunny was able to distribute all his Easter merchandise by himself? Though highly magic, he ?cough- unlike some other famous seasonal figures does not have almost a dozen reindeer to rely on. Therefore, each year, the Easter Bunny enlists the help of his miniature protégé companions, the Easter Bunnilets! During this special Easter season only, they will be available to attach to your own pet via a transaction at the Minion Market!

Angelic Bunny Toy

Purple Bunny Toy
Pink Bunny Toy

Orange Bunny Toy
Field Bunny Toy
Bloodred Bunny Toy

What better way to honor the great Easter Bunny than with these cute little toy replicas of him! They can be restocked for now at the Toy Box, but hurry, these are limited in supply! Uh, I think that Bloodred one just winked at me?

Item not found: decorative easter egg

The lovely Terracoon sisters over at the Grooming Parlour are proud to announce the release of their very own custom Easter egg! If you are a beauty fanatic, or simply a fan of the talented Terracoon sisters, be sure to head on over and pick one of these up!

Item not found: plain easter eggItem not found: easter love eggItem not found: bloodred easter eggItem not found: angelic easter egg

Of course the Easter Bunny would never leave out his lovely traditional Easter eggs! A family tradition for hundreds of years, these eggs are one of the cornerstones of the rainy Spring season. For the remainder of the season, they will be stocking at the Holiday Shop. Some of them however, I hear will only be available today!

Item not found: easter bunny staff

Defend yourself just like the Easter Bunny in battle with this Easter Bunny Staff! The Weapons Arsenal just received permission from the Egg-Man himself to stock them for this one day!

Item not found: canis egg
Mortiking Egg
Ghostly Egg
Kumos Egg
Charlie Egg

At first, release of these was going to be halted, but due to incessant urging from the messenger of Shinwa, these rather peculiar eggs are going to be stocking in the Magic Box. However, we don?t know where these eggs are from, or what they do (yet), so purchase them at your own risk. We here at Subeta will in no way be reliable for the growth of extra eyes and/or ears, or excessive hair growth. Happy Easter!

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Posted by User not found:

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Bunny sooo cute!

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I made my own avatar, but as I do not have a gold account, I can't put it on...

User not found:

The Bunnilets are so cute! I want one! I want one! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>

User not found:

I think those pet-like eggs are like elixirs....


"fixed everything but the pet zapper lol"
<br>Wow.. hilarious. *rolls eyes and kicks impatient users*


wow! nice work people! xD


Oooooo...bunny minion....*drools* What a lot of great items to grab today, I LOVE IT! ^^ This is not doing much for keeping me from eating all the jelly beans in the house, however.... *sadly shakes empty bag over her hand*
<br>Happy Easter To Everyone! >^. .^<


fixed everything but the pet zapper lol


LMAO MYTHI. I sat there for 5 minutes. It didn't wink. I'm confused. Maybe it blinked when *I* blinked, or something..


*has been just.. sitting here.. staring.. watching.. waiting for the Bloodred Bunny to wink at her... for the last... 10 minutes... no success yet* XD
<br>Whee. <3

User not found:

*hoards the Easter Bunnilets* give me now!!!! :F O_O

User not found:

x3 The easter bunny is so kute omigosh i must get one =_= !! haha Amber...xP


Somebody should put an Easter item in the Millioniare Center ;P

User not found:

<br>I love that minion!
<br>HAPPY EASTER SUBETA <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>

User not found:

Happy easter everyone <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif border=0> Squee, we're spoilt for choice with all the pretty items here.


Happy Easter All!


Nice xD Happy Easter Everybody! ^^

User not found:

I want that winking bloodred easter bunny toy thing as well. XD

User not found:

*Clings to Amber*
<br>I miss your save Amber bunny avatar. D= XP

User not found:

I saw this when the items didn't show and I it was like...Weird.. XDD
<br>But I want the bloodred easter bunny toy thing though... X3



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