All basic colors of the Keeto have been brightened up slightly, and Keetos are now also available in Cream.
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Posted by Luxe

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The thing of the matter is, everybody is getting upset because the keetos are being critisized. But what if YOU didn't like them? Then it'd be a totally new world.

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ok im not dissing anyone but good lord is it just me? the keeto needs a complete and total revamp. it is so flat it needs to have more personality boldness 3d ness anything but redo it!!! it isnt going to stand up to the rest of the pets soon you knoe? well i like the desgin and dont lose track of what it looks like. keep the micheveous smile and the sly look but make it more 3d it really needs it and one last thing is that WHEN you revamp it watch the shadowing messing up the shadowing on this type of pet will completely miss the whole overall feeling of it...please take this into consideration and give the flat keeto a proper barriel.

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Divsy, there are more wrong than the lines, like i said, don't mind lines.
<br>So long and hard the change hurts, so long and hart people will complain about it.
<br>And by the way, where is your Keeto? <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>

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It's pretty good. The darker lines are nice. I just miss that good ol' mischevious smile. And the red eyes Mira once had. And the thinner stripes. Other than that, they're ok I guess.


But... *sniffle* What.about.the.LILAC.ones xP

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heh. i agree with everyone being too darned WHINY. for chrissake. everyone's just repeating and repeating. well. THAT is hurtful. Do you really need to couble the impact by adding your own comment? which basically says the exact same. crit is nice. but theres such a thing as TOO MUCH crit, right?
<br>and what the heck? we're whining about TAPERED lines now? oh, give me a break.
<br>whatever. i think it looks fine. And yes, i work with a mouse. and those of you that are downgrading mouse art? =.= well. i've seen people work with tablets that are worse than me.
<br>anyways, robotai, you did an awesome job, but unfortunetely, as i've constantly seen. people are so opposed to change. :/ and.. i think the keeto needs a whole revamp anyways, nn; not just a partial. *shrug*

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Just so you know, the Sun color itself is supposed to be orange/red/maroon...ish. ^^; Not pink. That's why it was changed <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>


The hot pink of the sun keeto was gorgeous <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0>.
<br>I think I'll color my keeto bloodred now, unless it'll be changed...


One thing I'm not understanding... those who are missing their pink Keetos since the Sun recolor - why not just change them to Dawn? Too pale? *shrug* Maybe I can't see it because I'm just not a pink fan. >.>

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<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0> I dont think I like this revamp....I wanted my keeto to be sun because of the pinkness...and now the pinkness is gone and she is ugly brown...*cries*


I miss raibu's pinkness D: but I might just make her twilight anyway, as she is supposed to hate pink, i love the new twilight <3

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Oibear, love, you did an outstanding job on these new Keetos. Both Renda and Jhon look beautimous now, and I've completely changed my mind on making Jhon a Sheeta now. He is so staying Keeto. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>
<br>-tackles oibear and feeds her love cookies- <3


Okay, I was among the few who were rathered outraged with this Revamp, it makes the Keeto look way different than it used to... But I did go back and actually look at it, like Oi suggested, and it doesn't look that bad... I suppose I'll just miss the smaller lines on teh old Keetos, but I'm still a huge Keeto fan, and this won't chnage a thing. -Salutes to Oi- THANKS. XD

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Same, Mystic. My first ever pet was a keeto. Seeing evee's keetos on DA is what made me join subeta. I own 5 keetos and plan to own a 6th *snuggles twilight elixir in vault*

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I'm looking forward to another touch-up as the new colours actually look really wonderful!


Mystic, I swear, I'm staring at the eyes and I can't see the difference. I can notice the lack of tapered lines, I really can. But the eyes? Maybe I need new glasses.
<br>Ugh, whatever. I'm so through with this news post. We will see what we can do with the lineart and fix it.
<br>Sun keetos however will NOT go back to being pink. Eventually all sun pets will be either red or orange or a combination of both.
<br>The end.


