Glacier Keetos have recently been discovered deep in the frosty expanse of the tundra--and it seems the Graveyard Sheeta has recieved a touchup from its favorite necromancers!
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Posted by DNA_558

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awesome sheeta!

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Hm... though I like the old GY Sheeta more, this revamp isn't that bad~... not good, but also not bad (don't misunderstand me, it's drawn very well, but I just don't like that as much as the old one)


I made my keeto glacier whee <img src="" border="0" />

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i love that keeto need to change mine into glacier


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I dont like that Graveyard Sheeta. I just got one and now I have to change it... please change it back


Oh gosh! Don't redo the graveyard paralix! <img src="" border="0" />

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Alright the Keeto looks great^^<br />
I'm from DA thats how i found my way here but now i am here i dont understand ANYTHING.<br />
Can someone be kind to kinda show me around?<br />
if so send me mail or something like that.<br />
Thank you

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*graveyard malticorn

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Awwh, the Glacier Keeto is just adorable. c:

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cute^^next i hope the malticorn gets revamped:p lol


~*huggles Sheeta*~ I think if I got a Graveyard pet it would be this one. ^^ So cute!<br />
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Not too sure about the Keeto though...something about it doesn't look right.



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rofl you spelt received wrong x.x' XDDD

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Oh yeah, if my GY Lasirus was retouched like this, I don't think I'll mind. The skull and horn thing on the left side of its face is awesome, and the thin and stitches thing is neat. It looks like true Graveyard. Sure, I'm not a fan of some of the other revamps, but there's still more coming, I'm sure. I just didn't want mine like the other... creepier ones. But they're starting to look pretty neat, now that I think about it. And the keeto is still awesome, I kinda like the ice stuff.

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i LOVE the keeto<br />

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hmmm looks pretty nice fancy cool and rocks. LIKE IT!!!


Roshu, Zombies are not always rotting. In most VERY old movies, they are just.... slightly decomposing and still don't look that skinny. There used to be some very buff, manly zombies wandering around. .x. The rotting thing only started up currently with monster movies meant to scare the pants off of you.<br /> What people think a zombie looks like is not always limited to what we see on the silver screen. People have imaginations and they use it.


sheeta looks much better now<img src="" border="0" /><br />
The Keeto is cute<img src="" border="0" />


<br />
Heck, I already made one I love it so much. <img src="" border="0" />


♥ keeto

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Oh how lovely, very very nice work, still cant make my ruffie glacier.

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Stop complaining people. I read in a forum that they are going to revamp the graveyards and then the bloodreds. If you look at the GY torrent or turdle, you'd die. They're only doing what is best for subeta. I love the keeto and the sheeta, but that is not why I am defending it. These comments were made for critism, sure. but like, touch up there and touch up there, not complete redo's. If you are so bugged about it, tell an admin, don't tell us. For the GY sheeta, I'm reading that it is wrinkly, it is missing an eye, the skull is weird. Dead things are put in a graveyard, and dead things aren't cute. O.O;;;<br />
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The keeto, The aura idea is pretty cool and all. Yes, the ice on its tail looks like crap, but, who cares? You have no idea how many people were begging for this pet, and now I see them "I HATE IT!" <br />
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You people are so picky <img src="" border="0" />

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Oh, and, *shoves a thanksgiving dinner down sheeta's throat* Man, have you been feeding it?

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T.T I wanna glacier keeto....but I don't wanna have to change one of my pets....and glacier potions are hard to get....T.T


o: These are amaaaazing. love the emotionless "fk u" stare of the keeto, and the half skullness of the sheeta. <img src="" border="0" />

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I know that some people don't like the Glacier Keeto, but I love it. Pretty much all of the Glacier pets (including my Kanis) are emotionless, which is how I'm sure they're meant to be. I love the colors and markings, it's very exotic and beautiful.


Roshu, your comment was rude and unacceptable. No one has to "shut their faces" about anything. We ARE allowed to have an opinion. End of the Freaking story.


I miss the old sheeta.The keeto is ok


I like everything about the new sheeta except the feet. I don't like the shape, and maybe some more decay could have been added. the horns are fabulous though! Tempting.... >.>


I have the old image of it on my pet if anyone wants to see it<br />
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I dont like that Graveyard Sheeta. I just got one and now I have to change it... please change it back

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they are bolth cool ^^ (but the keeto is more) <br />
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man that was a lame joke <img src="" border="0" />'


Okay. Everyone who keeps whining about Graveyard pets needs to shut their face. They have needed an update for a long time. These are supposed to be, in all principle, ZOMBIES. Zombies are not nice or cute. They are gross, rotting, and horrible. I feel like the recent updates have really been pulling this off. If you do not want a ZOMBIE pet, do not get a GRAVEYARD pet. End of the freaking story.

