The Malticorn is up for another revamp poll! We'd really appreciate your constructive criticism!

Also, please note that any previous malticorn attempts have been discarded, as the malticorn has been assigned to another artist.
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Posted by Luxe

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Great effort by the artist, but is a sad revamp of the Malticorn we all know. You know, fuzzy, cuddly, not so disasterous?

I have no problem with it that's big... It's just a LOT less fluffier, and the look it's giving scares me with out it [fluffy]




Matted fur, goiterous hooves, multiple snakelike appendages and an ice cream cone upended on its head is suppose to be an improvement to our nice, Subeta artist's work? I don't have to be nice about other peoples supposed "improvements" do I? If so, mea coulpa. XD


Its an improvement, so I voted new, but I really dislike it. : I know you'll hate me for it, but I really don't know why...


Love it. The hair fluff could use a bit of adjustment, though; I preferred it longer as it was. The rest of it = awesome. I just hope they keep the general mood/feel of the graveyard though.


<img src= border="0">

Why are that things legs as thick as its body?


I still don't like the Malticorn species and probably never will. It looks a million times better than the old one but, The ears seem a little long somehow, the tail would probably look better closer to the body, and The hooves look like they're too small.

Kudos to the artist, though. Job well done!


i like the new version, as long as the 'colored' ones such as: reborn, scribble, angelic dont change much.just in case someone still reads this >_> i only saw the poll today -8th-


I love the spots, but then again they were added to the Ruffie.
And I do really like Typhoon's redline, but I still adore this revamp.

daniig: The gradient idea is alright. Why did you change the color of the hooves and horn? I think the gold gives it more color. it stands out more with it.

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<img src= border="0">
My version of the malticorn revamp, changed a bunch of things, and instead of the spots (which seem to be causing a lot of disagreement) I did a gradient on its leg.
I promise, this will be my last comment on the malticorn revamp xD

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Actually, when dogs AND horses get -really- aggresive, the ears flatten a lot. Just google a snarling wolf or an aggresive horse and you'll see what I mean. There's a difference with "dropping" and "flattened". Dropping would mean relaxed, but flattened is the complete opposite.

Just my two cents on body language.

Also, The swirls on its fur look really odd, they are in straight hair! Look at the lines that describe the flow of the hair, it's definetely straight hair.


Well, maybe not so much aggressive as just plain moody, then. <img src="" border="0" /> Whatever it is, the lowered ears suit the Reborn Malticorn, but the perked ears suit the common colors. The current pet's expression and entire posture radiates alert, bright, bouncy springy-ness; the Reborn isn't meant to be cheery like that, which is why it can get away with less "happy" posturing. (Besides, Reborn is a special color, and certain features of special colors <i>should</i> stay unique to those colors - including the ears in this case, and maybe the curved horn. If anything in the revamp should be based on the Reborn Malticorn, it should be the overall physique, not just special little details like that.)

But again, just something to consider. Doubt it'll actually <i>be</i> considered, though.

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For some reason I still prefer the old one better, though I can't exaxtly pinpoint why. It's definately an improvement from the last poll attempt.


Arent perked ears a sign of attentiveness, alertness, and agression, while droopy or flat backed ears are a sign of defensiveness, cautiousness, and submission? =/ I know my dog relaxes his ears when he's happy. <br /> I think the only reason a dog would cutely perk their ears is if they hear the can opener. xD


A little late, but just a random thought about the ears, since there's a lot of debate over perked vs. drooped...

I know the ears here were based on the Reborn Malticorn, which was an awesome idea in theory, because it IS an awesome pet. But then I got to thinking, perhaps the perky ears are more like the default look, and the ears of the Reborn are droopy/flattened as a sign of aggression? A lot of dogs do that... and it <i>would</i> look kinda silly to have this big fiery glaring awesome Reborn pet with cutely perked-up ears. So it would still make sense to keep the perked ears on the common colors and let the Reborn continue to be its badass aggressive self?

Just something to consider.


I like the new look as it has indeed improved, but here's what I have problems with. <br /> The nose. Before it was like a sheep's nose, there wasn't a big black mass of dognose covering it's face. The black nose makes it look like a tiny-headed ruffie. I think that's what bothers me most about everything. <br /> Also, I miss the straight, silver horn on it's head aswell as the wild hair on top. the 'hair' now looks like a nicely groomed toupé rather than a floppy carefree sort of hairstyle. <br /> I just think it now looks more doggish instead of sheepish, which is what I always envisioned the malticorn ro resemble. I know, apparently i'm totally off because is Maltese is a breed of dog, and apparently thats what it's based off of? But the nose of the old one was not of a dog, nor a horse. xD <br /><br /> I like the revamp, i'm just not used to the curved, golden horn, the straight hair on it's head, or the nose. I dont think i'll ever get used to the new nose. xD Nice job, artists. ^^


In all honesty I don't like the front right leg it seems to lack bend in a certain place and also I don't love the head I really like it with Typhoon_Muffin's edits


I think it looks gorgeous! I think the legs looks beautiful, and I love the spots on the back! I like the shading in the hair and how it's different from the shading on the rest of the body. The swirl marks on the fluff and the shinning gold hooves are a nice touch as well.

The tail is what really sold me, I adore the ravishing curl and the fluff hanging from it reminds me of various types of dog breeds that have those kinds of tails (such as the Samoyed.)

I had actually just finished reading Peter S. Beagle's book, <i>The Last Unicorn</i> a few weeks ago and the description of the unicorn stated a lot of things that are present in this image, such as the fluff on the ends of the feet, the neck and the body structure. So in that respect, this revamp greatly pleases me.

I wouldn't change the image at all myself, I think it is absolutely precious the way it is (and I am still undecided what pet will fill my twenty-second pet slot. But this one is so adorable, I would surely have to get one if this revamp goes through) <img src="" border="0" />


It's gorgeous, don't get me wrong, but I think the horn needs a leeeetle help with the horn. As in, less old rotting bones and more pizazz like a shiny, spiral horn that does not curve. And a little more fluff like a real Maltese. *is now tempted to adopt a Malticorn*


lawl Its not just the Ruffie, Kora, Kanis, and Manchu that have the same boring pose with one leg lifted, but the Keeto, Legeicand, Paralix and Bovyne have one as well. I guess all the originality has been sucked out of the subata art staff :/


Its great art, I just don't think it fits well with this specie of pet. The chest and tail could use a little more work (As in more fluffy) and the ears i dont like at all. I it looks like a ruffie with a horn stuck on its head. It looks like its limping and if you want to put movement, position the leg a little more up and angular. The eyes are :/, but overall its okay. I do prefer the original, but I could take this one if I had to. Not saying its bad art, its just not how I would like to see it. (:


Centurymon: Thank you! So glad I wasn't the only one to notice this :3

In seriousness, how many more Subeta pets must end up with formless ears, blank faces, chunky gelled-up fur, boxlike bodies, too-thin tapering limbs, randomly added spots/stripes for an excuse to slather on more "accent color," and one raised forepaw "to add movement"? Subeta pets used to be unique. The Malticorn used to be unique. This revamp goes through, it'll be just another Ruffie/Kanis/Kora/lapdog crossbreed. Some staffer on a previous revamp poll said "we'll never dumb down out pets," but that's exactly what's happening - everything gets more and more generic, and less unique.

To keep the Malticorn looking like a Malticorn: keep the slightly perked ears, the bright smile, the equine curved back and rounded belly, the widely flared fur around the hooves, and the pure solid-colored coat (Maltese are pure white, right? and the pet IS Maltese-based, right?). It's that simple.


..are you serious.


The ears are odd but over all the new is very nice. ^^

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Lawl. Oh Paint, the pose isn't just the same as the Ruffie. It's ALSO the same as the Kora, the Kanis, and the Manchu. c:
That equals 5 pets that Rah did where the poses were all the same. xD


That's definitely the most amazing revamp I've ever seen. I do agree with the changes Quadricat suggested, though. It just looks too ruffyish.


Uh, woah. I'm kind of ..woah haha.
The legs are really nice, the fur there. I like Falorie's redline for the a lot though

I don't know about anyone else, but the hair reminds me of a sloppy toupee. It's as if it's falling off the malticorn's head.

Also, the butt spots..they don't really flow with the rest of the malticorn's design. I think of some..cotton candy swirly sheep thing when I think of malticorns, and the butt spots remind me too much of a giraffe. I thought the malticorn was perfect without any intricate markings.

And yes I agree-- looks a lot like the ruffie. Maybe a pose like the chibi malticorn or just all feet on the floor would look nice too?

The face is bothersome, but most others have pointed and critiqued that so I wont (:

Just in case here's a redline, mainly for the hair (floof i guess)

<img src= border="0">


Just wondering if anyone else noticed that this pet has the exact same pose as the ruffie save a slight angle difference o_o;


I'm SO picky about malticorns. The only things I like on this one are the legs and the spots on her back. I don' love the face or the stiff stature at all. The malticorn is flowing to me. I love how the fur flares at the bottom, that's one of my favorite parts of her. But the head and neck fur just isn't what I'd go for. Like it better than the last revamp attempt though. ._.

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It's cute, but the graphic effects aren't as great on the fur/hair, whatever as the original. But it's the best version yet <img src="" border="0" />

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I probably should have said what I like about it. The tail looks good and the eyes look better as the purple.

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The face looks too much like a Kanis. I can't exactly figure it out but everything just looks off. Like maybe it's too tall/skinny... I don't know.