Two other things I just has a square bum and the black on it's tail looks really sloppy, that could do with some *cough*tapering*cough* and cleaning up.


Oi I wish you had posted this in the staff forums, or if you did I'm terribly sorry but I must have missed it D:
<br>So yes Keetos were the reason I joined Subeta I am very fond of them and have owned two, will probably own another one soon.
<br>I'm comparing them to the bloodred Keeto and I'll just critique you like I would on the staff board. So this aint a personal attack or anything, kay?
<br>1. The lines desparetly need tapering, as Dickie said just erase the ends to make the lines thinner. Thats what I use to do too, when I was stupid enough to not use the pressure function on my tablet. It looks good and it's easily do-able. the lines that need doing most are where the legs join the body.
<br>2. It's face shape is squished, did you trace the cheek up too high? Or either it goes down to low, there is a sort of bumb there. It makes is lose it's elagance which is probably why people are
<br>complaining it looks to cute.
<br>3. The stiches on it's head are to thick, it draws you attention to it too much.
<br>4. The eye shape is wrong, the black arches up too high and the actual eye has more of a bean shape, whereas it should be more kite shaped. This is where it loses it's elegance again.
<br>5. The nose is simply to big at the top. It needs to be flatter.
<br>6. Especially the littly swirly bit on the aura under its tummy, looks extremly square. it need to flow more, it's a wispy aura afterall not a piece of bad cut plexiglass following it around.
<br>7. You could have added some backlights to make it stand out more.
<br>8. The eye colors could be brighter especially on field. It looks like the old canis recolors where everything was in the same hue.
<br>I can't say I like this much, I don't see why it was needed in the first place anyway. Ok point taken that the mouths needed to be closed...but it wasn't that annoying.
<br>Actually kelpie I am amazed you think they look the same .___."
<br<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_mad.gif border=0>i please don't take this personally, I know you are limited with the mouse ( actually before I didn't know this, you are good with it) but please consider my points here and please even if you don't PLEASE at least taper the lines!

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Ooooh, I am so pleased that Cowboy finally looks actually SUNNISH =D
<br>And Oi, that's how I do my work too, with the pen tool. I sympathize. I too liked the variety in the mouths, but hey. I am fine with this revamp.

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It's not hard to use the pen tool with a mouse, I've done it myself using my laptop touchpad!
<br>Secondly it's easy to taper a line without a tablet, there is the 'simulate pressure' option on the pen tool and also you could draw the lines thicker than you want and make them thinner in places using the eraser tool.
<br>It's nice you tried and all but if you knew you weren't the best for the job then you shouldn't have done it.

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I uploaded the old dusk and lilac versions i had.
<br>For thosse who see no changes, look on Dareus' petdiscription.

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i hav a keeto! cant afford any potions tho =[

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I own a Keeto
<br>or, lets say "owned".
<br>As soon a the 4 waitinghours are over i will zapp Lizra - Dusk Keeto - or give her a serpeth elixir.
<br>The trace changed her whole appeareance!
<br>I don't mind shaggy lines or such. But i <b>do</b> mind her loss of great blue and bright eyes!
<br>I just don't like her anymore.
<br>And, you may want to change the filename of the "lilac" one into lavender... <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif border=0> just happy this time this horrible turcoise wasn't added too. *cough*
<br>But i see the good in it, now i save the time i would use to finish my application for the Twilight Keeto i wanted.
<br>Sorry robotoi, it's just like that.
<br>But besides my personal likes, respect for the work you had with it!!! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>
<br>Realy understand what it means to draw lines with a mouse. >.<

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Why get rid of the grinning Keetos?
<br>That derranged look was what made them so appealing. o.o


I’m in the same boat here as ET... is there not chance of seeing the colors changed back?