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This is the first and only gy pet I even remotely like. The others make me want to barf because of how graphic they are. X3 Unfortunately, this doesn't bring me around to actually liking them. I suppose I'll never want a gy pet .... (however, whoot, it actually looks happy for once) Maybe I am being affected by my recent watching of I am Legend. *shivers* That was one scary "zombie" flick. Although they weren't rotting, their clothing was, the dark seekers remind me of fresh zombies. (To alleviate any confusion, my distaste is not in the artists' skills, it is just a still incredibly creeped out by zombies right now. For once, I take back my words that zombies aren't scary. XD)<br />
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On the bright side of news, the glacier keeto is rather chilly, but I love it nonetheless. If I were frozen with a huge chunk of ice on me, I'd be a bit reserved and irritable too. XD

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See I look at it this way, it would take me years to do this kind of art, so if I can't do better, I keep my mouth shut. No sense in blowing hot air unless it's to accomplish something.


I love both. <3 the Glacier Keeto has an air about it like, "I don't care a dam" X3


Thought the Keeto was perfect until I seen the one Goldenchaos drew. Damn, stick that aura on the current one. Very smart. (:


I love these Both. 0=<br />
I don't understand how any one could hate them.<br />
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Is it just me or am I seeing more hate comments every time a new pet or pet revamp comes out? I mean come on peoples, People work hard on these and you shouldn't be yelling out that you hate them, Theres a saying, "If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all." Keep your opinion to your self if it isn't nice.<br />
Stop being so darn picky people of subeta.


I quite like the new Sheeta. It actually looks dead, unlike the last one which just looked slightly torn up and a bit stitchy.


...I don't like either, really. The Keeto looks.. plain. <img src="" border="0" /> It doesn't have the feeling like the others.<br />
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And the Sheeta... I dunno. I just don't like it. The face is nice, though. c:


That ice block on the keeto's tail looks like a pile of frozen, white dung. :/ It's not attractive, at all. Otherwise, the only problem I have is that the back should show a bit more twist, if the pet is going to be sitting like that.<br />
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I don't even plan on commenting on the sheeta. :]


Wow I really like the Keeto in the comments also. I'm sorry but the other one does nothing for me. It's looks way to awkward, an the anatomy even seems off. I even liked the old sheeta better too. But I do like how half the face is rotting off


I personally think the new sheeta is ugly. The old one was so much better. -saves old sheeta image- There goes one of my dream pets down the drain. What perfectly fine pet will be revamped next? x( And what IS with all the graveyard pet revamps? I think they keep getting ruined. The only one that needs fixing is the turdle. It looks more like a zombie then a corpse.

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Wow the Keeto that was posted is gorgeous o=<br />
Ive been looking at the current one and it is not only the tail that bothers me but the face. It doesn't have the same lofty expression as the others; instead it just looks blank...

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I like the one Keeto who was posted in the comments better... sorry. I like the graveyard Sheeta though. Much better. (Necromancers.. YAY!)


omg I had that I wanted a Glacier Kheeto to come out in my siggy for awhile, this makes me so happy! Berkelium can be what a truely wanted him as now! I thank you! ♥ Huh, oronic, I wanted to get a graveyard sheeta badly and now they update it and I dont like it anymore. Good thing I desided to wait before changing one of my pets.... Only sheeta color I like to...


The sheeta is gorgeous, but the keeto is so plain! There's like no shading... And its face looks awkward and bored... D=<br />
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I wish they'd release more nightmare pets... *pokes potion sitting in vault*


Okay, I'm seeing a lot of "if the sheeta's pose were the same" and "its not 'tasteful' anymore"... and I have no idea what you all are talking about.<br />
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1: The pose is almost identical, only instead of the Sheeta sitting sideways, now its 3/4 view. Oh, and the tail curves down and around, instead of up behind it.<br />
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2: Tasteful? Taste-ful?! You all do know you are talking about a pet that has died, and has had its Corpse ReAnimated, right? As in, it is dead, it is rotting, and now Bam it is walking around again, in its dead and rotting state... I mean, are Zombies ever really tasteful? Really, I think this version of the GY Sheeta is more true to the feeling of the GY pets, as the old one just looked... green. And stitchy. This one looks undead, and its got a malevolent little smirk to match.<br />
<br />
And no, I don't have GY Sheeta, but I do have GY Magnus and I had to go through the revamp, and I decided to recode my page to keep the old look because it matched my idea more, but I think that the GY Magnus revamp, as well as this GY Sheeta revamp, are both more towards the GY goal than the old ones were. And honestly, I can't wait for a revamp of the GY Keeto, or any GY revamp actually. They've all been magnificent so far, and I know the artists will continue to do awesome work.


Must.. get graveyard sheeta... NOW O_O


I like the Keeto a lot, but I would like to see one of the back legs, and maybe the ice on the tail gone. Great face, though. :3<br />
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I'm having some problems with the thinness of the Sheeta's front legs, but that's probably just me. DX


I love the keeto. ;o;!