I really like the reborn Malticorn. It's my favorite stage... and they look completely different. I guess that's it. It just doesn't look like a Malticorn.


I love it much more than the older revamp.

I would like to see the legs a little more... Slopey. If you look at Reborn and Graveyard, as well as the old common colors, the Malticorn has a frame of a ladder. That is, it has a body parallel to the floor and legs that reach diagonally away from the body. It is recurring enough to be considered a species trait, I think, and one of the more creative ones on Subeta.

I'd love to get myself a Malticorn so I'm excited to see the result of this revamp and future new colors! Galactic I'm sure will be fabulous and a soulless Dark Matter would be fantastic.


This is one of the best revamps I've ever seen. It's gorgeous! It's also the one I can find the least wrong with. I agree with everyone else about it looking a bit too caniney, and about the head needing a tad revamp, but the body, feet, and tail are mind-blowingly fantastic.


I always saw the maltese part o_O.

Anyway, I dunno why, but I prefer the old one; the chestfur is pretty, and I just love the ears; the original Malticorn's ears look like a maltese's, the revamped Malticorn's ears look like a cocker spaniel's.

..But as long as the Dawn Malticorn stays looking like candyfloss, I approve ^w^.


Mah. I don't really like the head. :/ It's too dog-like in my opinion. I liked the old hair and horn better, as well. I think the body is pretty sweet, though. Kudos to whoever thought of putting spots on its butt. xD I like.


i hate the head. it looks squished to me is the first overall impression. even fuzzyanimal's little edits to the head make it so much better. the hair is a weird shape, its a combination of flat in the wrong places and big in the wrong places; and the ears are very wrong, they're too.. squiggly? limp? i'm having a hard time articulating it, i hope that makes some sense. the face is kind of cute but everything framing it just makes me react very negatively whenever i see it. its bumming me out real hard.


I really don't like this revamp. Almost everything about the anatomy looks off. Mainly, though, I think it's the ears, body, and legs.

I think the ears should be more puffy, like in the original. These are more like floppy dog ears and kind of make the revamp look more like a dog than some kind of...sheep or something like the old one. Now it doesn't look like a Malticorn but a mix of the Kanis and Ruffie.

The body, out of all of the things I don't like, is probably the least important. There are a couple of combinations that would work though. Make the chest more round/poofy and keep the body the same, make the body slimmer, or make the body (and if you don't know what I mean by body now, I mean stomach) more round/fat, kind of like the old design. Right now it just kind of makes it look like its weight isn't evenly proportioned.

Lastly, and most importantly, I don't like the legs AT ALL. They were the first things I noticed that made it look off (which could make the body look out of proportion...). I highly dislike the way they get slimmer as they extend from the body. The front left one (the one not lifted) is the worst. It looks too thin to support a body of that size. Also, the rear legs are almost completely off. The right one looks bigger than the left, and it should be the opposite because of perspective. If anything were to change, I would say the legs.

You know, now that I think about it, I think the shading needs some work, but only just a little tweak. The front left leg's shading looks like it has a different light source. That leg looks like its light source is from the front while the rear one looks like its light source is in the front and a bit to the side.

Overall, I think a lot of the redlinings done look great. It seems to me others have the same issues. All of the changes to the design are fine though. I think they actually make it look a bit better. Maybe the color could be a bit lighter, but really, they look great <img src="" border="0" />


Love the new artwork, but I prefer how the old Malticorn looks.


Wow, ok this is probably going to be one of the more simple posts. I love this redraw. It's absolutely gorgeous and I'm soo looking forward to mine changing!
Here is my one But: The ears are a bit scraggly. My suggestion would be to smooth the ear fur out a bit and make is more like the awesome leg flares. <img src="" border="0" /> That's it <img src="" border="0" />


No. It's far too different from the normal style of art I see at Subeta. There are also a lot of anatomy errors (which have been covered). The older Malticorn looks a lot better in my opinion.
A nice effort, but I don't like it.


I voted for the old, but I REALLY like Typoon's redline. Ditch the spots.


Typhoon_Muffin's tweaks are about the only thing I like with regards to the redlines that are posted.

But I think it's funny that the normal gripers are here griping. Gotta love how you just can't please everyone. Vast improvement though.


Like everyone else, I really like Typhoon's redline.

Don't get me wrong, I really like the art of this new version too, but something just seems off to me. Typhoon's redline seems to fix that, whether it's the legs, horn, or 'hair'.


Typhoon's redline is great- But bigger hooves, please.


I really like Typhoon's edit. The face is much cuter and Malticornish. Don't get me wrong, I like the update, but the suggested corrections of Typhoon just sold me.

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Yeah, we definitely have to change those eyes and face. But other than that I think she's ADORABLE. ;D


omg I love the body on daniig redline! It looks so much better and it doesn't make the body look so box-like


omg I love the body on daniig redline! It looks so much better and it doesn't make the body look so box-like :/


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">I wonder why, when there are just as many people or more who are against the butt spots as there are for them, the "several others" who agree with the artist win the debate just because they agree with the artist? There are other ways to add accent colors without cluttering up nice clean fur with overly bold spots; it still has eyes, hooves, horn, and head-hair to work with. If the contrasts look too unbalanced without the rump spots, then maybe the color choices were unbalanced to begin with and something should be toned down, or the shading done better. Or that much accent color is unneeded in the first place. That's why it's called "accent color," not "the color on the other 50% of the pet," after all. The spots are an overcompensation.</blockquote>
While I still do not like the spots, and the need is for an accent color, is it possible to give the legs a pointed gradient to add the variety?
No other pet has this so it could make the malticorn fundamentally unique with the feature.

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Something about it looks a little awkward to me, and I just can't put my finger on it. (I'm sorry. I wish I could describe it better than that!) I think I didn't realize before that the malticorn was even remotely dog-like, and now it looks very doggy to me, but that's not a bad thing. I think I have to agree that I'm not fond of the spots (I think it makes it look a little too much like the legeica), and that the chest-fluff isn't quite defined enough. I always thought the malticorn looked a little like it was wearing a hat, though, so I do think that the color of it's hair-fluff should probably be elsewhere on the malticorn itself. The reborn malticorn is a good example, though, I think.

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Oh my gosh, THANK YOU, angelembryo! We don't need millions of stripes and spots on the revamps. Accents can be used in different ways and all the pets on the site are already very original. Giving all pets spots and stripes now is taking that originality away. Although the butt spots don't really bother me, I still have to agree with the people who are against them. I for one am neutral about it, but completely see their point in not agreeing with it.


angelembryo, that was wonderfully stated and I agree with all of it.


Let's see... I like the face and the expression on this one, especially the way the eyes look. I also actually do like the spots on it's back, although I agree with the person who said that they look a little bit centralized to the one area.
Also, the legs look a little thin to me. They don't look like they could support its weight - maybe the hooves are small, too. Perhaps try widening the ankles a bit? I like the fluffiness, but it looks very tame. I think that if you varied the size of the fluffies a little bit it might look more natural and less freshly groomed.
I do like the new one better, really. XD The art is just plain... nicer. <img src="" border="0" /> I just think that it can still be improved. I'm a little worried that a lot of the recent revamps seem to be leaving out a lot of personality from the pets. That's what I like about Subeta pets - the personality.
Anyway, good luck you guys! Thanks for being an awesome staff. <img src="" border="0" />


@ Angelembryo: You rock.

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It looks perfect to me, I'm no artist though. I think it's nicer than the old one.


I wonder why, when there are just as many people or more who are <i>against</i> the butt spots as there are <i>for</i> them, the "several others" who agree with the artist win the debate just because they agree with the artist? There are other ways to add accent colors without cluttering up nice clean fur with overly bold spots; it still has eyes, hooves, horn, and head-hair to work with. If the contrasts look too unbalanced without the rump spots, then maybe the color choices were unbalanced to begin with and something should be toned down, or the shading done better. Or that much accent color is unneeded in the first place. That's why it's called "accent color," not "the color on the other 50% of the pet," after all. The spots are an overcompensation.

I also wonder why so many artists bother to ask for constructive criticism when their only response to it is just to make excuses to get out of conceding to all the most commonly raised issues (and blocking the people who give it, lol). Disturbing trend that's been around here for a while and never seems to get better. But, oh well... won't make any difference, so I'll just save the old Malticorn images and be on my way.

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I just notived something in my very own redline - the horn comes from everywhere but the center. Sorry it doesn't ilustrate my point. *sobs*

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<a href="/redirect.php?" target="_new"><img src= border="0"></a>
(I hope the picture shows, if not, could someone explain to me how you post pictures?)
First, I really like Typhoon's redline. If you just fixed what she pointed out, I'd be happy.
But if you want my two cents, here it goes.
Head - More fluff on the forehead and cheeks, and perhaps making the horn more straight, it looks somewhat odd with that curves, makes you wonder WHERE it's coming from, and if you do an imaginary line, it comes from almost above the eye. It would help if the eyes were closer.
Chest - I really liked the chest fur on the old version, and I think it should be kept. All malticorn items have that fur nicely defined:
<img src= border="0"><img src= border="0">
Body - More fluff on it's belly, and the back shouldn't be so straight, more live a smooth curve that lowers at the base of the tail.
Tail - It's "fat", because the fur is too short, if you define it more, it looks better.
Hooves - Bigger.
About the spots - I like them, but You should add a few random small spots, they look "centralized" (they are all together in a small space, it looks unnatural). If you see some dapple horse pictures, you'll see what I mean.

That's all I have to say, I hope I was of some help.

PS: I love the Malticorn Beanbag - it's perfect.

