Mysterious Melody status

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Hello, everyone!

Mysterious Melody has been a Subeta tradition for years, and we're hoping to present it to you later this week. It is going to be the usual fun of being able to provide anonymous cheer, but we're also adding some new features including achievements. We've aimed them at a variety of styles, so there should be something for you whether you've saved up some big things to really make someone's day or if you chose lots of pieces for a carefully themed array of gifts.

We wanted to get this out earlier, but December's been a bit of a blustery month. The server outage from December 3rd is still an issue and, while we're working around it, the back-up configuration is less robust than we (and you) would like. Between that and other Lumi matters such as trees, testing for Mysterious Melody has taken longer than expected but we are looking forward to wrapping that up and putting it out this week. Thank you for your continued interest in Luminaire, and Subeta!
User Avatar: 605589

Posted by Galaxia


Honestly I’d be surprised if it was even before January now :’)


Just a question.....we had heard that Mysterious Melody would be up this week. So far, no sign. Any news on that front?


@Galaxia The broken tree images persist. I have verified on 2 different systems (Windows 10 & iOS 15.2).

Browsers verified
Window = Chrome & Edge
ipad = Chrome & Safari

*Loaded same page containing various trees

- Same browser, refreshed = Trees that would appear, some would disappear & vice versa
- Different browsers = Sometimes the same trees appeared and other times other trees appeared or only a few of the same trees showed up.

In a week, Lumi trees will be opened. Empty trees has about 1/4 participation than other years, most participants indicating that they find it too difficult due to the trees glitching. Many trees that are empty remain undetected because it's very difficult to find/see them.

The tree images glitching started Dec. 12th. 6 days later, it still is problematic. Please help get staff to prioritize fixing the issue.

Empty Trees helps break social isolation, not only for participants; but also, for any that receive gifts. Please help us brighten users' Lumi, including our own!


As for "silent partners", I'd happily "set aside items for when my partner appears" instead of "waiting for somebody to be matched up with me" and the poor sod appearing hours later, when my timezone is already night-time or a new Subeta day is just coming up and the thing is reset! Then whoever is the "matched up person" will get my pre-prepared MM gift even without me re-visiting MM in time to see "you may exchange gifts now".

I'm not stingy, just off-time from most users, and such a "set-aside feature" could probably cut down me being a "silent freeloader" (just due to timezone mismatches and non-Subeta things coming up) in half.


@Snowwall I think it opens Dec 21, on the first day of winter, and ends the first day of spring. :)


Sorry, are snowballs going to appear? The holiday schedule says "Luminaire and snowball tossing happen in December", but the Snowapult and Avalanche Emporium are both closed :(


Super excited for this year's MM! :D


I cant wait for mm to start I have alot of good items waiting but if I get nothing or a silent partner then I will not be doing it next year


at least you managed to get an event in 11 months that we can use, with luck, 2 weeks instead of 4. but I rely there, also as always, on our friends the server problems.

"the same procedure as every year James".



I have personally tried chrome, firefox, safari and edge. Since it started being glitchy, I had thought maybe it was a browser issue and I could get around it...but apparently, though i didn't check to see if the same exact trees are broken across all, still an issue no matter what browsers I look at.

It's really strange because SOME trees are visible and others aren't. Some are visible on profiles but the image is broken when I click the gift link. Many are broken on profiles but load once when I click on the gift link but not after I gift. I am not a programmer, so I'm not seeing a pattern, though there must be a common denominator!


I'm eager for the return of MM. It's my favorite Lumi tradition and I have really missed it this year.


Just curious if we're getting any new ornaments from the boxes for this year.


@Galaxia Thank you for the update & it is greatly appreciated to know that staff are working on the tree issue. As odd as it may seem, people have indicated that even the trees they themselves saw, can then not load & vice versa. In the signatures & titles, no trees have been visible. The issue started Dec. 12th. There was mention that there would be a switch or addition of a server for the Cash shop. A bit after the mention is when the trees started to glitch. It might be a coincidence but it might be a lead to where the prob originated.

I hope that helps ^^


unpopular opinion i guess but i'd be happy to try out mm again with achievements attached to it, i never bothered to join it when seeing so many ppl upset over their partners for the day and wondering "is my stuff good enough? are they talking about me?" (anxiety is a bitch lol
not everyone hunting achis is gonna be a jerk <:I


Cool! I’ve been looking forward to doing my first mysterious melody and have seen other members talks about it. Sounds like it’s going to be fun! People who don’t care for the achievements I’m assuming don’t have to do anything different than what they would normally do? I can’t wait!