The Glacier Keeto...I have one word for it. Goldenchaos. The one she drew was so much better.<br />
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<img src="" border="0"><br />
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The actual Glacier Keeto looks so emotionless and not aloof enough. I don't like the huge chunk of ice on the tail either but the aura is nice. <br />
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Disappointed by the Keeto, creeped out by the Sheeta.<br />
(copy/paste from forums ˆˆ I wouldn't have said that better lol)


Agh I totally spazzed at both of them <33


There are things I like and dislike about both the new and old graveyard sheeta. It's a shame, I really did like the old sheeta, the lineart was just a bit outdated. If the redraw, which has lovely art btw, kept the same body pose, I would have immeadiately gotten one. It doesn't have the same charm, but whatever <img src="" border="0" /> Art us very lovely, but unfortunately it takes a pet off my wishlist <img src="" border="0" />; The legs feel too long, and yes I know sheetas have long legs, but I think in contrast to the back legs being scrunched it looks really weird. And something feels off on the face. I figured there wouldn't be a poll, since it's too much of a hassle for people to do polls <img src="" border="0" /><br />
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I like the keeto, the ice is a little weird in some places. But it looks very elegant. Not as aloof as some of the other pets, but it's smooth and clean. I'm drawn to it's eyes.<br />
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Again, nice, clean work from both artists (I can't recall who does who).


Amazing job O:<br />
Not fond of the keeto, but that's only my own personal opinion. x3;;<br />
The detail in the sheeta is amazing. @;;@<br />
The way it's body looks so thin and everything, i gorgeous. And the way half of it's head is just a skull...gorgeous. x33<br />
I'm so tempted to change my graveyard keeto.<br />
<br />
Again they're both soo good. x3;;


I think the Graveyards are losing their tasteful luster... not that they look ugly just not... tasteful anymore.


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Your pet has changed into a Glacier Keeto!<br />
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I just want to say I LOVE the new GY sheeta! I just turned my sheeta into one! The art is so much better than the old one. As for the keeto, well it's alright, but it doesn't make go "WOW".

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I just love the new sheeta!The horns are amazing!And I also love the way the spine and ribs show!I also like the fact that half of its face is a skull.Hmm..there is something bothering me about the keeto.Maybe its the tail.I think it should have a little more blue in it.I also think it should have a little more ice and maybe its just me but do the eyes look kinda wider then usual?Overall they are both really good!I know i cant do any better ^^;


I NEED that keeto.


Something about the pose and the way the face was drawn on the Keeto bothers me. Seems like not enough of an ice feeling to it. o3o;; The ice on the tail seems a bit bulgy to me like a big pack on ice just on the tail. <br />
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I love how the ears were drawn out though.♥

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Hmm, for some odd reason, the keeto reminds me of Hitsugaya Toshiro-san. o.o The way it looks so frosty and serious.

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ARGH!!!!!!! THE ONLY GLACIER PET I DON'T LIKE IS THE DARKONITE!!!! I LOVE ALL OF THEM, INCLUDING THIS NEW ONE!!!!!!! And I have nothing to say about the Graveyard Sheeta except WOW.<br />

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The hindquarters of the Keeto look odd =/ But I love the new GY Sheeta! The horns are amazing and I love how it has that emaciated look. But I'm not sure why its smiling like that x3 It looks more like a happy smile rather than an evil smile.... But other than that I love the revamp of the Sheeta.

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love both!!!!! cool like sheeta very mush! same with the keeto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have absolutely nothing positive to say about either pet. With all these revamps happening with the GY, I lost all hope that the Malticorn will be changed for the better. I'll be getting a potion ready to change my pet immediately the revamp is set.<br /><br />
I do feel very sorry for those of you who wasted time and effort getting a GY potion for your perfect pet, only to have it changed right before your eyes.<br /><br />
I will now keep my remaining negativities to myself.

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<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;"><br />
EW.<br />
<br />
Hatethemboth. DX<br />
<br />
Too bad I spent 3mil on a GY potion. ;-;</blockquote><br />
<br />
...Wow =/

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*hands the Graveyard Sheeta a sandwich*<br />
I like it , I think it is well drawn in every aspect.<br />
and that says a lot since I have never been a fan of any GY pet. <br />
But yes this one I like.. I can tell a lot of time went into this one and it wasn't just rushed.<br />
So to the artist of the Graveyard Sheeta keep up the good work <img src="" border="0" /><br />
<br />
<br />
Now the Glacier Keetos umm I don't really like..<br />
But I don't ever plan to own a Keeto , so I guess it doesn't matter one way or the other <img src="" border="0" /><br />
The ONLY problem I have with the Glacier Keetos is that it's tail looks like a skunks tail to me.. Which I just find odd.


i need that keeto....


Very, very awesome pets. I absolutely adore the new GY sheeta. <br />
The Keeto? Amazing. Awesome. And I love teh icy-swirls on its back. They're perfect. <img src="" border="0" /><br />
<br />
Just a tiny bit of critique on the Keeto:<br />
<br />
My dog takes that pose very often, and with one hind leg tucked under like that, it would result in the entire hind thigh laying flat on the ground, so that the hip bone would meet the ground. <br />
So adding a bit of a downward curve to the back, and making smaller the defining-line between stomach and hind leg would make it look more... non-contortionist... and then the tail wouldn't look like its coming out of nowhere.<br />
<br />
<img src="" border="0" /> but otherwise, its awesome. Much love Keshi!