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Meh... Something in this doesn't really click with me. Looks too child-like or something. Can't really place a finger on it - voted for old. n_n;


With some tweaking with the hairfulff, the horn, and the legs, this could be perfect, I think. The eyes and face are bothering me a little, too, though. I adore Maltis.. It would be wonderful to see one that looked more like the Reborn. And maybe with a little more BELLY! <img src="" border="0" />


Oh man <img src="" border="0" />
Whats with everything getting changed?
I loved the old art.
This new art direction is so.... Characterless <img src="" border="0" />
They lack personality. Like we're trading what gives them personality, for an attempt at realism.


i totally agree with typhoon muffin's idea. it looks better i her version.


The face is bugging me - I think the eyes are too far apart/small?. But other than that, it's adorablee!


Besides some things about the face and the front leg that have already been addressed, I like it a lot. I don't know if I like that shade of purple for the eyes, but this is common colored so who cares amirite?

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I also like the style of the old one. I think that's what I like better. Is it possible to do almost the same thing just with updated artwork? I know that the old artist it's here but you could still do that right? And a random question: how many artists are there that do pet art currently?


This is much better than the older one. I really didn't like that one much at all, no offense. The puff of hair on the head still bothers me a little, but all in all this is pretty cute. <img src="" border="0" />


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">Ohh, I really like it, just not the front right leg.</blockquote>

I don't like that leg either. It just...seems a bit shorter to me, and the back legs bend much higher up than the front legs. And...something about the head bothers me. I guess either the eyes are a little far apart, or it's the right ear popping out. Otherwise, this is a beautiful piece of art! Great job!

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It's cute.. but the head kind of bothers me. In my opinion I think it would look better if the head and eyes were a little bigger and the ears/"hair" a little more fluffier, similar to the old one. I liked the cutesy look of it. The body looks kind of elegant instead of puppyish.. I don't know if that's good or bad xD.
I like how the horn matches the hooves and that it has spots.
Hey I just realized: Malteese + unicorn = malticorn <img src="" border="0" />
I never knew that.. though I knew it was a mix between a dog and unicorn.


In all honesty...I have no protests against this new revamp. There's of course the tiny little nitpicks here and there, but they're really small, and I think this is all in all a beautiful peice of artwork! A+ and a vote for the new <3


The body and pose are perfect, but something about the head is off. I think it's too small, it looks like it's missing half its brain. And the face is a bit too domesticated or something. Like some others have said, it is a lot like the ruffie. Maybe bring the eyes closer or change the expression a bit? I do like it as a whole, though. <img src="" border="0" />

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Ohh, I really like it, just not the front right leg. Just I don't like it, not sure why. Overall, I love it. When I went to the poll and saw the old one, I was like <img src="" border="0" /> Its aweful, the malticorn revamp was totally needed.


hogeez. i accidentally pressed 'post' when messing with my tablet.

i don't have much to crit, being that i'm not all that good with animal anatomy. i'd have to suggest that making the head look less flat might help, as it's really bugging me. the ears really bug me. maybe making them a bit more fluffy might help. i'm not sure what about them bugs me..
the chest fluff looks a bit weird to me on the side farthest from us. it looks too flat near the neck -- then bursts into a huge fluffy i-wish-i-could-sleep-on-that fluff, yeh? :U i suppose it's supposed to be that way, but fff i'm picky.
the back looks a bit too flat, or straight.
as for the leg, i'm not sure, maybe it's the fluff that's giving me the impression that it's totally short and the thing has walking disabilities. i don't know how to suggest fixing that though, without making it look even worse.

sorry for my lack of help. i am horrible with animal anatomy. )':


I reckon it looks too fluffy. I love fluffy, but that just looks ridiculous! <img src="" border="0" /> In a nice way though... I think the spots should go and the legs, head and ears are awkward.


Eh, I'm not a fan/connoisseur of Malticorns, but I don't really think that the new Malticorn has the same spunk as the old one. I love the art and style of the revamp, yes. But it's a swing and a miss on capturing the Malticorn's attitude. I think a pose more like the old one's would befit the revamp better. Also, as has been pointed out several times already, the hooves seem too small and the lifted front leg seems too short. The head reminds me of a Ruffie, mainly because of the ears. Also, the hair lies a bit flat compared to the original. It's...unflattering.

That's about all I have to say.


not a malticorn fan, but i really like this revamp


Typhoon_Muffin, that redline is amazing! <img src="" border="0" />


fffff the ears, head fluff idk, chest fluff, and front left leg looks wonky to me. looks like a dog, too. :{

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The latest redline, that's the one you should be looking at.

Good luck, new artist.


Out of all the revamps, this one would have to be the best so far. But for some reason, it's still lacking the original charm that the old Malticorn had.

I find the ears to be too...droopy? And for some reason, the head seems so small compare to the body.

Another thing that I liked about the old Malticorn was that it's fur went around the neck, almost like it was wearing a vest. That was one thing that really struck me as being Malticorn-like.

The tail also looks kind of weird. It's like it went from being furry to smooth and shiny. *shrugs* Just seems kind of weird to me.

Lastly, the hooves on the revamp looks a little bit small. The back legs look good, and would just need bigger hooves. But the front legs look like they are really skinny.

But overall, I really liked the new little subtle touches to the Malticorn. The new golden horn, the nice new body/hair/eye colours, and the little patterns near the bum. Very cute. <img src="" border="0" />

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Please no.

The old malticorn has such....something about it. I love malticorns.

This one.. is too much like a dog. The head.. I don't know. I don't like the head.

And something about the legs bother me.

Sorry that isn't specific, but I really don't like this revamp.


I am just saying this revamp doesn't scream MALTICORN!!!!

it.. just kind of whimpers it.


I feel like the revamp loses a lot of charm. It makes the malticorn fit in better with the other revamped pets, but it's changing it a little too much for me. I am a huge fan of malticorns so if they do change, I would like it to be as perfect as possible.
For one, I really enjoyed the bright colors the malticorn had--the new one is much bluer and not as eye-catching.
Um, I think most of my other points have already been hit on, so I won't babble on. But I wish it could be a little...fluffier? D=


Rah, I know you're trying to re-assure me, but it's just not the same base pet xD;

Glad other people like it though c:


This is one of the nicest revamps so far. I really feel like the original points of the pet have been kept (unlike some others that had no change despite feedback). The only things I see that might be changed are to set the tail higher and 'cock' the ears, and set them higher (though I also liked the way some others re-drew the hair a little looser and hanging over the eye). Nice job over all though.

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its too "chibbish" for me. Sorry.


I... I prefer the older version more than the revamp. Not only does he look more like a puppy, but his body doesn't seem proportionate to me. It's as if his neck is too short and the fluff is just... flat. I love his "buttspots" though, I think those are a nice addition.


This new Malticorn has a white chest, therefore its body won't be whitel on this particular colour <img src="" border="0" /> The glacier one will have a white body, and probably the arid too!


Oooh I REALLY liked Typhoon_Muffin's tweaks <img src="" border="0" />


The shape of the head, snout and eyes make me think of ruffies before their revamp. This looks less graceful-like and more puppie-like. The ears especially. Make them perk a little, maybe? The tail pokes out a little awkwardly. I dunno how to describe that one, sorry. <img src="" border="0" />

and...umm.. *prepares to get shot* ilovethebuttspots.


Alright, to each his own I guess.

All I can hope for now is that the malticorn is actually kept WHITE not blue ._.

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Personally, I don't like it much. I love the chest ruff on the old version and this new one looks flat. And the round belly is now too slim. The tail outline disturbs me. It is all fluffy and then once it starts curving inward, it becomes flat. That isn't the way long fur works on a tail.

I enjoy the feathering and the small hooves. Both are lovely. And the dabbles on his rump are cute. ^^

The curved horn isn't my favorite, though that's a purely personal prefrence.

My biggest problem is the head. It looks like the top is incorrect. If you shaved the hair around the horn, his forehead would be flat. Other users have already pointed out the ears. And I agree that the eyes are off.

I voted old for those reasons, and that this new one is so static. The old one had a spunk in his eyes that the revamp lacks.


I do support this revamp since the Malticorn was in my opinion probably the pet that needed to be retouched the most. The new one has a lot more detail.
The one thing I prefer about the old one though is it's ears and how they fluff out instead of looking more like puppy/dog ears?
Other than that I think thats a good job.


great improvement over the older version. I love the butt spots and the furry legs. The only thing I'm iffy about is the hair on top -- around the horn; it's too stiff looking I think.


The legeica already has fur on the legs that is a different colour to the body - it would be too similar. And yes, I know there are OTHER ways to be creative - but this is one of the ways, and is the way that I chose <img src="" border="0" /> And again, it has been well received by a lot of people here. If I had chosen stripes, I'm sure we'd be in the exact position, but someone would be telling me that spots would be better!


Rah, I know other people like them, but there are other ways to be creative with markings AND colors. xD The ruffie has butt spots. The aerie seems to be getting butt spots, I mean, why not colored leg feathers? (fur by hooves) Something different and maybe more subtle is always nice c:

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I don't like the spots.
I don't like the blue color.
I don't like the size of the eyes. :
The head isn't very good.

I much preferred the feel of the old Malticorn. It was more Bambi-like.


I really like the revamp, although the head isn't very malticorn-like. I really like Typhoon's red-line. Atleast make the ears perkier?


Paintz, it's not just personal preference <img src="" border="0" /> It's a way of adding more areas for colour placement to the pet, and if you read through the news post comments you'll see that actually, quite a lot of people like them <img src="" border="0" /> So it's not JUST me!