Nope, I do not like this at all. A gift exchange on here when we're supposed to be spreading cheer and joy and all that good stuff, is now an achievement hunt? Why anyone thought this was a good idea I'll never understand, because it isn't. You'll have people who are in this just for the achievements as well as the usual people who just don't participate. I remember when the achievement system first came out and it was a lot of junk gifts for the tiers. Like I know I don't give out any crazy items like CWs on the reg but I try to give things in a theme and sure, not everything is crazy expensive either, but I try to at least do it thoughtfully, and I'm thankful for every thoughtful gift as well.


For the trees, we're still working on them; it looks like there's a browser-based component to the issue that's complicating it. Sometimes a tree that's broken in Chrome is visible in Edge or Firefox or vice versa. Have you and the other lovely people wanting to spread cheer in that thread had the same trees broken for everyone across all browsers, or has it been variable?


Thank you for the update! I'm getting my MM outlet from the 'give a themed gift' thread in the forums this year, but looking forward to MM!


Thank you for the update!
MM is my most favorite part of Subeta. I gather items and wait (sorta patiently but not really lol) all year. (:
I'll keep gathering items and this year: I will just have to participate each day once it's live. YAY!


Thanks for the update! MM is my favorite part of the site. I remember one year as a teen I figured out who my MM was from her posts in the forums and I felt so clever for it that I just kept sending her anon gifts throughought the season.


I'll be ready to jump into MM when it's available, but until then, I'll keep spamming gifts in the forums.


Some trees are appearing in forum posts, thank you :heart: What would be even better is that all trees appear in posts, in signatures, in titles, on user descriptions, etc.

MM can be enjoyable when users actually send things. Unfortunately, I've had several experiences over the years whereby the people sent nothing. I hope there will be a feature to penalize such users in the future as it becomes very discouraging to continue participating.

Moreover, I'd prefer the site works properly before adding new features, especially the trees! We're stuck trying to stall & entertain users while waiting for ALL the tree images to function properly. Several users have become discouraged & there's only so much stalling I can do before morale completely drops!


I used to participate in MM but I stopped a while ago. This will be good motivation to do a little anonymous giving. I like achievements. :) Time to do quests so I have sp again lolol.


Thanks for the update!

Hopefully most of the bugs get fixed soon!


And let the record show I am NOT talking about people who actually can’t afford more expensive items but are at least trying >_> There is a difference!


Y'know, I'd much rather like to see the trees fixed.

I stopped doing MM because I kept getting paired with people who just didn't participate. One year, the person I was paired with sent some really mean spirited "gifts" too. After too many years of trying my best to be positive, I just decided that gifting my friends and random users under their trees was more fun. I dunno if I will go for the achievements for MM. It's nice for the people that want to do it though.


I'm disappointed to see the assumption that just because I'll be coerced to participate because of achievements that I'll only give "junk" but I can't say I blame people for fearing that either. Personally, if I decide to participate, I'll do it right and try to be fair and generous, but the fact that sometimes you really do only get junk or even worse, nothing, is a big part of the reason I'm not interested in MM. Disproportionate gifting in either direction (whether I'm receiving too much or not enough) just makes me really uncomfortable which is why I don't have my tree open for gifts either. I always end up either feeling disappointed that I was forgotten or ashamed that I didn't give enough. Either way, ick. And this whole discussion that always surrounds gifting (especially anonymous/mystery gifting) is even more ick. Complaining about getting junk looks tacky, sure, but only giving junk (or nothing) and expecting more in return is even tackier. I'm not a big fan of real-life Christmas either and do my best to avoid all gift exchanges because they're always just awkward and stressful for me.

Anyway, that's my rant, sorry I'm such a grinch. I've just gotten burned too often to enjoy things that rely on the kindness and integrity of strangers, especially anonymous ones.


It IS greedy to RECEIVE expensive items and give junk items (or nothing) back :) And junk items don’t have any thought put into them. And it takes no effort to send random, cheap quest rewards so let’s not defend this behaviour!
Last year like half of my MMs were responsive and the other half just took the items and didn’t do anything at all. Greedy thoughts do count and ruin it for others!


It IS greedy to RECEIVE expensive items and give junk items (or nothing) back :) And junk items don’t have any thought put into them. And it takes no effort to send random, cheap quest rewards so let’s not defend this behaviour!
Last year like half of my MMs were responsive and the other half just took the items and didn’t do anything at all. Greedy thoughts do count and ruin it for others!


It's been years since I've done MM and I've completely forgotten what it's all about. Is there a quick guide anywhere?


I tend to dip in and out of MM, it’s great when you get a partner that engages, but as soon as I encounter a “silent” partner I get discouraged. I’m not seriously into achievements so that side doesn’t interest me.