I don't know, I like the new GY Sheeta a whole lot better and would probably get one if I weren't so Fester/Aerie obssessed. =o It is very skinny, but that kind of adds to the repulsive GY look it's supposed to have. Maybe a bit more meat on the bones wouldn't hurt, but I like the concept.<img src="" border="0" /><br />
<br />
As for the Keeto, I'm not hugely fond of it, but I'm really not a Keeto fan at all. It'snice art, just not my type. =D


Keeto is pwnful to the MAX! The sheeta looks better too. X3 before there was not an ouce of creativity in the sheeta BUT NOW! The sheeta looks so much better!

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The keeto's pretty good...but the thing on the tail sorta looks funny. xD


EW.<br />
<br />
Hatethemboth. DX<br />
<br />
Too bad I spent 3mil on a GY potion. ;-;


Is it just me or the ice on the keeto's tail looks more like a napkin?.... DX its.. way too simple.. something like this would have been alot better.. nice art... poor creativity...<br />
<br />
and the sheeta... is ok


I think I have found Teilix's new form.<br />
<br />
-runs to buy a GY potion-


Mmm,I liked the old sheeta.<br />
<br />
I know you're re-vamping all the Graveyard pets,but don't even touch the Manchu!


Can't say I'm a big fan of the Graveyard Sheeta but the Keeto is adorable! To me the eyes look really cute along with a bit of a careless look. =]<br />
Great job!


NOOOOOOOOOO! Not the Sheeta D; <br />
<br />
Now I'm sad. D; Great art and all, but wow, it's just not the same Dx<br />
<br />
Awesome Keeto, though. <3


...Keeto is lovely, however. ;3


My Sheeta is ruined. x-o


That Keeto's lovely~! Sadly I liked the old graveyard sheeta better (the art on this one is wonderful but the old style was better for my pet) so it's time for me to finda different species for Sareta. Maybe a clawsion ...


I love the Sheeta, its amazing. *-*


omg. i NEED the glacier keeto.<br />


The graveyard sheeta is just... I would never get one, lets say that. As far as the keeto, it does look a bit plain and the ice on the tip of the tail looks a little weird.


that sheeta is aweful! (sorry) The old sheeta needs to be brought back. Oh well people look out for a good named GY Sheeta in the pound as im not keeping mine


I love the Keeto... Now I want one. But I don't have any more slots... <img src="" border="0" /><br />
<br />
The GY Sheeta looked much better before. It looks too... Wrinkly now. If it was a little bit less wrinkly-looking, I'd love it.


To those saying the Sheeta's front limbs look a little 'stiff' - ever hear of rigor mortis? They're unnaturally stiff and straight because... well, it IS a reanimated corpse. I don't think they'd be quite as limber as when they were alive. ;3


I liked the old GY Sheeta better. Seriously, what's with all the recent GY revamps? As for the Glacier Keeto, I actually do like it, but it is quite plain. The front half of its body is like a mirror image of the common Keeto, posewise. And really... I'm sorry, but blue eyes always look better to me on Glacier pets than grey ones. Blue eyes just stand out more on a white pet than grey ones do. The snow on its tail looks kinda stiff or something, too.

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Ah, another graveyard touch up. A lot of those happening lately, and this one is pretty cute... but... *Takes graveyard Lasirus and hides inna closet*

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Ahh. (: I love the new Sheeta. O; I need a graveyard potion. <img src="" border="0" /> And the Glacier Keeto! LOVELOVELOVE. (: Keep the good art coming please. ;P


Oh my gosh so cute!


Wha? The old graveyard sheeta was my favorite... T-T *goes to corner*


I adore the new keeto to bits. Makes me wish I hadn't given away my glacier potion. It's a perfect example of why the glacier color is so terrific. Those eyes! Those darling paws! That cool-yet-hawt color scheme! As for the sheeta... rather strongly not a fan, I have to say. The oddly marble-round paws, the spaniel-fied ears, the unnaturally straight front legs, the un-sheeta shape of of the eyes... While I'm glad that some people like it, if I owned a GY sheeta I'd be really unhappy.

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Makes me want a Sheeta.


does anyone know how they used to look? if you do send me the pics?


wow the first glacier i really like. maybe ill get one. thanks for making my artistic day.

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...oh, now I see what kinda bothers me about this Sheeta. It's a bit more anthropomorphic than the other Sheeta colors, making it look a bit similar to a certain pet on another pet site, except with horns. D=


I like both of these, alot. The legs of the Sheeta bother me a little, but I /really/ like the face, especially the bit of uncovered skull. The face of the Keeto is love, and I adore it's paws. Great job to both of the artists. <img src="" border="0" />

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Well, it looks like I'll have to find a new color for Taisiya now. x_x; The old graveyard sheeta was perfect.

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Sure wish the ruffie could be glacier finally since it came out a while ago.