*sighs* Is there any chance of the keeto being pink again in sun color? <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0>
<br>If not...then the orange will be a big change for me to get over ;-;.
<br>Dear artist, I'm sorry for complaining, I really am, but I'm just so disappointed <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0>. Mice are tedious to work with, and I appreciate your effort you made for all of them. Forgive me

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Personally I think the new redraws are LOVELY for a mouse. I know... I've drawn with them, they are EVIL.
<br>And the cream keeto has SUCH pretty colors, like someone said, its good enough to drink ;3 (or eat, whichever you prefer o-o; )
<br>The color changes, I think, were really good on a lot of them. Some liked the pink sun keeto, I don't see a pink sun, so the orange is really nice. XD (you don't see a red sun either, but uhh...*dashes off*
<br>Anyho, there are a few little things, but overall its all lovely, especially those eyes... *purr*


I think I would be happier if the sun keeto didn't turn orange. It totally killed the reason why I bought the elixir -.-.
<br>The rest of the colors are fine and great nonetheless, though pale.


Ok, so, now I feel kinda bad for just jumping in and not really saying much of anything...
<br>First off, the redraw really does look perfectly fine. In all honesty, I had no clue it had been redrawn oO But then again, I’m not nitpicky about little details....
<br>And, might I just say, thats darn fine work for a mouse. My lineart with a mouse on any program other than MS is... well, its bad <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sigh.gif border=0>
<br>But I really do want to make a viable complaint about the color change... I dished out a pretty penny to turn Sparky Lilac... because I loved how bright and... I don’t know, catching it was...
<br>I don’t have any trouble with any of the other colors (the Cream looks just fine, and the twilight looks great), but I really do wish that the Lilac would get changed back to the original color <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sigh.gif border=0>

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I think people need to either critique properly and help the artist out or just need to ...well.
<br<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_mad.gif border=0>kay. Guys. There's a difference between HELPING and hurting an artist. If you do not like something, fine. It's good. But being rude about it isn't a very proper or kind thing to do.
<br>Neither is expecting ANYONE to go out and buy a 100 dollar tablet. Not everyone is rich in reality and I think, for what these were made with, they're fine. They might NOT be up to the other standards but I applaude Robotoi for trying.
<br>The end. I shall now disappear.


The redraw looks fine, wonderful, I love it....
<br>BUT WHYYYYY are they lighter? DX *sobs* Now poor sparks looks like he’s taken ill!


I will admit something though Robo. The new cream color looks good enough to drink. xP


I'm sorry, the mouse comment wasn't directed at you. :/ I didn't mean to be hurtful with my statement - it's just that some of the people's comments about mouse-art made it sound like they thought it was automatically inferior to tablet art, which isn't correct. ._.; I wasn't trying to say you didn't do well with the resources provided.


Saga, then please get those artists to come work for us because obviously, my talent isn't that amazing.
<br>But please don't ask me to be as good as them. For one, that's impossible and two, that's extremely hurtful.


The line width was almost exact except for certain places, I can show you easily in an art program. I was going to try to taper the lines at those areas where it was thinner (though it probably just would have been worse, I've tried it before on items), I just didn't get the time to do it.
<br>And frankly, I would love to buy a tablet. But, to be completely honest, my family lives below standard poverty level in the US. I can't afford one.
<br>No, the other Keetos won't be touched. This was just supposed to be a minor little tweek for the time being, in hopes that someone more skilled than me could come along and do a better job in the future.
<br>Yes there are differences, but bear in mind, I cant make it exactly the same, I'm sorry. I am not an expert, this is just something I do for fun.
<br>I really hope you all can understand that a huge majority of the artist staff is still in some kind of schooling, and we all do this on volunteer basis. It's guarenteed that we won't get everything perfect, and that there will be flaws in our art. But we really are trying to please you nontheless.
<br>It just always seems on these pet news comments that people think we're trying to displease them, when you really all have no clue how many hours we all spend collaberating and commenting and working with each other to get things just so (though we do still miss things at times). Maybe we aren't all that greatto all of you, but we certainly try our hardest. Please don't think for once that we're not working out hardest on all of our images
<br>If you want to see super perfect professional top quality art, then you'll have to go to the professionals :/


Oh, I know the pain of drawing with a mouse. That's torture...
<br>I appreciate the work of all the artists. Thank you for all the great work.


