Name This Pet Poll

The poll to name this pet is now closed! Thank you to everyone that put in suggestions on the forums and voted in the poll.
User Avatar: 744

Posted by SubetaTeam


Whelp while everyone is here arguing over names and the polls and stuff I thought I'd just put in my two cents.

I'm super excited for an Elephant species being here on Subeta. My family collects them in memory of my younger sister that passed away (Her name was 'Ellie', and we're pretty sure she became fascinated with Elephants because of her name,) and you bet that I will be getting one in her memory. I absolutely can't wait to see this beautiful pet. <3 I can't wait to have one of my own.


If you can't even read the post where I said I specifically /didn't/ call it outright nepotism or favoritism on purpose than you have fun with your walls o' text, cause clearly they're for your benefit and your benefit only.

I've stated my substantive issues with the judging multiple times over. I've also stated I don't have substantive concerns with the specific names (rather than the selection process and the general pitfalls of not following the IRL translations guideline) over and over.

You keep making it about you while emphatically denying it's about you, lol.


5 bucks says even though zentu won the poll it won't be the name of the pet lmao



First, let me say that you're the first person I've remarked back to in the comments of either news post regarding the event. It's not really a matter of "disallowing criticism", it's just a bit hazy to me what you're trying to prove? Your so-called criticism has no real point. Anyone that has cited cultural inaccuracies or alternative meanings behind certain words have made clear and vital points on why they didn't care for certain names. I can respect that, though I might not agree. I've read and read through each of these posts and considered what each "side" of the argument had to say. I've been completely objective the entire time, without revealing (until three or four posts before yours in this news post, which you can read below) what my names were in the matter. I have no real personal interest in most contests and personally saw no harm in any of the way that it was hosted-- that's just my personal opinion and by all accounts am allowed to share my frustrations just as you are. The assumption that I'm trying to argue with you because my name was in the polling is a bit silly, considering that it's completely done and over with and you're the one still dredging it up. I'm still not understanding why? What exactly is it you're trying to accomplish? All you've really criticized is the /one/ point that Subeta always screws up? Huh? If you're so exasperated by the way this website is run, I'm not entirely certain why you still choose to waste your time or effort here? The answer seems so simple to me. When I don't particularly agree with the way certain websites or services operate, I stop using them. Again, I've come and gone from Subeta many times. I genuinely appreciate the way that it's run but am disillusioned to see people trying to tear down people who have worked incredibly hard to host little miniature event for us only to be ripped apart by people like you that have no real respect for the people who actually enjoyed participating. It taints the spirit of the event, as well, which is precisely what you're accusing the moderators that ran it for us... It all seems a bit futile.

I'm trying to let your know that your feedback is abrasive. Now, there's no real need to sugar-coat your opinion but /my point/ is that you're not being even remotely productive in the way you've been handling your message. It's just a series of bashing certain moderators and creating a debate. To quote "lackluster judging, and a lack of attention to doing even the barest minimum to keep it from being a popularity contest"; I've not seen much in the way of popularity contests. You're making an accusation that you haven't backed up. Prove me wrong. I want to see where the "popular users" were getting any sort of advantage and getting people to vote for their name-- my only post or mention was on the forum topic, where I posted them originally. The reason I decided to respond to you in any way was that it felt incredibly personal that you would recommend that my name had anything to do with nepotism or favoritism. Yes, I have been a user for a long amount of time but have since lost touch with most all of my old Subeta friends after several years of being idle on-site.