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I think the keeto needs that haughty, frost look, but I like the sheeta more now


The Keeto is... the most beautiful pet EVER.<br />

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The new Sheeta is amazing. ;D The back legs look a little off, but I love iiiiit. <br />
<br />
I realllly don't like the Glacier Keeto, though. It's rather.. bland. And Ugly, honestly. I suppose the way the lower body rolls away from view makes it look lumpy and unappealing. The eyes too. Something.. Almost mindless? It doesn't carry that "You're so beneath me" cold look.


i love the keeto, love its eyes and fluff


Hmm, kinda disappointed about the keeto..<br />
<br />
Sheeta..ehh the old one was better..thats all I have to say...

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Me want *0*


I do rather like the keeto, except for one thing. Keetos never have exceptionally long legs, but this one looks like if it stood up, to would look kinda like a... weiner keeto <img src="" border="0" /> And I'd love to see a bit more frosty glow about it. The art is well done on the sheeta but it doesn't really move me one way or the other. But hey, you can't please everyone.


I guess I'm just not into this mass revamping of any Graveyards that weren't sufficiantly corpsey enough. I dread the day they touch the Malti... my sister has one, and it's one of my favorite GYs.


Both are really adorable, but I imagined the Keeto grumpier XD Okay, maybe that's because Keetos are naturally grumpy, and such, or maybe they just don't care about being frozen, since they are ghost-like :3 And about the GY Sheeta, it's awesome and cute in its own way XD And a bit skinny, too, anorexic girls would be envy of it XP


Sheeta = <3. I was waiting to see if a revamp of the graveyard one would be coming, and, I must say I love it!! I just love the horns and the expression. If I haven't had 10 pets already i'd buy a graveyard potion straight away, and I usually don't really adore graveyard pets. But this sheeta... Oh, I'm impatient to see what the Angelic Sheeta will look like when it's getting its revamp. And the Nightmare one too. Oh, ebil subeta, only allowing us to have 10 pets. <img src="" border="0" /> I'll have to save for a mystical plushie one day! -wants an army of Sheetas-


The Keeto is positively gorgeous. x3 <3 Prettyyyy.<br />
<br />
I like the GY Sheeta, too.. it's not as sheep-like as the last one. xD! Nevertheless, I love the horns. xD And the tail.

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<img src="" border="0" /> The old sheeta is so much better. It just matched my friend's character so much more...


OHHEY.<br />
<br />
Dude, the sheeta I was critiquing was the old sheeta~! x D The new image hadn't shown up for me yet~! c:<br />
<br />
The revamp is very nice, hurrah ^-^ I think that the artist did go too over-board on the skinny-ness though. The horns are a big improvement, haha, nice job x D


I liked old GY Sheeta but this is a beautiful revamp. Don't tempt me <img src="" border="0" /> -loves it-<br />
<br />
Glacier Keeto reminds me of my malamute XD Looks like a daze playful pose.


Your pet has changed into a Graveyard Sheeta!<br />
<br />
YAY! I LOVE it! :3


I can't wait for more Glacier pets to come out!!


I think the GY Sheeta looks good, but I'm not a fan of the color or species in general, so I don't care so much. ^^;;<br />
The Glacier Keeto on the other hand I've been sorta looking forward to, but won't be getting one. I do think it's well done, really, compliments to the artist, but I just don't like the body, tail and face. The ears are gorgeous though!


Nuuuu <img src="" border="0" /> my sheeta -crys- I liked her more lively look better TT^TT

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I'm going to miss the old sheeta. *saves the old picture of it*<br />
<br />
That keeto is great though, probably my favorite one thus far (of that species).

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Looove the new Sheeta! Much better <img src="" border="0" />


Ah, these have to be my favorite revamps so far. <img src="" border="0" /> I'm really picky, but I love these. The Keeto really fits in with the other Glacier pets, reflecting that strange sense of aloofness while remaining beautiful. And though the Sheeta is very different now, I don't really mind the change - it just looks more dead now, as it should be! xD Kudos to the artist(s)!


Keeto is nice, but I like old version of Sheeta more.


I really like the Keeto... and they're fantasy creatures, who gives a wibble about perfect anatomy? x3<br />
I love the expression, the markings, the colours, its just gorgeous. I think the eyes are lovely, and the aura looks amazing, vaguely suggestive of a Legendary weapon aura.


Yesyesyes I wanted the Keeto for aaages, now Sashiel looks gorgeous!


Yeah, the new Sheeta looks better in my opinion. I do like it more than the old one, it's got more details to it.


Yeah, i knew this day would come for my sheeta too. I like how the new one has longer ears, and more detailed horns. I don't like the front legs though <img src="" border="0" /> Something seems a bit off about them. And that eyebrow is really distracting. Otherwise, it's something I will get used to and like and eventually forget about the older version.


SweetSerentity, that pic doesn't look any different from the current sheeta, heheh c:


i want that keeto oh so bad T_T kudos to the artist x 293492 xD


Wikibeta has the old image of the sheeta still.<br />
<img src="" border="0">


Oh wow, the graveyard sheeta is just beautiful. <img src="" border="0" /> Really excellent job! As for the first I thought it had a kleenex on its tail! <img src="" border="0" />


Could someone post what the old Graveyard Sheeta looked like? I can't for the life of me remember.