Downgraded? Uh, the lineart was just smoothened out a bit. It makes the Keeto look really nice, now. I myself would not have picked orange for the new Sun revamp, perhaps, but I think the Keeto looks really good. Yes, there are flaws, too, but dang, for mouse-art? That's pretty lovely. Me, being a Keeto-addict, enjoy the new change. :/


None of the artists who work for Subeta actually get paid that I know of, at least not in real currency.
<br>In any case, I DO happen to know what drawing with a mouse is like. I did it for more than six years before I got a tablet. And I've seen artists on the 'net do mind-blowing artwork with a mouse and an oekaki applet, too. Tablets do make things easier, though, at least for most people.


I know the artist worked hard and spent her own time trying to make some people happy...but I'm just alittle upset since the Keeto was one of my favorite pets, and instead of getting upgraded, I see it downgraded <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0>.
<br>Rarely do I get upset over redraws, I'll just go away now <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0>.


I think all those people need to stfu about this. Stop complaining. The new keetos look WONDERFUL, especially with all the unpaid effort put into them. I mean, seriously. WTF people. She did all that with a MOUSE, on her own time, without anything in return for her hard work. I wonder if a lot of you know how much it hurts your hands after a while to draw with a mouse, then colour it too. Robotoi did an amazing job. End of story.
<br>I don't mean any offense, you complainers just angered me to the point of having to speak up. ><;
<br>Keep up the great work, Robotoi! <3


I notice a lot of lines not being tapered too, the aura looks angular in some places, and they just look so dull and muted now. Bad idea to change the original which was fine and perfect. I didn't even notice the difference facial expressions..and why make all the same? Variety is good o-o

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I'll admit the first thing I thought when I saw this was something among the lines of 'oh no'. I got all mad and gnashed a bit.
<br>I won't repeat what others have said, but I prefer the older ones lines and a few of the older colors. There are some new ones I like better (new eyes = love). I just think that maybe a vote might have been a good idea to see how many people would be complaining.
<br>But there would still be a bunch of people unhappy so I shouldn't have brung that up.
<br>Robotoi, you did a good job and it's great we have a Cream Keeto now. I simply prefer the older version.

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I find them adorable :]

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eh. i don'ts mind it. o.o i notice the differences.. but.. i've grown to accept change on this site. nn; It seems alot of people are always nitpicking at the changes. and i won't be one of them. so.. heh. good work, Robotai. appreciate the effort you made. n_n


Personally. I think it’s… Just. No. And I’ve got to agree, and mayhaps I’m being harsh. But… a nice profit should go into a good tablet and pen. You have the potential to be a wonderful artist, Robo. You didn’t do a bad job for the Keeto revamp, although I will now say that I don’t like the muzzle. There’s not enough definition… However, the colors are beautifully done. I especially like the new Sun Keeto. I think the lineart should be thinned a bit, and the muzzle more pronounced… Other than that, it’s not a bad job. Although, I'll agree with Saga about it being kind of... Childish. Hadn't there just been a discussion about how Telenine's looked a little bit Disney style and no one liked it? Let's not fall victim to "cutesy" pets... Out vicious pets with wonderful ersonality and attitude is what seperates and makes Subeta so much better than any other virtual pet site.
<br>I do hope the Graveyard Keeto isn’t touched though. I’ve got one of my own, and I love him the way he is.


I'm happy. It was suprising to see Khyrst in an actual sun color, though I'll be changing that. I didn't even notice the changes other than the colors.


