A new trivia question has been added!
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Posted by DebiLee

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*puts another spectrum minion on wishlist* im stumped i dont even know what to do with them at al and no one i know seems to know either so blah!

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I must say...This is getting pretty ridiculous.


XD When I was at school, I thought of the answer to the one before the last one. XD Silleh me. ^^ I shoulda gotten on sooner. Ah well, I'll just have to save up. -saves-
My gosh. Debilee. You are AMAZHING. How do you think of these things? XD Hmm.... Well..... -thinks- It's probably wrong, but I'll try anyway, hoohey? =3

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its not debi's fault, yes some of the trivias are a bit... weird, but its definately not debilees fault. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0> so yeah
I just think that there should have been a explaination of what to do with the numbers on this one XD


I never even understand what to do on these types of trivias. o.o


Oh... That's how I've always seen and used the word "Trivial". Sorry for that.

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Imay, I'd be interested to know what you think the word trivial means. It certainly doesn't mean they don't always have to be easy, in fact their level of difficulty has nothing to do with the word "trivial". Trivial means something which is unimportant or insignificant. Just thought I would point this out as I am getting sick of seeing one person or another posting things like: "they are not meant to be easy, that's why they're called TRIVIA" as if trivia means difficult or something. Anyway, not getting at you personally, just your use of the word "trivial".


Not complaing but honestly i'll never get into the blue building now as these questions are so random..


One of those another number trivias. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_shocked.gif border=0> I guess I'll put in something random. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>


I agree with Tharonx, Imay and everyone who appreciates Debi. She spends ALOT of time on the site and I'm sure she get's heartbroken when people cheat. : Please don't and play fair.

=goes off and lurks=

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Yes, Lets not bash on debilee. Debilee is awesome and anyone who subjects to that can deal with me and try to throw me down..(Which you cant i may add..^^..jk) No, seriously. Debilee is sweet...Dont bash her..<3


Oh, and I would like to thank DebiLee for her patience with the Trivia... especially with all the cheating lately.


Wow, people -.- Don't complain and be hatin' on DebiLee because you can't work something out. And you people complaining to DebiLee aren't even considering the fact that she didn't make the trivia, it was suggested by someone else.<br><br>

When the trivia is over, if you're <b>that</b> desperate for the prize, you'll <b>earn</b> the SP and <b>buy</b> the thing.<br><br>

<b>Trivias</b> aren't meant to be <b>always</b> be easy. That's why they're called trivias... because they're very trivial.<br><br>

Really, people, If they were always easy all the time, the prizes would be worth less, and working it out wouldn't be at all satisfactory. If you work hard on a hard trivia and get it right, it feels good to think you've actually worked for that prize. Whining gets you nowhere, anyway - so why do it?


It's funny cause now that the trivias are all subeta related it seems people don't know them as much... I say stop complaining, it gives you a chance to get to the site better <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>


<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_confused_shocked.gif border=0> Ahhh


XD I'd answer "O rly?" if i didn't know better x) <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_heart.gif border=0>

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I love the trivias, but what are we supposed to do with this one? It should have like a hint, like its an item or something. Just numbers is well. Hard XD and weird, but I think the trivias are just that trivias, I do admit they have gotten ALOT harder XD -brain esplodes-


Meeep. The prize is so cute. XD I actually like the way that the trivia prizes are rarer now that people actually have to work/guess to find out the answer. I get more money for the prizes since I never feel the urge to buy one of them and not many people win them, keeping the prices from plummeting. x: Don't hurt me. -brick'd-

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i just thought fo something, when people suggest trivias and thier questions get picked do they get to answer the trivia and get a prize?

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if it didnt have the 2's in it i coulda had a chance at ti but i have no clue whet its even supposed to be

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what the hell is that o.o

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what the freak that the worst trivia qestion ever


People, please stop upsetting Debilee... you are making her post meaner and meaner questions! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>


*runs over and squishle/hugs DebiLee* That's for trying to keep your head when stuff like this happens *pets*. My brain still hurts looking at the new trivia though XD.

Everyone is saying this is a math trivia. I was under the impression that it was a code trivia. *shrugs* Maybe I'm wrong and it is math in some way.

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Gah! What is this?


Ok, I take what I said last trivia back. Now I REALLY hate you. >.<;;


Well, I took a stab at it. No doubt I got it wrong. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_whatthe.gif border=0>;


Wow. Fun trivia <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sweatdrop.gif border=0> hahaha I have absolutly no idea what to do with this...haha oh well.
XD DebiLee I would love to see some of the answers too.
Probably pointless to suggest, but it'd be so interesting if you posted some of the amusing answers in the little chart thing you have for the old trivia answers..ya fun, but probably be such a workout to make happen that it just wouldn't be worth it.
Now, to see if I can make anything at all of this trivia hahaha I love the prize.