🌲 🌲 But, please, please, please get the tree images working again. I am one of the admins of Empty Trees and it is breaking our members hearts not to be finding and filling trees. I came on an hour ago to find some images were working and I got very excited, now they’ve disappeared again!! We can’t fill empty trees if we can’t see they’re empty.


Time to buy some stickers for proper communication!


I cant wait for mm no matter what I get yes it is the thought that counts I love all the gifts I get :)


I'm a little sad that some people are sounding a bit greedy :( Just be happy to get something even if others think it's a cheap gift, it's the thought that someone cares enough to gift at all that should matter not that the gift was high priced or not.


I love everything new!
So excited.

Also... this "filling empty trees" was so much fun, unless there were new requirements.
I still love doing it - but the thread is not one of my favorites any more.
To much differnet stuff going on there, that is NOT filling empty trees.

As alwayys thank you for the information and work you all put into this site


I'm with teacup132 and springjoy. Filling empty trees is my favourite holiday activity on the site. It's basically the only activity since I'm not interested in MM at all. Please bring the tree images back.


I will love to give mm a try I have alot of good items to give no cheap items this is my first mm in years


I’m happy about MM coming back. :) the achievements don’t really to me, I just like gifting. I don’t have too many friends on here so it’s always fun to bring cheer to another player


I'm not thrilled about achievements attached to MM, it will only encourage people to join just for that and donate junk. I was hoping the changes would make it funnier, it's my favorite thing to do during Lumi and I saved so much stuff, it's not fun when you're paired with someone who just wants to get the achievement and will throw crap at you.


I haven't tried MM for ages, probably because of seeing complaints about players getting just cheap junk or nothing at all from their MM. Is there any way to change that & make it more fair, like an SP range minimum and maximum for presents and/or a requirement that you have to send at least 1 item?


I never really used MM because in the past I would send nice or decent gifts like a subq invite and few WT and they would send junk items worth pretty much nothing


i'm another one who would prefer seeing the gift exchange come back -- i've never participated in mysterious melody because i'm always worried my gifts wouldn't be "good enough" for whoever i got matched with -- but if we're going to have achievements... i guess it's time to face my fears :')


I'm glad MM is coming for the people looking forward to it..Not sure how I feel about more achievements being attached to it if they're going to be based on spending. It's weird to me when people brag about that with trees already lol. We already have one for sending gifts in general though, so maybe it'll be that but extended?


Also! Trees only glitch on Samsung. My iPhone and iPad work just great :/ honestly it muggy be Chrome


Can we get a "go subeta, go?!" Everyone comment GO SUBETA, GO!!


I used to do MM every year, but the last few years ended up being paired with grinches who never sent anything. :( Now I just stick to people I know.


Meh, I gave up ages ago after seeing so many complaints about everything from "cheap" items to not being sent gifts the entire day. (and if anyone here remembers me telling this before, I was the user who found out their MM because they complained and donated what I gave them)

Unless we get something to not be paired with someone all day *coughs* gift exchange* I'll still sit this out. I don't really celebrate Christmas and it kind of extends to onsite.


I must say I agree about fixing the trees. Gifting is so uninspiring right now. :(


I don't really do MM, I'll only do it if the acheviments have prizes that I want badly enough. I agree with what someone said about not wanting to spend a load on more appealing items just for the achievements, especially since I still have trees to gift and I'll be spending loads on that.


I am really excited to see what changes are in store! Mysterious Melody is a favorite feature of mine and many others on the site. ❤️


Profiles, not purifies. Of course my finger would hit add content the one time I didn't want it to.


MM is a good feature, but it's not one I gravitate toward. What I do gravitate toward, and what is necessary for at least one thread that brings Lumi cheer, are trees. We NEED trees working for the Empty Tree thread. I need trees writing for my thread because it's so hard to see the gifting link on purifies without it.


I am quite ambivalent about MM... I usually do it but I rarely find enjoyment in it. And attaching achievements to it is just going to make it worse, obligating those who don't like it to participate grudgingly.

I am much more concerned about getting trees working correctly! I love seeing the trees, and how users have decorated them as well as putting presents under trees that don't have any.

I know the entire staff is working hard, and it's appreciated! But why keep trying to roll something new things or updates, when existing things are broken?


I haven't used MM much but I'm glad it's coming back for people who are really into it and I'll try to participate a bit as well. :) Thank you for working so hard!


I was hoping we'd hear about this! Glad to hear it's coming along well.


I enjoy doing a bit of Mysterious Melody and am curious about what it will be like. Fingers crossed it works out well! :D

I am hopeful that trees will appear soon? Like @teacup132 said below, stuffing users' trees who have few friends or otherwise empty trees is the highlight of my year. I save up and it brings me a lot of joy picking out gifts for people who may not be expecting to be noticed or shared with, and I'm trying hard to be patient about the tree images being down still, but...really will be sad about it I think should they not reappear in the near future. :)


Achievements won't be crazy, @Marlboro. ;) We learned from the snowballs.