User not found:

This looks AMAZING! With a few small edits here and there it will be perfect! <img src="" border="0" />


Yes yes yes! Those are the ears I'm talking about! Thank you Typhoon! *pets the pretty ears*


MUCH better than the first (now discarded) revamp. I was so upset when that last revamp was polled, I love my malticorn!!!

The head looks kinda weird to me, I can't quite put my finger on why though... too short, maybe? I like the body, the spots are cute but maybe just have a couple less?

Otherwise, this is definitely an improvement on the last revamp. If i cant have my malti the way she is now, this is fine ^^


I'm going to be the turd and say that I liked the original revamp better. Not very fond of the new bum spots, but the tail and the body are very nice. The chest fluff looks a bit weird to me, and I can't place why. The whole head is bothering me the most, though. The ears look too ragged and not fluffy like I always thought they were. The hair I don't like at all. I think it needs to look longer and less groomed. It seems too neat somehow. Something bugs me about the face, as well, but I don't know what because it's really bugging me. <img src="" border="0" />

But if Rah's the one behind this, I'm sure she'll fix up all the flaws and make it perfect like she did with the ruffie. <img src="" border="0" />


Omg I love it <img src="" border="0" />


Ah, alright rah.

But really, why in the WORLD would you keep the buttspots. They're being way over-used and make the malticorn lose personality, personal preference or not ;;


Rah-The horn will be staying the same I'm afraid, and the buttspots - just so you're prepared for that not changing!
I have to admit I'm not a big fan of the butt spots, but what about spreading them out a bit more of perhaps increasing the size?


Wow o-o I totally was not expecting so many people to like my redline. Just wow XD Thanks Rah ^^ and I totally see what you mean by the leg, I just noticed that right before I posted it, silly mistake on my part XD I liked the ears on the previous revamp so I tried to see if I could recreate that, I just though they were a bit too droopy on this newer one but to each their own of course.
But with a few tweaks I think this could turn into a very lovely
malticorn. c:


Typhoon, that's a really nice redline! I'm not sure about the back knee (the closer one), it looks a bit thin, and I try not to make the smile on common pets TOO big because I like to keep them as neutral as possible. Also, I was trying to make the ears a bit closer in style to the reborn - a bit more droopy. But yes, that is a lovely redline and I expect you'll get quite a few users demanding I use it xD I can definitely use a few things from it but not all!

Also, Jag didn't want to draw the Malticorn anymore. She didn't feel comfortable with it, but I do and I enjoy revamps and all the hell you users put me through trying to figure out what you mean by 'the face is off!' and such comments xD Hopefully I have fixed most of the things mentioned here, although remember I can't please all you guys, as much as I'd like to! The horn will be staying the same I'm afraid, and the buttspots - just so you're prepared for that not changing!

Thanks for all the feedback n__n


the hair looks like the old plush-toilet-seat of my grandpa. looks TOO doggy for me also. i liked the straight horn of the old one more than this curved one. it's nice, and quite cute and such, but it has no expression to me. it's just there. dunno.

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Yeah, like others have said, looks too dog like. Also, the front leg is misshaped. Looks like a human leg. Sorry to who-ever did this, but I'm sure you could do better.


Meow, what i mean is, why is the artist who did the previous revamp not working on the malticorn anymore. Their style fit the pet very well.


Typhoon_Muffin Oh my gosh its perfect <img src="" border="0" /> Prettyyy please make it look like that!!!

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The face looks too dog-like in my opinion. But besides that, it's cute. =]


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">I am also wondering why the malticorn was given to a different artist..... </blockquote>

The original malticorn artist (and the one I believe started the species) is no longer on staff, and hasn't been for some time.


I am also wondering why the malticorn was given to a different artist.....


It's pretty good compared to the older version, but I still think there's a lot more you could do. It reminds me of the ruffie.


This does not seem like a revamp that would go through to me. The lines are a bit harsh and the coat color is MUCH too blue. I know white is a pain to shade, but really xD;; The proportions of the face seem a bit spread out and it's lost the cute whimsical look.

Typhoons edit is lovely and fixes the face perfectly.

I'm also a little confused as to the new butt markings, like others, it reminds me of the ruffie.

This is a good attempt but just needs a lot more work.


Nice redline, Typhoon <img src="" border="0" /> I'd still like to see more flaring around the ankles so the legs don't look so thin, but yours captures the essence of Malticorn much better than either revamp.


It... no. It looks like it should be in some badly animated cartoon, singing about lollipops and rainbows. It isn't cute. It looks like there's something wrong with the head, the shades of blue don't look good together, and it's head-fluff looks like it's a bad toupee just sitting there.


As an owner of a Malticorn, I think it's good. <img src="" border="0" /> Even though Medin will eventually be revamped (BR Malticorn that he is), I feel that it will be a step forward. I only see a few minor issues with this...

The ears a very cute, but I don't care for the hair on top of it's head. It's too solid looking and gives the eyes a mean look (especially the viewer's right side). I don’t want the hair GONE, but I wish it had a less clumped look to it.

The face lost the puppy look and ended up a little more mature, which I’m not fond up considering how much younger the body looks. The other thing is that the face looks a little on the flat side and the eyes ended up with a totally different shape, expression, and color. I know why the color was changed, but I think lighter (grey) would have been better than darker (purple)... but that is just my opinion. I wish the shape would be changed to something more similar to the reborn Malticorn, which this seems to be based off of.

I think the last third of the tail could be a little more detailed because right now it just looks like a club. The rest of the tail has the fur details, why not the end?

Next, he two little swirls on the closest front leg and neck. I see them on the previously proposed revamp, so I’m not sure if it’s a nod at the other revamp or what. Personally, with all the other fur on the Malticorn looking straight or simply wavy, I think they’re a little random and distracting.

Finally, the buttspots (as everyone seems to call them). A more gradual end to them would seem a little more natural to me because they seem to follow a shape instead of just being random spots.

All in all, a fabulous job to the artist. Medin will be pleased with his new look! <img src="" border="0" />

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I think it would look better if it were a bit more equine and less canine with hooves. Mostly the head, which I think I would prefer to be held a little higher, as well. Right now the head juts akwardly off the neck.


Typhoon, that is wonderful!
The head and face are such improvements; I would really love to see your lines used for the final redraw.

I'm very picky about my maltis being revamped, but your example is very much what I was hoping for. <img src="" border="0" />


I think this revamp is quite nice, but I actually liked the previous one wayy better. I find the fur on the head looks too flat, it's kind oh like it's wearing a mop. Also, I highly agree with what Falorie Had said. All in all, I think it just needs a few touch ups, but I know that it can be a wonderful revamp!!!


Overall the body is a big improvement but I highly dislike the head, the anatomy is a bit weird mostly on the back legs but it's not a huge deal for me anyway, the head is what's bothering me the most. It just looks rather odd, the eyes seem to far apart and the hair seems rather squished down.

I'm sure everyone is tried of me posting redlines XD but I gave it a go again to try and show what I mean, I tried to fix the head the most and did a few tweaks on the body:

<img src= border="0">

Also i'm not sure what to think about the spots, I like them but I'm not sure those would be best to add onto this pet specifically ^^U


I just want to start out with the art is beautiful, great job! there are however, a few things bothering me. The hooves look a little small and too dainty for the malticorn to ever be considered male, as does the face, well not small but it doesn't look like the malti could be male, it seems a little lacking in shading. the ears seem to much like dog ears to me and just looking at the face it looks like a horned puppy, and some part of me isn't liking the butt spots... my last ting is that the left front leg seems to short in comparison to the back left leg and the angle the front leg is at seems forced, i think it would look more natural if it were placed back a little more <img src="" border="0" /> and here ends my thingy of stuff


Something about the face looks really awkward to me... The nose seems out of place with the eyes I think. And the ears dont really give the feeling of ears. At least not the older ears of the previous malticorn... The coloring is lovely but I really dont like the face :/


Oh gods. After staring at this one and then going to the poll page, I realize now how badly the malti needs this revamp lol. I voted for the old simply because I'd love to see this current one tweaked a bit. It's not perfect, but here's a redline to basically sum up my post if you don't feel like reading lol (I hope it works, and.. huge post incoming XD)
<img src= border="0">

I think the face could use a little work- it looks a bit wide. Maybe the ear facing us could be brought in closer to the face (and maybe lifted so they don't look as droopy)? I read the purple eyes were to make them pop out, but I think the color kinda clashes, sorta like hmm.. random purple? lol. Maybe something like a silver/gray would fit better maybe, to replace the once silver-colored horn. Dunno. Also I'd like to see the head-hair a bit fluffier and glossier as others have mentioned.

The legs I think throw the whole body off.
1. The back leg facing us looks too curved outwards- maybe you could try pulling the ankle closer to the body.
2. The other back leg.. doesn't look long enough. Maybe because the front lifted leg is sitting at the same level position-wise as the back, making it appear unintentionally lifted as well.
3. Lift the front leg if it's going to be lifted and make it a bit longer <img src="" border="0" />
4. Elbow-age? Maybe not so much as in my redline, but you can see it at that level on the front, so it might make it a little more even if it shows at that angle, too.

Also. Straight horn! I know, reborn = curvy and popular. But I think that's what should make the special colors.. special lol. The graveyard has them too, but I prefer the commons straight. Personal tastes on that, though.