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Oh, I HATE math . . . Say, why all the Spectrum Minions lately? There been like 5. Why not something Reborn/Marsh, or something other than a darn Minion?

Maybe to go with the new Spectrum pets <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>


I feel a little sheepish, saying I would never figure out that last trivia for the blob kitty, but with a little research, I did. But this one... I know for a fact I'm a total idiot with numbers. I never passed the business course in High school. =0
oh well. The minion is cute, but I don't want it. I'll wait for the next one.

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WheeeIdon'tunderstandthisone! C: But, heck, what does it matter? I'll try anyways... After all, it's just a game. ^^

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The people who cheat ARE punished. The only "punishment" the non-cheaters are dealt is having to wait for the prize to reoccur.

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what trivia? o.o


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">Posted by jyskal -
when does the trivia end? </blockquote><br><br>

When a certain number of people answer, normally.

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i didn't even try the last one, let alone talk to anyone about it, or to anyone about anything. so why not just punish the people who break rules insted of everyone. looks like i won't be trying this one either, just like the last 20.


There will be other things; there just happened to be a lot of Minions drawn just at the moment.


Don't complain about this trivia.

you all deserved it.


About the people that 'accidentally' post trivia hints/answers on the forums or somewhere: Subeta needs a BAD PEOPLE list. *nod*

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The diary of a bloodred malticorn wasn't a minion, badger. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>
42? XD You're unbelievable, DebiLee! Yes, please PLEASE no posting of clues to this one (I know they're sometimes accidental) - People work very hard to find the answers and they deserve their prizes. I honestly appreciate that, and the work that goes into the trivias, even if most of the questions tend to be 50ft over my head, nowadays.


Oh, I HATE math . . . Say, why all the Spectrum Minions lately? There been like 5. Why not something Reborn/Marsh, or something other than a darn Minion?


I love trivia it is fun to me. I love when i'm right and I love when I'm wrong. Especially when I go "duh" because I answered wrong and the answer was literally right in front of my face.


*looks at the new trivia* <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_whatthe.gif border=0> what the!?


Hopefully it won't end for a while so people can try to figure it out. Please people... don't post any clues.

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when does the trivia end?

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i think i got this current trivia question wrong...i got a weird answer


you can see previous trivia answers, just click on past trivia's and select the one you wanted to see and it'll show the answer

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Debi, for all the maintenance you do on trivias, you should get to be a full admin and be able to see those goofy answers XD.

Really, people, mistakes happen, and Debilee fixed it to the fairest degree.

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hey i was just wondering it would be nice to see the answer of the previous trivia question like at the bottom or top of the new one, because im interested in seeing the answer to this one, because im totally lost...really, i have no idea, but i would be nice to like see what the answer was when its ended. maybe?
but me and my sister are fingureing it out now...*sleeps*

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Heck. No offense. I never managed to do the previous trivias because I didn't have the time. This is a game; something to do on your spare time to RELAX, you know?
I have no idea who to do this trivia eigher, but I don't get stressed about it, or that they changed the trivia. You should be happy and thankful that the staff even take the time to think up trivias almost twice a week and gives us something to do. Plus-they give us neat items as prizes. You should be grateful they take their time to do this because I sure enjoy the trivias and games they make for us.


You guys need to take a chill pill... Debilee used the same prize on this one that was used for the last one so really you have no room to complain. And if you're all pissed because the question is hard or you don't know what to do, then keep your comments to yourself, that's not anyone's problem but your own. *sorry if that sounds rude or mean but I think that it's getting out of hand* Plus usually someone complains about not knowing what to do, then someone else spills the beans on how to do it, then the trivia gets taken down before we all have a chance to answer it.


Hehe I would LOVE to be able to see the user answers, but only the full Admins can. Because when I didn't know I used to type in little joke answers. XD And when I didn't know but I knew that it was a number... 42! XD


Okay, I just feel the need to comment, which is something I don’t usually do. I love the trivia questions. DebiLee, you are doing a wonderful job. I have seen you do your best to try to make it the fairest you can. You can't make everyone happy all of the time, right? <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif border=0> This is a game, I didn't get the last one either and I have no clue where to start on this one, but where would the fun be if there weren't a challenge.

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Oh come now everyone - don't let trivia glitches, difficulties or sheer confusion get your knickers in a knot! If you have no idea throw a random answer in the box, send it, and laugh heartily at yourself. If you can't just enjoy it then stick your head in the sand, wait a minute, and THEN submit your scathing queries.