"I can see Subeta failing at so many aspects of such things"-- Again, that's completely objective and why I brought it up this point in the first place. Being in customer service yourself, you should remember that not everyone is going to be completely happy with their service 100% of the time. Subeta has a very small, closely-knit staff but it's easy to lose focus. It's not a failure because it didn't fail. Most of Subeta's fanbase was neutral to the mumblings about being unfair or too culturally biased. There will always be instances in every situation where there's a crack or flaw in the system and the best way to resolve it is to ride it out. They might have made a mistake by only adhering to a certain standard that a few people weren't thrilled with but overall, the feedback was more than great from /most/ other users. I hate to say it but majority rules. Once selected, there was nothing that could be done. Maybe they should have implemented a rule to have /every/ name anonymously submitted. Even still, there's no way to prevent inappropriate names being chosen in that matter, either. Regardless, you still chose to argue in this thread for this reason: "Multiple names per user were selected?!? Subeta and contests really. don't. mix. Jesus H...." You act as if you're shocked. Why did that come as a such a surprise to you? You took the time to vigorously wrack the forum, where dozens of others were posting /multiple/ names and still came here to, yes, complain. Odds are when posting multiple names that your odds of being selected in the process are considerably higher than those that only post one. I see your point in that many of those selected were selected from a certain time frame in the forum, however, that only leads me to assume that the "judges" selected too many names in the beginning and effectively became more selective through the process of selecting the name. I'd even venture to suggest a mere coincidence. There doesn't necessarily have to be a pattern in how many were chosen within the time frame. You're not qualifying any possibilities or questions to come to a reasonable conclusion. You're making assumptions based solely on the fact that a lot of the names came from a certain number of pages of the forums. That doesn't /have/ to implicate anything. It's the luck of the draw, sometimes.

None of what I said before was untrue or disrespectful in any way. /You're just trolling./ That's the tldr version.


Rah outright cited 'dream of flowers': she said 'with letters being moved around it would be ok' (they weren't). There's also the appearance of favoritism/spotlighting concern.
Finally, that's not remotely when you should clarify the "'Reason for choice' and 'got to' the name" guideline into what was said about direct translations (and then doubled down on later). If anything, that's where you walk it back.

Additionally, pronunciation wasn't stated as a 'guideline' but most of the names chosen had pronunciation provided and it was included in the final poll.
Staff pinged (sometimes multiple times) for some of the chosen names.

Literally all but 1 of the names was posted on or before the day Rah posted ~halfway through the contest period. Half were in the first quarter. Something went out the window as reading through the thread went on, but it sure wasn't the guidelines...

Is that really not lackluster? I didn't say 'totally shitty', 'favoritism', 'nepotism', 'intentionally vindictive', or anything remotely like that for a reason. Lackluster and disappointing are purposefully middle of the road.


We ultimately* ._.


Am I the only one that doesn't really care what the name of the species ends up being? That it can be whatever it is and not really matter? Since you know we ultimately get to name it whatever we wanna when it comes out. If I wanna name is SparklesMalone it'll be SparklesMalone... I appreciate the option to help pick out a name for the species, honestly I do because it was really nice to involve everyone like that. But to get so bent out over what it ended up being named is saddening... Cause like I said, we intimately get to name it whatever we want after it comes out.



I'm really not understanding why you feel the need to disallow criticism? Your points need some work too, so let's get to it:

-Staff allowed us to participate in something that will be on site for years to come: why yes, that would be that 'prestige' point. It's also a shared feature with all those past contests (other than the business HA contest, so far), hence the comparison.
-Don't give a flying flip about awards: Yet you bring up your position, and cite the fact that your suggestion will be on the site for years to come. K.
-Lackluster judging: The names were directly against the spirit of the guidelines given. Those guidelines, btw, did not 'go out the window after hours': The FIRST name to make the poll is both the most direct translation and on PAGE ONE of the damn thread. The guidelines clearly weren't taken into account at all, so long as staff liked the name otherwise. So, perhaps, /don't give them/. That's the point, that's the ~feedback~ (oh, sorry, complaining, my bad): Stop giving guidelines and then picking something directly conflicting!! Beer contest, business HA contest, the list goes on and on. This is an ongoing issue which is why it's sad that it applies here too.
-15 years of customer service: Irrelevant, but grats. I've worked customer service (and website moderation) too. Part of why I can see Subeta failing at so many aspects of such things. Or perhaps it doesn't mean shit since it's one of the biggest areas of the majority service economy, lol.