<br>I really liked the color of the original sun keeto, the reason why I bought really dislike it I'm sorry ;-;-;-;. The pink was good..I think this shouldn't have been updated
<br>*cries in a corner*


Robotoi, I'm sorry if my comments offended you. I was trying to be constructive and respectful. I know there were things about the Keeto that needed changing, and like I said, I'm glad you've fixed those things. I just think there were more things changed than there really needed to be - particularly the outlines. You've done far better linework than I could hope to with a rollerball, honestly, but compared to many of the other pets' artwork, the rollerball's capabilities just... don't match up. It's not your fault, and I admire your willingness to fix the Keeto's mistakes... I just think, for the most part, the old lineart was fine. :
<br>I also probably should've added before that I don't think the new Keetos look BAD. I still like them, and I still plan to get one. It's just my opinion that the not all of the new tweaks were necessary. So again, I'm sorry if my comments came across the wrong way.


I mentioned the things that I did like about the redraw. There are just more things that I happen to dislike.
<br>I don't think the whole thing needs to be redone or the redraw be scrapped entirely, but tweaking the lineart in places would be really nice... and fixing the face to give it the more malevolent look that Keetos are known for would help immensely too. The things we suggested might be minimal but they would make a huge difference in appearance. :/


Oi ilu.... i always have and always will. You did a beautiful job with the limitations you had. It's is still like the original artists work yet in better color. :3
<br>I told you how ai felt before when i saw them... but i just wanted to tell you again. x3
<br><3 <3
<br>(btw i've always admired your ability to pick the perfect colors. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0> )

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*huggles robotoi*
<br>Darlin you've done a better job than I could have done XD. I admire your skill and I hope that some of these people who are presuring you stop and realize that your not getting paid for this. You vouenteered your time and energy and skill to redo these.
<br>I say they're all gorgeous, half you buggers are too picky, and if you don't like how they look then you can all darn well try and redraw them on your own.
<br>*scowls softly, and then claps for robotoi*
<br>Kudos hun, you did a good job.

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Thanks for caring robotoi!! Seriously, I was waiting for when someone would color a common color cream for the Keeto, glad it finally has one! ^o^ Their eyes are very nicely colored and the colors are brighter IMO for all the common colors..

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The recolors look fine.
<br>Also. To the comment on the whole revamp thing, Are you kidding me? An extremely talented artist did the original design for the keetos, her artwork isn't outdated or no longer Subeta style. So why would such a great pet need a redraw? The other pets chosen for redraws had shading or lineart, or anatomy that was inadequate for the site. (IE: The kumo's gelatin simalarities, the fester/torrey/pherret's forms and unpopularity) The keeto remains beautiful artwork, though I am not to be biased.. there are always flaws. The current recolors are a bit flawed around the aura or outline, but it's hard to replicate or trace the original design.. and each artist has a different outlook, and perspective. Also, the continued jabs at the artwork without any show of aspects you do like.. it just shows completely worthless opinions to me. Please don't tell me you lack postive critique because you fear it may hamper your chances of getting your way. (For those of you hoping for the keetos to go back) And regardless of your opinions, if Kelpie/Keith.. or anyone with proper authority wants the pets to remain recolored, they will stay. So a pessimistic attitude insulting an artist does nothing.
<br>So, for those of you with comments that show the pros as well as the cons of the recolor, I respect you. Otherwise, try to mature some before attempting to critique artwork. =) So, any worthy comments? (Due to the current dismal amount, I would hope to see at least more than a few respectable users)


I dont mean to be snippy, seriously.
<br>This is just so frustrating for us artists. I.E. People getting their undies in a twist when something is redrawn/drawn not to their liking.
<br>It's just, I wish you would take into consideration my own limitations before blabbing off about all the things wrong with it. I know quite well that I can't make it perfect; but I was the only one willing to do it.


<br>I'm so sorry that I couldn't create an EXACT replica of the old one. I don't have a tablet, or a really nice graphics program, and that leaves me with a roller ball mouse and the ever so nifty pen tool. I'm sorry I can't perfectly taper the lines and all that jazz but what on earth. Are you serious? I was the only artist who actually cared enough to try and get a cream keeto done, which was impossible via the old image. If you beg to differ, I ask you to go trace one then. There were so many problems with the old versions, each color being slightly different, some pixellated, parts in the tail not fully colored, open mouths on some, filtered color, etc that I just asked if I could try and re line them.
<br>But it is nice to know that all these people who probably never gave a second look at the more common colored keetos have something to say though.
<br>Be honest, for my sake. When you look at it, is it really THAT horrible?