Love the tail, the fur on the legs, and yes I love the random butt-spots XD. Good luck Rah <img src="" border="0" />. This is a vast improvement already, and I'm so looking forward to when this goes through all finalized and perfected <img src="" border="0" />

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It's so cute!
It looks like it's cross between a puppy and unicorn.<img src="" border="0" />


:C i like the art and stuff, but i used to LOVE the way its 'hair' was up to its eyes, y'know, it was like "i'm so cuuute and i have a horrrnnn lookk loookkk <img src="" border="0" />"
but now the malticorn just lost it :/.. i like this one, i really like, but i just cant-not-vote on the original one, its face makes me "HE'S SO CUTE" all the time ;-;
dfhsdhaf;f; i don't know, i really sucks at constructive crits. but i hope you get the point :/
also, if you subeta artists are going to revamp the Angelic Malticorn, PLEASE keep the coloured linearttt :/// it's mine and almost all people i know prefered thing on it :C
congrats for the work, anyway,
guys, i love this site <img src="" border="0" />


I do like this one. The hooves don't look out-of-place on it (though they might look a bit too small) like on the old revamp. But I think the face looks a little girly. I'm not sure what it is, maybe the large, innocent eyes. I also feel that the face needs more shading since it's looking a bit flat. A little more shading between the top of the eye and middle of the face (you know, where the eye caves in due to it's socket?) might work.
Now the ears, they look kind of strange and lumpy... Perhaps if they were given "sharp" ends on the tufts of hair instead of rounded it would be better (on a side note, why do some pets on here have that? unless the ends of the hair curls into itself like on a sheep, it should have jagged tuft-ends, right?). One last thing: the lines on the fur covering the hooves are a wee bit too thin. Well, really it's just the right-most leg on the image.

Buuuuuut, overall it's a great revamp. The body is looking good. I think it still needs a little work on the face, but other than that, I would love to see this baby go through.


Eh, something about the legs looks off. But then again I guess they would if it's a combination of a horse and a dog. XD Even though it's supposed to be dog like, I think the muzzle could still be a bit longer. I'm not really a fan of the spots either.
But I don't particularly like Malticorns anyway, and the old one is so outdated that anything would be an improvement. So whatever happens is okay with me really.


It like it, but I think the left ear ( the one behind the head ) could use some touching up. It looks werid, like its blowing in the wind or sometihng or just floating there.
I also think the tail and the feet need fixing too.
I like what


I'm afraid I don't really like this revamp. The anatomy is really off. Not that I'm any good at drawing animals, I just think it looks awkward.


Where to start...
I usually have no problem with revamps.. most of the time. But this one just.. it irks me.
Mostly with out the polls are turning out with the revamp being in the lead.. Oi.

I just have a few crits for the artist who made this. Try making the hair on the head less mop-formed. Hair isn't flat, it sticks out in places and isn't always sitting down. Hair.. it almost has a mind of its own, if you think about it. xD
Also, the face looks somewhat flat and lacks depth or personality. It just looks like its posing, a fake smile.. It should naturally be happy, not a poser happy. ):
The curved horn and the ears look silly too.. Not sure what you did with the ears, they just looks misplaced.

I'm not so fond of the butt spots ether, I think you should stick to the original design. White without the butt spots and a white horn.

I think the anatomy is fine, i'd rather have that leg lifted to be rested on the ground though..

Sadly, i'll be voting for the old one until this one is fixed up a little bit more.


I like unicorns, and those maltese look pretty cute, but I've never been a fan of the malticorn. I think I like this new revamped malticorn though! Still, the most annoying part of the old malticorn (for me anyway) is still there - the big flop of hair that looks like a toupée. A bad toupée, made worse by the darkened color. If the hair could be made prettier, or even just the same color as the ears, I think it would be awesome! Other than that, the ears seem a little to thick, and I agree that the raised leg looks a little too short. I would prefer a straight horn, but that's certainly not a deal-breaker.

So Rah is responsible for this? Congrats - I give it an "A". But if you somehow manage to fix that hair, I'll give you an A+. And a bunch of gold stars as well!! <img src="" border="0" />


In short-
Hooves are too small, tail looks awkard as well as the rest of the anatomy, and I think it resembles ruffie.


Looks much better, but it lacks the adorable fluffiness of the original.


I never knew the Malticorn was suppose to be a cross between a Malteses and a Unicorn. I always thought it was a mountain goat or something. <img src="" border="0" />


I like it, for the most part. My main objection is that right foreleg looks shorter than the other legs. (I know it's supposed to be lifted off the ground, but to me it looks shorter and not just lifted.)

Also, the tuft of hair handing by the eye looks a lot like an "evil eyebrow."


I'm not a fan of this revamp. I own two malticorns and hope to have three in the near future, but this revamp has lost the characteristics I had loved in the species.

The head and face have a look of distortion, in particular the eyes, and the hair makes the skull look oddly-bulbous. I also notice the body and overall anatomy are on the stiff and/or odd-side. The coloring and shading used aren't to my taste either- the hair most strikingly so. The style just isn't my thing.
The ears would also look better, I think, adjusted up with more curl like the previous version.

I know the previously proposed revamp has been discarded, and though I found faults with it as well I find it a preferable track in design and style.

Thank you regardless to the artist for the attempt.

Will the Reborn Malticorn be revamped is this goes through? That is what I'm most frightened of. My other malticorn I could just morph into a different species if I must but the reborn version is my favorite color on the site.


WAY better, but the only thing that bothers me are the butt-spots and the muzzle seems to short. Other then that, good.


Ah, I am quite fond of this, actually. I think that this is much better.


I agree with most of the others. It looks a bit to slim, where the previous one was a bit more thicker framed. Also, the legs do seem awkward and almost just stuck onto a random place on the body. The hooves are too small. Plus, the horn would look much less weird if it was straight and not curved so. A little longer too maybe? The head/chest area bug me. There's something off... it might be that the head is to small and the chest is to... fluffy/poofy? o.o Also, the face dose look to much like a Ruffie... and.... I don't like the spots. It's just too... =/ Plus, it dose look very forced and too dog-like. WHERES THE UNICORN PARTS? Also, a more dynamic pose maybe? It's too generic...

I do think that the Malticorn is in need of a re-vamp... but I don't think this particular one should be it. <3 Good try for the artist though.... but please try to make some changes to it so it doesn't seem so awkward?

Thank you! ^^


The style is much more improved than he older version, but the anatomy seems off for the legs and the head. I think if you just added/changed a few more things on this, it'd be great. <img src="" border="0" />


The shading and detail work is nice, but the overall shape and face seem to have lost some of their character. I never thought equine with the malticorn, I thought more goat-like, but this does make me think more canine now.


Oh dear, no... the anatomy looks all off to me. The hooves seem far too tiny. And the legs look just... weird. Also, the brow seems to wide - I mean, the hairtyle should be so, but the head shape doesn't fit. Also, I'd rather see a straight horn, like some people said before me. Sorry about too little optimism, but I was really expecting something better. This guy doesn't look natural at all. <img src="" border="0" /> And I'd love to see Malticorns get some justice.
CHANGE THE LEGS. Entirely. PLEASE. It might solve almost everything, the way I see it O.o


I agree that I'd like the horn to be straight as well.

I very much like the speckles on the rump and the hair around the hooves <img src="" border="0" />

Nobody else has mentioned this but to me I feel like the malticorn has always had a very thick frame. It looks like it's been thinned down quite a bit. So personally I'd like to see it be a bit bulkier.


For some reason it feels like the legs are all coming out of the wrong places. Not feeling this one.

It's a pity the last artist (Was it Jag?) had to give up the Malticorn; I really loved that version!


I voted for the old one. This one looks TO much like a dog. And yeah, the name suggest a Maltese cross... but we have so many dog-like pets, and the newer posed colors (i.e. reborn, ect) don't show this much canine... also - the head looks too small. Or the chest too big.. and the angle of its back legs looks off.. But I DO agree we need a revamp. Just not this one.. e.e;


Well its definitely cute, and I like the face, but the body is weird. The longer I stare at its body the more mistakes I can see on it. And I'm kinda surprised to hear its a new artist since the pose and body shape look the same to me. Its still looks like a box.

I don't know why the artists are insisting on going back to it roots and making look more dog like. The old one did not look like a dog and everyone was fine with that and loved it. I see no reason to change it back when many people would prefer it to stay more elegant and horse like.

All I can say is, I'm gonna be really sad when all the elegant malticorn color are redrawn to suit this new -looks-like-a-5-year-old revamp.

User not found:

I do like the straight horn better than a curved one. And the eye shape seems a little odd. I think that might be what's bothering people about the face?

Also, if some sort of marking was needed, I wish it wasn't butt spots. Wasn't the added marking for the Ruffie spots too? Every revamp isn't going to start sporting spots right? <img src="" border="0" />

Anyway, the shading looks off to me. I can't really tell where the light is supposed to be coming from, especially with the bright spot on the side.

I like how silky the fur looks, especially around the feet, and how it seems to keep the original personality of the pet. It's quite pretty too. This would leave what, the Clawsion or Hipposaru as the most out of place pet (due to old art)?