Staff could have just picked a name, yes. Some people might not have liked the name picked, yes (although the track record for the last 10+ names doesn't really play that out, but w/e). But a staff-picked name would not have gone through this process and thus garnered this feedback complaints about the process. Perhaps you're missing the point in lumping the two together: complaints about the name and complaints about the process of getting to the name. P.s. glad to know people's legit concerns about the appropriateness of using real-life languages (especially without considering their unique features) are 'whining' and should just be disregarded because you've worked for Subeta and know how small it is + how hard they must've really tried!

Find something better to do with your time than going off on a rant because people are upset with something tangentially related to something you have a personal stake in - or at least correctly target those who do dislike your personal stake next time. Oh, ps, perhaps skip the veiled personal insults next time too. Clearly they're ok as long as you say 'no disrespect' first, but still.


Aw I liked Menghua.. so I'll prob refer to it as that or "new pet" anyway Lol :) Interested to see what the "new pet Menghua" looks like!


I didn't pick Zentu because it is the name of a real digital company! I just can not wait to see the new pet! Thanks Subeta team for all the hard work on the name!


@Cara also, you go girl for pointing out that staff could have just thrown down a name without us getting to pick! they are more generous than we the community deserve xD


@Cara /squishes
you are such an amazing person ;-;

i have to admit (im sorry! T.T) that while i dont hate on Zentu per se, it simply isnt my taste (maybe because im of Chinese descent so i just lean towards chinese-y names). but after seeing how you are just so genuine about the name and enjoying it all, im a lot happier about Zentu winning, i can say that for sure c: /snugs



I'm not really understanding /why/ you're so sorely disappointed in this event. More so you haven't argued anything relevant, rather only complained about everything without evidence or facts that your, really cynical, opinion was based on. The staff here allowed us to participate in something that will be on-site for years to come. No, there is no prize but /as the person/ who "won" the event (Zentu was my suggestion), I can safely tell you that I don't give a flying flip about awards. I participated because I had a lot of fun doing the research and watching the progress of the event and the different names that were rolling in. As for accusing the event of having "lackluster" judging, I'm afraid that's only matter of opinion. The people who wracked the forums for hours on end to select the / ten / out of hundreds of suggestions did a fantastic job. As someone who has worked in customer service for almost 15 years, I find your accusations to be unwarranted and totally unnecessary. What evidence do you have to support that the judging was so lackluster? There were small guidelines in which the names were chosen, yes, and some of those were slightly overlooked in the hours-long process of weeding names but these are payed employees that can't prepare for the amount of unnecessary backlash that they were also having to tend to. I'm very, very aware of how the inner workings of Subeta function as a prior employee here and I certainly have heard more complaining than what this event has yielded.

The end all and be all of this is that the staff could have chosen a name for us and people still would have complained about it-- you can't please everyone. The staff here is wildly aware of that fact. The name was chosen, the event is over. Find something better to do with your time than beat a dead horse. The staff didn't /have/ to allow us to participate but it's in their nature to make us feel as united and included as possible. I see no harm whatsoever in it. You don't like the pet name? Don't create one. Have an issue with the staff? Apply as a moderator and make a difference. Nothing is going to come from whining about. I mean no disrespect but you're simply complaining for the sake of causing a stir. Trolling, if you will.



@Speiro **



No, it's not against the 'guidelines' (though supposedly direct translations were and we saw how that turned out...), and there aren't prizes (as far as we know) aside from some prestige. It's still very much in the same vein as the way Subeta has handled every contest it's ever had though (large or small prize, essentially no prize, etc): guidelines that aren't complete or otherwise go against the spirit of what is eventually selected, lackluster judging, and a lack of attention to doing even the barest minimum to keep it from being a popularity contest.

Forgive me if I'm not dissuaded from being disappointed merely because it's 'not a traditional contest'.


I remember voting for Qiharu. Liked the sound of it.


@Tribunal - There weren't rules against it, and they never announced prizes or anything as far as I know? I don't see the problem. It's not really a contest in the traditional sense.


Multiple names per user were selected?!? Subeta and contests really. don't. mix.

Jesus H....


I couldn't decide between zentu and yunmei so I finally just let my eyes unfocus, wobbled my mouse between the two, and clicked, lol. Yunmei ended up getting it.


I voted for Yunmei, I thought it had a softer sound. Zentu makes me think of a wise monk though so that works too. Can't wait for the release!