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i think i got it...but im not sure...

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i agree, they did win the prizes fairly.


The answer isn't technically "wrong", it's just subject to interpretation, so I tried to be fair and replace it AND keep the same prize, even though over ten were won and that's all that is required, but people still seem to want to complain. I won't make the mistake of trying to be nice again. And, no, we won't be cancelling the Trivia because some people feel like complaining no matter what. I'd recommend just don't do them if they upset you so. And, yes, those people DO deserve their prizes because they DID do the work correctly to get the answer that the user who submitted it wanted. I wouldn't even consider taking them away, especially not when everyone else has another chance at the exact same prize anyway. That was the point; there are two ways of looking at it so it had to be replaced.


Ohhh.. I'm through with trivia's >< Everytime I start working on one it dissapears and gets replaced with one even more screwed then the first, just .. not .. fair .. >< -shakes fist-


Damn, not even 4 hours this time. *looks at new trivia*

Ow...my brain...

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i just dont get the new trivia...cant figure it out to save my life...*tear*

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<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">OK, I'm sorry-but if a trivia has the WRONG answer to begin with....then it should just be freakin cancelled! So the other 22 people who made the same WRONG answer were rewarded with the trivia prize????? Yeah, that seems fair to me!</blockquote>

Couldn't have said it better myself. Especially when<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">Buying the other pieces isn't technically "questing" for them</blockquote>

This sounds like saying both two...


Eesh, I figured out the main part of this, I just don't know how to get around the rest of it. <img src=/images/smilies/smiley_sadface.gif border=0>

I suppose I'll just enter what I think's right and hope for the best <img src=/images/smilies/smiley_xface.gif border=0>

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I found out what the trivia IS - Just not how to actually go about making an answer out of it. I'm not mathematically minded, and not going to break myself trying to understand the information I found. I can live without a bear thing. Thankfully.


Cake. I love the prize for this oooone. <3


And this new one makes sense... how? o_O;
-confused- ;;


xP God I thought there was a rule on Subeta about English only.
120201021 - whatever the heck order those numbers are is not English!

*marks annother trivia off the list for attempting*


Thanks for not taking the prize away from us <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif border=0>

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011110100120210111012201012100110111001210112011210112101101? i dont get it


Buying the other pieces isn't technically "questing" for them (i.e. doing quersts to earn them) so, no, to most people that wouldn't count. And the answer was what the user who submitted the question put as correct, and it could be arrived at, it just wasn't the only possibility, so, no, no prizes should be taken from those who did the work the same way as the person who submitted it. 22 of an item is negligible on a site with 100K users anyway, really.


Hahaha! Lucky indeed <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif border=0>
He must be the one that snipes the cheap pieces before I get to them in peoples shops <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>


yeah, generous and lucky, since he only paid at the most 5 k for each bracelet shard LOL I usually pay more than that, and this is the reason I do not do Shinwas quests anymore LOL


-lol- I do the same - I have a set order of people I visit for quests daily, and Shinwa is only #5 <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>
So by the time I get to her, its more than likely all those she sends me to have given me their quest quota for the day. And depending on how generous I am feeling, I will do her quest by buying her shards from peoples shops.
I, too, assumed Bob was the generous sort like myself XD


Yallinga this is exactly what I was saying in my other post, the rare times I did Shinwas was after I finished with the other ones, so I always ended up buying her shards and since the trivia put a price on the items (like 5k, 3k or 1.5k) I figured Bob did like me and bought those shard <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif border=0>


Octo, I believe its impossible to not give out the trivia prize. Anyway, This one is so darn hard an extra 22 wouldn't hurt the economy much.

Perhaps it will teach us all to double check the trivias before we even attempt them. Sure, we all wasted our time. But isn't that what we are all doing on Subeta anyway? xD And no. I didn't get the last one right. I have no clue about this one. :3


Ugh! *brain explodes*
This is a mind melter of a trivia. T_T


Actually, you can -buy- the Shinwa's bracelet pieces from other peoples shops, you don't have to rely on her sending you to different people you might have already done the quests for that day. If you buy the pieces, then you effectively can count the 5 quests she does as independant from the other quests <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif border=0>
The way the trivia was worded left that possibility open -shrug- so essentially, depending on how you did your quests, both answers would have been right <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif border=0>

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Ok: I loathe these trivias with nothing but numbers more than I can possibly say. Thanks for making yet another one I can't possibly crack. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0> I agree with what people have been saying about cheaters and such: The trivias just aren't worth having anymore.


oh and yeah, by the way, I got it right by counting Shinwas as 5 by the way


" Oddly, 22 people made the same miscalculation and got it right. XD "

OK, I'm sorry-but if a trivia has the WRONG answer to begin with....then it should just be freakin cancelled! So the other 22 people who made the same WRONG answer were rewarded with the trivia prize?????