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.__. I myself think that the Keeto needs a total revamp thing xD I mean compaired to the new Kumos, Montre and well who am I kidding nearly every awesome pet on this site they look a bit flat.I just think that if they were re-drawn they would look just awesome < 33.

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I'm glad the default hasn't been changed...I guess I'll make my would-have-been twilight keeto into a default one.

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I love the eyes on my Baal now! Mixes with twilight color very well!! ^o^
<br>Just wish the aura at the end of the pic was like the original, just seems a little off, other than that, I'm all cool with it! ^___^
<br>Now only Darkmatter for Baal now...XD


Also dusk and gold have yet to be revamped as well. Gold still has an open mouth as well. You can compare those two with the others. The aura is off and shaky not at all as smooth as dusk.


I admit I don't own a Keeto, but I've been planning to get one for a long time (soon as I settle on a name), so I've been taking a lot of close looks at the species lately.
<br>And I hate to say it, but no, they weren't traced *exactly*. : It's obvious they were traced, but not exactly. The lines now look stiff and choppy, not smooth and natural like before (tapered at the ends, etc). The other big differences are the more blackened and rounded eye-depressions and the upper lip, which had that cat-like slight cleft before, but has now been rounded out. Subtleties, yes, but they can make all the difference in a pet's personality.
<br>Please don't be offended, Kelpie or Robotoi - I know this revamp took a lot of work. I am happy that they all have closed mouths now; that inconsistency drove me nuts before. And the eye colors are beautiful. But I just don't think the rest of this revamp was necessary. : Wouldn't it have been easier to take a lineart template from a closed-mouth color and apply the same old colors (and new eyes) to that to fix the open-mouths?


I agree... the slight difference changes their demeanor even though it's subtle. With an animated style of art, even a slight change in the degree of how the eyes are angled can mean mountains of difference as far as the emotion being shown goes. That's why redrawing a pet like this, even when retracing over it exactly, is so difficult I think. @@; I don't blame Robotoi for the tiny change, it's not easy to do something like this. :/ But the difference is definately evident.


-sigh- ._- The two are different, to some people it may not seem like much, but they differ a good bit.
<br>Just look at the muzzle form for a moment, and the area around the eye, ignore the fact that they're smiling. The bloodred one doesn't look as pudgy, and it doesn't have that much black around it's eyes like the cream one.

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I love Keeto


Nice work robotoi. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>


No, some were smiling, some had straight faces, and others were smiling with their mouths open, so we chose a pose and made them all alike.


I don't think they were all smiling before... it's a bit scary. o.o


I'm sorry. I see no difference between common and bloodred other than one is smiling and the other is not...which has always been that way.
<br><img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sweatdrop.gif border=0>


:/ Kelpie, they were NOT traced exactly. Compare the Bloodred Keeto, which wasn't updated, with, say, the cream one.
<br>These Keetos look... too cheerful, not the eerie, ghostly we were all used to. D: Seriously now, the old Keeto looks like it wanted to play volleyball with your soul if you dared to get too close to it, this one's just crying out to be hugged...