Hm, these are nice : D My main critiques for the Keeto are:<br />
The eyes are kind of...blank? But the keeto doesn't even look in thought or anything x D Possibly shift the eyes so they're actually glancing at something. I also think the aura around the keeto needs to be much more visible, right now it's a bit wimpy x33 The front paws are cute, but could prolly' be a little bigger c: The ice on the tail looks a little odd as well, as if it doesn't bulge in the correct places?<br />
<br />
Other than those minor things, the glacier Keeto is simply lovely : D<br />
<br />
The graveyard Sheeta has me confused though. What did the old version look like? 'Cause this doesn't look like a revamp? The front leg anatomy is very wonky and the tail starts out much too fat and things too quickly c: I do love the expression though : D


I really don't like the Glacier Keeto. Its lacking a lot of detail, its like the Ruffie, it seems to be all back. I think a different pose would have helped. The eyes and face also make me think this pet is brain dead <img src="" border="0" /><br />
I like how Keshi kept the black markings, they contrast nicely. And the markings on the back are lovely.<br />
<br />
The Graveyard Sheeta I'm growing to love. I liked it when I first saw it, but then I noticed how the skull was showing on half the face and I started to fall in love with it more. I think I may change Morgyn into this, been growing a bit tired of her Dark Matter look. <br />
I think there should have been something more added to the sides though, they look a bit bland. Bones sticking out, torn off flesh, whatever, something to give it a bit more detail and color.


*edit* I sort of like the face but the pose and the extremely emaciated look is very very disappointing<br />
<br />
*wonders how too words were eaten in my first post dang laptop touch pad*


The keeto is kind of skunk-ish which is cute the sheeta however bleh. I sort of like the face but the pose and the look is very very disappointing. I realize it is a graveyard pet and should look dead but I am not liking it looks like the poor little goat was starved to death.<br />
*off to find a new colour for my sheeta <img src="" border="0" />*


Cute <img src="" border="0" /><br />
That sheeta is just love and when I get some space I may get one <img src="" border="0" /> <br />
I love the eyes and the markings on the keeto!


After the redraw this is the first Sheeta that I like - I don't now why but it has something that catches my eyes. On the other hand I can understand the feelings of the users that loved their old Graveyard Sheeta, it's a real big change in my opinion.<br />
<br />
The Keeto...I don't know but it's not my cup of tea. *scratches head*


Sometimes I wish that Keith or the artists will explain, in the news posts, why things are revamped. I swear every time something's revamped, it's always asked "why was it changed? It was perfect before!" They revamp them because either the original artist no longer works for Subeta, or is no longer a member, and the art needs to be redone for legal reasons... Or, it's outdated and just needs to be redrawn.<br />
<br />
I personally like the redrawn Sheeta. That looks awesome. It's got that "I'm creepy.. and you're going to love me, dammit." look on its face. lol<br />
Not quite a fan of the Keeto. It seems like it's missing something.

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They're very nice!<br />
<br />
My only problem is on the Keeto. It was colored in such a way that an invisible, but very sharp line is cut from the ear to its leg, making the picture seem split, like someone copy-and-pasted its back/behind to a different drawing of a Keeto's front half.


Why did you guys change the sheeta? <img src="" border="0" /> It was better before. Glad I didn't keep Chu Graveyard. Because this one, in my opinion, isn't as good as the original. It's okay, I guess.<br />
<br />
The Keeto, however, is very pretty. I like it. :3 *continues to wait for the Glacier Legeica*

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The Keeto came out!<br />
I thought I was going to have to wait until next year!<br />
Uh now I just need someone to accept my offer on a polar bucket or glacier potion so I can potion Adobi.<br />
Uh, I want to use the potion in his treasure so bad!


I really love the new GY sheeta, I think I may have to have one...


I've thinking of turning Jack Glacier before the Glacier Keeto was released and after Jack was Arid.


I've thinking of turning Jack Glacier before the Glacier Keeto was released and after Jack was Arid.


I duonno', I'm rather disappointed in these. The Glacier Keeto has to be m favorite out of the two, but it's lacking..... a little bit of detail. I would love it if the artist could find a happy medium between the Reborn and Glacier design. Nothing to realistic and overdone, but nothing too simplistic and minimalistic.<br />
<br /><br />
The Sheeta, I just...... can't get over how drastic the change was. I was hoping that they would leave it alone. The only things I actually like about it is that the skull is showing and that the tail looks nice. I was hoping that this was one graveyard the artists would leave alone.<br />
<br /><br />
I was considering on getting one for a while, and, I am very glad I didn't. The change is too drastic for me. It lost all it's elegance and is just....... sitting there, rather boring, over-detailed and just..... doesn't look sheeta-like to me.<br />
<br /><br />
Kudos to the artist and those who like the sheeta, but, to those who like it, please don't screech at me. It's my opinion, and I am voicing it. I am not trying to bash the artists, and I am not trying to ruin your life/your dog's life.