Yeah, that seems fair to me!


yeah I agree that you can get her five items by doing other quests, but the rare times I did Shinwas, was after I already finished with Maleria, Wizard and Pete so I ended up having to actually buy the shards off of the shop search (which cost me a lot to get a cheap item) So I figured the trivia was suppose to be counted as if you actually bought the shard and not as if you got them by doing the other quests

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And now I started to wonder.. Maybe it really was the five for Shinwa? You make five quests for Shinwa, get the items from those 160 quests, and get only one prize for the five quests you made.. Could be like that, even I thought that the five would be only one because of the one prize you get. But the truth that you have to get her five items like doing five different quests plus the ones to get the items.. It could actually be both, one and five, right? xD; Or something..


Possibly NOT the best idea to discuss the trivia this time.
Give everyone a go at working it out themselves for once <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif border=0>


I love this trivia because this is just what I've been learing about!


faegrrrl it said if you read the trivia that bob had a blue user icon

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faegrrrl, it said bob the blue icon user or something, are blue icons regular accounts?


Well, DebiLee, why would the 5 shinwas quest be included, I counted them as if I would have get the tiems from them from the SHOP SEARCH and not by doing the other quests. Cause you can just buy the shinwas bracelet shard from the shop search if you want.

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ahhhhh! thanks, heh.


Toy,Maleria,Cursed,Pete,Wizard,Library,Computer and graveyard.I so want the Minibehr but i totally don't understand this trivia.

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I knew where to find all the quests and who to do it from BUT WAS IT THE 30 FOR GA HOLDERS OR 20 FOR REGULAR?


Wizard, Pete, Toy, Library, Graveyard, Computer, Cursed and Maleria

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now that the last trivia is done.. can someone list the 8 quests? I was only able to find 6... but then, I'm still new to the site.

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So was it how many quests alotted for a GA account holders (30 in most cases)? I got it wrong but I asked and well dang, these are ridiculous.


Crap, I don't understand the format of this at all...

And I know I woulda won the last one too. >> How cheap.

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Shouldn't the people that won have to delete their prize as they won with the wrong answer?


<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_shocked.gif border=0> -chuckles- I actually thought about that, but the way it was worded.. I took a chance XD


It had to be changed, therefore, because the answer was wrong. XD


There was an inadvertent math flaw in the other one; the user who submitted it didn't take something into account. Their answer was 20 each of eight quests and 5 for Shinwa... but what they didn't take into account is the fact that the five Shinwa would be eliminated because they would of necessity due to the nature of them have to have been included among the 160 quests. Oddly, 22 people made the same miscalculation and got it right. XD


I absolutely abhore these. I just got online and the trivia on but I am in college so I was getting ready abd BAM as soon as I sit down to do the last one, they change it <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sigh.gif border=0>. This totally sucks.

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*sobs* oh come one...i was just getting ready to type in my answer to the other one when it changed. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0>

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well heck, i was working on the last one and came to put in my answer and it is changed, aw well gess i will start on this one now.

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Not fair. ;_; I do live in Europe and didn't have enough time to think about the last Trivia. And this one, I don't even have a clue on it..


Can someone who got the last one right explain it? :3


Gah, am not going to bother with this one, same prize.. and I am not greedy (or willing to work this one out <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>)

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What KIND of trivia is this one please? Is it math? Do we add? I don't get it.

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Bah! I added wrong but had all the numbers right on the last one T_T I would have had it too... *kicks self*

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damn.... I could have done the other one too, I'm clueless for this one. That prize is cute too, ah well.


I don't get this new trivia.


I just answered the last one but...... i'm not good at maths >_>


Well.. I'm stumped. I don't have a clue how to do these types of trivia X3


<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_shocked.gif border=0> That was quick!
Glad I did it tonight and didn't wait for tomorrow morning <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif border=0>

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What the? It's a bunch of numbers. Der......

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Oh well. I guess there isn't the next one. I'm horrible at these things. Wish I hadn't been so hasty on answering the last one <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0>

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Homg. And I just got the answer to the last one too! ;;

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How wonderfully mindboggling - like being hit in the head by a brick


<img src=/images/smilies/smiley_sadface.gif border=0> Why has it been deleted?

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