I think it's adorable. The only thing.. is the chest fluff is a little high on the right side? C: But seriously love love love

Oh malteses... -sob-.
Mine was eaten :c. I miss her


fuzzyanimal: I absolutely adore your rendition of a new outline for the Malticorn. I think it looks much better and I think I would actually get one if it looked like that. xD The over anatomy is better and seems to echo the current Malticorn, which I really like. <img src="" border="0" /> <img src="" border="0" /> *hopes Rah takes it into consideration* :3


In general, it's really cute <img src="" border="0" /> I like the hooves, neck scruff, spots and even the purple eyes; what I'm not too crazy about is that I think the legs look too skinny, the tail appears too 'smooth' on the end and generally it just looks too puppy-ish for me. I'm not too crazy about the horn being curved.


there's only one thing I don't like is the horn.
a straight one would look better


i'm gonna vote for the new one, but i do have some crits <img src="" border="0" /> i have to say, i love that it looks more like a idog (or at least i think so lol) the face is beautiful and i love the fur on the tail, ears, chest, and legs. however, like other people have said, the anatomy is kinda odd. for some reason the top/back of the torso area bothers me..i think it's just how the shading was done? and the fur around the head kinda bugs me because on the older one i thought it was cute how it looks like it had bangs. but on the new one, there are bangs, but...not the right bangs lol the spots on the butt kinda bother me too. i mean i like it because it's unique, but they just kinda bother me for some reason <img src="" border="0" />
so yeah...overall, it's a great improvement, i just think it needs a few tweeks <img src="" border="0" />


I have noticed a lot of redraws are getting more markings, spots and such, is this because it gives the pet more "parts" to recolor for the differences between marsh/dawn/nuclear etc? I think it would be nice to have some more plain-solid color pets o-o;<br /><br />

But on to the actual redraw, I adore the way the fluff around the ankles looks, its very.. elegant? I like it. I think the tail looks poofy and fits the old drawing better. The ears make it very puppy-dog like, I don't know if I like that or not but I think they would look better if they were drawn more like the fluff on the heels? Kind of like longer fur and very silky looking instead of poofy. Actually first, let me say the redraw is adorable and well-drawn, kudos to the artist.. but theres a few things that bug me! The chest fluff really bothers me. The "fluff" lines looks like sausages.. they're just a little too uniform? Also in the old malticorn it seems like it should have been more curly? I envision the malticorn to be very very soft and this makes me think of "fine" fur. Thin fluff.. or something I'm not entirely sure what to say there. The hair looks groomed, the old one had more "wild" looking hair, and the hair was glossy, would it be possible to carry this over to the redraw? I also have to say I severely dislike the curved horn :| Sorry.<br /><br />

Excuse my crappy edit <img src="" border="0" />
<img src= border="0"><br />A maltese in case anyone cared.<br /> <img src= border="0"><br /><br /> Also, unicorns.<br /> <img src= border="0"><br /><br /> As some people said below I agree: "too much like a Ruffie" <br /> I love fuzzyanimal's redline. <br /> I understand "Horn = curved because the popular Reborn Malticorn has a curved horn." <img src="" border="0" /> (/longpost)


I love how CUTE this is! <img src="" border="0" /> I do agree that the head shape looks a bit off, and this one has a much different feel to it than the old one. It looks happy, while the old one looked a bit snooty and/or petulant. Overall one of my favorite reamps though, great job. <img src="" border="0" /> But I'm scared to see what may happen to my beautiful Angelic Malticorn, who I have never seen as very dog-like. <img src="" border="0" />


The right front leg (the Malticorn's right) seems a bit too short, despite the position it's in. Also, something about the head seems... off. I can't quite put my finger on it, though


I voted for the new, because it's a definite improvement, but I have to agree with other people. Something about the head is odd. I do love the hooves though. So cute.


It has such a sweet, little face. I did not realise it was suppose to be part canine until this revamp. On closer inspection (and as per other reviews) the blue hair on its head seems like it would like to flow better and I think the horn would look nicer if it were a tad less textured. Again, I just love the little face! <img src="" border="0" />


Obviously, the art itself is much improved, but I had to vote for the old one. Rah, ya know I love ya, but something about the anatomy on this one just doesn't sit right with me. The face looks squished in, the hair looks like someone dropped a mop wig on its head, not like it belongs there. The anatomy of the legs seems a little wobbly too.

I do miss the HUGE eyes on the old one and the more featherboa style neck ruff instead of a more chestlike ruff. Also the way the ears on the old Malti came out before they drooped reminded me more of a Lop rabbit, whereas these are more Basset Hound.

I do LOVE what you've done with the hooves, but the shoulders and hips seem too weak. The colors are adorable and the shading is perfect as usual but I'd really love to see the anatomy cleaned up a little.

Sorry, I don't usually get into this much detail about revamps and such, but something about this one really struck me.


It's very sleek, which is nice, but it doesn't feel as much... I guess I've always looked at the Malticorn as very cloud like, so it's not as fluffy or doesn't feel as fluffy as a result of that sleekness. It is still an improvement over the older version, but I'd miss the fluffy feel with it like this.


It looks... forced. All the bits that are supposed to look fluffy just look stiff, the face looks unfinished, the hair on the head looks like it's been gelled flat, the ears look like random clumps of matted fur hanging from the cheeks, and the rump spots are completely unnecessary. Also, it's standing in the exact same position that so many other pets on the site are in. One raised foot doth not a dynamic drawing make.

As for the debate about it looking more canine... yes, it's supposed to have dog features, but not ONLY dog features. It's part equine too. Not to mention it should have unique, Subeta-only features that make it similar to but distinct from both. This does not. It's a cocker spaniel head and Maltese tail on a furry horse body; nothing special. Also, if we're trying to keep it that similar to a Maltese, the color should be MUCH less blue and more white.

Finally, basing it on the Reborn Malticorn was a great choice, but if that was supposed to be the inspiration, why isn't it showing in anything besides the curved horn? What about the overall physique (the rounded equine belly and a back that isn't flat), the more flared feathering around the ankles, the ears that actually show visible ear structure and not just drooping fur?

Nope. Still not the revamp this pet needs.


It looks so cute^-^ I would definitely get one if the revamp wins the poll. But as the other said. The hair looks a little bit... strange... like an wig or something like that xD But it looks still uber cute. Kudos to the artist =D


fuzzyanimal - Just highlighted every issue I had. ;D


I quite like it. Although, there are a few issues I have with it. I've done a redline and an edit to fix some of the problems I see. I'm not the best at anatomy, so maybe someone else could do a better job.

<img src= border="0"><img src= border="0">


Uh, it's really cute. But like many others said before...the 'hair' looks a bit off. The head seems a bit too 'flat'. ^^;

I guess the Reborn will be revamped, too? <img src="" border="0" />

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It's a vast improvement from the original! Some other people have touched on the issue of "movement" and I agree. The whole drawing is a little bit too static and the hair and fur look too stiff.


The tail and the legs look lovely, I'm not sure if I like the horn re-colored to match the hooves or not.

I have to agree with the comments on the face, it does look too much like a Ruffie, not so much like the original pet.

Also, it think adding the spots was a mistake. If you wanted to add something that dark and noticeable, you should probably just cover the whole pet with them. Which would probably be a mistake again.

It's a lovely piece of artwork, props to the artist, but just not for this pet.


The facial expression could look more like the old one. This one looks almost too happy.


To me this is a little disappointing. Something around the facial area just isn't working, it's poorly executed for my taste. I'd go as far as saying that it looks a little sheep-ish. I just LOVE the Reborn Malticorn.. It should resemble that one, in my opinion..

Nonetheless, I appreciate all the hard work the artist put into it.. Sorry artist =/


I've always seen the Malticorn as canine. huh. go fig. anyway, in the words of Tony the Tiger, this is GRRRRREAT! I suck at crit and I've wanted this pet to be revamped since forever so I guess I'm just all ways pleased with this. <img src="" border="0" />


I tend to love this artist's revamps, but this one.. I see a lot of problems with. x:
The ear closest to us needs moved closer to the eye, there are some issues with the hair and the shape of the muzzle makes the face seem lopsided. Also, the torso and back area look really flat and straight and it makes the invisible slant that the species always appears to be standing on really obvious. I think it would be an easy fix, though, with some modified shading and some arch between the shoulders and back. Lastly, none of the legs/hooves seem big enough. : /
I do, however, love the shape of the hooves, the tail and I think that the face has promise, but needs some things altered on it.

The Malticorn really needs a revamp, and I think Rah could have a really adorable and fitting style for the species with the right changes.


Voted for old.
The revamp is nice. I like the body and ruff at the neck as well as the tail, but with the spots and the very canine face, it looks a lot like the Ruffie and it's raised foreleg looks awkward.
The perk in it's ears seemed lost in it's crown of fur on it's head.

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Honestly, I have to say that I'm deeply disappointed in this pet revamp. The hair looks like a toupee and doesn't flow down like the originally Malticorn. Plus I think the hair could be a little more shiny. Not... Blindingly shiny like the original, but I just think it's way too dull on this one. And I agree. This one has way too much puppy in it's face. Looks more like a mutated Ruffie now. I'd like to see the ears less jagged and more bouncy. I wish Jag was still doing the Malticorn revamp. This just makes me sad.


Just referring to Luxe's comment, cross breeds are a difficult thing to do as after it has been done it is very hard to balance right again, and the fact that a different artist is now drawing the breed makes it again more difficult to get the balance right...


I love this one!! The dainty little hooves are just adorable and the face is too cute.. Great job!


I like the newer one but think the tail should be a little fuller and the tuft and the ears on the head redone slightly. The ears looke too.. Sprenger spaniel like


I love the body, but the only thing that makes it look a little odd is the face.. especially the tuft on its head. XD Seems to be positioned a little weirdly.


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">Was it that poorly executed from the beginning that people are just now understanding it with this revamp? </blockquote>
It appears so. The only old Malticorn that I saw a lot of canine in was the original Chibi. Which was revamped to look more horse/unicorn like and less puppy like.