I have mixed feelings about these. I like the Keeto's face and front paws, but the way it's sitting seems awkward The back leg seems like it should be visible (or the body should bend more towards the back). Also, the Keeto's left hip looks strange (I think I understand how its leg is laying on the ground, but it still looks weird in the drawing). The tail also seems to come out of the body at an unnatural angle. I like it overall; I'm just being picky. XD<br />
<br />
And while I think the Sheeta is gorgeous (artistically) it's a bit too creepy for me. (It almost looks like a living skeleton... though I suppose that would be the point.) The front legs seem anatomically strange, though I can't quite tell why.

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oooooooohhhh my gosh. I and GETTING THAT KEETO! xD

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I love the sheeta but not a fan of the keeto <img src="" border="0" />


My sheeta <img src="" border="0" /> -sigh- I knew this day would come...


Aww, The sheeta is SO cute... In a creepy Un-dead kind of way xD I'd give it 9.5/10. The keeto is just so pretty, The way it's posed, With the smooth fur and the blue markings. I'd give it a 10/10. Nice work Keshi!


Aww I love the keeto its so cute.. I dont know about the Sheeta though


i adore the sheeta! the keeto is nice too jsut doesn't look as "professionally"/nicely done as the other glacier pets. personally, it looks to me like a good piece of fan art....


damn... now i want a glacier keeto =/ but i already have 2 glacier pets *wonders what to do*


WOW, I absolutely LOVE these 2 new pets... o.o<br />
Especially the glacier keeto~!<br />
Gawd, I wish glacier koras would be released faster... TT^TT


Very nice. It is the first Keeto that I would be interested in. But then again, there are not many Glacier pets that don't interest me. lol... Spectacular job on that Sheeta too. I especially like the rigid scared back bone.


I want a glacier keeto! :O


The GY Sheeta is gorgeously drawn! I love the realistic feel to it balanced with fantasy. And I don't even like Sheetas much hehe. Well done, artists!


Yes the Keeto does have a new artist AcrilicRai, that would be me. I am still practising my Keeto's, this one was quite difficult. I am glad many of you like it~<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
...I love you Rah <3


*lol*<br />
I don't like the new GY Sheeta. xD<br />
And now I'm totally happy that I changed Wyrmtunga into that Arid Legeica when they came out - after the Sheeta revamp. I KNEW that this would happen. *lol*<br />
Something on the face...maybe that smile.<br />
<br />
And the Keeto. Yes, it's okay I think. <img src="" border="0" />

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Geaah, I'm glad I don't have a graveyard sheeta! The old one was really awesome, and the new one just looks weird... It reminds me of a pet on a different petsite... In fact, they're almost exactly alike! I love the Keeto, though. Great work!

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The sheeta is amazing.


I love the Sheeta, especially its face - the ears and horns especially. o__o I have to say I'm really disappointed in the Keeto, though. It doesn't have very much depth to it at all - the whole picture looks too smooth and flat. The legs are a little awkward as well, they make it look a bit like a plushie and it seems odd how the back legs aren't visible at all, even though I understand the pose's concept. ^^; The ears, eyes and markings are really nice, though.


Ack! I like that keeto. it's a little smooth in the body, and that threw me off for a minute, but I really love it. <img src="" border="0" /><br />
If the spectrum revamp isn't rad, I'll have to make Xin glacier. <img src="" border="0" />

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Schveet <img src="" border="0" /><br />
That Sheeta is quite cool <img src="" border="0" />


Your pet has changed into a Glacier Keeto!<br />
<br />
Thank you Keshi for this awesome color!! I hope the Nightmare Keeto will be released soon <img src="" border="0" />


both are well done but I still perfer the Hydrus keeto best of all, it is so meanicing looking. I hope it never gets a redraw and if it does would like to have the option of keeping it,notstuck with something I dont like which i spent a fortune on.


I like these. Sheeta = <3. Just please, never change the GY malticorn. NEVER. xD I plan on getting one someday and I like it just the way it is.


Rah; yeah now that you tell me it's there i think I saw it. It's very pale tough... at least from my side.


Keeto is Keshi's work, Sheeta is Jill's <img src="" border="0" /> We crit Keshi to death, her keetos are love xD<br />
<br />
And Zlitchy, GET BELOW YOUR SCREEN! <img src="" border="0" /> It's there, you must be looking at a very bright screen though!


the sheeta is outstanding I love it <img src="" border="0" />


The sheeta is amazing! I don't like sheetas but this one is soo cool! <img src="" border="0" /><br />
<br />
I like the keeto too, the ice on its fur is cute!


isn't the Keeto missing something... like their aura like thing around them? Or am I just blind right now?<br />
<br />
Well both are pretty, not enough for me tough... but very nicely done!


The details on the sheeta are amazing. <3<br />
The keeto is gorgeous, too. :3

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Awws that Keeto is SOOO loved!

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Both very amazing! I love the sheeta


Great work on both! ^^

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Wow, the Keeto looks AMAZING. I never liked their regular look, but I might get one of them in Glacier in the future because they look so awesome.