I wasn't personally offended at all. Sometimes people need reason to complain, if only out of boredom. I thought your names were really well thought and you did well! Don't let the trolls make you feel bad for participating! Zentu was my name suggestion and that got bashed a bunch but IDC because I knew that I'd researched my suggestions and it wasn't just a sloppy, easy-to-say name. :3


@Bathory Omg I would actually preffer that spelling too. It looks very nice. =O


Well, so much for adding a new letter to the pet alphabet lol. Guess we'll see soon enough if this name matches the pet.


*twitch* They sure seem to be drawing this release of the pet out lol.


/slithers back in nervously

i suppose a lot of you guys knew it was me already, but i just want to thank everyone (staff and players alike!) who voted/showed support for Menghua, Yunmei and Qiharu! you guys are awesomesauce! c:

i did think long and hard in suggesting those names and i'm glad to have them made the final poll. i do also apologise if i offended anyone with the meanings of the names or mashing languages together of anything else. i meant the best for them and i'm excited that they were so well received. Yunmei placed third and Qiharu placed fifth for anyone curious!

it means a lot to me that the staff and the community are so close here. i've never been happier to be a part of this site! c:


Now I really can't wait to see the pet now! :D :D


It feels like it should have been Xentu instead but eh. I keep having an urge to call it Gantu from Lilo and Stitch.



it reminds me of an old scooby doo episode with a villain named zentuo...


We already know zentu won (Amber confirmed it)
The name reminds me a lot of xatu now that I think of it...


I like how we're discussing Pokemon movies in the comments section instead of wondering which name won the poll. xD


but I watched the Entei movie last night and Raikou wasn't in it okay D:
it was pretty good, I hadn't seen it before. I need more pokemon movies.


*tail, not tain. :x


@kbbob - I spent an embarassingly long time trying to decide whether Entei or Raikou matched the silhouette better. :P Entei's feet are a better match, but Raikou has a tain and curved fangs. Plus Entei's spiked wing things get in the way. A LOT OF THOUGHT WENT INTO THIS JOKE, OK.


I just want it in chibi. xD


I can't wait to see it!!


can't wait to adopt my own RoarByKatyPerry




Drat! The poll was released on election day and I was exhausted from running my precinct so I missed the announcement and my chance to vote here.


why not Entei?
I watched the Entei movie last night.


@Ursa ;) You'll get cool stuff like the subetapedia entry when we release the pet ALL THE FUN STUFF


/confused head tilt ;-;
but okay then i'll wait for the reveal! high hopes, high hopes! ^0^


@Amber - legendary subetamon pets confirmed


@Speiro never 2 l8


@Amber Aww I'm a bit sad. I had hoped with the name finally chosen it would finally be ready. The wait is super killer. But I understand that you guys prolly have some other things to get ready with it. Hope I don't die of suspense before the reveal. XD


Is it too late to rename it Raikou?




There is still time for more storm pets.


@Slowerthanzero You’re going to have to wait a bit longer for the reveal!
@Ursa We’re going to release it all at once and it’s going to be awesome, but yes Zentu was leading when we closed the poll. ;)
@Mayonaka We could still have a storm pet or two, nothing says we can’t have a summer storm pop up. ;)


-waits impatiently for reveal-


i s2g this feels like expecting a newborn


Am in suspense as to which neam was chosen


Mmm, not looking forward to this one. Especially since the new pets and colors have meant that we didn't really get any/many new storm pets. New storm items, but not new storm pets. I was so looking forward to new storm pets this year.


im confused, didnt Zentu win? why didnt they just announce the winning name? or will it come together with the actual design reveal? or will they have a second round of polling? meep ;-;


claps enthusiastically!!


show me the dog already i cant take this anymore im dyin yo


So is the reveal going to be today? Or are we still gonna have to wait a bit longer for that? Really hoping we get to see it today though. ^^


Can't wait to see what it looks like. :)


Such suspense!


Can't wait for the big reveal!


* - * can't wait for the reveal


oh wow that was quick!
excited to see the new pet :D


Cool beans yo!

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