I also see little to no canine in the Reborn...

<img src= border="0">

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Dude, this is awesome. I like this much better than the old one because it's more detailed. The only thing I see wrong is the hooves, they seem a bit small, but that's just me and I'm not even that good of an <a href="/redirect.php?" target="_new">artist</a> so...


"I\'m really confused by the feedback that the face looks too canine. The malticorn has always been a cross between a Maltese and a Unicorn. Hence, the name. Was it that poorly executed from the beginning that people are just now understanding it with this revamp?"

I think so xDD;. I'm fairly new, but it wasn't until recent that I realized it's face was /supposed/ to be more canine; not at all like a horse. My sister claims that's not so, so your statement must be true no?


Over all the new one is a BIG improvement, I think the hooves look a little small though, especially the one that is slightly lifted infront <img src="" border="0" />


Voted for the new.


Looks great c:!
However since you did ask for criticism. . . . The front leg that's lifted kind of seems.... shorter then the other when you look at it xD;. Kind of out of proportion just a little. I donno. That might just be me though xD.


I'm really confused by the feedback that the face looks too canine. The malticorn has always been a cross between a Maltese and a Unicorn. Hence, the name. Was it that poorly executed from the beginning that people are just now understanding it with this revamp?

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The new art looks a lot better because it's much more detailed <img src="" border="0" /> My only criticism is that the face looks too canine, like others pointed out; to me, it clashes with the body. Otherwise, it looks great, especially the legs <img src="" border="0" />


The hooves, fur and back speckles are wonderful. There's nothing I'd change at first glance. Kudos to the artist! <img src="" border="0" />


I voted for old, but only because I have some suggestions that I hope can be taken into consideration. (Too many votes for new sometimes seems to make suggestions null)
I agree that it does look a lot like a puppy, and that is okay, but maybe the snout should be just a tidbit bigger, since I think it is also supposed to something like a goat type critter too. The butt spots are adorable, but maybe if you spread them out across his back more, it would look like a baby deer AND a baby dog. I love the curl of the tail but it looks a bit odd at the end; maybe more fluff will fix it, either way that's no big deal though. The front most leg might be too thick ^^; But the biggest thing I want to point out is the hair. I think it needs to be a little shinier and a little, um... less. It looks kinda like a bird's nest on his head ^^;
There, I hope I didn't go overboard.


Huh, I see no problem with the face. Nope. Just awesomeness. ^^

Good job!


Amazing Job Its about time this species got a revamp, I love the whole design in general. But the face kinda looks to small i guess maybe make it fuller? Other then that its awsome cant wait to see what pet is next to get an update. As long as its not the kumos! lol


The body looks great, but there is something off about the face. It just looks unfinished, like it needs more detail to go with the rest of it.


Overall, I like the new one better! Much better, great job artist. My only thing is the ears seem a little too long on the new one. They seem awkward, maybe too long in comparison to the older's probably just a "I need to get used to this one" thing though so it's probably just me. I also think the face could stand to be a little fuller. It seems kind of petite.
Overall though, I love this revamp. The shading is nice, the pose is great. It gives the malticorn a little more movement instead of just standing there.


OR, change the eyes to a color that contrasts with the blue more perhaps? Orrrrr, maybe add some freckles, similar to the buttspots? The face currently just doesn't seem to fit the rest of the body in terms of fluff and markings.


I agree with Saga. It's body looks great, but there is just something about its head. I'm not quite sure what it is, though. I think it might be the ears or the length of its hair.
Other than that, I love the new one. It's chest isn't overly fluffy, the shading is great and for some odd reason, I just love its hooves. <img src="" border="0" />


I know effort was put into this and it is nice I suppose, but my mind can't seem to deal/love it because when I look at the new Malti I just see some weird unicorn/dog crossbreed. And yeah, the Malticorn is basically just that, but on the older version it didn't make me stop and grimace a bit.

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Needs longer or looser hair, needs some fur lines on face, reduce the chest fur on our left hand side, reduce the spots on the back.

Just some suggestions that might help. <img src="" border="0" />


i'm not really big on the spots on the rear/tail area. other than that, it's 1000000x better!


I have a reborn malticorn so I do like the species. But one of the things that made me like the reborn better is the balance. You have the poof, tail, legs and ears all being the same so it adds unity to the design. While the other colors the poof seems like someone stapled a topee on it's head. Maybe that's why it apparently the most popular color or it could be people just like reborn in general. But the horn was changed to match the reborn so it might not be bad to consider what else is different about it that makes it popular.


I just noticed that it's stomach is a different, lighter colour my MAC is really bright and I don't know how to adjust-, anyway In my opinion the lighter colour is perfect, as in a whole body colour, and a lot similar to the original


Getting rid of the malticorn's toupee is like getting rid of a feli's horns or a kerubi's head wings. I'm of the mind that if people don't like such an important design feature, they don't like the <i>pet</i> and should seek another species. <img src="" border="0" />


I dunno but there is something odd with the head :/
But I love everything from the neck down~ especially the legs :3


Since people seem to not like the head poof and the color of the eyes. Maybe make the head poof smaller or get rid of it and if you need the color on the head instead make the eyes match the butt spots. That way you have the color theme through out and you get rid of the stuff people don't seem to like at the same time.


OKies. I get why it the eye color was changed. I do still think it would look better overall if the color was repeated elsewhere. Like we see on the Common Ruffie for example.


I love this potential revamp! I love the feathers on its feet(the term for the hair there) and the tail. I also like the spots, it really helps to break the monotony that that pet normally has.


I think the shading's a bit strong. It's very dark in some places. I'd like to see it lightened a bit before it's released. I also noticed the ears look... off. The fur on them looks matted. And they arn't as perky as before, which bugs me. And finally, I'd like to see the feet staying true to the original. Y'know... bigger. I always thought that was one of the defining features of the malticorn, so this new revamp looks really odd with them so tiny. And that raised leg has already been mentioned, so I wont bother saying anything.<br /><br />Other than that, it's a really nice piece of artwork. I think it needs a lot of tweaking, though. The butt spots are a nice touch.

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I love everything from the neck down. There's just something really off with the entire head area. Also, the old Malticorn art seemed to have a certain personality to it - like it actually had this playful demeanor. This one...seems to be void of personality, in my opinion.

But those rump spots are absolute love. ;D


I like it, but I think it looks flat and cardboard-cutouty. Maybe that's just because I'm on my laptop and outside, so it's hard to see...


... That question's already been answered by multiple people in previous news comments, but I may as well answer again.

Horn = curved because the popular Reborn Malticorn has a curved horn.

Guys, feel free to read through all the comments left, before posting your own. Your question(s) might actually already have been answered. <img src="" border="0" />

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pretty i wont one


Adorable I hope my Akazia winds up looking like this

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Woow it's amazing!
But the hair and the horn seems a bit odd together, maybe the horn has to be a bit bigger.


I really like this revamp for the most part. The added butt-spots are a nice touch, and I especially like the graceful legs and hooves, and that pretty tail. XD<br />Some things about the head bother me, though; namely the 'hair' and the ears. The hair seems too clumped together and sits on the head unnaturally... it reminds me of a toupee. ^^; The shape of it doesn't seem to form around the head correctly. Making the strands if it a little more separated and 'chunky' like the old Malticorn and the former revamp proposal would probably help, as well as making it less flat at the top. The faraway ear looks nice, but the closest one to us seems a little far back and separated from the head - I think bringing it forward toward the face more would make it look less awkward.<br />Otherwise, I think the revamp is lovely. The new color palettes will be much more interesting. X3


I love the spotted effect above the hind legs and down the tail, awesome <img src="" border="0" />


I like the old one. Mainly because it looks perky, ready to play. This one just kinda stands there with a cutesie smile. I don't like cutesie. Also, why is the horn curved?


I'll have to agree with Night- love it besides the eyes/ears/head. now that i look at it more closely, the tail bugs me a bit too. anyway, good job <img src="" border="0" />


very pretty!

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I likethe coloring and pose of thie pet. It's innocent looking and cute. I really like htose rump spots and the curve of the tail. I do like the size of the hooves and the horn, although I've noticed a few people think they should be bigger/straight horn.

I think the muzzle should be a tad wider, or longer, and that the hair should be..."messier". IN this revamp it's just laying on the malticorn's head. I think it'd look better if it had a bit of movement


It looks 2D and stiff.
The feathering on the legs looks like it's all been pulled back.
I do like the way that the tail and chest fluff was drawn though.
It might look better if the head-hair were a little longer, and the ears looked more fluffy and little less ragged.

It looks like the old ruffie to me for some reason.



Aww! It's adorable! TY RAH <img src="" border="0" /> BUT the face and ears look like the old common ruffi o.o


I'd like the new one better IF the horn was not so crooked and the head was a little bigger. Right now, it looks like the head is too small for the body.


I actually like the new one. a lot! makes me want to get a malticorn..


I guess I just don't like redraws recently.
This one is too...skinny legged for me, and not fluffy enough. The hair poof looks like a moptop, and since the body colour is now such a sky blue, instead of white [or at least more white than blue], it doesn't stand out like before. The colouring almost makes me think of what it might look like as a light dusk, and then it makes me think of the ruffie. Wasn't the ruffie changed to brown, after it had been this shade of blue, because it was going to be too close to dusk or something like that?
I also think it looks too...tall. The other one was more stocky, and floofy, and its pose was more like some playful than 'lookit me I'm pretty'. The ears look funny to me too, since they sag down, instead of pointing up but with the top/alot more of the ear/ tipping down,aandthus not as fluffy.
I do like the new leg tufts though, and tail is fantastic! 8D! I do like those new buttpots too, and the pretty hooves.
I know I'm in the minority here, but...I just don't really like this one that much - but I do admit the malticorn needs to be redone [lol.]