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I meant to add more love to the Sheeta <img src="" border="0" /> I love the shading on it. And the pose, again.

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I kind of dislike the Sheeta's paws... although, I'm getting fonder of them. Actually, I've changed my mind, without them it would look boring x3<br />
<br />
The Keeto is /very/ well-drawn. I would have liked a little more expression on it though. But it reminds me of my cat by the way it's lying; very nice pose.

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Glacier Keetos it's really really awesome! may i advice to put a bit more shodows on his eyes? ^^ they look a bit flat. <br />
<br />
the sheete is not my type but i like it too XD

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I've been waiting for the Keeto to be released.<br />
It's adorable!


Aww the Keeto is sooo cute. :3<br />
Sheeta looks nice as well.


I really love both of them. But really, great job on the Keeto. New artist? It just looks so much nicer than any other Keeto I've ever seen.


Very nice! :3<br />
<br />
I'm still dying for a Nightmare sheeta to come out though


Oh god I love them both, I really need more pets but already have 15 <img src="" border="0" />


oh wow.<br />
I love all the detail on the sheeta. <br />
<br />
as for the glacier pet - smooth. <img src="" border="0" /> i adore the aura in this one.


Great job on both pets.


<br />
You've got the Bucket of Polar Water!<br />
<br />
<br />
Hmmm, should I?

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Okay, wow. That GY Sheeta rocks.

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That Sheeta is amazing xD -goes to make one-


<strong>Nestly:</strong> ...... Stop scaring the users! DB *bad images* Dx ...And me.


I like the sheeta, it's the Keeto that caught my attetion. All the other glacier pets are so annoyed and angry looking compared to their counterparts. Though this Keeto looks just as happy, if not a little a sad.


Silence nestley D8 I'm having a furry moment... I must thuroughly molest this sheeta in hopes that I may somehow absorb its hawttness D|

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That sheeta-OMG!!If only it have more fats....


Both of these are jaw-droppingly lovely. <img src="" border="0" /> Serious envyyy.


<strong>Nestly:</strong> Ewww, Rei. xD Leave the poor starving dead ram alone. *snicker*


Lovin them both OAO Both seemingly simple, yet oddly detailed if that makes sense.... I just wanna feel up the sheetas ribs 8D~


Oops, sorry for this double post, but I realize I didn't at all comment on the keeto.<br />
<br />
<img src="" border="0" /> I like the keeto. :] the tail is different, but I really like this keeto x3 it makes me want to snug it to smiles. I might get one in the future x3 hehe.

HollowBull sheeta is alright. Yeah. Its fine I guess - but its definitely a downgrade rather than an upgrade from the other sheeta. Then again, I loved the old graveyard sheeta. It was just...perfect.<br />
<br />
Im changing Luceon now that this remake has come through. This new sheeta doesnt have that nice elegant style that the old one had - its too cartoony now and its face is too...strange. Its overall look is just entirely too strange actually. <br />
<br />
Sorry I'm not really giving any good critique, but still, I am very disappointed in this redraw. However I suppose I can thank you too - because I was thinking of changing one of my graveyard pets and this decided who for me.

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Very nice. I love all these revamps, the art makes me want pets of species I don't normally like. xO <br />
<br />
The emaciated look is <3.


the sheeta is really awesome - hope the bloodred sheeta will get it's revamp soon too, can't wait to use my potion for it XD


I have been waiting long for the Glacier Keeto to come out. I had hoped for another pose were we also could se the hindlegs. Maybe I'll fall in love whit this one too one day...


The Keeto is stunning while also having it's cute skunk like tail. <img src="" border="0" /><br />
I may consider changing my Froslass into one, until the glacier Demi comes out, if it ain't already.


I personally LOVE most parts of the GY Sheeta, although the blockiness of the paws seems a bit strange to me and I wish it weren't missing half of it's face. ^^;<br />
But the horns and ears and ribs are all awesome. .o. ♥<br />
<br />
The Keeto is pretty cool.. I love the eye and the ears and bangs, but the whole thing looks oddly stretched. It's still pretty though.

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The Sheeta is to die for. Aha! Excuse the pun.


Your pet has changed into a Glacier Keeto!<br />
<br />


They both look really good. I adore the Sheeta. <br />
and the keetos needed another good color :3


*dies* You make me want to change Anubite! So tempting... ;_; I love the Sheeta too. It's great to see the Graveyard pets getting much deserved makeovers. ^^

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The Keeto is very nice, but the Sheeta could seriously use less plastic. It's so glossy it looks like a half-melted action figure.


I have been waiting for that keeto to be released and now I must get one XP


I love the Keeto it looks awesome and the Sheeta looks amazing =D


I liked the old GY sheeta... it didn't look graveyard-ish but was cool.<br />
But this one is awesome <img src="" border="0" /><br />
The keeto's eyes look weird, but I like it.


Keeettoooooo <3


Ahah all thin and, like.. Dying. I love the Keeto, too. :} Nice and pwetty-like.

User not found:

Oh, I love the sheeta. <img src="" border="0" /> Poor little thing, way too thin...and dead ;-;

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