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I also agree with Saga -- the redraws look very.. cute-ish. Too child-like. I liked the sharper outlines that the old Keeto had as well.. these ones look quite choppy. To me, the eyes look very odd, and little too boldly colored on the Twilight Keeto. Instead of looking at you in a sort've indirect way, they stare upwards with a happy smile and.. well, it just doesn't look like a Keeto.
<br>I'm not trying to knock on Robotoi, but I do like the old Keeto's better. Verac spent a looong while as a common Keeto (with plans to turn Graveyard), and I didn't personally think they needed a redraw. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_whatthe.gif border=0>


Point taken, Dokuja, but my Katana was a basic Keeto before zapping. He was going to be some kind of Keeto when he was done if the zapper wasn't kind, but I was aiming for Bloodred Keeto... which did not get revamped with the rest of these (that's how I compared them) so I guess they are intending to give it a more dymanic pose like some of the other BR pets. -shrug- So I don't own one, I just liked them a lot. But my favorite isn't apparently changing anyway, at least not in the same way. >.>;

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I really..really..hate this D: Honestly, credit to whoever tried to make them look better..but they were fine the way they are. I don't care that the eye colors were the same or the mouths were different, they just look..bad now. I'm sorry, seriously, but I'm just stating my opinion.


Whatever problems are on these keetos are on the old ones too. They were traced exactly. Perhaps more contrast can be given to field's eyes if it's that big of a problem.

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Seriously guys, chill out. You'll all forget about this in a week anyway <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>


<br>I personally feel that the body looks a little flat (but then, it did in the previous version too), but otherwise, I don't see much of a problem. Perhaps making the eyes contrast a bit more sharply with the body colour (ie. in the field, it looks almost like it's just been green filtered)? It was always strange that some mouths were open and others closed, so it's nice to see some consistency there.
<br>How many of you even own basic colour Keetos? <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>


Wow, looks great! I love the blue eyes against the cream-colored fur. Nice job!


Yay! I was about to say they were looking really choppy but now they have been fixed, yey <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>

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<br>I want one.


I completely agree with Dickie.


Aw. Cream Keeto pretty. Takkeh like. <3

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*points at white edges on frontpaw stripes in shadowareas* Was that bevore? ^^"
<br>They (thier outlines) look a little more blured to me now... like the Clawsions... XD
<br>Like the colours of the new cream one though. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>

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What should've been done is the hue of a closed mouthed keeto should've been changed to each of the desired colours...then for each the eye copied onto a new layer...change the hue of it on that the copied re-coloured eye over the voila!


They're really good, and I love the colors on the cream keeto, plus the lilac colors are much better... but the lineart looks a bit shaky and untapered... D:


Well I -did- like the Keeto... <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sigh.gif border=0>'

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the field's eyes have changed colour and instead of a complimenting greenish tone they just look like a washed out version of the body colour...a bit like on the field tigrean <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0>


The field should be the exact same colors?

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I agree Saga, they look cutified and round in the face...they look like younger less lean keetos.
<br>*cries in a corner*

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If you look at them side by side with the old ones they've actually changed a lot...especially the face. This makes me sad. I loved keetos (so glad I made my dawn one spectrum) but now they look kinda amaturish in quality.
<br>Also, the field looks very monotone and flat now.


I like the closed mouths a lot more. ^^
<br>Though, the faces look a little less...evil now? I think because the nose is more rounded and less catlike, makes them look a bit goofy. o.O Same with the black around the eyes being more rounded and less slanted. They just always seemed like ominous, ghostly things before.
<br>That lilac color is just beautiful though. ^__^


The only one that really changed noticably, Jenn, were Sun and perhaps Dawn. The rest only had subtle changes like their eye colors. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy_sweatdrop.gif border=0> The eye colors made a huge difference to me though.


Wow. I'm not exactly sure what changed, but they look loads better now! That field one is quite gorgeous.

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Ewww they've been relined and look kinda gross D:


Ah, sorry, but... I prefer the old looks, even with the open mouths and all.
<br>But I'm sure robotoi gave her best on this. I can immagine how hard it is to "redraw" a pet color like this.


<img src="" border="0"><img src="" border="0">
<br>My new favorites.


I just have to say that recolors are every bit as difficult as drawing a pet from scratch, and robotoi deserves some special thanks.
<br>All keetos have their mouths closed now, and the eyes are GORGEOUS.


cool soo cute !

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Aww.. So cute! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>
<br>Hehe, it looks a lil' chocolatey, too..with that brown, there.




!st comment,pretty.

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