Pirate and Islander Shop Retiring

Jacques Ledger
Coconut Slush Drink
Pirate Popoko Plushie
Island Setting Sun Postcard

In an effort to help you guys work on finishing your collections, we're introducing a new feature soon that allows you to purchase some old items with sP! For the time being, this will only apply to items that can go directly into your collections: food, plushies, beanbags, stickers, trading cards, and books. When this new shop opens, all items purchased will go directly into the appropriate collection (or active pet in the case of books and food.)

On May 10th, the Pirate and Islander shops will be closing. Please make sure to spend any remaining points by then. After the closure, any points unspent will be converted to sP.

Sometime in May, the new Antique Store will debut. It will offer you a chance to buy these collection items for sP! Remember, the new shop will only put items directly into your collections or active pet, not into your inventory. In the future we'll add stock from other retired currency shops, so you may want to consider spending any other points you have lingering. We'll give you a heads up before those shops close and move to this system, though!

We'd like to figure out a similar solution for other item (clothes, minions, etc.) and would love to hear your suggestions on how this could be accomplished without completely flooding the market.

Happy spending!
User Avatar: 131553

Posted by Ariel

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