The new one is so much better. My only suggestion would be, maybe his hair (like... the blue hair on his head. you know.) could be longer? It seems to be a little bit in the eyes of the old one, and that was kind of cute, too. But regardless, amaaaazing job!


I like it, but the eyes need to be changed. To me, they look way too small and don't fit the face. <img src="" border="0" /> Other than that, it's adorable <img src="" border="0" />


better then the old one but i dont like the face it looks weird~ sorry =.=


I voted for a revamp. But I agree, I don't think this re-draw is the best. The body is to narrow in my opinion, the legs look a little to stiff, and the face is off. The muzzle/nose part looks to small.


It's very nice <img src="" border="0" />

Only thing that's bothering me is that the head looks like a Ruffie with a horn.


Wow, it's very nice!!

I think the only problem I have is the size of the hooves, shoulders and hips. I think they should be a little bigger. The shoulder looks a bit too small and maybe could have some more definition? But other than that, I think that this is one of your best works yet!


Well, it needs a revamp, but I don't know if *this* is the revamp. Can we get a few other redraws up, maybe?

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Also I'm sorry if I come off weird or demanding in that other reply. I always feel weird about critiquing someone else's work. You all are far more talented than I am anyway.

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I know this won't be of much help, but something about the front legs looks off. I've been trying to place what it is but I just can't figure it out.


I don't like the eyes, too cute for me. Make them more neutral, less cute, and you got my vote.


One thing I noticed is the 'shape' of the inner back legs, they don't match, the left seems to bit a bit more curved while the right seems a little flat, hope that made sense.

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It looks amazing, I love it. Kudos to the artist. The only thing I notice is that the hair on its head and the ears foof out in an odd way. The hair not so much. I think it's only the right ear that is doing it. Is foof even a word? It is now. But besides that tiny little thing (and I'm probly the only one it's bugging, so feel free to ignore me!) it's definitely a vast improvement. Good job!


It looks really wierd. Idk, why... ;/


Yep definately an improvement ^^ However something on the face is bothering me, I think the top line of the muzzle should be continued on into the face a bit more instead of stopping in line with the eye. It kinda makes the face look a bit too wide.
Maybe also it's features could be moved back a bit on the head, cause it's cheek is looking a bit long? (I really hope that makes sense!)
And maybe the whole image needs to be turned back a few degrees, it looks like it's leaning forward too much.
Just a few (hopefully) constructive crits on an otherwise very nice looking revamp ^^ Great job Rah! With a few tweaks it will be perfect.


Annnnd the horn was made more curved, because that's the sort of horn that the extremely popular Reborn Malti has. C: Go look it uppp; it's a gorgeous pet. C:


Awww. Who's a little cutie, unicorn, dog, um thing.

Much better then the last revamp. A softer pose that fits an intentionally cute pet instead of the locked kneed and static one from the last try. I like how the feathering comes off the legs. You can see the legs outlined underneath so it makes it clear it’s fur and not some bizarre fluke of anatomy. The one knee looks kind of off but that can be written of as how the fur is guiding the flow instead of a big anatomical flaw. The face doesn’t look like anything found in nature but it fits the increased cuteness of the pet so I don’t see that as problem.

Only thing I would improve would be to shorten the neck so the head sits closer to the shoulders. I has a neck that isn't long enough for a equine and is too long for a canine. It currently makes the head look a bit large for the body. Sitting it closer to the body will make it seem more proportional. Maybe change the fluff of hair on top of the head. You have some nice flowing more realistic fur on the legs to the puff looks a little out of place when compared to that.

Over all I like it and think it does a good job of delivering on the type of pet this is meant to be.


Jess - blame Andi for the purple eyes xD Apparently when they were bluey teal there was too much blue on the face! I had to figure out a colourscheme that would make all the other colours work - so for the future colours, the horn and hooves will be the accent colour (eg that pink colour in arid, the teal colour in cream), the hair and buttspots will be a darker version of the base colour, the chest will be a lighter version of the base colour, and the eyes will be whatever colour suits it best whilst remaining a palette colour!

And the horn is bent in that way because I was making this similar to the reborn colour - droopier ears, twisted bent horn, smaller eyes. The reborn seems to be the most popular colour, so I figured I'd attempt to keep some Malticorn owners happy!


Ohh and Jess-la. The eyes were made purple because the blue that they originally were, was blending in a fair bit with all the other.. blueblueblues. xD The purple makes the overall pet *pop!* a lot more than it did with plain ol' blue. C:


I like this one! <img src="" border="0" />
The only pieces of advice I have (that would make me love it 100%) is to make the fur on the ears fall a little less wavey. Make it cascade more. The ear fur just looks a little off from the rest of the body fur. And I would also like to see a little more shading or a different eye shape altogether because the eye right now looks a little.. life-less. They look very flat and almost unhappy to me. *shrugs* This is just my opinion though. <img src="" border="0" /> Otherwise, I love this revamp <img src="" border="0" />


I really like this revamp. Though something with the face seems off to me, But its not bugging me to much. Good Job! =3


The art looks fabulous always, but there are a few things that I'm not too fussed on. Firstly as a few have said it looks to canine like, I wouldn't mind but there are already quite a few canines already, me thinks that it has to do with the length of the body, snout and ears, and for some reason the hooves seem a little small. And I have to admit I've never been a fan of 'butt spots'. xD
But yeah art wise I <3 it, great work Rah, but as a malticorn not so sure...


Ohh, forgot to add, I love how the legs look like actual horse legs and not just straight stumps <img src="" border="0" />

I didn't notice it till Stillicide pointed it out, but it is a bit too blue. The original version had more of a white coat, maybe that could be brought back a little?


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">There's something about this version that makes it remind me of a puppy more than the old version, though.</blockquote>

I'm pretty sure that when the Malticorn species was first being developed, it was supposed to have a bit of a puppy element to it. I think it was a Maltese or a Pomeranian that it was supposed to emulate SOME characteristics of? ^^ So.. if this revamp's giving off more of a puppy vibe, props to Rah for achieving that. O:


Props to the tail, by the way.


The legs look pretty weird. I think they need to be fixed. There's something about the head that bothers me, too.


I don't like it at all, but it's a billion times better than the old one.


By far the best redraw yet! I adore its body shape and the detailing of the spots. I also really like the face. Definitely a pet I could see owning if I ever got more spots.

I think its right foreleg is a little short or something, or maybe it should be lifted more. It just looks off though I can't really say what looks off about it. Helpful aren't I.

Rah did this? Amazing job like alway Rah <img src="" border="0" />


Very nice revamp. Although something about the raised front leg bothers me - can't quite put my finger on it. Also, it has a rather timid/sweet expression compared to the original "I have a horn on my head and I'm not afraid to use it"


Its a really gorgeous revamp, I just think the horn should still be straight - it looks odd curved to me - and maybe it should be more white than blue?


Oops hit send too soon. I think the purple eyes would be nice if the color was continued elsewhere (buttspots??) but with JUST the eyes being purple it seems funky.


I don't have this pet, but I so would get that. It's amazing!


Love the feet, love the tail. The face is throwing me off though, and I am unsure why. And why purple eyes...?


It is cute, but it looks too canine for my taste. The ears are a tad too droopy as well...

In all honestly, it looks like someone stuck a Cocker Spaniel head on a Malticorn body. An adorable Cocker Spaniel, but it just seems a bit off to me.


Much better. ^.^ There's something about this version that makes it remind me of a puppy more than the old version, though. Not sure if it's the ears or the rump spots ot what, though. The only thing I'm not sure of, though, is the horn. The color looks good, but maybe it should be straight, like the older version, and with the fluff on its head a little more centered around it and not so heavy on the back of its head.


While the art is certainly much more amazing, I personally prefer the old face, it was more childish and cute.


I liked the first Revamp of the Malticorn much better, to be frank. Oh well, I wasn't looking to get one, anyway.


I like it a lot <img src="" border="0" /> Something's bothering me about its neck, but I can't work out what, so it's probably nothing majorly important.


I love the dots on its bootie! XD <3

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This is absolutely fantastic. I can't see a thing wrong with it at all. It's absolutely gorgeous, terrificially cute and well... all round amazing. Outstanding work! I love the head, tail and of course the buttspots :3.


MUCH nicer lineart, the old one had such annoyingly thick outlines. I don't really care for the smiley face on the new one though. Overall, a VERY nice revamp.


Oh, it's really cute - major improvement to the old one. <img src="" border="0" />

The only little thing I'd like to criticize would be the hair on its head, in my opinion it would look better if it was more fluffy because now it lets appear the top of the head somehow...flat. Don't know how to describe it better, sorry. ^,^


Wow, that is a major difference! I like it.


looks so real! New definitely!


That's really lovely. I like it muchs

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This is so beautifu!I luff it!


Do like


It's cute, though I don't really like the dots on it's bootie. Then again, that's just me and personal taste.


Ou~ Lovely. c:

I like it.

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o.o It's... so fluffy. I really like this one. *pokes its fluff*


Yes, this was amazing. Much, much better. <img src="" border="0" />


New, fo sho! (:


Definitely one of my favourite recent revamps. <img src="" border="0" /> Rah is a goddess of KAYOOT.

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