Thanks for the update, however I won't be aiming achievements, achievements aren't my thing, so I hope
its still the same send to a random user.



Please don't make the achievements tier crazy, the top one right now is 50, extra 2 tiers 70, 100 are fine, but more than that may make everyone just throw junk into the MM for the achievements just to get them.



I do like that idea, I'll bring it up! That week or so into January, the post-Lumi feeling, could definitely use some good cheer as well.



They'll be part of it next year as well, so even if it ends up not being your cup of cocoa this year you can have a plan for next Lumi!

@Evy @teacup132
Site stability is a big concern for us as well, which is why we want to make our list and check it twice in terms of making sure the feature works. The MM extra features had been in the works before the December 3rd outage and incorporated some stuff that users had been requesting for a while (no spoilers just yet on what). Luminaire is one of the favorite times of year for Subetans, we know, and we want to make it special. We appreciate having you and everyone with us.

Thank you for the kind words!


I don't think I've ever done MM except maybe back when I 1st started, so interested to see what happens. Thanks.


no to achievements for this.. i am not one who is able to save to buy anything that people wouldn't deem junk and i hate trying to guess what to buy/send anyway. i stay away from all the gifting and really don't want to be dragged into this for the achievements :/


Thank you Galaxia for all the updates you've been delivering, your communication is everything users have been asking for and you're excellent at it. Stay awesome man.


Although it is appealing to see what the staff comes up with for Mysterious Melody, I would prefer that the priority is to fix the trees & other site issues.

It's my 4th year hosting Empty Trees where kind users find trees that are not filled and then fill them with gifts. There were over 150 participants stuffing trees & approx 1,600 empty trees filled. Many users have indicated that this is one of their favourite things to do during Lumi. We had just started the event a few hours before everything crashed. Being able to decorate trees, gift friends, break social isolation, etc. is a BIG part of Lumi.

On my end, I've tried to keep morale up by encouraging users to post broken tree images to get at least a laugh... but honestly, I am disappointed that the tree images have not been fixed. Moreover, I am a bit pissed that staff is spending time checking for new things (that often make the site hiccup because no matter how much testing offline, something can happen when you put it live). It makes me think of the movie Ralph Breaks the Internet.

So please, please, PLEASE prioritize fixing things 1st, especially Lumi Trees!


Can't wait ^_^


:) Thank you for all the effort you all are putting in to trying to make this a great Lumi!

Pffhehe! "wrapping that up" ^_^ Indeed!


So glad to see that it'll be back soon!


@Galaxia, thank you SO much for the update on what's going on with MM. :heart:
Because of it starting so late, is there any chance that it can possibly be extended into the first week of January?? Please? If not, I understand, but it would be cool.
I absolutely love MM, and for those who don't know what it is, it's kind of like a Secret Santa thing. You sign up each day and are paired anonymously with another player on the site. You then can exchange items (clothes for avatars, plushies, stickers, food items etc.) with your Mysterious Melody throughout the day. It just adds to the holiday cheer which is nice. :) Again, thank you!!


It's my first Lumi, so I don't really know what Mysterious Melody is all about, it's still a mystery for me lmao Can't wait


Thanks for the update! I'm excited for MM this year especially with achievements.


I love MM, but please, for the love of cats, make sure you fix trees first, make sure the site is stable (for cw/pawn shop sale and this on top), and then, only then, try to add something new (you know everyone and their dog is going to scramble for new achievements).
If the rest of the site isn't stable, then don't. do. it.

I'm trying to be positive, Lumi is my favorite time, but good lord, Subeta, you making it hard! I do appreciate the steady flow of communication, being it good or bad!


thanks so much for the communication! always good to hear from you guys ♥️


Can't wait to see the end result! Keep it going! Subeta has been a site i've used off and on since 14 haha and now i'm 29!


Ooof...achievements? Normally I'd be stoked for new achievements but I have less than zero interest in MM and now I'm going to feel compelled to participate despite my discomfort with it. Hopefully whatever other updates are coming for it will make it a little less unappealing to me. =x


Thank you!!


"{...} we are looking forward to wrapping that up and putting it out this week."


thank you so much for the update on MM! always loved this feature during lumi. looking forward to what time we'll have with it


Thank you for the update! :)


Thank you for the update, MM is my fav part about Lumi so I was worried whether you were going to get it fixed up in time!


Yay, thank you for the update! Big excite for this feature to become active!


I was JUST thinking about this!

Looking forward to the fun!



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